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welcome to the gritty podcast I am your host Brian call and I am joined by my brother the gritty Broman Brent how are you today I am well well fed well fed I'm stuffed yeah we just ate bear tacos about an hour ago or so we had Casey and Jordan come in two innocent bystanders to my boot store for them no idea explosion what did Jordan say and we probably shouldn't say I will let Jordan say let Jordan saying but basically folks we just finished eating bear tacos this podcast is about bear meat we you know after we finished our bear hunting films and I say finish we got three episodes out there's one more we're working on to cap the series but if you've been following along Ryan lamb purrs myself and Jeff Lusk we went on a backcountry bear hunt got five bears between the three of us all that footage is on YouTube you can watch those films those videos and we got a lot of questions on well what do you do when you get home with your bear meat like what what did you what do you do with your bear meat well some people were surprised you took that me people assumed you were out there just getting a pelt or something yeah and so here's the deal we on today's video we take the meat from the game bags in the freezer to chopping it cutting it cubing it getting it ready for the canning process we walk you through we walk you through canning the actual bear meat and then we walk you through us eating it at the end of the show here at the office and so it's a great episode and I think you know there people just have a misconception about bear meat and a lot of people don't think of canning meat it's so easy it's ridiculous hey who cans and let alone and admittedly as I say in this podcast Suzanne always does the canning I do the prep and everything then I hand the meat over her and so I've actually never done it myself was it she's she's been canning for years it's like but no it wasn't hard it was about one of the easiest thing on my Oh so here I am thinking you're doing something special you think that because it's so tasty well the thing is is there's certain meats I think that lend themselves well to to canning and bear meat is is one of those meats because it just it's like a it's like a perfect pot roast and the the flavor the meat the fatty tissues just kind of being in that pressure cooker they just flake away and it just melts in your mouth the flavor the smells like all of its delicious and I think that was an eye-opener for Casey and Jordan for sure and now Casey's like how are you dude I need some jars of this I'm gonna take it home and basically his wife is gonna totally support his bear hunting addiction think that don't give up that that dumb turkey hunt for some spring bears Turkey's good too but can you can turkey it won't pay tastes like this bear does so I think this podcast can can really help people that that are on the fence about bear hunting maybe understand why some of us do it and also start seeing the value because in some states you can completely leave the meat yep and where we were you don't have to bring the meat out you don't have to by law you are not required to bring the bear meat out there just that overrun and the thing is the bear meat is some of the best-tasting meat and the the most enjoyable part of the of this whole experience and so it's a shame to leave such a high quality meat behind and you know again it goes back to knowledge and understanding and how to process it and how to leverage it and so in this podcast it's highly visual I'd recommend that people watch it but you can just listen to it it's doable and we try we try to make it very audible friendly but man the visuals are good if you just go and watch it it's pretty short you can get a quick view of what it is that you the canning process visually and so check that out and there's more ways to eat meat than just by canning it so the other thing that we do on this video at the very end is we take some bear fat as Bennett Brent was trimming the meat off the bone and getting it ready for the canning process pulled a bunch of bear fat off and we put that in a little saucepan just like we did in the hunting film on the mountain in the Jetboil what we did at a home in the saucepan we we heated up the fat and and extracted the oil rendered the oil out of it and we ended up with about an inch or two in the saucepan of fry oil basically that much fat no very little fat and then what we did was dropped like 1 inch cubed bear meat into there and deep-fried it and it's in bear fat to oblivion and back folks it was on there for like 25 minutes it a lot just just to make sure it's safe right and then pulled it out and you watch we sprinkle some Johnnie's on it and munched it right there and it's that's another delicious way to eat it it's kind of interesting if you've if you've never eaten bear meat or tasted bear fat for example it's and it has a nice I guess has a nice smell and a nice flavor to it if you added maple to it I swear it would be like bacon-wrapped beef this guy I did I don't know what it's got some kind of bacon when you eat it you think bacon but it does not taste like white like bacon yeah but bacon is the closest thing if you have like uncured unflavored bacon yes it's a lot like that so then when you add some seasoning some salt some Johnnie's some other stuff to it and like I said that's why I said if you add a little smoke flavoring or bacon flavoring it would taste just like bacon that