Battleship Guide - Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts Tutorial

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hey guys stealth here today you're talking about the ultimate Admiral driftnold's battleships this is going to be a series of five videos on five different types of ships and how they relate to the other ships you see normally you have sort of this diagram generally this is how the ships relate to each other the battleship is going to be able to take down the battle cruiser the battleship generally will also take down the Heavy Cruiser the problem is with light Cruisers and destroyers you won't be able to catch them because they're going to be too fast now battle Cruisers are generally really good against heavy Cruisers and light Cruisers heavy Cruisers do well against light Crews and destroyers but what battleships for example don't do very well is fight destroyers because they're too small they're too Nimble and with the right torpedo Armament they can stay at range so how do you build out a battleship in Ultimate World dreadnoughts here are some ideas with this it is very important to note that it's going to depend quite seriously on what era you have what sort of Battleship you're going to build your battleship in 1890 for example this is the United States that I'm setting as the standard Nation it's going to have a displacement of 11 000 tons that's the maximum that this Battleship can displace in minimum at maximum 16 000. so fairly big ship compared to for example the torpedo boats which later develops into the Destroyer these things only displace 200 to 500 tons so in 1890 you're looking at a ship that's called a battleship displacing 16 000 tons if we push this all the way to 1940 you're going to be looking at Super battleships and if I push this up to its full size you're looking at 109 000 tons that's without displacing beam and draft you're going to be looking at 132 513 tons by comparison a battle a cruiser in sorry a Heavy Cruiser in this era is looking at about 12 700 tons um if you want to go really big 21 000 tons so a Heavy Cruiser in this era is already bigger than a bottle ship this means that the battleship in 1890 is going to be oops it's going to be vastly different than the one that you're looking at in eight in 1940. so um a battleship in 1890. I'd say build these out mostly to deal with other battleships the problem with the 1890 is that your Tech is so bad you generally won't hit anything you won't hit anything small either so trying to put a lot of relatively smaller guns on it to try and deal with fast small ships generally not your best idea because you won't hit them in time a destroyer or in this era a torpedo boat will still be able to get its Torpedoes away you simply don't want that so especially in 1890 the battleship doesn't really fulfill the role of tank I would say it more fulfills the role of dealing with other battleships so with that in mind try and put some fairly big guns on them as you're doing that keep an eye on what sort of Mark you get so you can see over here I got X2 12 inch 38 12 inch being the caliber of the gun the size of the gun if you will 38 being the length of the barrels the longer the barrels are the more accurate your weapons are going to be but you're also looking at a downside there because your rate of fire will drop Mark 1 indicates how advanced this is let's say what iteration of the weapon this is in 1890 you'll not have any options in 1940 you're going to have all sorts of Mark 1 Mark II Mark III and generally you'll have eventually developed mark 5. so with these you can develop really high-end weapons and the Mark V generally is a far cry from The Mark 1 it's vastly better now this goes for destroyers heavy Cruisers battleships what have you anyway in 1890 I would build these things out to deal mostly with smaller ships sorry with the battleships that means something like an 11 inch or a 12 inch you're going to have to use double barrels because otherwise you're barely getting any Firepower at all speed in this era won't matter it's simply not going to be very interesting to use a lot of speed depending on what nation you start with in the campaign your range will matter because currently we're looking at 3 300 kilometers if you put on an air intake provided that it fits you're going to be able to boost that bloody hell look at that we're getting to 4 800 and if you're able to update your engines eventually all the way to diesel 2 or gas turbines you're going to get a lot of range out of these ships for now early game I just say keep it at standard don't put too much into it because it's going to ramp up your displacement quite quickly as for primary and secondary Towers everything in this era that boosts your base accuracy is very very welcome so a cage Mask 3 very welcome to have long range accuracy if you can get any great but I'm generally quite skeptical about how much accuracy you're actually going to get out of these ships I generally try and pick the best masts even if they're heavier because they're not heavier by that much and they generally get a bunch more accuracy now keep in mind the item on the left is not generally the best because if you look at the stats of the medium cage Master one I get one and a half percent or one and a half points