HOW TO CHANGE MAC ADDRESS! | IP Unban | (IP ban spoofer/mac address spoofer)

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hey guys major madge back here with another video and today's tutorial will be learning how to use the technitium mac address changer which is basically a free spoofer to change your mac address and you're probably using this because your ip banned in the game for example fortnight or you have a wi-fi timer in your home which really sucks and okay basically once you've clicked the link which is in the description download now you know direct download open the file click the first thing and then it'll ask you do you want to make changes on your device click yes then next agree to the terms and conditions uh next next and once it's done click finish close that close your browser tmac make changes yes and here's that so what we want to do here is go into command prompt cmd and type in get mac so right here as you can see is my mac address yours is going to be different maybe i don't know and as you can see it ends in e4 and see here it ends in e4 so you know they're matching and to get our new mac address what we have to do is you know you can click this random mac address button as many times as you want i'll just do it three times and that's our new mac address and then click change now successfully changed to make sure it's successfully changed we're going to once again type get mac and that's our new mac address let's see if they match it ends on zero one yep zero one they match and if you wanna get the original mac address back all you have to do is restore original click this button right here and it has been successfully restored and to make sure it's worked get mac yes see original mac address they both are the same and that's pretty much it guys just like and subscribe and hopefully i'll see you next time laters you
Channel: Major Maj
Views: 30,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: change ip address, removed from the match due to internet lag, your ip or machine, VPN Usage, or for cheating Fortnite, Fortnite HWID, Fortnite HWID Unban, Fortnite VPN, Fortnite VPN Error, Fortnite Ban, Fortntie Banned, Fortnite Ban FIx, Fortnite Banned Fix, Fortnite Banned Me, Fortnite Spoofer, Fortnite Cleaner, Fortnite Cheats, Fortnite Spoofer Fix, Fortnite Unban Pack, Fortnite Unban, Fortnite Support, Epic Games Support, Fortnite Help, HWID Spoofer, mac adress
Id: n7PGvETmyS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 44sec (164 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 27 2022
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