How To Campaign - Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts

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hello brother Monroe here welcome back to Ultimate animal dreadnoughts and this is a how-to video so this is more intended towards players who are new to ultimately not maybe you picked it up um with the new 109 live version or perhaps you've been watching my videos but you decided to pick up the game or perhaps I'm talking to someone in the future who's just picked up the game and you're playing on a more recent version but everything I'm talking about today should be helpful I hope uh for anyone no matter what uh stage the games development is at and maybe even if you're an experienced player you'll pick up something anyway so this video is all about how to uh how to campaign how to effectively launch your campaign how to deal with a strategic map and to get the most out of out of the game so first of course if you are starting a brand new campaign what do you pick well uh the first choice is country and if you are brand new to the game um if you go for someone like Britain you will have an enormous budget gigantically huge budget and you might think that's great but you also have an enormous Global Empire to maintain so once you get into Wars you're gonna have to be juggling a lot so for beginners I would actually recommend going with either the austro-hungarian empire or the Empire of Japan both of these have a very similar uh setup in that they have a relatively small concentrated Empire that has fairly limited um kind of things that you have to worry about so if you're playing as Austria hungry you can only access the Adriatic and the Mediterranean easily so you don't really have to oh I'm at war with China you don't really have to care about that it's not going to be a problem for you unless the Chinese sail all the way around to Austria to come and come and fight you um and if you're playing as Austria there are a lot of things that you can take uh there are a lot of provinces you can take in peace deals in the Mediterranean that are very useful to you and you can expand your Empire out and as you expand then you know you should hopefully be more familiar with the game and you're able to deal with it and Japan is very very similar that's my dog um very very similar in the uh you start off with very few kind of strategic reasons to worry about you've only got a single Province you've got plenty of ports but you do have more freedom than the Austrian um start so those are the two Nations I kind of recommend if you're a beginner player next you have your start year a hundred percent do not start the game in 1890 if you are new to the game this is I would argue the hardest start date because you will start with ships that are complete garbage no technology and therefore no real way to differentiate your ships from the AI ships and you're going to find this a struggle ships in 1890 can't go very far they're just generally rubbish um and difficult to design around and the game is Just much much harder um you can I would argue play anything from 1910 onwards but my recommendation if you're new to the game is to start the game in 1930. this is because you will have access to Modern battleships you will have access to Modern heavy cruises and modern light Cruisers modern Destroyer designs and a variety of battle cruiser Hulls so basically you do have all the tools that you could want and it's a great way to kind of learn learn the game because you you've got lots of tech options um you've got a lot of design options that let you get an advantage over the AI and you don't have anything that's it you know if you start in say 1910 and you build lots of Cruisers those Cruisers are going to be completely useless as technology progresses but in 1930 pretty much anything you build is still going to be useful all the way through your game so 1930 perfect start for beginners difficulty fairly obviously stays keep it on normal uh what the other difficulties do is they basically give the AI even more money um so they will float about with gigantic fleets um which can be fun if you if you want to have stupidly huge uh kill lists at the end or giant tonnage um sunk by your ships but for a beginner just keep it on normal keep the AI opponents on historical it doesn't really matter if you turn it on to random all that really does is bake the names a little bit funny because you'll have for instance a British Admiral who has a Chinese name and things like that and it will also change how the AI kind of approaches ship design so um you might see Germany with unical style Cruiser heavy forces and things like that so but keep it on historical it's it's easier to deal with and lastly you have auto-generated or create own these are your these are your two options for a beginner player if you want to go in Auto generated that's absolutely fine uh you will however find it slightly harder than if you learn how to create your own Fleet I will be doing a series of videos on how to create ships of each class for the 19378 but that's those are going to be in a separate video keep an eye out for those there is however a third way of creating uh creating Fleet and this is one that I would recommend for new place so if you go on create own and I'm going to go for an austro-hungarian Empire start for this and load up the campaign and then I'll show you what to do next and I'll be back when that's done okay welcome welcome back so this is what you see if you load in a new campaign and you have selected to create now I understand that building