of Base accuracy here I get six so rear Tower five is when it comes to accuracy better but it also weighs more 312 tons versus 138 so this is a fairly sizable difference and this is going to mean that your accuracy is coming at a greater cost we look at the main Towers we got the front Tower three with five base accuracy or two base accuracy for the cage math so here too you can make the case Okay front tower has a better base accuracy but less long range accuracy it's 1890 I won't hit anything anyway I'm gonna go for the front Tower because I want more bass accuracy now at this point we don't have a lot of options to boost the quality of our armor this for example is going to give you more armor strength but it also makes the armor a lot heavier so in this situation I would probably stick to the standard armor plate and when it comes to a barbette you basically only have one option stick with that don't try and upgrade anything of the others just make sure you have an underwater protected deck to protect the ship because a battleship is a sizable investment and you want to keep this thing alive in the campaign you won't have access to the sliders of cadets or cramped but in this situation I would generally go for a higher crew as possible if you have that slider in custom battles and at least set the crew to standard quarters the reason for having standard quarters is because this way you'll have a bit of let's say spare crew and if you have cramped quarters you're gonna have the exact number of crew that you need to do every task on the ship the problem is your ship will get hit your ship will take damage and ships taking damage to lose sailors as you lose Sailors your stats will drop your accuracy is going to go down your aims time is going to go down your reload time is going to go up and your damage control is going to go down so your ability to extinguish fires module repair it's going to take a hit if you have standard quarters or even spacious then this is not as much of a problem but with spacious you are sacrificing more of your displacements for more quarters of the crew and also campaign wise if you're looking at your crew pool and it's not looking that good like you don't have tens of thousands of sailors sitting around I would generally go for standard quarters this is generally good enough now for this 1890 ship I want to go for a standard AP shell because I simply don't have anything else researched the options that you will be getting eventually go from semi armor piercing which gives you less pen but less chance to get a ricochet now let's say you're looking at a ship like this the hole is a bit angled and because of that if a shell comes in and the armor is good enough the shell is going to bounce off semi-armor piercing Works in a way that doesn't do that as much so you're less likely to really ding off the ship and not do any kind of damage but the damage that you do or the the Shell pen that you have is less so especially against Cruisers this works really well um especially against battleships capitalistic tends to work really well because you get a lot more Shell pen but your Ricochet angle also increases so the chance that you're just going to bounce off is really quite High that's why I tend to steer away from the capitalistic too I like to go capped or standard if I know that this ship is going to be facing a lot of Cruisers I'll go semi as for the rest heavy shells and light shells give you the option of reloading faster and doing less damage but you're gaining some accuracy heavy shells is the opposite way and this is going to give you more shell damage when you're firing high explosive shells more chance to set fires and it's going to give you more Shell pen but your reload will go up so this trade-off I would say try and get heavy shells early game early game being 1890. when it comes to your propellant and bursting charge you don't get a lot of options yet because you're gonna have to research those when it comes to reloading always go for the better enhanced reload because this means better DPS if I have the standard reload I'm looking at 117 seconds of reloads that's almost two minutes if I get the better enhanced reload system I'm looking at 106 seconds so per reload cycle I save 11 seconds and that means I can pump up more shells and those extra shells might actually hit and do damage so try and always get the best reloader in order to get your guns on target you're going to want to upgrade your hydraulic turret system ideally you want to get all the way to Electro Hydro 3 because it means your turrets reverse so how quickly a turret will turn is going to go up a lot it is going to go up to 50 there are some downsides it is going to make the ship's guns heavier it's going to make the engine heavier because you're basically using the engine to turn the turrets as well and you're going to have a greater chance of shift flaws which is a whole different chapter and I won't get into that right now now when I'm facing an enemy Battleship at this range and I'm talking 1890 I'm thinking I won't hit them really Beyond five kilometers let's have a look at what a five kilometer range gun can do if I'm looking at AP pen I'm looking at the second category at 5000 meters that's 25.4 inches of armor that is under ideal circumstances that's