mean a lot like bacon but it's it's a that's another great way to eat it and really fun if you have friends and family over they'll be shocked it's it's it's it's pretty solid man so so that's at the end of this video in addition to those in a couple of days on June 27th that's on Thursday we have our mountainous movie night held in Portland Oregon my hometown there near my hometown or in City right there in Portland June 27th we have the mountain awesome movie night come join us we have a few tickets left go to Mountain ops calm forward-slash events and you can get tickets there hope to see you there we're giving away tons of free stuff tons of cool stuff from from partners the movies are cool we're showing my film untamed which I produced with and edited with Keith here from Mountain ops it's a great film we showed it at the Western honey Expo to rave reviews and I think people are gonna I'm excited to show it because it's a it's a great film and then another film I have in the in the movie night it was produced by Lua polled and it's the Kodiak deer hunt idea with Cole Kramer and the folks at leupold and it's a super cool adventure and there's a couple other films there's one with Jason Phelps called September calls and that's with angry mountain productions an elk film it's really great film and then there's one with Chad Mendes called discipline so it's gonna be fun night use the code gritty at checkout to get a discount on your tickets it's mountain ops dot-com forward slash events so hope to see you there in Portland also another cool thing that we got going on is the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation is putting on the mountain festival in conjunction with the total archery challenge in Park City here in Utah so that's July 11th through the 14th and it's it's gonna be awesome it's Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday June 11th through the 14th and the it the mountain festival is free and open to the public and basically there I'll read it here from the website the mountain festival vendors you'll have Randy Newberg and Cory Jacobson they're doing live podcasts that are they're going to do live Q&A where they do answer questions on elk hunting you're gonna have John Dudley there doing some Trager stuff and doing some live podcasting there with Trager I'll be there I'm doing a live podcast with Shane Mahoney a couple other guests on other days so we've got that going there's music and entertainment again it's free if you didn't get tickets to the total archery challenge you can still do this part of the event bring your bow and you can do all the practice shoots down low you just don't have it the lift ticket is that are that are going to be at the at the mountain festival again it's put on by the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation tons of cool elk stuff and you can try out the latest high-quality hunting and outdoor gear learn more about out calling and prove your wild game cooking skills again live podcast country music and entertainment and more so it's gonna be a fun fun four days elk camp basically it's it's July 11th through the 14th so come check that out it's gonna be fun to learn more about it just go to the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation look up the mountain festival or just google it army F Mountain Festival and you'll find everything you need to know about it so very cool hope to see you there so that's it hope to see you at the movie night hope to see you at the mountain festival and for those that can't make it follow the YouTube channel sign up for a newsletter look for our latest bear footage in the upcoming New Zealand footage we're gonna start dropping that next week and so stoked about that as always we appreciate you we thank you leave us some reviews leave us your comments we love that stuff helps us and as always stay gritty friends alright welcome to the gritty podcast I am your host Brian Cole and I'm joined by my brother the gritty Broman for those that are listening you might want to tune in to the video version of this podcast because there's going to be some visuals for you you don't have to but you might want to go to our YouTube channel we've had a lot of people write in and ask us what we did with our bear meat or how we cook it prepare it use it so we have a cooler full of bear meat over here that is pretty fresh we're gonna debone it chop it up get it ready for the canning process and we're gonna we're in a video and podcast about the canning we're gonna walk you through it for those who are unfamiliar with it so you can just see it it's gonna be quick little short little videos showing you how we do it simple a lot of guys may know this already this podcast isn't for you there's a lot of people out there that are new to this that don't know and just want to see how it's done so we're just gonna walk you through the process of canning some bear meat step 1 step 2 step 3 step 4 kind of stuff trim the fat get it all off get it off the bone chop it into cubes and get it all cleaned up so you just have clean meat with very little fat we also have mule deer from Montana and a twos deer for my Arizona that we're going to process we're gonna probably do burger with one of them the other one we might just cut up into steaks and and then do burger out of the scraps so we'll walk you through that as well again a lot of guys already know this but there's a lot of dudes out there writing in saying you know I'm not sure how