How to Catch Trout on a Panther Martin

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hi I'm Mike folks dead today I'm going to show you some tips and techniques on how to catch trout on Panther Martens I have an assortment in this box of fish c UVs since some are dress with marabou I carry all these colors and sizes these are also great for cloudy days dim lights mornings and evenings they work especially well during that time and they work the other times during the day besides the new fish C UVs I also carry a second box in this box I have holographics salamander the spotted the classics the one that flies a large variety of weights and color patterns and so forth and you need all these spinners and all you got to do is come up with the right color and the right weight and the weight depends on the depth you're fishing and the color depends on whether it's sunny cloudy morning evening muddy water stained water crystal clear water you got to find out the combination of the particular color they want for that day and where you're fishing and once you find that out you're going to have a great fishing day that last fish I caught was on the albino Red Hook with a white feather and what I was using was a 10-count I was looking on my electronics and what the tip is is on my electronics I see fish in the 10-foot zone so then you count down to ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and then reel your bait in through that zone and that's his own the fish are in and that's how I caught that last fish it's that simple now I'm going to show you some tips on how to catch more and bigger fish on a panther Martin you know you can just use the classic steady retrieve or you can break it up with shake see how I'm shaking the rod tip and then I go steady quit shaking the rod tip then I shake it and when I shake it that's what triggers that strike from a follower at the end of the day it's going to put more fish in your boat another great tip when fishing the Panther Martin spinners it's when the fishing gets real tough and they're not biting or you're getting these short bites and what I do to take care of the short bites or when it's real tough fishing I add a little bit of scent or flavor to the baits and here I had a little curl Tail power worm here I add a night crawler and here I had a ball of power bait all of these items will work you just have to mix it up and try but this eliminate those short bites and will improve your fishing when it's really tough if you found this video helpful please click on the subscribe link to see more Panther Martin videos
Channel: Panther Martin Lures
Views: 92,695
Rating: 4.838428 out of 5
Keywords: Panther Martin, Trout, Lake Amador, Mike Folkestad
Id: 7txVBuq5Tl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 26sec (206 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 01 2013
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