HOW TO CARRY ON GRAVES | Plat Graves Coaching - Tarzaned

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all right so you told me you want to do your own thing we uh talking between deaths or like while you're walking in camps or how did you want to do this uh I mean maybe I'll just like explain what I'm about to do and then you can just like correct me or like tell me if it's like bad or good or whatever like this game it's like Shaco so I feel like I just try to get my team the late vid red side but yeah you should start sweeper and clear his entrance box and then go clear the uh Raptor boxes or look delayed invade as well just like weird I haven't played a Shaker in like a hard minute yeah it's been like VI or ooh deer every [ __ ] game it's AP Shaco his dark Harvest and his teammates are fully do so if he falls behind they pretty much can't win you know what side of the map you're gonna play on this game blue side right yeah I think we're blue side I mean like what side what Lane are you playing for oh uh probably astronautilus because I feel like me and akali can't really kill aatrox if Shake is there early this guy's conqueror too yeah should definitely passport this game you have no cleanse either Nautilus ash a lot of CC so over again CC gets one shot if you use your smoke stream properly I'm gonna probably spend 2v2 but is it green here or blue I go Blue Green's getting nerfed tomorrow but it's still pretty much the best smart but I think if you get that into the habit of getting better with blue buff or blue Smite you'll uh be able to it's it's like you kind of have training wheels going green every game because it is the best one you should go green again but if you got let's get nerfed again like it's kind of like Robin's Hydro where like the Nerf that's getting x-position enough so slowly but surely all the other smites will be better because green will get nerfed again guaranteed doing a nerface shield I'm pretty sure I just sweep this is like 50. no you don't even sweep you just walked his Raptors and sweep paying for help like you might walk into a box I don't know if you boxed it already but on your right there should be a Box covering exactly walk right now and check yeah I guess not I can just wait sweep late then sometimes Shaco players also star blue like it's a alternative path but no just put a Raptors is stupid yeah I don't know what he's doing sweet I think he started blue yeah let's go back and just start my top side then yeah you want me to take this red I think you take red I'll call these right dick Road you should have walked through left though yeah Casey was like waiting so perfect in their jungle just so [ __ ] bad now though yeah you only take one Camp though uh oh they're here you only take one Camp though you don't take all just like kind of awkward I think you just do it you know any Smith just keep pulling it away from him [ __ ] my auto cancel 600 you're fine just play for lost it this one go to your blue so you want to play your own style right and talk about after you said yeah I feel like I just like pretty much just full clear now you might invade my bot son but it's fine it's like black guy like traded hard anyways I have to reset press stop Shaker just showed Road it looks like he did blue Raptors red like blue Europe there's your red because he's not level three with three counts four so you didn't do this girl I see W I guess check those spots and he's looking at gank bed here maybe counter that just ping all the way this guy's dead let me sweep his box or Smite at him if you have to oh you have to flash now oh this guy bro I should just flash all dude oh if you smite the Box you don't have to flush hey crap I guess and maybe play both side or reset what's the wave state bought um still pushing them the nami's in the bush should go for Nami Nami should be dead I'm going to just like a clip straight up or oh yeah yeah that are you Moos if it really had to go yumuz I think it's a lot better okay you guys like re-sequence top so I just assume he took like my Raptors my Reds maybe I can get top right dude if he hasn't uh gone to it yet he's definitely top so we just saw him so he there goes for crowd he does his krugs or Gang Stop there's nothing in your jungle so you should counter gang top right now yeah let me just cover this guy you can hit the scar too he's mad actually that is yeah it was like pushing back to him yeah just 28 so he took he took his whole [ __ ] top sides he might be going back now try to pull your accounts a bit more while you do them because you're clearing Along full patience bar I know it's a bit harder now that the change has gone through but they're gonna change the next spots as well like we're more loose the all the camps have lower Auto attack range so they come close to you basically yeah so pulling here is good look at the patients who have so much time infinite time that would even die to the tick I'm pretty sure wait camera bought again I think you should have skipped Raptors here definitely skip Raptors here like I already committed we have a global old mid laner I guess like normally like I [ __ ] uh I feel like we could do this it's your timer 23. oh you have the uh the plug-in yeah okay let's see yeah dragons good here check out the show in a minute he could be here but I can't really do anything where are you going I'm seeing my red rat yeah what's the next thing you're gonna play for this game all right wrist probably reset after my drugs and just go straight Rifts I think he risk it off your rod let's go just get early Tempo on it yeah I mean unless you want to do crab into krugs but your entire can't fight me right now yeah you should always just make sure you get the rift you can buy another long sword you have that yeah I know he's playing with [ __ ] Futures Market on this chat yeah that sucks so I think I need to start risk his a truck's base it really comes down to the game State and how contestable in the top are okay I guess I was talking about how far it's not impossible so just do your cap and maybe try to sneak steel or fight him if he starts it naturally bought so that's good he's gonna start it for sure what's the midwives did slow pushing yeah he's on it if you let her reset it's not bad because hrock's