How To Catch Walleye WITHOUT Bait!

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guys jay siemens here welcome back to another video before we get started i am going to share something that i am incredibly passionate about i often end off my videos with it but today we're starting it off with life jacket safety and we're partnering with red cross canada today i was so excited when they reached out to me because this is something that i stress on all my videos and it's something that if i can have an impact with my youtube channel more so than you know filling up lodges or selling fishing gear or showing you guys big fish if i can encourage you guys to boat safe to wear a life jacket then i feel like i've done something so i'm going to share with you guys a couple statistics and a couple boating tips to help you this summer all right guys well just life jacket safety in general uh is so important and it shouldn't just be when you're forced to when you're forced to wear a life jacket when you're running fast in a tournament ideally it's something you just wear all the time you don't even think about it almost 87 percent of boating-related deaths there's either somebody not wearing a life jacket or a life jacket that's not fastened properly when you're wearing a life jacket make sure it's tight fitting and make sure your buckles and up there's so many times that i see people i'm guilty of it before i'm not having my life jacket buckled because if that situation does happen where you hit your head i want this tight and i want this this is a self-inflating version to be holding my head up above until i regain consciousness same thing with your typical life jacket make sure it's snug make sure it's fitting you properly as well over 40 percent of boating accidents involve alcohol as well so guys you got a boat sober it's just boating and alcohol do not mix i got a couple other tips first one is your kill cord it's this red cord that most boats have it's actually becoming lot in some places you've got to wear it when you're on plane i wear it around my wrist all the time on the tiller you can also connect it to your life jacket and basically what this does is when the boat is running if you happen to get thrown out of the boat and the cord gets pulled it kills the engine it's like well why is that a big deal well if i happen to get in a boating accident get launched out of the boat hit a stump hit a rock if i don't have this kill cord on that boat is going to keep going straight or it's going to come around in a donut and potentially hit me wear your kill cord it's something that'll take a while to get into habit one last thing i want to talk about is seats at the front of the boat while a lot of boats have a pedestal at the front that you can fish out of jig out of they're not made for running on plane when you're going fast that's that's not a place for a person to sit if you do happen to get in an accident that person in the front is going to be in a much tougher situation and more likely to get tossed out of the boat guys pulling your seat down from the front wearing your life jacket wearing your kill cord i know it can take a little extra work but if you can get into a habit of doing those things that will make you a much safer boater on the water and i hope you guys have an awesome and safe summer now time for the video welcome back to lake of the woods the best lake in the world we've been putting the beat down on some walleyes lately had the opportunity to take my grandpa out he lit up the walleyes the other day it was amazing got a 24-incher out fished everyone in the boat yeah we've been finding some new mid-summer walleye spots but today we're out of bait we used all of our leeches all of our minnows so it's such a misconception that you need bait to catch walleyes so today i'm gonna go over a couple of my favorite options to catch walleyes without bait without any sort of live bait but sam's gonna drop the troll motor in because that is her favorite thing to do and we're gonna get fishing it's plugged in okay this is in the way good job all right guys option number one if you don't have bait i keep this in the back of my boat all the time it is gulp alive it is that i don't even know it's not it's more than a soft plastic because it's it sits in a liquid and it's kind of like it's biodegradable i once did a shot glass full of that liquid which i regret doing and it's definitely not recommended don't they like dry up if yeah these will dry up if they're not in the liquid so this i keep in the back of my splash well all the time i always got a container of this just for those situations where you don't have bait and you want something the fish want to smell it so a couple of options we're going to show you guys today are going to be fast aggressive presentations they're going to rip past them and that's you know one of the reasons you can get away without bait because you're tricking that fish but we're gonna get sam set up with is a drop shot which i've talked about before and she's just gonna drop shot one of these gulp gulp minnows you could put it on a jig as well but um we're gonna get her set up so she can start fishing and then i'm gonna go through some of the other options i still get kind of queasy around this liquid but on the drop shot we just have that little octopus hook there and i'm just going to nose hook this gulp this is just a three inch minnow and it looks it just looks so good this is like my confidence if i'm looking for fussy fish so you got the weight on the bottom about a foot of line and then that drop shot it's so great because sam just needs to make sure that weight's on the bottom and that gulp is going to be in the perfect strikes on wallys are so often feeding in the bottom one to three feet of water so that's gonna be good that liquid is nasty though sam's dropping down at the drop shot i'm doing something a little more aggressive this is like your jigging wrap style bait this is the acme hyper rattle and this triggers big fish a lot of people think you need bait to catch big walleyes but there's something about these jigging style baits it just just triggers them it's it just darth if you've ever seen one underwater look at that yeah it just triggers them they just they don't have time to think and stare they just slap at it so fast because it's the way you work this is you give it a rip let it fall back down rip fall back down and so often they'll either pin it to the ground or right when you lift it up they'll just kill it the boat's gonna swing and we're gonna drop right on top of some fish cheese on one for the drop shot it's feeling uh not very big little bass we found the smallies i got all the real clothes there we go that's a nice one that oh all right we're on some fish took a little bit of driving around but where there's one there's more so this is the hyper rattle i'm using and a little different from sam on how you work it i'm ripping this around i don't want to give the fish a long time to stare at it i want him to see this bait ripping past his face and then he just has to snap out he doesn't have time to think at it oh man there we go girl's on fire show in the mouth like he thought that was a real minnow there's no