to do this stuff once I get get this meat home that's it's still fretting careful with bear meat i got'em it too i just like a video that's true you know i just like to watch okay got it i see it and so hopefully this is useful to you starting out we have our our yeti 65 cooler filled with bear meat it's pretty frozen still so we're gonna start with the deer we've had it sitting out a couple of days but that bear meat was frozen solid hasn't actually thought out yet what we're gonna do is we're going to cut the meat off the bone then we're gonna trim all the fat and the gristle and all the junk off of the meat this is for the bear and for the deer we're handling it pretty much the same way after we've cut away all the gristle all the sinew all the fat we're gonna have just plain old meat chunks and we're going to take those and cube them into by like one inch or one and a half inch by one inch one and a half inch cubes and we're going to drop those into gallon ziplock bags and freeze those for later processing which is going to be canning so well today is just a straight up cutting butchering day when it comes to bear meat especially you want to get all the fat in the gristle and send you all that stuff off the meat because bear fat well it can go rancid very easily and it then taints the flavor of the meat spoils it tastes bad so you want to get as much of that off as possible now it's not as critical if you're gonna can and you're in a candidate fairly quickly once it's cooked it doesn't go rancid it's stable for years uncooked bear fat is nasty it'll go rancid within a few weeks to a month or two so even if it's in the freezer so we want to get that all off as much as possible we can leave a little bit on there if we're gonna can it in the next week or so because you can only been about a month since we shot the bears and deer meat similar deer the fat on deer is minimal to begin with but it's like it's tallow it's a different kind of fat it's not really a tasty fat it's not a good flavor it's kind of chalky it's like wax waxy it's not a flavorful fat so trim that off as well so but we will be keeping the bones from all the animals and we'll be making a bunch of bear bone marrow with that and we'll walk you through how we do that bone marrow soup bone marrow broth bone broth and and that's really good so for now we're just gonna start chopping up some of this meat and you can see you find the fashion lines in the meat in each muscle group and you kind of trim it away and you fold up you pull it out in different chunks it doesn't matter so much if you're gonna grind it anyway or if you're in a cube it and can it it's a lot easier to keep the muscle groups intact find the fashion lines separate it cut it off the bone and then start pulling away like I said all the sinews and the fats and you know the excess touch tissue so we'll show you how that's done Brent has finished butchering that entire hind quarter as you can see from the video if you were watching he took the meat off the bone followed the muscle groups on the the fashion layers to kind of cut between those peeled it off the bone have the bone set aside for bone marrow and he chopped it into cubes and you removed all this scrap to see the fats and the towel and stuff from that kind of meet put it in cubes put it into a stainless steel bowl over here we're gonna put it into gallons it locks for processing in a day or two where we're gonna probably grind up that deer meat and make burger and then maybe some sausages summer sausage or something like that as well there were out of the hindquarter there were some great roasts and steak sized pieces the meat has aged quite a while and it's pretty dang tender and easy to chew and tasty I'll probably eat them as steaks most likely and I like thick steaks when I'm dealing with gamey like deer and health I like 3/4 inch I hate it when you get 1/2 inch or quarter inch steaks from the butcher they just pre-cut them like that and just like what the heck were you thinking so I'm like 3/4 inch inch and a half like I like big steak I like to just kind of sear it in a hot pan on each side for a minute or two or less I like it to be rare like for long rare cooked on each side and it's like a two minutes three minutes steak so that's how I like to pan fry it butter and seasoning one thing though is I like to keep it in rows size chunks as I put your first of all it's less rap it's less it's just less cutting I'll make my roast size chunk so if I do want to make it roast out of it or something I can I'm gonna go to have steaks I'll go ahead and pull that whole roast out you can see these chunks I have here I'll pull that roast out and then I'll cut my steaks at that time if I choose to make steaks if I don't I'll just cook it as a roast that's how I like to do it we could vacuum seal a lot of this but most likely I'm gonna eat it before it's been in the freezer for very long so a lot of this I'll probably just throw it to a freezer bag keep it simple so we're getting ready to put this stuff in the freezer bags and then move on to the next part of that process interesting but in the meantime we have another a couple of quarters from some Jews dear we got a cut-up it's such an odd colored meat it almost looks like pork I thought it was pork white never had a dr i've taken that is so pale and different color like pink and yellow with white bash all over it a scrappy you'll see it on the video for those that are watching it doesn't it looks like