gonna come I guess Nautilus is coming from Pink for assistance Maybe in sweep as well in this area if you have to kill us all yeah Kim's coming I'm gonna steal it slight all right so that's big that's huge actually pick it up okay just take my camps yeah probably fight him where are you going to reset you never walk yeah good really this is uh this is a tabby game now buy another long sword you don't need it right now and you miss out of Base always so you never walk like size the map the other sides of the map unless you're like just literally full clearing and there's nothing else to do like when Champs like karthus hecarim you're all done whatever but you never walk like top side you just fought for a couple of minutes yeah and you just have so much gold like there's no reason for you to run from top to ball you just really reset spend your gold and run from base to bot instead you should hold that here this is not good look at midwave it's huge we missed most of it but you can push one more since you're not your options going bullet tough one should be scouting Towers at this point except three minutes on plates are there a whole team maybe he only was bought as well or reset shaco's coming you're gonna cut them off because look how fed you are what are you afraid of cut them off look is this allowed close your items all right that guy's dead on my screen flash our flash Auto R he was dead when I steal it [ __ ] did you not see the flash Auto R I guess you don't play dark I didn't think he was in Lethal 100 your lethality you're not you're not Fleet Grizz you have dark Harvest and everything so uh vitality I'm just playing [ __ ] Fleet I mean do you see how strong like press tab yeah look at Chico's items look at yours like you've had all of your gold spent like I should just I should have just flash yard him and yone was coming off his Eve set anyways yeah you're a lot stronger like you just have to go hard there I guess I just use the fleet being so terrible early game because it's built is a snowball build so you can do a lot more damage early game and there's a butterfly effect of getting kills you want to get other hand or otherwise and then yeah definitely have fun plates and your Rift is like I'm also about to uh wear off as well good top I guess just don't get the play money might as well unless mid is mid is probably better let's go mid let's let me look at Botley how's the bottling fight happening what's happening bullet they're pretty low you have to admit here that's better and you can actually fight after this too for the way if you just drop it can you kill her you kill her you have to Smite her or out of her oh damn bro so again to the habit of Auto queuing and auto ring like every single time you want to use a spell just like before that auto attack yeah because you don't Auto attack instantly so you want to make sure you're utilizing your your off time from your auto attacks this guy is getting destroyed they're they're gin went Tabby too anyway Hydra the guys play for drag now Jen died try out your eye buff before though because your entire gym was up you need to be recycling I just waited the e W misremember if you need it okay take my camps and play for next Rift timer right yeah I mean in theory right now you should do Raptors uh crab and then reset because you have that yeah and maybe look for a gank box you're he's about to die if you can even help her no I can't what is aatrox items these Eclipse oh he's pretty squishy you probably can he has no Tabby yet you can probably look bot right now speaking on the way about you kill him with Nautilus you kill him 100 he does Shake was near top side too so this is the alternative one of the brushes he might be on your crogs honestly it's really weird you should have pushed one more nice look do you guys catch this anyways yeah I do a lot more early damage with this oh here he is that guy's reset now yeah I finished your eclipse and buy cloth no you don't have to you should buy your Mythic ASAP this Tower is one hit I could also let's buy a cloth and start building holders tabby I think your next item is going to be press stop probably cleaver um yes you can probably just go collector but we'll see there's hold a bit I guess like team's kind of like trolling I don't know we play for us maybe yeah just hit the scryer say information to where they are because their teammates are still fighting right now right on roofed okay that guy's dead on my screen how's he about to walk up to you like that I mean slowly obviously but I don't know if you eat in but you miss try to get a h a little bit better yeah I should have just went on him at first I always forget that I can just burst these dudes like usually with like Tabby like Fleet I feel like I'm like so weak or like I can't like burst people like that that could be still in have two drags he didn't even get Rifts I guess try to secure top side because you're kind of under level three top yeah you're like top crab and just like clear done I guess maybe we can get riftus my mid lane shows up because they're low let's get [ __ ] rich now oh these guys teleporting oh Locker has old bro let's go on him I feel like the ultimately we just killed him there I mean a trucks accomplished you could have gotten so much more resources top there was no fight mode yeah I'll talk about it later but you should stop dragon's about to spawn I was gonna push top under him push it yourself what's Dragon timer uh 40. you push one more then you do this a lot more in Griz Bush and lower elos you need to catch waves and then push extra on the side of the map you're farming your camps on because you get extra pressure before the neutral starts and most people don't have TP in this ELO so they never they're gonna lose a lot by just being five Man Group that dragon or Baron or whatever the only is coming we should be fine if you reset off just by tabbing by double long sword don't listen to those things those are terrible double long sword just go your red might be gone yeah it's probably going camera hold mid no one seems going to hold mid submit as well like go through media good and if there's a fight fight if not just push mid does your poly FTP no just ignite that's just gone just special with mid here so we're gonna