ships can potentially be intimidating for new players there's a lot to learn um I'll try and help you out with that but this is a nice little method you can use if you want a little bit more control than just the creatively option um but you don't want to get into the full-on ship building so what you do is you load up all your hulls and um we've got two choices for battleships here we could go from a nice Dreadnought or a modern Battleship now I quite like the idea of going for a modern Battleship and all I need to do is press Auto design and the game will uh generate a ship but what is better about this method than just doing that on the the game start is you can see here there are a couple of problems for Bishops right off the bat the first one is that the engine efficiency here is red so whatever they're doing whatever the AI has done this does not have good engine efficiency now that could be down to a few things it could be down to the fact that it's going very very fast and uh one thing that was added was if you hover over the hulls it tells you the maximum optimal speed of this Hull which unfortunately I can't go up to because the tooltip will move but it's just under the displacement beam and draft and it says it's 32 knots so let's reduce our speed to 32 knots that saves us a fair bit of money it doesn't change your engine efficiency too much but it kind of gets a little bit closer the other thing we could do is we could look at the type of engines that you're using so they're using an induced draft boiler so why don't we whack that up to balanced and there we go we're getting a little bit better engine efficiency they're also using oil 2 which is the best we have access to and they're using a gear turbine 2 which is the best we have access to as well so here it would be well maybe we just need a bigger funnel so what funnel are they using using the funnel station large which is probably the no it's not the biggest we could use an extra large so let's get rid of that and put on an extra large instead and it's still not great but we we have improved the situation a little bit um what kind of guns they're using 19.3 inch guns now that is probably far too big they also look very goofy so again you could go well I don't want these I'm going to take these guns off but I'm going to keep the layout so I'm going to get 16 inch Mark III dual barrel guns instead and I'm going to put those on and then you then you can kind of start looking and you can see well these eight and a half inch guns they're the only ones on the ship these triples they've got a pair of jewels up here um but these triples are kind of in the way of this turret so what we could do is instead of having two joules up here we can move the triples up there and if you can copy guns with the middle Mouse button by the way if you if you didn't know how to do that so that has saved us a huge amount of displacement as well so already this ship is looking better and we could maybe you know up the range a bit which is looking a bit a bit weedy uh you could also go through and go oh I've only got anti torpedo one I'd like anti torpedo4 uh anything else I don't like well I'm not a big fan of cordite but okay but I definitely don't like the pic of acid change it to TNT and things like that you can just go through and you can look for things that you don't like like this armor scheme which is Dreadful but I don't want to get too much into the ships but you can kind of see how you can you can go through and if you really hate the design if you absolutely love it you can just get the Little Brush button up here and then hit the like bulb Auto design button again and you can let the ship the AI rebuild a new ship on the hull and see if you like that one more and you can save each design as you go you can this is worse you can save multiple designs as you go uh by hitting the save design button then you can pick from the ones that you actually like that one is actually genuinely rubbish try again and you can kind of fiddle around with it and yeah the ability to select the hole you want is super super useful and it doesn't take too long for the AI to generate ships you can actually kind of see how it's working in the background as it's picking things um and this allows you to build uh your ship really that's better off for the first one right I'm just going to get rid of this gun um and this one and this one and this and this and this because that's all terrible uh that's gonna stand about that and I'm just gonna get the bug standard 16 inch triple guns I'm just gonna whack on a ship like that there we go perfect perfectly reasonable ship which probably has some crippling flaws but I I don't mind about them too much so that's gonna get released as well so once you have your uh you know you you can have your battleship design and then you can move on to the next one uh and we actually have two battle cruiser holes available maybe you want a true battle cruiser uh on one Hull and a cruiser killer on the other well you can do that with this method um as well we'll just see what the AI comes up with um that one actually oh no so you got rid of the design I liked computer uh Dairy me watching the AI build is actually kind of fun and I don't do it enough yeah that is disgusting get rid of that stupid stupid nonsense what kind of guns are those 13.3 that's a bit weedy but there we go um and what is with this funnel Arrangement anyway it'll do for the purposes of this video uh so we can have a battle cruiser we can have a cruiser uh which the two holes is better let's go for the mini