pork it's kind of strange anyway hope you enjoyed that we're gonna move on to the next phase all right folks brent has spent the last couple of days chopping and cutting and deboning meat now he has all the bear meat cubed up in in gallon ziplock bags and we're gonna kin that meat today and one of the reasons we're gonna can the bear meat is because there's some risk associated with eating undercooked bear meat most of it does have trichinosis which is a nasty parasite that can cause severe discomfort to humans and even death so eventually death the ticking time so Brent knows this because Brent experienced trichinosis like a champ because foolishly and childishly he ate undercooked bear meat I overcame trichinosis and our broken health care system so you know what whatever that's a story for another time folks but but but brent has undergone the the trichinosis experience shall we say and and the cure the cure which was like goat and sheep dewormer from the local pet store until he could import some human grade dewormer from canada actually well i ordered from canada but it shipped from india in some blister packs in a manila envelope holder and saved Brent's life but it probably took him a year of my kidneys were shopper here if I drank anything but water for the first six months IPA was a mess Adelaide so folks you want to cook your bear meat which I told Brent that when he left the house but sometimes he just has to learn things the hard way so so here we are we have the bear meat we're gonna can it and the canning process brings the temperature up so high that it destroys all trichinosis all signs of parasites and so on makes the meat utterly and entirely safe to consume and tender and tender and tasty it's kind of like like cooking it in a pressure cooker or rather a insta pot or crock pot for a day or two and a stew and then you pull it out and it just falls apart that's how it is due to the canning process so it's an excellent way to preserve and consume bear meat and bear meat is just delicious earlier today I rendered the bear fat from the trimmings got it up on the stove filled a pan full of basically rendered turns it looks like a pan full of bacon grease that's like an inch or two deep and then I dropped all these cubes of bear meat in there just like we did on our on our hunting film cooked it up pulled it out threw it on a paper towel sprinkled it with some Johnnie's and some garlic seasoning garlic salt and it tasted absolutely delicious we cooked it into oblivion and it still is tender and after you see exhaust fairs you can cook it up Achievers out of it and it's still going to be tender don't worry yeah so bear meat is perfect for canning in that regard it just it stays tender after it's been thoroughly cooked so the first step you want to wash all your jars we have pint jars here we have ten of them and you want to check once you've washed them and sterilized them you also want your hands sterilized kind of everything the lids the Rings here we want everything sterilized then you want to make sure that your jars don't have any Nick's or broken spots in the jar this is an example of a bad jar it's got a little nick right here in the top that'll affect the seal and then your your your jar won't actually fully can it won't seal shot and then um it'll still cook it but it'll be something you need to eat right away like within like a week yeah so don't use any jars with Nick's step two is take your lids these are the lids with the rubber gaskets and we have a pot of boiling hot water I just threw the boil the water in this glass container into the microwave and I boiled the water got it super hot and now I'm gonna soften the rubber gaskets so you put these into the container my hands have been washed they're extremely sterile soften those gaskets get them going here's our canner it's just on the on the stove here we've got three inches of hot water in the canner and it's just been heating up and and we brought it to a little bit of a boil and now it's just kind of waiting for the next step and there's a lot of ways to do this it's up to you we are gonna add garlic to every jar so we have some minced garlic here we're gonna add 1/2 teaspoon you can add a clove we would add a clove or fresh clove earlier but all of our cloves are sprouting so we're not going to do that today we're gonna use the minced I like the minced as well adding a little garlic too to every jar this is just 1/2 teaspoon right here of minced garlic there's a lot of people a lot of people don't add any garlic I love garlic so we're putting it in there you can add different seasonings something a lot of people just add salt which what we're gonna do here in a minute it's really up to personal taste some people put jalapenos in there that's disgusting but again personal all right next step we're gonna take this bear meat from the gallon ziplocs here we're just gonna fill each jar basically up to the top leaving about an inch of space I love that garlic smell mm-hmm keeps all the vampires away - I mean it's got all these purposes and all those kids with their unrefined palates it's that why you use jalapeno Brent that's why Cayenne goes on every piece of my food you fill this jar up some of these chunks are a little large folks because Brent got a little lazy on the cubing at least it's done Mimi can't complain about free is that a bear hair come on bro I didn't bring the bit I didn't bring the hair back with me you don't want the bear hair in there some of