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so after you download this file there is a possibility that the download will be blocked by Chrome because it sees it as a virus or whatever the it's stupid the way to fix it is actually very easy and it'll show up like this instead of this so you'll actually be able to open the program so all you want to do is press windows and type in registry editor right click run as administrator yes and it'll show you the screen so you want to copy the exact path I have written on this notebook right here so you start at computer you're already there then local machine you press the little arrow to drop down the menu software scroll down to Microsoft and then [Music] Windows current version policies and attachments once you click attachments you'll see there are two options here you want to press the set one and normally the value here will be sometimes 2 3 you just want to change it to one after you press one you press okay close out and you restart your PC after you do that you can go back to here you press download again and when you do it shows up without the virus detected message with it so that's how you fix the failed virus detected when you download the uer all right I'm going to show you how to install and use the best spoofer on the market blam Solutions you want to join the Discord server and you want to scroll over to the woer tab right here after that you want to look through all of this make sure your system supported make sure you can afford it and payment methods are right here as well scroll down and there's the shop link click it and go to purchase and explore shop and you can choose the duration that you want to have the spoofer 4 uh let's say you want to do lifetime whatever you press buy and it will generate you a key after you buy uh after you get the key it'll look something like this this is the key and you will get access to the client access Channel group right here in the Discord once you click that you go down to spoofer loader and this is the exe you want to install it's the latest one it's got a bunch of updates here announcements you can read exactly what it does it's the best one at right now once you click that it'll download uh right here if this happens I have a separate video on how to do that it'll also be uploaded but after you install it it'll look like this open yes you let this window open and then you'll get this I don't have an account yet so I'll just register this I paste in my license right here and then my password then I Press Register registration completed okay I press connect and then we have all of this right here and after that you want to choose the option you have I generated 3-day ke so it'll tell you how long you have last login expired creation date spoof EFI spoof that's all you have to do if you have any questions about how to do it anything goes wrong you can make a ticket in support and if not [Music] [Music] enjoy
Channel: Blammed
Views: 5,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5BH8Lv0IYVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 57sec (237 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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