have a habit of if you don't know what to do just push always just push if you're pushing waves you're winning the game because the enemy team isn't going to push their ways Shaco can't push waves like Yukon yeah summon our team's dead Hello's me Tower I can't get it probably no it was lower you'd break mid Tower there you can fight this be afraid of you're just using your spells really like you don't you're always here you moved for a solution the most important thing and you're always in your spells properly what about later I'm like used to just having ghosts like other way around Fleet every game which is probably bad I'll use dark Harvest a while when I first started playing Grays and then I feel like I just played Fleet for like 100 games trip this is the better carry option but Fleet is like the more friendly option I guess like just like like so Bali like I'm used to playing like Evelyn's my main champ I'm just kind of used to playing I guess like that yes sir I feel like uh I always get my top side here and then are you seeing what's happening mid lane I guess this is clone it's pretty cute though he doesn't know I think you fight here you need to go in you need to go your doctor's coming we're going their whole team was top side took way too long she goes behind you God I thought it was in Lethal he's gonna [ __ ] hit the plant yeah guys there's like three in my red God they just like push mid or something I don't even know why I showed up you got a lot of gold as well that guy is so strong ravenous press tab double tap you can't go collector you will do zero damage just go uh luck lever and do that as well yeah cleaver so I know you put a lot of Evelyn and it's it's just like a completely different mindset when you're playing Evelyn because Evelyn will look for picks you can't really show on the side lanes and push Grizz is like the complete opposite you have to show to push and your push is one of the best in the game for Jungle if not the best I'd say you can Auto cure the waves you can just you can you're really good on sieges offensively and defensively you can just he's a very good uh industrialized champion and I know it's like a complete difference play stuff I think that's why it's uh you know that comfortable with them yet these are humus so like not having Fleet kind of gets um so we're trying to guess replaced by yumuz you get extra Ms and that's how it works and if you're really having human to get the kills you won't get early game because extra Ms but you need to get a habit using that as well you can alter I think kills nice all right this guy has to die he's worth 1K dude you have to reset here though Shaco might look on you though here she goes and look on you you didn't see him oh yeah I just saw him at the last second I was looking at my face getting destroyed there's no you had like four or five seconds of information I can tell from how you play you don't look at the map at all you should look at the map while fighting like yeah it's insanely important to have awareness of what's happening around you during fights and after them like what you're gonna do afterwards as well I mean this game was this game was like odd yeah all right you can read this guy built Jack show knocked him can you type the account name again please yeah you see my screen right um yeah all right so what do you think was the first big mistake of this game [Music] I don't know it was a weird open with the red and then uh Shaco took my bot side yeah but that's always winning for you because you always trying on shaco's early game if you cut his level four or his level three gank then his game is a lot different but let's talk about this red buff fight so I understand you don't have Fleet you have dark Harvest you don't have a pot either but I'm not really sure what you're afraid of when yone shows me so first of all this is a good uh good thing to note here is if there's no box here either shaco's AFK or he's starting blue that's all you have to know because if they're starting rather than a drop a box here and just defend the right side every time to know if you guys are coming or whatever right and then typically their top one would be like a top brush somewhere around here he's a bit deeper but you get the point right so yeah when you saw this you should know that Shaco is not starting red or Raptors or red side jungle I should say the issue here is I'm pretty sure you walk into the wrong side and show this is I don't know why you did this like I mean it's the second time right this one's fine the this I mean I don't know just in general like I feel like you should know at this point that shaco's not starting Raptors yeah yeah so I think I think maybe I told you but I guess I was wrong but in general you should know that he's not starting here but either way here this is fine to sweep this there's no boxes right but then you walk I guess I didn't I didn't I didn't see him in the bush when I slept I mean I'm just talking about the second part Like You Walk This Way Again like he could uh dropped a ward he could uh I'm pretty sure he gets vision of you here I guess he doesn't but really close but then they only assume you're here right so anyways I mean this is not even a big deal I'm just trying to go over the like you know every playing every single single situation is like perfectly right so so this is fine so far so you cut it perfectly took one hit and this guy locks up Auto him great and we kind of ebit label that's fine now Yoni showed the only shows midline what are you afraid of can this guy do 500 damage to you no your Champion is ranged his champ is Mella he has no ignite he has Longs for sure but in general this is a 600 hp uh Smite right so what are you just keep auditing the right buff he gets close to you keeping what you're doing this is fine and then here gets kind of weird yeah I tried to group with him I think like right here just keep just Auto like don't group with him just hit Auto it like or Auto him you played so safe you should have literally been on top of him like let me tell you where you should be when this is like in Smite range walk forward right here walk forward yeah even though his QQ hits you you're gonna die do I just get the six and kill him and then yeah you can probably