mark one again we just hit Auto design and the computer will build it for us and again you can you can go through and you can you can fiddle with all these designs and you can you can kind of use them as a base you don't have to go through and what the hell is that um you don't have to go through and do any editing at all if you don't want to but uh you might want to because uh good Lord the AI is uh pretty special uh now it is using the best armor um oh it is underweight now so we'll just save that and we want a light Cruiser as well so just build one of those for me please and then we'll build a destroyer and then that that'll be us so what the hell is that oh that's okay fine and that is a truly Dreadful ship and we're also going to build the modern destroy standard this is where being able to choose your Hull is quite useful because when the game is at game start it'll just pick one of these for you um but we want the modern destroy standard that's a really nice Hull um just press go on it and it should build something reasonable there we go okay it's not reasonable but it's okay for our purposes one thing to check when you're doing uh destroyers though especially with 109 this is a ASW Destroyer it only has depth charges you definitely definitely definitely want minesweepers on your destroyers you like you can have dedicated ships for it but for goodness sake have mine hunter abilities you might probably want some mine layers as well but they're pretty heavy on this hole uh four weight offset blah blah blah blah just get rid of those Torpedoes um to say wait and then I'm just going to save the design so what you want to look at next so you this is all been about setting up your campaign so you and how you would go about that the next thing that you kind of need to be aware of when you're doing a campaign is your Fleet composition so how many ships do you want and there is a good guide for that if you go to the politics screen which can take a while to load up so just be patient you can actually see now in 109 the the size and composition of your Rivals fleets now the AI will have different approaches depending on its personalities for instance the French here have loads of small ships and only three capital ships battleships and battle Cruisers whereas the British here have a pretty they have quite a lot of capital ships and not as many small ones so there are differences in how you approach it but a good kind of rough rule of thumb is to look here at your starting naval front so we have 1.8 billion dollars to start off with now if we look at our designs our battleship is 261 million now if we spent all of our money on battleships we would get six so that is a good number to look at so if you could build six of these and it would cost your entire budget half it and build that many so let's build three of these battleships are really really important they I will give you your power projection that's how you avoid getting blockaded you need battleships you you must have big chunky ships so we've spent 800 million or so on those now battle Cruisers this very much depends how you've built them this one I would say is a kind of intermediate Battleship with six 13-inch guns it'll do us a good job of hunting down uh enemy Cruisers Pop might help out in big battles but probably not as much so we don't really need a lot of these um if you have true battle Cruisers with Battleship grade weapons you can use them as a cheaper way of getting battleships in so you could build some of these to get some more battleships in and if you have Cruiser killer battle Cruisers then you could potentially have quite a few of them because they'll be effective at clearing out enemy light ships so we probably want a couple of these at least I tend to go with half as many battle cruises as I have battleships so let's we'll be one and a half but let's build two uh because they can kind of sub in for a battleship in terms of power projection role then we have our heavy Cruisers these are really really good for in general clearing away enemy uh enemy light ships and you'll notice we're now down to 700 million uh now we only have three battleships you kind of want um twice as many heavy cruises as you have battleships ideally um you don't have to but uh it depends again again it depends very much how you've how you set them up but just a rough rule of thumb so you'd want six of these then I'm going to skip the light Cruiser and come back to it then you want destroys you need lots and lots of destroys you need at least one for every port you have but we're also hungry so we only have three and you need them as escorts as well so if you have uh three battleships like we do we would make six destroyers just for the battle chips and we would probably need one for each Port so that gives us a total of nine and yeah that is a good kind of number you need at least 10 destroyers no matter how you're setting up your Fleet provided of course you you have put the Mind Hunter kits on them um if you are building All Purpose Destroyer which has depth charges mined hunting equipment and mind laying equipment then you probably just need 10. if you're going for dual roll Destroyer so this one is a mind Hunter and anti-submarine ship I'll probably want to build 20 of these so that I had uh 20 in total rather 10 of these and 10 of a mine laying Destroyer if you go for individual specialized destroys you 130 but beyond that it's not going to be super useful you just need these ships about they're also really good at hunting convoys as well but so we're going to build 10 of these