this I feel could have been processed a little more cleanly again this is the same guy who got himself trichinosis where would you rank bear meat Anthony just killed one my buddy Anthony he and his daughter he came home and and they took a ham a whole quarter on the bone and and he cooked it like you would a pork and he said it was absolutely to die for like some of the best meat that they've had in a long long time I know for ryan'll amperes they're in the same boat bear meat is among among their favorite favorite game meat for myself I have to say the same um it's probably I think among the best tasting meat the differ the thing with bear is it can be very it can vary greatly so like for example a bear that eats a lot of fish a lot of rotten salmon let's say a fish bear they might call it a bear for example from Prince of Wales Island we've I've taken many from there it's good but it has a tendency especially if you don't process it very quickly and even then the bear meat is just fishy smelling and fishy tasting not ideal though the Bears that we are killing inland the wilderness wild you know country bears those bears are they're eating more plant matter than protein and meat they're not eating as much carrion and rotten flesh as maybe a coastal bear does they usually don't reach the same sizes either but I would say that bear meat in general is some of the most tender and delicious meat there is I mean it's probably the most beef like game meat there is bear meat tends to taste like whatever the bear has been eating recently in that regard most almond awards are the same so if a bear is eating a lot of dying and rotting salmon they tend to have a salmon ish smell and flavor so I remember Steve Rinella was talking about how he shot a bear that had walked right out of a blueberry patch and he said they rendered down that bear fat and they were spreading on their toast like butter tastes like blueberries blueberry butter that's crazy so the truth is I never do this my wife does it every time like don't don't think as you're watching this this is something I do normally Suzanne does all of this and she just explained to me over here in the living room that I need to make sure and tell you that this should be that this is a canning we're canning this meat any kind of any kind of meat especially needs to be in a canner pressure canner it can't be in a water bath and apparently what that is is these jars are going to go inside the canner over here and there's only two to three inches of water in there and what that's going to do is it's going to steam and build up pressure inside the canner and cook cook the meat where some other foods like Jam and other things can just I guess boil in the pressure cooker so basically we're using a pressure cooker to do this and it's important that you you use a pressure cooker so these this pressure cooker is going to bring the temperature up extremely high you bolt the lid on basically and we'll walk you through that process a lot of people are intimidated by using a pressure cooker I kind of think of it as a power tool something that's explosive fun to use but done wrong you know could blow up it's kind of exciting right I can build a house with a nail gun or can shoot you in the foot okay now there's a lot of cutting I'm doing right now but if Brent had done it right the first time I wouldn't have to do all this sure of course he did do like for animals in two days so it's it's easy to you know get impatient now that we've got these jars filled with me I'm adding a teaspoon of salt so one teaspoon of salt goes on the top leaving an inch of space at the top of each jar so you put the garlic at the bottom and the salt on the top is there any reason for that because my wife told me to do it that way hmmm - smart man right there there's a reason yes apparently the reason is so that you can see the salt visually that way you don't put it at the bottom and then go did I add the salt and then add it on the top and then just crush it with salt on accident I might like it like that though yeah you and I we were in the salt we like our song alright I'm gonna wipe the rims of the jars just in case they got a little bit of meat on them or whatever when I added different things we want the the lids to be clean the rims to be clean wiping wiping wiping and then I'm gonna add the lids and the Rings I'm not gonna screw it on super tight just screw it on until it stops now I've got this fancy magnetic dealio so I won't be touching the actual lids with my hands keeps it nice and clean the seals are soft because once again they've been sitting here in this hot water so the rubber gaskets are nice and soft there you can tell there's people who have done this a lot and then there's me usually I got Suzanne doing this she's awesome she cans all the time is this the first time I've actually done this myself simple cup progress folks who took a few years it only took a podcast that I had I wanted Susan to be the podcast person she's much more qualified to do this but you know getting your wife to come on camera and not as easy as it sounds adding when it's adding lids I talked the wife into joining me because it's starting to get really complex in here alright so we have the pot it's boiling and the next step is we're gonna drop these jars in yep and you actually don't need that just yet you can just put them in with your hand the first couple okay till your wire gets too high jar jar alright I got 10 jars into the pressure