even go like w here honestly because he's a Melody champ and just chase him down but he played so defensively that's like there's too much space after I started either way he dies which is good so early game the plan is kind of counteracts what he wanted to do though since we're inventing his red or the map is like kind of split and shego can take our red side where she does blue red um Raptors Susan hit level three this is why I knew he was in level three I think my vision of him right here because of Nocturne and this is like one of your biggest flaws again every jungler can always use their camera better to compress tab a lot more but right here she you didn't see Shaco I know you didn't soon did you see him I can't remember I'm pretty sure you didn't based off how you play the game what I've saw like in your body language in the entire game the moment you see Shaco you press tab or you left click them you have Vision left click them see his Buffs let's see the timers and the Buffs oh his blue buff is half your red buff or there is a red buff that's a quarter down so he did blue red Raptors 12cs right if this was fresher he could have done blue uh Raptors red whatever he had the point right so so why information is really good because or important because you can utilize that to your advantage and go from there but your biggest flaw is that you don't ever look at your proximity Lanes you look at the map like right now I'll do grump your cues down your E's down you take no damages Grizz what should you be doing cycling exactly bot lane or bot Lane die whatever mid lane looks pretty gankable slow pushing into US you can actually yank the game pretty easily here uh Top Lane it's still bushing it then but we know shaco's bot size so this is fine unless it's a diveable Lane right so right now the action's mid lane because their ball wants to push and reset right and this this should be the thing that's like crossing your mind Jacob's gonna show mid lane I believe right after your wolves and he actually ends up dying anyways so this is good that we have a word here and I'll show how you can deploy this situation a bit better we need to clear this cap a lot better right like I don't know how it took you so long with the information you have that shaco's coming mid let me show you the information you have what's Jacob's health bar full he hasn't ganked a single link has everything of his ignite look at mitliner Lego players fiend for this [ __ ] right this guy's one HP he's just gonna die to Shaco gank how are you already not passing mid-liner after like you should be pulling your cap towards mid no yeah like I guess the new patience Birds just have been like I don't know my Chinese been like weird that's irrelevant look where you're walking yeah you're all walking diagonally towards mid you're walking horizontally towards your Raptors that aren't even up and you got vision of him on two different Wards you should already be in position here and play fog of War through Lane and you'd be able to counter gank this a lot better some of the times but smile like what are we holding smart for smart this guy cued in he has no alt he's dead no flash might swear they can't the wall too I mean I don't think you need to he has no keys that and this guy takes the kill and he also wasted your Q so you can't push mid lane that fast right ambitious little crashes but if you only has a good player he holds wave here and then your mid laner is [ __ ] but she kind of does yeah he actually does so you queuing there and all these small again Butterfly Effect right all these things accumulated out of this is how like the game goes not as great this gank Bolton's really good you're looking off sweeper you might as well just fish for this because of a pink word here and your Bot Lane died earlier so the odds are the enemy bot Lane use spells aren't they ping them or anything I guess they did you should be aware of their Summoners but Marlo's has double Buffs he has hex flashing way too far up yeah so this was a really good gank I think it was like one of your only gangster skin which again you don't have to gank his grace you only gank if it's like very beneficial but you wasted or dug on the crops like things like that just be a bit more wary about your damage and your burn so you don't use your W and maybe like you'll need it for the gank yeah but as most of the early game and then here we just full clear blue side for level five because there's no getting top or mid top is slow pushing but killing H rocks a bit hard within akali it's pretty six uh you couldn't Theory gank top here but like in the terms like recycling your camps and stuff it's just risky if you gank top and get killed it's just better to farm your camps guaranteed early than play for your the neutral that you identified right yeah so right here again once you've basically set never mind toppling there's only two lanes you're close to walking towards your Raptor's mid lane bot Lane is there a play mid lane no is there a play Vault line uh there could be it's just like not died another guy's like one HP exactly and so that's let's get there asking yourself questions right like they're gonna push this wave and either reset or hit the tower they know that your uh could go for him and then Nami can't do anything but exactly so why do you have to start this camp based off your if this is like a situation where you start krugs let's say you're on krugs here this is fine because they they have to walk towards you right they are walking towards you yeah but when you're like doing your Raptors you're not really moving because they're like they're not really moving towards you they're walking like horror uh horizontally vertically and you're just like asking here but when you're here they're technically walking towards you like more closer because this side of the map is closer to them or this Camp right so you never start Raptors here and you just get off and either do your krugs in case they dive or just run bought because the actions bought there's no play your mid's winning this guy's owing to the wave already crashed so this is an instance where like use your fresh level five most of your gold dispense you only have like 500 gold right so what does this cap accomplish for