How to change the AFK animation in GoGo Loco - VRChat 3.0 Avatar Unity Tutorial

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hi in today's video I'm going to show you how to change the AFK animation for your avatar when you're using Google local it's actually not too difficult it's going to take about two minutes so first thing you do you go to your avatar and you look into the action layer and um your avatar double click now you go here and you double click if K and AFK in it I'm going to be changing these three notes so here we're gonna put our AFK animation I have one ready right here so I'm gonna just drag that into the slots and what you need to create is uh make a new animation that's the same as your AFK animation but make it one frame like the initial position and make a new animation out of that so you can see how I have my original animation right here and I made a one frame version and you're gonna put the one frame version in the first these first notes Here so I'm gonna do that real quick and now it pretty much would work the problem is it snaps from standing or crouching or whatever to the FK animation in like a split second to way too fast and it doesn't look good so we're going to change that so you double click the app AFK here and you click this transition and you trains your transition duration to 0.5 for example and that's going to take like half second to go through like standing to the um AFK animation it looks much nicer much smoother you can change the length to pretty much anything really you can put it to one second or even less depends what you like so experiment that's it and that's all that's how you do it so I'm going to show you also using the Avatar emulator how this looks in unity meaning also in game you can get the emulator in your project from Creator companion right here you can see it so I'm going to go into I'm going to save everything and I'm going to go into play mode it's going to take a minute there we go and I'll select my avatar I'm gonna put in the emulator now we have like all these things from the emulator emulator that we don't need right now but we're gonna find AFK here this checkbox and we check it you can see how the Avatar goes into a new custom AFK pose and the 0.5 second did exactly this like the smooth transition into it that's what happened so yeah that's how you change your AFK animation for Google local one thing you can also do you can use this AFK parameter it's a global parameter that's on every Avatar by default it's a Boolean for example if you want your avatar to I don't know stop blinking or do whatever while you're AFK or closer its eyes for example you can do that as well and what you do is that you just manually add to whatever layer using for example the FX layer the AFK parameter which is the Boolean like this and we actually is going to recognize you're using the global parameter and you can do whatever you want with it you can like add a layer and make a toggle even when AFK is true or false you can do whatever you want
Channel: FuuujinVRC
Views: 2,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vrchat, vr, chat, gogo, loco, locomotion, afk, pose, animation, change, unity, tutorial, blender, easy, fast
Id: NlL3GiqTjxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 32sec (212 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2023
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