How to add Animations and Gogoloco to a vrchat avatar

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hello everyone and welcome to this tutorial on how to add animations on Google local to your rear chat Avatar this is second part of my tutorial on how to make virtual avatar for Quest and PC if you didn't check the first one to check it before this one so first I'm gonna go to the description and get into this webpage so now you're just gonna click here download I'm already downloading it so yeah click here by the way don't click here because you have to pay for it it's like a donation here it is it's just free now what I will do is get my animations if you don't have any animations are ready for your avatar just search a VLC mods and go to the first that's and you'll find out of tabs with dancers so yeah yoga dancers you click click on anything you want and just here to download maybe you will get a captcha yes to do it and then download now you have to go to your project your avatar project right here and we're gonna extract the Google local stuff just right click and extract I will say all right no use go to here and this practice you need to file now let's click import don't uncheck anything because she may break so yeah straighten your here so now just put your dances before you can have like I think eight per down if only one one dance Imports you have to do it manually so yeah one one two let me delete the music if any of this animations have music because they aren't compatible with Quest if they have music so number two have it you have to create weird chat others expression parameters and expression menu you can rename them I don't because I'm lazy so have it here animation controller go to your avatar descriptor just click Avatar and go to flavored layers click customize base Circle and find color code base yeah so now one action go to go local action on FX you just have to drag this one yeah the animation controller and now on setting you have to put Google settings ignore the the other ones like this now go to expressions and put the expression parameters here and expression menu here so on your expression menu that says you're gonna add a texture if you want another one right now and yeah just put here and put that it is a sub menu now go to go local here and go look again menus and finally go Al name menu and you have to drag it right here what are your animations you have to go to top now you go let's go to Google go Loco to controllers Google action double click and now standing emotes and you're gonna select one of those I usually just select this one yeah this one and just put the stuff crappier this animation and here just grab it and put it here so it's your animation day name and you just gotta put it on every other that you have it like that women remember these numbers like from 10 to 13 open year I Expressions menu and add control now change the type to toggle and the parameter VRC remote and put the value here so I'm gonna set this 10 and you're gonna see there are some done so I'm just gonna call it like that you just got that do it for every [Music] putting your own like parameters you just gotta go to menus and go all parameters and to import it yeah [Music] so that you are here you you finish putting your and everything you're just gonna update your avatar just to English put your avatar on you have it here and not just you have to dance it yeah do you all dance yeah this dance yeah and also Google local Works CC gun fly and everything oh yeah that's that's good so thanks for watching guys and stay tuned for another episode for this maybe in 15 years I prefer though yeah if you like this video just like it I guess I don't care and subscribe for more content like this more tutorials and some other stuff just you can check out some other videos and yeah stay tuned and stay tuned tuned and goodbye
Channel: Counttt
Views: 1,468
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Id: 7xsODmoDszM
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Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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