and that leaves us with 48 million which is not enough to build a light Cruiser because I didn't haven't built any of these light cruises that is because the design is genuinely gold awful however light cruises can be a useful part of your Fleet depending on how you build them and how much they cost I'm not building them for 100 million that is far too expensive uh but if this was worth about 48 million then I would probably pick up a light Cruiser or two that doesn't mean that you're stuck you can start building ships as you go and again this is something that people who are intimidated by the design um side of the game find difficult but let's say we wanted uh a mine laying destroyer and some time had passed we could come back into our designer we could go right I would just want to destroy a three I want it cheap and cheerful design a ship for me please Ai and the AI will do its best and we know we want to put the Mind laying kit on this thing so just get the AI to build something which it's taken a few iterations this time normally just completes trying lots of different variations interesting 55 percent there we go so we don't need these double torpedo launches cool there they are uh we probably don't need this gun at the back either let's take that off and it actually gave us some of this but we don't need the Mind sweeping we don't need the depth charges what we do need is an advanced mine layer and that gives us a mind laying ship and yes it is terrible uh but it doesn't matter it's just they delay mines so we could do that and then we could build some mine layers as well and that is how you know later on you can add ships to your ships to your Fleet so that is a really really handy thing if you are new to the game and you're just wanting to get playing and get started but you find the whole design side of it very very complicated right the next thing to talk about is your finances so uh I'm just going to hit start campaign you have two main places to look to control your finances the first is obviously the finance tab you can spend money on basically four things in on this screen you can increase your Shipyard size I would say that you probably don't need to increase it in the 1930 start because you'll probably start off as I have here with at least 60 000 ton shipyards you really don't need giant 80 or 100 000 ton ships there you're generally better off with more smaller more affordable ships but if you do want to increase it just hit build and you can adjust how long it takes um depending on how much money annoyingly though it does not tell you the monthly cost you can work it out by taking the total cost and dividing by the build time but it doesn't actually do that for you you have to kind of manually work out how that much is how much that's going to cost you and then you have these three sliders transport capacity crew trading and Tech budget at the start of the campaign I recommend and throughout the campaign have your transport capacity maxed out all the time unless you're in Dire Straits so what this does is this increases your transport capacity goes from 100 to 200 percent and the larger this is the better your economy will do the better your economy does the more GDP you get the more GDP your country has the more Naval budget you get and the more Naval budget you get the bigger and better more ships you can build so keep keep this maxed out it will eventually reach 200 and then the slider will reset to the middle that's absolutely fine and that will then save you a bunch of money so the quicker you can get this maxed out to 200 the better up here it tells you your monthly balance you'd want to try and keep this positive in peacetime if you can um if you go negative on your Naval funds bad things happen so you kind of need to keep your monthly balance positive as much as you can you then have the crew training level at 25 which is the default basically means that your crews are just gonna stay at whatever training level they're at um if you Max this out you will fairly rapidly train up to trained on all of your vessels and it will also help maintain any ships that have combat experience that'll help keep them at veteran crew even if they take casualties and things like that so crew training is nice to have maxed out but it is not essential to have maxed out so where this slider is probably depends where you are in the campaign at the start I would have it at 100 because your ships will start out with Cadet Cruise and connect Crews suck they are genuinely terrible um absolutely Dreadful and you do not want Cadet Cruise so try as much as you can to keep your uh Cruise well trained but once they are trained you can then reduce this for no real penalty it's just that your crew pull won't grow very quickly but you generally don't run into cruple difficulties unless you have suffered massive losses repeatedly which of course won't happen because you are a human player who knows what they're doing so the last slider here is your Tech budget this can get extremely expensive if you Max it out um you can see there the the difference it goes all the way up to 69 million that is a lot of money to be spending on your Tech research we can just about afford it so we could go for a setup like that at the start of the game um the more you plow into your Tech budget the faster you research things fairly fairly straightforward however there is not a huge penalty to dialing it back a bit particularly if you are ahead in technology so later on in the game um you know you're very Advanced you've got all the ships you want anyway all