How to catch flathead catfish

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hey Luke here with Gaston carp calm and I have been crushing it with the Flathead fishin lately so I made his new video show you what I'm doing to catch some really nice catfish so first thing you got to do is get a load of bluegill so nice before I taking off on the boat got the rod and reel and some slim jims out got a whole bunch of bluegill but I wanted a few more fish just to top off the tank and so I got out the cast net caught some shad and some blue gills some sunfish with the cast net nothing too great I usually like to have about 1215 fish to go night fishing and so I just went out caught about four or five more shad and that topped me off pretty good I've got this ten-foot casting net with the one inch mesh works pretty good it's a little bit long for throwing on the boat still getting the hang of it probably eight footer would be better but it's what I got and it works all right catches fish I'm fishing with these shad life I'm hooking them through the back same thing with the blue gills chucking them out they're three on sled right on the bottom now watch the second rod from the left the tip twitches a little bit the boats moving back and forth and it's acting like it's hooked up on the bottom but the lines moving i casted it about 15 20 feet head to the side of the boat and over the course of about three or four minutes the line slowly travels towards the boat and I've sped the video up about three times it's normal speed so you can see it but it's almost imperceptible at real speed and the bells on the rod tips didn't ring no real big dramatic move that's how the flat heads were hitting a lot of these baits you bluegill are probably my favorite bait for fishing for flatheads they just survive a lot better than shad do they're tougher and they swim more aggressively I just think they draw in the flat heads a little bit better also I think the flat heads tend to eat more bluegill than shad while blue catfish tend to eat more shad the bluegill but once again look at their really tiny little bite and hook up on another big fish these flat heads put up such a great fight man they just put a massive bend in that rod it was just had a ball with those chad ferguson whisker seeker rods this is another fabulous flat had 37 pounder absolutely gorgeous fish and hailed a bluegill the size of my palm I'm fishing right over this trough with a lot of snags on the bottom just a fabulous flathead hunting ground and just had a great time fishing for about two hours with live bait an absolutely fabulous trip but accidentally drained the starter motor battery by not charging it the night before I've had a great trip if you like this video check out some of our other videos including our top 8 catfish bait and how to fish with live bait thanks for watching don't forget hit subscribe
Channel: Catfish and Carp
Views: 208,658
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Keywords: how to catch flathead catfish, flatheads, flathead catfish, catch flathead catfish, catfishing, fishing for flatheads
Id: hPhdpiFrA_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2015
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