How To Change Gear Like A Pro | GCN's Pro Tips

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ever wondered how the pros cheese gifts turned quickly and seemed to jump on any acceleration during a race well we're going to show you just how here are top tips get your changing gear like a pro [Music] [Music] try to pay close attention to the line of your chain when you're riding you don't want a really aggressive angle on that chain what I've done here for example is a massive no no I'm in the 53 ring at the front and the 28 at the back this is cause that real aggressive angle on the chain and put unnecessary tension on the rear derailleur what I would advise is to avoid using the two easiest gears on the rear cassette when you're in the 53 ring at the front and to avoid using the two hardest gears on the cassette when you're in the little ring at the front this will allow your changes to be a lot smoother and it will stop any unnecessary tension in the chain and potentially unzipping your chain bringing you to a stop so just to show you how much of a no-no this is these new electronic gears such as Dior to actually stop you from doing this automatically I can't get any further than the 13 to that so you need me giving you advice anymore other gears tell you not to do it anyway now the last thing you want to do is find yourself in the wrong gear at the bottom of a really steep climb believe me I have been there before and it is not pretty you want to think in advance about what gear you want to be in on the climb and make those changes before you actually get on the climb if you're stuck in the big ring for example when you're hit a steep climb it can be really hard to change that gear your cadence reduces and also your speed rather drastically making that gear change all the more difficult so what I recommend is changing your gear at the front first get into the little ring and then you can gradually change down through the cassettes as you need this will really help you avoid one big clunky gear change which will not look pretty and really slow your speed down to try to take care you change down from the big ring to the little ring you don't want to do this in the middle of a really hard effort when you're putting down a lot of torque on the pedals this is a quick car way to lose your chain also as we said before pay close attention to the angle of your chain and line up the chain in the right position when you do change gear another nono and I'd especially advise against this it's changing gear immediately as you get out of the saddle from the big rings the littering if your chain does jump and unship itself there's been a bit of bother as your pedals will fly away from you potentially causing a crash so just take a bit of care really when you do change from the Big Green spill it okay we show this on GC and often rightly so clean your bike look after it and it will look after you your chain will pick up plenty of dirt dust and debris over time and this will result in clunky eight gear changes if you clean the grease and really broke eight that chain often you'll have much smoother gear changes also something to bear in mind your chain will wear over time and need replacing an easy way to find out if it's time to replace your chain is to simply pinch it hear it whilst it's in the big ring and if you can get a gap there between the teeth and the chain it's time for a change also really try to pay close attention to the weather conditions when you're leaving for a ride a rainy day for example will really wash off the lube on a chain easily leading to the changes on your gears but in quite clunky towards the end of a ride if you opt for a wet specific lube this will limit those problems and keep the gear changes running smoothly throughout the ride what sometimes it's better not to change gear hats all at the top of a long time or at the end of a really hard intense effort I'm so tempted to change down into an easier gear babe you can try and avoid this and push on through the effort changing gear will give you a momentary loss in force on the pedals which will slow you down and also you'll end up in an easier gear she'll be going at a slower pace staying that gear pushed on through the effort and keep that speed [Music] so those are our tips getting changing gear like a pro I hope you found this video useful and if you did please give it a like you're not ready sprint to pop those heels changing gear I can't Berto Contador himself [Music]
Channel: Global Cycling Network
Views: 561,345
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Keywords: shifting, gear shifting, cycling gears, changing gears on a road bike, how to change gear on a road bike, how to, pro tips, like a pro, chainring, chain ring, cassette, shifting gears on a road bike, road cycling, road bicycle, di2, electronic gears, mechanical gears, GCN, Global Cycling Network, Sports, Cycling, Bike, Bikes, Bicycle (Product Category), Road Bike, Cyclist, GCN Cycling, velo, conor, dunne, sec-how-to, ិ, gc11shs, ඃ, c3, ଐ, gc11sas, n1, Ղ, ሙ, ଙ, ළ, Ա, Ժ, Լ, Ծ, Հ, ፕ17, cycling tips, pro, cyclist
Id: eyLS_JX8OMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 9sec (309 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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