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[Music] okay everybody welcome back to the season butcher today we're going to make canned venison i've got a lot of people over the years that have asked me how how do you do this how do you actually make canned venison and it's so simple shannon's going to give me an assist today and we're going to walk you through step by step from start to finish the cuts of meat that we're using the supplies that are needed we're going to go through the entire process of how you can venison or wild game meat now here's the thing with tradition a lot of us younger folks maybe you weren't raised on canned venison for those of you like that have grandparents great grandparents that was a mainstay part of what they did for sustenance when they were putting up meat what a lot of you younger guys and gals don't realize is how good this stuff actually tastes and so we're going to talk about that as we go through the video further but for now what we want to do is get started in the process do me a favor here subscribe to the channel like it that really helps us out and from there we're just going to get going so today we've chosen the onion and bell pepper sausage seasoning from the seasoned butcher this is what we're going to put in the jars you'll see the exact amount here shortly all right so the cuts of meat that we've chosen for canning today is out of the hindquarter um you actually can see that particular kill that we're editing on the channel it's the missouri kill but what we're going to do is we're going to just quickly take off some of the fat some of the silver skin and then we're going to cut them into chunks so we're going to look roughly one inch by one inch chunks is what we're looking for so we're going to take this entire bucket of meat here that you see and we're going to chunk that up into one inch cubes and that's what's going to go in the jars okay so what we're going to do is get all this chunked up and we're looking at roughly that size of a piece we just know that it cooks better when canning you don't want to just throw a big old hunk in the in the jar and then what i'm doing is i'm going through and inspecting each piece real quickly we don't want to trim too much because we will waste it you will notice that with the final product if there's any tallow slash fat or the sunu it will actually float to the top of the jar in the canning process and you'll be able to scoop that off with a spoon before you actually serve it or use it to cook with whatever you're making hi i'm shannon so i'm helping jim out today or he's helping me and we are making our canned venison so it's a step-by-step process but we do need to get the lids into our simmering pan of water i just drop them in it's not boiling and you just drop them in and then they just can simmer and keep warm until we are ready to use them that way it just activates the sealing agent on the ring okay i'm going to let you know what we have for supplies here handy we have the rings and we are using pint-sized jars today and we have sanitized them and i washed these also with the hot soapy water the jars i sanitized with in the dishwasher so they are ready to go and then we have the lids simmering so they will all be ready other supplies we need is a jar puller if you don't have one you'll need to use pot holders but this is very handy when the the when they're all finished you will see why and then you also need because part of the steps is when we're putting the meat in the jars sometimes you'll get it messy on the top so have it just a handy paper towel dampened so that you can clean that off before you put the rings on and that is simple that's it okay so we have the meat chunked up in our cubes and now it's time to just put it in the jars and when you add it to the jars you just press it down you can either use your fingers or if you prefer you can use a spatula just pack it in there you want it to get about an inch from the top and we just keep adding our meat in here and then the next step would be the seasoning okay so we have the jars packed now full of the meat and now we're gonna add our seasoning and we're gonna do one teaspoon of the seasoning we have we are using pint jars and so we're just gonna sprinkle the seasoning right on the top you do not need to stir it in it'll take care of itself once we put it on the lids and get it in the pressure cooker so just a teaspoon i'm putting sprinkling it right on the top and then you'll be done so just to recap what we have done we sanitized all the jars we chopped up the meat into cubes then we packed the jars full like i said you can either pack it with your fingers or if you prefer you can use a spatula and then we sprinkled the seasoning in now remember i told you about the paper towel this is the part that you want to make sure that the the rims of the jars don't have any like right there you want to get that little meat down in there otherwise the seal cannot form a proper seal on there so i just just simply wipe it down nothing fancy or special about what i'm doing just to clear that rim off jars are packed with the meat and then we just put the lids on the lids have been simmering in the hot water for at least 10 minutes they can just stay in there until you're ready to use them you don't want it boiling but you just have the lids simmering or in that hot water too you're ready to use it then you have the the rings now when you put the rings on just put them on and you don't want to crank on them real tight just until they're snug and that is our last step so we'll just put all the lids on then you put the rings on all right so we are ready to put the jars in the pressure cooker i have a pressure canner i like to use this little rack in here because it will keep the jars from being right directly on the heat now just to recap all we have in the jar is meat and the seasoning no broth added because it will make its own broth while it's cooking so then we snug this down and we just set the jars in my pressure canner and i don't i just put them in here mine will hold seven jars i don't i just kind of space them out so that they're not touching each other the best that you can and then i add the water i don't dump the water right on the jars but you want to add the water so that you are just over halfway up the jars the best you can this way you have enough water in here that it won't boil dry on you and run out of water so i just need to add a little bit more okay so i'm just adding the water looking in there to where it goes up just over about halfway all right after we put the jars in the canner and have added water to them just about halfway up the jar it's time to put the lid on and i always double check the event hole just to make sure that it's clear i just hold it up to the light peek through it you can see through it it's good to go then i just position this is truthfully is the trickiest part of the whole process is getting the lid on the canner put that on seal it down then i turn on my burner and i want