the texts you want you can you can reduce this a little bit because the other thing that is a drain on your Finance says comes from the fleet tab so all your ships and you can organize them by cost per month have a cost per month this changes depending on a few things the main one being their role which I can't change at the moment because I've only just started so they can either be on in being or C control or limited or defend depending on whether it's peacetime or wartime generally speaking once you have the option put them unlimited at peacetime okay the there are benefits to being on in being in that they will train up a little bit faster and again you can put them to see control if you if you really want to speed them up but um once you can change this to limited change it to limited once you go to wartime what I tend to do is just put everything on C control that is very expensive but in Wartime you're going to have more money so that's fine but if you're finding your wartime expenses are a little bit High then consider putting putting them on in being or defend and just to save money so this is something that you can do you can also organize by roll um by clicking on the roll button and it will show them up but the other place that you can see your Fleet design is costing you money is if we add another battleship onto our slip ways you can see here this is going to cost us 10 million a month and this is a fixed cost for 26 months that's expensive uh and you might find that that puts you negative in fact it probably will and at the start of the campaign you probably will want to be building extra ships so how do we deal with that well we could either reduce our Tech budget a little bit to keep our spending under control or if you've queued up multiple ships you can select a ship under construction and you can hit suspend and it will cost you nothing so the ship will sit there and this is particularly useful if for instance you yeah it's not gonna let me if I act you up another one so if I wanted to build two more battleships I could suspend one of them so the these are the exact same design I don't have to worry about that I know I'm building two but I'm gonna have one of them building now and the other one I can start building later when my economy improves and you can kind of manage your your finances and your budget a little bit in that way uh however it is worth talking about the very expensive technology so the technology system in dreadnoughts is a little bit different from most games it kind of has a tech tree but not really um you have these kind of super categories and then sub categories of technology and You by default are researching all of these simultaneously so the money that you spend is going into unlocking all of these Technologies you can see these little bars here they show you how far along the tech to researching the next technology you are uh in addition there is text spread the game doesn't really tell you that there is but there is so if another major power has researched something you will be able to research it a little bit faster the other thing the game doesn't really tell you is that a lot of these texts for instance this one here have years associated with them so this is the Raider Rangefinder 3 which unlocks in 1935 in custom battles those years are kind of the custom battle year and you can't really see it unless you are currently researching it um it doesn't really show you on the ones you've researched but this one is a 1937 Tech this one is a 1930 Tech so the closer that year is to your own current in-game year the faster it will go unless it's behind in which case it'll go very quickly so if you have a tech that you haven't picked up say might actually be one 1930 sometimes you can find usually you have to play the game a bit longer for these to show up but you can have something that's like in the 1920s when you're in the 1930s and that will research very very quickly compared to text that is similar to your year or ahead of the year which will go more slowly now you can throw down up to three free priorities but they're not really free so for instance this Cruiser Design Tech that is coming up this gives me access to 21 000 ton like Cruisers I'd say I really wanted that I can press this little button and it will reduce the time down to one month however if you look at the hull strengthening Tech over here it's gone from eight months to 12 months so our signing priorities makes your overall Tech progression lower so they are best used for things that you really really need so for instance if you want bigger guns okay and you know you want the mark five 20 inch guns sticker priority in big guns and leave it there however the better way to use your priorities is to look for things that you kind of need Sue so let's say you know that you want to build a new battle cruiser design and you would love it to have radar Rangefinder 3 and you have all the other texts that you want but you want that done so put on a priority you can get it in two months instead of eight so that's kind of how you should use priorities use them sparingly um because the more you use them so for instance if we go for the rangefinder and the cruiser design and we look at the hull strengthening here this has gone from eight months all the way up to 15 months and if we put on the engines as well now it's gone up to 19 months and that will be affecting all the others so be very very careful with how you assign priorities because if you're assign all three all the time you'll find that you'll have a very lopsided technology