denying the nice thing about those gulp minnows is you get multiple fish out of it artificials in general right like if she gets a bite i'm pretty confident the bait isn't getting stolen and you can catch multiple fish with it all right option number three that i'm going to be tossing around see if i can catch fish on it a blade bait blade bait has a little more vibration than the jigging wrap um a little more flash obviously with those big silver sides and i like it a little better for casting retrieving if i'm trying to go vertical on a fish i prefer the jigging wrap acne piper rattle any whatever oh my goodness can't even get a cast in or you just drop shot of gulp they're getting bigger [Music] pretty fish so the way i like to work this blade bait is i'm going to cast it out away from the boat let it hit the bottom and then let it flutter back down give it a rip let it flutter back down give it a rip and the hits with this are just ridiculous first cast on the blade bait i love lake of the woods so much we are so lucky to be living on the lake right now oh that was my lure landing over there well in hindsight we should have netted that one all right first cast of the blade bait was successful other than the fact that i tried to boat flip the walleye and bust it off and the lure went flying to the lake [Applause] so as i mentioned i'm just fluttering it up a foot or two letting hit the bottom you can fish this bait so fast it's not quite as snaggy as the jigging style bait you can't fish this vertical as well though but here we go do you care for the net nope as you can see they're not coming and nipping at it they are just charging at it full speed beautiful lake of the woods gold she's on fire oh take your time take your time closer yeah make it look big it is big wow all right option number four this is like if you ever fish like winnipeg i'm sure you've used one of these a rattle bait as you can hear that's why it's called the rattle bait a lot of flash once again doesn't fall as fast as a blade bait you fish a little bit slower but it has just amazing properties same presentation as the blade bait letting it hit bottom cranking up a little bit you can like if you kind of have a good vibe on where bottom is you can just swim it too but i like touching bottom every once in a while oh it definitely triggers fish basically today what we're fishing is a extended point off of this island behind us that sticks out into 15 15 to 20 feet of water we're fishing a lot of flat spots i don't like fishing oh the steep breaks i like where there's some some flatter areas with some like chunky rocks on it and a little bit of silt those sheer rock faces i mean sometimes you catch fish on them but more often than not it's the flat parts that hold the fish when i'm using artificials i tend to beef up my gear a little bit instead of using you know six or eight pound test for castings baits i'll be using ten or twelve pound floral leader ten pound braid i'm using a lot sam's using five pound braid with a eight pound leader on the lighter side um because she's doing more of a finesse presentation but for these big baits sometimes you end up setting the hook pretty hard you're bouncing off rocks a lot all right the other thing you can do this rattle bait obviously a few ice fish is fish vertically there's a lot of fish under us right now oh he just bumped it he kissed it there we go there we have rattle bay walleye the point of this isn't to you know show that we're on a spot with a million fish but it's more so if you can have confidence in these baits that's the toughest thing is having confidence with artificials because a lot of people grow up with jigs and minnows jigs and leeches and that's great i still use that all the time but if you spend some time playing around with artificials you'll get some of the most aggressive fun bites and sometimes they just trigger they trigger big fish for whatever reason it's a shark tank down there careful all right this is gonna be my last artificial option what are we rocking today this is called a snap jig by berkeley um i didn't know what the hype was my buddy john hoyer who fishes a lot of walleye tournaments in the states kept posting on instagram about these snap jigs and how much he loved them and how good they were finally i picked his brand on it a little bit i picked up a couple and rigging it with a gulp right there it it's kind of a hybrid of what sam's doing what i'm doing it doing it it has some smell of the gulp obviously but it's got a perfect low profile and it just it darts so good it's it's like a if i'm going to cast a bait i'd rather cast this in the jigging wrap style bait i had a fish on the whole time of course this fish is whooping your butt oh big smallie so this bait will take a little longer to fall i'm using the 3 8 ounce and i'm just letting it hit the bottom and giving it a snap i lost all the things the weight and the yeah okay if you ever lose the drop shot weight these weights a little pinch on end i'll show you once i have it rigged on basically instead of needing to tie a knot the weight just pulls off and you don't lose the whole rig so the line just pinches into a little clevis and then just put a new weight on so there we go so often with this they'll hit it when it's gliding would you care for a net nope guys so much fun experimenting you never know what's going to trigger the fish best but do not be discouraged if you run out of bait i'm not saying there isn't a place for bait but it shouldn't be a reason for you to not target walleye ain't that right sam yes jay you're right for myself i'm using a seven-string medium extra fast this is good for all the techniques i've done today rattle baits blade baits uh you know a jigging wrap style acme hyper rattle type bait i might want to use a little bit of a longer rod and maybe a little bit of a lighter rod kind of like something like sam's using sam's using a seven and a half medium light seven and six inches seven and a half yeah seven six fast mead lights is that how many inches or in a foot i don't know so i'm talking about are there 12 inches i mean six in no 12 inches in foot 12 inches in a foot yes oh no we can't show this footage to anyone yeah because you get a foot long or a six inch sub oh my goodness seth oh no this is bad part of me wants including the video and part of me just as scared of the comments all right one more fish and we were calling it a day there we go this feels squirrely that's why nope guys come on down a lake of the woods find yourself a deep rock pile deep extended point find yourself a beautiful woman to fish with and some artificial baits as you can see there's many options out there you can have yourself a lot of fun hope you guys are having an awesome summer on the water don't forget to wear your life jacket and i thought you the catchphrase you wanted dad pick up your trash and the other one limit your catch don't catch your limit you need one more if you can't tie or not tie a lot see you guys [Music] you
Channel: Jay Siemens
Views: 34,609
Rating: 4.9667592 out of 5
Keywords: Walleye, fishing, Ontario fishing, Walleye fishing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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