you um I guess nothing I'm just kind of autopiloting you get just infinitely more infinitely enough more from just killing boss I could have just caught I could have just caught the wave to you since Ash had the base anyways yeah and then your mid is also rubbing with Alton look they're playing for plates because their wave is so fat and this is like something you have to be able to identify when do I get off a camp how strong am I what does this Camp accomplish do I need to get this cap for X item or something like am I fighting for the dragon like the second third Dragon no the first dragon is up like there's nothing on the map just if you get free kills his Graves always play for kills yeah camps are this is the issue with people that I mean in lower elos and same with higher elos honestly they prioritize their caps too much myself included sometimes I just unders like I just um devalue Lane XB and killing people when it's free like I know I want to get myself ahead I'm the consistent factor in my game right but most of the time if you have a free kill why not just you know or a chance to get a free kill go for it right worse get started just push spot Catch the Wave or just Farm your right side so what's the problem with that all right let's go to the Riff fight ing our bot Lane dies here slime our top laner also does okay so here we see Shaco walk towards Rift he's either gonna do Rift or push mid Shaco Temple doesn't really push so it can only see me Zoom Griff right yeah so you have enough time to do two camps there I'd say since these apv's 80 I don't know I don't think he's that fast in general but I think you're doing a gromp here is also fine because it'll be a lot lower and then he'll have the uh what's the word I'm looking for he'll assume it's safer like the hrocks will just come and smite it yeah these trucks will assume that like the rift is gone it's theirs right because of the amount of time if you go a bit earlier then he has more time to rotate here because right now like his wave timer is perfect the same thing yeah yeah but if he has to stay or hit the tower after you while you gromp then in general this is the high risk hybrid player is a two-bone situation but like luckily or you're supporting mid lane identify that there's a chance they can uh you know Salvage this or help you out this is good you play this really well you play really slow your unit is on the map first too I mean he has to catch military he has to respect your team roaming but holding your e-stacks and stuff and like pulling towards bot is really good here because this is where your reinforcements are coming it's always good to fight towards your teammates rather than away from them so if you're pulling left towards aatrox or you know in the middle of the river you'd be a lot more uh susceptible to getting you know CC Chained and killed but you pull towards them you Salvage it I mean you could have probably taken a bit less damage for sure to go way too many uh I don't even wanted to reset but like at this point like does it doesn't really matter if it resets yeah you're at this point you're shooting your basketball 1v2 and Salvage exactly so you don't have to take the damage but it resets and then I mean I'm gonna say I could play this better but I mean this is good though I think a lot from his old yeah so I'm actually a cute first yeah you always want to cue on your W if they're like Melly Champs and stuff but it's pretty good this was like another big turning point in this game and doing your campster is definitely correct it's gonna play bot sight now you got your neutral top you want to farm these here you're a walking bot never like this is just terrible why would you ever watch your Raptors here unless you're guaranteed gonna play for top side here but like all the actions bought you have double CC there are three and a half points bought so you want to play ball side here you want to spend your gold and just run buff from boost to get our humus we got extra long sword and at this point where's the action but where are you going um I don't know I I guess I thought like even if I showed up I couldn't kill them but can they dive your Ash dancers you don't know right yeah so why not go here we'll just start at Craig's at least and if they die and leave or whatever yeah you want to be near the action right you're about your support just died they're hitting the tower what could you realistically do midline here you either hold a wave and show yourself the map or I mean nocturne's gonna miss one or two melees and you'll be closer to the action right let's say you're on plugs right now okay you're done crogs Nami wasted her bubble she has no floss for 10 seconds you have 4 000 gold spent no one the game is the strongest except gin but in general he has basically the same gold as you spent imagine if you just did krugs here stacked you're eating round bottom you know use your uh your flash your your Smite Etc and just gotta a shutdown or you know a Kill yeah because we Ash had six there too I think because or she didn't have both though yeah but and then Shaco shows now it's a bit harder and oh wow they're Tower diving bot Lane imagine you were here it'd be a 4v3 I mean this is obviously them ending but this could have been you getting the kill right now exactly and you've maybe gone another kill or something but this is your issue I feel like your camera management your understanding of like where the action is like same thing exact same concept here exactly where is you where could she could be creeps and just walk down the river yeah you want to fight here look how much gold you have you have 4.5 K gold 4.2k Spence Shaco has 3.6 K gold 3K spent you have four kills on him worth of gold why like what are you afraid of here you have flash up you have you moves up you have Alta you have W how can you not play aggro here another issue you have to identify like when you are at your strongest point and fighting on your terms this is a perfect example of a fight you should find on your terms because again your teammates got a free kill their most fed members dead and then their uh their support unit their their utility Champions are all coming towards you and you have all your gold spend here and you have red buff you