progression and all the texts are to greater or lesser extents useful but they are all useful the other thing is um you don't always know what you're researching so for instance here under control station uh we're researching something but we don't know what it is and this usually unlocks it around about 60 progress and it will then tell you how many months you have remaining and what the tech is so any text where you see there's a there's an estimate for how long it'll take to finish it will tell you what it is you are currently researching and what you're going to get but if it doesn't have the little little thing then you don't know so do be careful with that and as well you can see in here there's a list of text sometimes the text unlock kind of how you'd expect so you get the coincidence and then the stereoscopic one and the coincidence two and then the stereoscopic three and so on and so on but it is randomized so it can be that you get the you you have stereoscopic three and uh stereoscopic three and coincidence two and then you look at the tech and it goes oh wow it's actually researching stereoscopic 4. so it is there is a little bit of Randomness in what Tech is actually being developed um for instance if you're going down the big guns as well like say you wanted the Mark II 17 inch next you don't know what this is this could be Mark 2 17 or 18. but it could also be Mark 5 11 inch guns you you have no way of of knowing what this is um until it completes so sometimes you will get technologies that you don't want and that's just that's just the way of it it's just one the kind of quirky things about about the dreadnoughts tech system so be careful with your priorities um and yeah be aware there is text spread and there is Randomness in this system uh it doesn't it's not a straightforward just a tree and you it's predictable what you're going to get next last but by no means least is to kind of explain how dreadnoughts currently handles the politics screen the first thing to remember with dealing with politics peace war and all that sort of thing is that you are not um the I think the Paradox term is the spirit of the nation you you do not control everything about the country you're playing you only control the Navy you are the head of the Navy that is your job and you have a lot of power and influence which is kind of how the events work but you are not in charge so when you look see here Austria-Hungary why are we at -75 relations with the British and the French well simply put your people don't like the British or the French or your government doesn't um you can't you you can't really influence this very much how much other nations like or dislike you um because that is not really something the head of the Navy can control much you can't control it a little bit you can go around uh in the events kind of annoying other nations and things like that um and you can try and manipulate these values but overall these values will just do what they do so don't worry too much about what this is doing you will end up in a war eventually and then focus on fighting the war leave leave all this to the politicians that's that's their problem the other thing is this is very confusing so there's no war at the moment but it is hard to tell who is at war with who and who's allied with who and I wish the devs would clean it up but this is the best place to see it so if it says minus 100 that is nearly always meaning that a country is at war with another country so say China had minus 100 relations with Japan they are at War generally speaking and if it's plus 100 then you are Allied so if we got this up to plus 100 then we would be Allied and that is because when you reach minus a hundred or plus a hundred it generates an event to either go to war in minus 100 or sign an alliance at plus 100 and if you don't agree to that it causes a drop in relations so for instance I think the refusing an alliance is like minus 50 or something like that so if you if you are watching this carefully each turn and you see this bar go up to like a plus 99 and then the next turn is down to 50. what has happened is you know Germany has refused an alliance with austro-hungary that's basically what what has happened and after a war relations reset to zero so you might see it goes suddenly goes from minus 100 to zero and that is due to a piece being signed but the game doesn't really tell you that there is a box that appears up here in the top uh in the top left and there's a bunch of information down here but for that I will have to load up my Japanese campaign that I'm currently playing and I'll be back with you for that in a moment welcome back so this is the box I was talking about this is a this is a relic of I think it was 105. uh where the only nations were Britain France Germany austro-hungary and Italy and it was hard locked into a war like you started at War and it was Britain France and Italy versus Germany and Austria-Hungary so World War One European powers and this made perfect sense for that it was really handy actually because you could see the fleet compositions and the victory points and things like that however it is no longer particularly useful thing because this only shows you one war going on at a time and that is not so if you look at this you'd think oh I'm fighting France and Italy and they have 109 000 victory points and I have 190. this is not what is going on if you look so just ignore this this is just this is just garbage just just don't don't pay any attention to this what you need to pay attention to is down here just below your