to get it going right away so i'm gonna do on about a nine about a nine to high medium to medium high then we have the rocker and you're going to cook this pressure cooker at 15 pounds for 90 minutes once this gets to rockin okay so this is the waiting time now you just let it go listen for it and then we're gonna adjust the heat as it as goes on so right now we're just waiting okay so while we are waiting for this batch's pressure cooker to start rocking we have a batch that we've already made and i just want to tell you some things that we do with our canned venison so it's so handy so it's on days like you really don't want to cook ladies you can cook just grab one of these pop the top off add a can of cream of mushroom soup put it in there stir it up boil some red some baby red potatoes and you're good to go or if you like noodles you could put it over noodles or you could put it over rice it's so simple and so easy to do and i know um you could also add this to stew you can make a stew with it also you your meat is already cooked and you just need to add your potatoes and your carrots and your celery whatever you like to do for a stew you have your meat ready and it's easy so hi everybody so we are needing to go to plan b my big pressure canner which holds seven jars decided not to work today i'm going to need to buy a new gasket ring because the steam is leaking out from underneath the rim um the lid so at least now you get to see what this jar puller is used for because the jars are hot so we're gonna go and use my small pressure canner i will just need to wait it's only gonna hold three jars instead of my seven but it'll do the same thing so again we put the jars in the pan we're gonna add our water just about halfway up the jars to create that pressure so we have that halfway up the jars put our lid on [Laughter] like i said this is the trickiest part put the lid on seal it turn the burner on too high to get it started and then we have our little rocker now if you have the fancier pressure cookers that have the rocker that has the um if you can zoom in it has like five pounds 10 pounds 15 pounds on it you would want to do this recipe at 15 pounds pint jars are 75 minutes if you have a larger family and you want to do quart jars then it would be 90 minutes at 15 pounds so now we are going to have a small rocker and once this gets going i will show you how that works but just gonna have a steady rocker on it the whole time you adjust the temperature as needed just to keep it a steady rock all right back to plan b this is going quicker because i think the jars were hot already because you can see that this button is going to pop up with steam and then pretty soon the shaker is going to start to go back and forth so you can see that it's working good steam is releasing there's one button up pretty soon the rocker will start and then you need to adjust the temperature you don't want it to sound like it's a space shuttle try to take off you'll see it's gonna we need to keep it a steady even rock and not like it's gonna skip off of the pan starting to rock right now so now is when you want to adjust the temperature so we don't have it like jump off of there okay i'm gonna turn it down until we get to it even this is the tricky part now with this particular pressure canner we have to um adjust the temperature and get just the right temperature to keep this at an even rock you don't want to always have to play with your temperature because right now it's a little bit fast for me so i turn it down we just gotta let it catch up once you get it set you can just walk away not walk away walk away but you don't have to touch the temperature control all right we are at a pretty even rock right now i'll just keep watching it here so i am going to start the timer on it for 75 minutes and i will just try to keep this at an even rocker the whole time that it's cooking and then that should be 75 there we go start okay we have 75 minutes on the clock it's had a nice pretty even peel we'll just i have the temperature turned down to almost medium at this point so i'll just keep an eye on this and listen for it that's kind of your best bet listening and you want that even stone at least with this type of pressure hannah and then you just wait it out our pressure cooker has been gently rocking now for the last 75 minutes and so it's time now all we need to do is take it off from the heat source gently and then you just have to let it sit and let the pressure release on its own we do not do a quick release pressure so in case you didn't know that we would take that off and it would steam up but we'd let the pressure drop of its own and we'll know it's done my little that little button will go down the rocker will stop we just let everything sit now until everything is calm and then we can open it up and see what we have all right so the pressure button just but went down so now we can take off the rocker i always like to do this real quick just to make sure if there was any pressure that it would release i take that off there's no steam coming out so it is depressurized inside so it is now safe to open so i will crack it open still gonna be very warm so be careful with that i'm gonna grab my jar puller i come in and i just gently lift them out and now the fun part is especially if you have kids they like to listen for the pops of the jar sometimes they'll pop right away other times they take a little longer they may have already popped inside here too so you may not hear them but if you hear we're listening for three little pops and when you hear them you know that they are sealed completely and we can let it go all right so we have taken the jars out of the pressure canner we are just now waiting for them to pop i call it that's when it's sealed and sometimes it takes an hour you just have to be patient and wait i would give it an hour and then once they're cooled down you can test it by just gently pressing the center right now leave them be though because they're still maybe they're still sealing if they haven't already popped i have not heard a pop yet but you can test it later when these are cool just gently push down in the center if it's firm they've sealed if there's some give then they have not sealed and you go do supper with that one because it's ready to go so this is just one more way that you can go from field to table
Channel: The Seasoned Butcher
Views: 38,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canning deer meat, canning venison, easy meals canning, field to table, how to can deer, how to can deer meat, how to make canned venison, how to pressure cook meat, how to pressure cook venison, how to store meat for years, hunters canned venison, pressure canning, seasonings for canned venison, seasonings for canning meat, simple meals canning, the seasoned butcher, uses for canned meat, what to put in canned venison, how to can meat, how do i can meat
Id: 1RmFU5kAahg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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