have everything your fed as [ __ ] you're like what are you look where you're going your alternative is hitting mid Tower but I mean why are you not entry I should have just passed in you're scared of a lost chapter amptone Shaco look at this you've already didn't even cue the wall and you one shot him and then here let's let's look at this soil this is where I like your first I should I should have flashed over here and just spammed the [ __ ] go down look at Shaco bro 440 HP you're telling me a flash Auto R doesn't kill him here no I just I would bet my [ __ ] life savings it does you have dark Harvest you have yumu's double long sword he's eight thousand percent dead and worst case scenario if he's not dead you just flash Auto R and then you I mean I'm personally dead but like in general you'll just eat Auto him because his Keel is down right like could I actually probably want to say game here if I just killed him 100 the UNA wouldn't have came back in and yeah yeah it's like triple effect like you said and you eat under the tower I mean I guess I told you in hindsight like you should play I grew here and then like oh I can actually play aggro here and then you went a bit too late yeah I was kind of hesitated but like if I just I knew his alt was down because I smarted his boxes or whatever and then I should just I could just like flash q auto and altered him exactly and so he would have been dead and then we would have had top side and yeah you said you don't play this various simgrades often but you'll understand like the more you play how much damage you actually do that's also the other problem is like I swear like Fleet Grizz like I don't even know if that would kill like Otto he would have killed him on fleet Graves with like uh or whatever 100 yeah there's no way that's why that's why like I'm just used to it plus also like obviously I play a lot of Evelyn so like my body language is kind of weird sometimes Okay so here when you crabbings you're gonna use your roof your roof is like pretty low here you can get level 8 off this and you have all your goals spent why do your grumpier you're on a timer right dragon's about to spawn you need to go mid here push mid drop riff or if you don't have to drop riff then I mean I you kind of just have to drop riff face off this timer especially for the dragon Swan so yeah you can just go mid here I don't know why you went to your blue side like what what is this is there nothing else for you to do on the map what is important on the map that's off Dragon what else is important on the map to spawning you're red like I should I should just shoved it and drop drift and then we could have just 4v3 damage yeah there are timers to farm camps don't get me wrong but the thing is you're farming camps when you shouldn't and then you're not farming when you should like like if I was there I could have maybe actually rotated that too and maybe got one or two or whatever yeah I mean that's the problem we don't you need to look at the map a lot more especially if you play Evelyn like you should be aware of what spells are being used how low they are you know if they have Mana Etc all part of it is just like obviously like playing live is a little weird but oh it's definitely different all right can you look at this and tell me how the [ __ ] this guy's walking to the wave please tell me look at his health bar look at your look at what you have yeah I think it's just like me not doing the dark Harvest limits like I do with Fleet I should probably I could let you just dubbed him and just walk I mean that's not even like the top of conversation look at his [ __ ] health bar he just used everything to kill your team most likely right we're only assuming our teammates die to something right he is half HB and you have everything up and you're full and he has Mr runes like yeah what is after him he's [ __ ] one shot look you cue the wave which is fine you want to play for the the wave crash or the rough crash how are you not autoing him when he's walking up to W the wave they just walk up you don't even have to eat out of him just he's walking up so far just Auto him your range versus melee he has to use his e to get on top of you you trade your e with Izzy when people are walking too far up against the range time you order them yeah you have to walk up an E Auto you can just Auto him culture e once he uses he can e and Dodge and you know uh use your footwork whatever or you moves so yeah and now you go in when Nami is here when she showed on words here in river right and then you get hit by the bubble when you have your e up it's like you know what I mean yeah it's like weird watching it back and now she walks in with I mean I know you have like 100 HP does she do 100 damage and Auto on you I'm at this point you have to just fight no yeah just Auto eat trying Alton Ottawa not always help me auto R again you don't want to R Auto auto R Auto Q always Auto in between spells if you want to do maximum DPS maximum burst you have to Auto between spells or before so Carrie should have walked off to the uh crab as well yeah but here he's not up here walking to him and he also kind of agrees to you but I'm pretty sure she would maybe dot age rocks anyways he had the point right like yeah very crucial 1535 this is where Shaco takes our blue side I believe okay here's where like we thought aatrox might be bot's side still okay right here we don't find him just push push bought why do you go to your Crocs here or where even was he actually ran all the way huh gee he must have like just eat out of vision before I came out of the Bush we're going to Crooks here I said he might be on your krugs but that's actually good for you can now pressure this Tower to get the wave priority bought side yeah I mean he was just he over the one run away like this is good for you that he's at your crumbs I'm not saying go to Crooks to kill him saying he's got Crocs at her window you know pushing bot Lane and you know get an advantage through ballet but you just run across like oh maybe he's there even if he is you won't kill him unless he disconnects just way too hard and he's actually dead and yeah so here we get our Eclipse cloth so you got two items at 16 with two dragons the game is I know I know your entire