How to capture wild yeast for bread (and WHY it works)
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Channel: Adam Ragusea
Views: 573,242
Rating: 4.9586911 out of 5
Keywords: wild yeast, how to catch wild yeast, sourdough starter, modern homesteading, wild yeast bread, wild yeast harvesting, wild yeast pizza dough, wild yeast starter bread recipe, wild yeast vs commercial yeast, wild yeast sourdough bread recipe, sourdough starter from scratch, sourdough starter recipe, sourdough starter maintenance, sourdough starter troubleshooting, sourdough starter not rising, sourdough starter pizza dough, how to catch wild yeast for bread
Id: F2BZB7Nf_P8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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wild yeast go brrrr
This reads like one of those generated titles from that site.
I don't know where Adam is getting this idea that "bakers" say "for 100% certainty you have to use distilled water, or you have to use organic whole wheat flour". I'm sure there are some people who say that the best results come from using those ingredients, but the idea that you 100% need these things to make a starter is definitely not common. I mean hell, people go crazy for standard King Arthur Flour whole wheat and bread flour and neither of those are organic. KAF sells organic options, but the standard ones are very widely used.
I mean go take a look /r/Sourdough or /r/Breadit, both of those subs are full of people talking about their 100% rye starters, or feeding their starters regularly with AP or bread flour. Also full of people saying that if the tap water is safe to drink it's fine for your starter.
The prevailing mentality among sourdough bakers is that yeast is incredibly resilient, can survive (though unhappily) for extended periods of time without feeding even at room temperature, and will mostly be happy being fed with any flour it can eat. I think nearly every experienced sourdough baker will agree with everything the researchers said in that video.
Since it's about bread I'd like to point out some misconceptions about Bakers.
First, the distilled water never heard of it. Maybe there's a difference in the tap water quality between France and US. Maybe that's why in his research Adam found pros in the US using distilled water for a starter.
Only time I saw distilled water in bread was for ultra organic bread made with distilled water and high quality sea-salt to mimic a pure sea water by an artisan in France having an almost holistic approach to bread making (Nicolas Soupiot).
Second, the starter for the sourdough, you can almost squeeze out or significantly speed up the transition from alcoholic to lactic fermentation by either starting with an acidic pH to the solution (like passion fruit juice instead of water) or starting with a fermented solution (like apples in water for three weeks).
Either way great initiative, kind of SETI@home but for sourdough.