cooker now you just need this okay so folks she tells me earlier that you got to make sure that this little pressure valve where the steam comes out of the lid that it's not clogged that way no one gets injured hold it to the light if you can see through it that's a good indicator you can blow through it shirts if you're like Brent you can bring it up to your eyeball and poke yourself in the eye like you did this morning okay there's a little V right here that you match up to this V but you can't do it right at the first you kind of have to point it this way until it you can fill it basically folks that are listening there the lid drops on this go this way and start and twist this really matter you just gonna have to feel it now you twist it it's kind of like a phone scope adapter yeah now that we have the lid on we verified that the steam valve is free of any blockage we are waiting for the steam to come out the valve once the steam starts coming out the valve at a steady pret rate maybe for five minutes we're gonna throw this rattler on top or petcock it's like a weighted plug put that on top of the steam vent and then we're gonna watch the gauge creep up all the way to 14 we want it to stay at 14 for probably eight to ten minutes before we start our timer it's probably gonna creep past 14 it's gonna drop below 14 it's gonna go back and forth on the pressure there for a little while and while we dial in the heat but once we get it so it's holding right around 14 then we can set our timer for 75 minutes and 75 minutes is how long we need to pressure-cook the jars for a pint sized jar after 75 minutes it's done you turn the heat off and you can take this off with a pad the petcock and it lets all the steam come out but you pretty much never remove this lid until this is a zero until the gauge says zero that's specifically just four pints if if you're want to make a family-size it's quart size it's a ninety minute time frame okay we've been running this thing at the 14 to 15 pounds of pressure inside the pot here for about 75 minutes and we are now going to turn the heat off and slide her off of the burner let her naturally cool for a little bit and then we'll this steam valve off let the temperature come all the way back down to zero and then we will resume well folks we have run this for the 75 minutes the pressure gauges worked its way down to zero almost we just kind of move the petcock the Rattler valve off to the side just let the steam escape we're almost down to zero on the pressure gauge and we'll pull the jars out in just a minute the pressure gauge is dropped and now what we're gonna do is we're gonna let the sacrificial brother take the lid off Here I am please fill this will you what why my check with your brother I'm clearly the chosen one it's not zero for a while wife says it's okay Brent just can do it clockwise or counter we don't know let's see what happens I and I it goes the other way nothing whoo piece of cake that was hot it's okay use a hot pad you ding-dong I'm what you call a man here here maybe you should take the camera back before you break something don't worry folks I'm a bust all this all right we got the jars here got Suzanne's little jar grabber I think Oh a jar lifter come on Brian Houston yeah jar grabbers not technical enough jar lifter is it supposed to be boiling huh I knew that it's supposed to be boiling like that that's not that's gnarly oh and they're popping yeah get all that garlic you can see that lid just getting ready to pop and see it like mmm it's kind of got a bubble on it oh you hear those pops yeah honey you're gonna have a good time doing all these other like 30 batches we've got I love you you're the best remember when I spent two days cutting meat yeah we've got it all cut up into squares which is usually my job this part right here this usually Suzanne's territory she made some delicious jam the other day out of like strawberries from the front porch there we have it jars will seal that little popping sound is each jar sealing and then we have some delicious can bear meat we'll share with you how good it tastes and what it's like okay so this is just a bunch of bear fat from the basically the rump the hindquarters and when brent was doing the the cleaning and stuff he just pulled this bear fat off what we're gonna do is we're gonna drop it into a a saucepan and it already has some bear fat that from what we rendered earlier you're gonna see as we put this in a saucepan all the liquid oil is gonna come out of this fat here it's gonna turn into like oil and what's gonna be left or is just kind of a rind a little like fat chunk Ryne that's hard sort of like burnt bacon and then you're gonna see like bacon grease coating the pan so the fat is rendered out here's a little leftover nugget I could go a little longer but that's kind of what you end up with when you're done a little hard chunk of a fat and the rest of it turns into just like fry oil so here we have a ton of bear meat I'm just gonna drop that in here and we're gonna cook it like cook it and cook it and cook it some more just dropping it here and this deep fry okay this doesn't have to be too hot temperature-wise cuz that'll oil just gets heated up and stays hot so I like small chunks of bear meat because then you know it's cooked through and through there's no question about a big soft center that didn't get enough heat and I can't tell you how delicious this is just something about fried bear nuggets in fried in in in bear