team is dog [ __ ] don't get me wrong but this is what we're trying to like help you get better at winning unwinnable games you're down 6K gold this is your team being complete dog [ __ ] your boss is actually like a good example too because this is like I mean there's obviously a lot of games like where I'm fed and we win and it's easy but like this is like most games it like feels unwinnable I guess but like it is in actuality exactly okay why are you not going top here I'm gonna press play tell me why you're not going tall first of all I should describe see if their team is hovering the uh yone which they're not because this is Loyola why aren't you going top here you have umus you can eat over the wall you can break some ground from going diagonally like this and you know cut his options of getting out you just go mid why when Ash is moved you only go mid if Ash is the one top fling which you shouldn't be I agree but so two issues with display right I mean God on him because I knew United's top new trucks was bought shakers on the roof yeah we didn't see NAMI so that's one thing but like you still can do damage him freely here like W Auto q and walk away if you think nami's here if nami's not here this guy's dead like your two items he's one item look at this you wait you're too patient and now where's zombie now still bottling we don't know that though she could still be you know coming towards and then you know shaco's here the whole teamstone on the map and now you go in now Shaco comes in and he lives he says Tabby and you miss your I mean actually you did Max damage there but you don't get a kill and then yeah you know that's the problem is you don't pull the trigger fast enough and like you pull the trigger incorrectly you should pull the trigger in the most defensive way you can without like you know losing a lot of HP or dying so right here just like Auto acute and then just like juggle the vision and see if not he was with them W Auto Q or W yeah but yeah the game was definitely winnable and then here is like the another really weird play we kill Shaco which is insanely good aatrox tp's mid lane what can you do in this fight oh gangbang him off his TP why not just go Toff look at the look at the waves you're losing Top Lane let me show you the play let me show you the top ways before I show the playmate Lane Canon three melees five Mage the next oncoming wave another Cannon wave your top side before Dragon spawns now let's do the mid lane play let's let's see what Gray's offered in this fight I'm really eager to see maybe he disconnects and maybe lucky disconnects here oh wow why don't we just push Top Lane and get guaranteed golden resources rather than Chase someone who is keeping for no reason look at their comp they're engages like genar gin W or Nami are and like yone er whatever age rocks can't do anything here so why not just push top play for yourself you should like get resources for yourself unless it's like your team is literally getting destroyed in front of you here and if you're if you lose you lose the baron you lose the game something like that you lose the third or fourth dragon but like there's just nothing happening that he tp's sure but like just because someone TVs when you have to fight like the end of that mindset of like I mean you don't have to fight if anything wants to fight does your team have to fight if you're pushing Side Lane it's 4v5 they know your top points spam paying them back and let them know sometimes they'll die sometimes they won't and get more XP more gold and your teammates don't die I mean team is losing gold next to you very very important especially playing graves because you're gonna be cycling a lot like your farm 140 at not when at 19 minutes is just way too low it should be at least 160 minimum yeah all right and this fight is where uh I believe there's Side Lane show again and Nami like walks into your face and you don't kill her again you don't know your damage which is fine but for the future I think it's Shaco I think Shaco comes behind you so this Dragon we established I was like zoning him over the the plant is that that was the one you're talking about I think were you like he like he like went over the plant then you a cute away or whatever where's her team uh four bot said five Bots though foreign River yeah one bot so you pushing mid here is what I call right I don't know why the [ __ ] we're auditing this we're on a timer to push me before the whole team collapse is on us right just [ __ ] this trap who cares push mid you missed your Q on the back line which is huge because you need two more orders to kill these always make sure your Q hits the back lines the most important part about it when you're pushing waves okay then this guy dies now they're gonna collapse on you here if this Tower was low you would break Tower here and walk through the jungle or like walk left whichever way is more uh safe yeah so how's this allowed I mean I guess you get change CC you don't Dodge anything but why did you eat in why not eat left I guess I could have got out I mean you eat in 1v3 with your team being so far away if you just played a towards the left side I feel like like I could just kept walking up basically and like e to the blue or something yeah I mean you're wasting too much health getting hit by a bubble you shouldn't get hit by a bubble ever how's that even possible I mean you got snared this time but you could eat the Gin W I guess you didn't use your eat a Dodge a lot more so they'll not lose your health bar for free and watch this is another play even ask yourself why you did this so this is already I think got a couple of shutdowns here or kills I believe we go to aatrox and Shaco here again you can only look in the map I don't even think he noticed where he was he comes in and then Nami saves them can you offer anything bot side no not much right you're half HP no no flash no alt push mid get some HP back you have Eclipse you have you know omnivamp I believe it's on Eventbrite yeah seven percent push mid gin is here okay I'm pulling one p one person here with this health bar and there's a person dead on their team great okay they start pushing fighting bot side can I offer anything to my team here probably not much right uh wouldn't