balance and Naval funds this lists all the wars you are currently in and with whom so I'm currently war with Britain France the United States Italy and Spain and it shows me the victory Point tally I have in each so obviously I'm these ones where there's zero victory points this is generally because um we haven't actually fought each other yet in battle and I'm just ticking Up victory points I'm still actually not 100 sure why that happens but I'm pretty sure it's if you are the one starting the war or it's the other country and they all declared war on me or pushed me into the clearing War because of their aggression so I took up victory points anyway because they're the ones who started it like come fight me prove your point and France has some victory points because they damaged and sunk some destroyers so this is what you need to be looking at and if you look at the politics screen on this Save which is looking a little bit different um you can see here that we are at war with Britain France United States Italy and Spain and we are allied with nobody so why don't why all these countries don't appear on in the the garbage box is that you can see here on the French screen they have a hundred with Italy so they're allied with Italy but they're not allied with Britain they're not allied with the United States and they're definitely not allied with Spain which is why they are not showing up in here and the reason these victory points are all over the place is because I this is a war that is continued on and changed who is fighting in it so at some point I will have they will have been fighting someone else and then I joined and then that other person has has left and that other nation has left so do be aware of that um and how you can how you can kind of uh get around that so that is pretty much all I wanted to talk about in terms of how to campaign I will do a brief summary so the first thing is when you set up the game don't go for the 1890 start if you're new to the game it's so brutally difficult um if you find designing ships tricky or you just haven't learned how to do it yet you can use that generation trick that I showed you you can go into the designer and ask the AI to build your ship Fleet composition have a focus on getting enough battleships and then you want a similar or slightly more in terms of Cruisers you can see here I have six battleships and three battle Crews there's nine Capital ships and I have uh this is active but it's it's fine and then I have uh eight Cruisers so I have similar numbers of each I should really have more Cruisers which is why I'm building some uh and then you want a good number of Destroyers roughly 10 and you can see I I will have ten eventually because I'm building some and roughly that's how you go about it I'm doing a fairly heavy capital ship built on this particular campaign in terms of finances control your sliders so here are the sliders I have at the moment you can see I'm not fully spending on my tick budget that is because I am building things and you can see that here I'm also repairing ships so I'm building I actually have one or two ships suspended as well oh yeah I've got this one shinano is currently suspended because these cost me 11 million a month to build these Yamato's so they're very expensive and remember to control your ship's roles obviously I'm at War which is why I've got them on C control but I could swap them to in being or defend if I wanted to save a bit of money uh keep an eye on your Tech design don't spend all of your priorities and in fact you can see here I have not but any priorities on at the moment because I have been rushing to try and get uh the tech I needed for the Yamato's and now I don't need to rush it I think so I've just turned it off by the way if you see this it's gonna blank looking thing this is a technology that has completed you can still if these complete with a priority this this can still be lit up it's not obvious so do do make sure that you take the priority off for it just make all your tickets go slower and lastly diplomacy just refer to your politics screen and to this section of the info window on the on the on the right here which is scrollable by the way it's not immediately obvious but there is a scroll bar right here that allows you to scroll it and just ignore this thing up here anyway I hope that's been useful if you have any questions please drop them in the comments below I will be doing a guide on how to build ships of each type Battleship battle Cruisers heavy Cruisers light cruises and destroyers in a separate series of videos so if you're wanting to learn more about ship design then that's what I'll be going to but in the meantime I do have the beginner's guide video to building ships and I have the how to balance ships video as well which you can check out and if you want to get started on the shipbuilding but if you do have questions just ask them in the comments below or join my Discord uh there's a link to that in the video description and you will find lots of very very helpful people myself included who will be more than happy to try and teach you the ropes anyway thank you for watching and I'll hopefully see you again soon for some more ultimate Admiral dreadnoughts bye for now
Channel: BrotherMunro
Views: 33,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brother, Munro, Let's, Play, how to, guide, walkthrough, beginner, new
Id: DBQqes0nsVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 8sec (2888 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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