grease it's just delicious it does make the house smell a little like something different like fish ish or like fry it smells like fry oil mm-hmm it reminds me of chicken not gets a little bit of a tang to it all I know is when you strain it and you sprinkle some Johnnies on it and it tastes like heaven it's really good it's really good it's nice exotic flavor so we have rendered all the bear fat and we cooked these little bear nuggets in the pot there fried them up and we're about to eat them or I'm eating them now thumbs up so go thumbs down excuse me folks that's tender a lot more tender thoughts good people we cook that thing for like 20 25 minutes mm-hmm I wouldn't know this wasn't there like if you just fed this to someone and have no idea it's just a steak bit well garlicky it's good it's pretty well cooked you know you don't have to cook it that long I just like to make sure that stays tender why not stay on the safe side Phelps all right we're in the gritty studio and we're gonna have some bear tacos now hey basically guys I got Casey and Jordan here and brother Brent for lunch and this is canned bear meat I try to keep it kind of just the way it comes out of the can so there's no seasonings adding no taco seasoning seasonings added nothing it's just salt a little bit of onions garlic that's it Carla and salt so we got four kids shells so we got the fixin's Rock time for you to partake and then tell me what you think of canned bear meat so this is like like can he cook or not like is like on The Cooking Channel like this is where are we the fish are we the judges i Shalini is like child yeah this is the end of chopped I have a feeling Brian's about a good child me too bring it boys they only did salt and garlic right come on dude get original eating these clothes is Minster I'm gonna gentlemen prepare to blow your mind that Massey I trust all of you that you guys wash your hands in in touch your private parts so sure my hands if you guys are good I'm fine with that do you trust me I'm not a germaphobe I wouldn't trust me years it'll be interesting to see what vegetables these two children put on their food what we gotta get some more protein when it's chopped it's all about presentation and it's all about how you project yeah that looks super lame nice and cheesy and then you know they're scallions stupid yes millions are stupid is that what this is this the one you in laparoscopy yeah this is that backcountry bear do-it-yourself three bears in like 45 minutes in a taco with salad guac cheese sour cream there's no way that's bear like that's straight-up pot roast it smells like pot roast is like oh my god now unveil you want iron that's not berries oh it's absolutely good what did you do you can watch this podcast and you'll find out oh my god bear me is yeah and it was soup I know what it took two minutes I opened the can dumped it in the saucepan along it up are you sure why does everybody say bear tastes like garbage this tastes like cuisine I was amazed that garbage people are just more so scared are they yeah because like your bear sausages you did well that's what most guys will do like me I basically turn all of it in a sausage I don't know of anybody else it's candy I've never I oughta have a have a bunch of it to Canada after this any butter for sure actually that's the can no I feel bad that I didn't go on any bear hug they surely do this with a turkey no you can't do this so then your white bear meat - why canning is so great it heats it up to such an insane temperature for such a long period of time it's eliminated all risk all risk and so you can just eat it but it also there's some meats that just lend themselves to candy this is definitely honest with you I think you need to sell the podcast get off youtube abandon your instafamous life or whatever they call it and started a bear taco truck it's called bear essential tacos or very good tacos or stop m'kay there and Dad off the berry best or the berry best I'm good on a roll right now you might even be able to to go bare naked tacos yeah it's something else man if it's all that fat in the bear meat and the connective tissue hmm we just sort of melt apart like a pot roast does and there's nothing too easy you haven't even shredded that really about just Dutchess talking okay Malik am cubed it sit cubed it no that's it cubed it man or I'm definitely pretty shocked right now I think we should start our own company I know this is like the pot roast it's the perfect pot row it is it's like when you think of the perfect pot roast it with a nail on the head do the flavor you can't tell that it's not Eve well it's got more flavor than beef though that's the thing I mean for lack of a better analogy oriented but it's like an orgasm in your mouth hmm flavor I'm glad I held up because I almost left because I was so freaking either why we were only like an hour and a half behind will he said we'd be here cool I wasn't there like you are bringing their daughter man brand new you gonna just film all day I don't know just get stuff but uh join us rat goodbye folks
Channel: Gritty Gear & Podcast
Views: 13,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bear hunting, spring bear hunting, black bear hunting, archery bear hunt, spring black bear hunts, color phase black bear, hunting for a bear
Id: G7wOnXulq4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 26sec (2666 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
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