this Tower give my team a lot more uh you know leeway for a few this is a 4v4 bot site or oncoming 4v4 your whole team is bought they're coming just just push mid get some extra gold get your level 13 and get your next item or get closer to that right if you're running bot you're just chasing plays waiting for a place to happen then you have to walk the defensive way the craziest part is hrock CP Top Lane if you keep bought this fight would have been 10 times worse it's a 5v4 because you came here and you guys still lost because I mean you can't even offer anything here you eat into the Q3 you get cc into death so I think last fight was already killed Jenny got to shut down that's a bit too late you walked into him so I know that most of the things you should work on again like you should be playing for towers as Grizz having zero true damage is a mixture of your teammates being terrible and you not playing for the right objective your objective is Graves is to get neutrals which is you know dragon Rift maybe Baron later in the game but in general like you need to hit Towers too shaco's issue as a champion is he can't hit Towers AP Shaco can't just walk into the tower he's literally zero damage he's melee and he's very volatile under Tower Grace has range he has escapes he can just do it all so that's why pressure yeah you get the mindset of how you should be playing your Champion like play your Champion to its pros and cons and then play off the enemy jungler's you know same concept no chap is perfect in this game because every champ has pros and cons it's your goal identify what your pros and cons are and play off that knowledge if that makes sense but yeah zero Tower damages a mixture of I mean low ELO you should never have zero Tower down which is the greatest ever because you can just auto key a wave mid game one shot and then start getting powers for free you didn't hit a tower once the entire game so I know it's like a completely different uh mindset when you're playing Evelyn to Graves so this will I think this will definitely help you out but if you have any other questions or things you want to go over feel free to ask as well all right thanks bro you have no questions about the session at all Oh Oh I thought you meant later um yeah I guess like well I guess like the dark Harvest I don't really run that much I just always like ran I don't know dark Harvest like a little bit but most of my games are on fleet so you just pick dark Harvest into squishies or yeah if they're squishy three squishies I'd say I felt like Bruiser melees tanks then you can go well three of each right if I had like three melee Bruiser tanks you can go Fleet instead Yeah so basically if they don't have three like melee Bruiser Champs Cisco dark Harvest exactly build damage or whatever this is like the most snowball heavy build so I know you moves kind of makes up for the lack of Ms you get from crocking Fleet so which I like Swisher I feel like I like tilt too hard too on this champ like I feel like when I especially when I play Fleet like because obviously you don't do that much damage like early game you're like a sustain or whatever I feel like it feels like it feels like so hard to win sometimes like even if like I don't know like I'm a 3-0 or like have like decent form even if like my team's like not that far behind it still feels like hard to like I don't know like like swing the game if that makes sense I have to watch the game but in general you're probably just not playing for the right thing like try to hit Towers again like you can close out games you don't need Baron or I mean dragons are the best way to close out games but if you don't need Baron to close all games you can just hit towers as great as pushing waves and just start smacking at them while the enemy team is all grouped because with this build you hit Tower is a lot harder too this is why it's so much better it's just massive for ending the game yeah it's like weird too because like playing Eve it's like oh [ __ ] you're not really you don't have to really farm that much at all once you hit six like you basically form in like downtime or whatever and then you know you do like a lot of Lane ganking and that kind of [ __ ] yeah so it's like it's almost like different I don't know and then my third champ is Elise which is like I feel like I my channel kind of sucks because it's like literally three different play Styles like like Elise is like you're supposed to be fighting a lot early like Evelyn you're fighting and stealth and then gray is just like you're just like trying to feed yourself basically yeah pretty much you want to just get all resources and play off yourself Evelyn wants to look for pics and just Farm as well so like both chaps are like kind of similar but like they're they're fine like selfishness exactly she's like like Evelyn it's like I get like magized and the game's over but great it's like different because you can't like I guess like that's your thing too like obviously Evelyn like yeah flash Ultra just like really really hard to kill no matter what and uh like I feel like Graves I just make a lot of like like I eat into them a lot when I don't need to and like uh like not autoing right between like using my spells and stuff yeah just get into the habit and go over the things I said and again if any other questions or things come over you can just message me and I'll help you out all right well dude thanks appreciate it thank you man take care have a good one yep later foreign foreign [Music]
Channel: Tarzaned
Views: 38,258
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Keywords: tarzaned, league of legends, twitch, streamer, youtuber, lol stream, stream highlights, best of streams, tarzaned jungler, tarzaned god, jungle god, challenger, rank 1, rank 1 smurf, best graves, best graves NA, best jungler NA, rank 1 jungle, season 11 jungle, season 11 challenger, season 11 tarzaned gameplay, s11 tarzaned gameplay, season 11 tarzaned guide, s11 tarzaned guide, Hecarim season 12, Best hecarim NA, rank 1 graves, season 12 challenger, season 12 rank 1
Id: uH14W6WjdDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 34sec (3634 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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