how much one of those shells can do with the current propellant the current shell charge so if I can defend against something like 24 22 inches of armor that's enough because the shell won't do that much damage then and I'll be able to angle the ship because that increases the thickness of the armor now with the current armor type that I've selected which is iron plate armor I'm looking at an armor quality of minus 22 percent so I won't actually get 11 inch I'll get 11 inch minus 22 percent of that so don't look at this and go oh this is fine always keep your armor quality in mind now when I change this to compound armor my ship's going to be too heavy but I get a 38 armor quality bonus so in this case I would get 11 inch plus 38 so that's about 15 inches of armor that's a lot better but the ship's too heavy what can you do under these situations um not much you can try reducing the range of the ship but you won't exactly get that done you're going to need to research better engines especially if you're starting in this era you're going to need to do that quickly because your engines are going to really depend or you're really going to set the tone for how much horsepower per ton you use so basically a bigger more powerful engine generates a lot more power for the same tonnage which means your engine cannot weigh as much it doesn't need to weigh as much anyway uh well no I do want to set it up I'm going to go back to where I played armor iron plate armor is just what you're going to start with and as for armor I always try to have some superstructure armor the superstructure is the towers it's the towers the funnel and the secondary Tower if these things get hit and penned they could start taking damage especially if your front Tower gets destroyed you're gonna be taking a hit to your accuracy so always try and have at least some armor on the superstructure and it is generally a bit harder to do because this ramps up pretty quick a superstructure armor of 2 inch minus 22 percent mind you will at least protect you from some Destroyers as for secondary guns um I'm gonna be using this Battleship to fight other battleships I might need it to fight the occasional Heavy Cruiser battle Cruisers aren't a thing in 1890 those hulls simply don't exist yet they haven't been invented so when it comes to secondary guns I can go for a bunch of six inch guns to also make this thing viable against Destroyers of course as I'm doing this I'm running into my weight issue again so keep this in mind when you're building out the ship now there is one more thing that you can do with the guns and this is going to depend on your tech level this is to change the diameter of the guns as well as the length now the diameter is going to mean that with this you can go all the way up to plus 0.9 so I can make these guns essentially just shy of 13-inch guns which will once again put their reload quite high at 128 seconds so it will push them over that two minute limit that we had and it also going to mean that you do more damage and you have more pen so have a look at the 5000 meter range I can now pan 28.5 inches if I put this back to zero I'm looking at 25 inches so you're sacrificing reload in order to deal damage generally considering the level of armor that you're gonna have at this era this age I don't think you need this much now when it comes to barrel length this means that you're going to have a longer Barrel currently I don't have the tech yet to do anything with this but a longer Barrel means that you're going to have more pen your shell is going to travel faster and your reload is going to be longer but your accuracy will be better so your chance to hit something will be better but the amount of shells that you throw at a Target will be less this is going to be a trade-off that's entirely up to you you can go both ways with this you can go with uh increasing it ideally if you have the right Tech or it can go with decreasing it all the way up to 20 negative this is going to make these guns reload in a mere 62 seconds but your accuracy and Pen are really bad your pen just went from 25 to 17 inches at 5000 meter range so this is not a great weapon at current I don't I wouldn't use these I generally never take off barrel length unless I'm building a really specialized chip but this Battleship wouldn't be that now this is the battleship as I would generally build it in 1890. let's skip a couple of errors and let's have a look at how a battleship in 1920 would look because you're going to be looking at different threats you might now be facing battle Cruisers you might be facing heavy Cruisers destroyers what have you you have a lot of options I'm gonna go for the biggest hole which is the Dreadnought 4 for the us and this thing can go all the way up to 62 000 tons which equates to about five times the battleship weight that we had a moment ago and that was the minimum hole size of 11 000 for the US in 1890. now this hole and this era gives you a lot more options because your accuracy is going to be a lot better your speed is going to be potentially better and your foes are going to be more numerous you might be facing battleships let's say the enemy has a lot of battleships let's build a ship for that you can see that when you hover over this hole it says the optimal speed is 24.5 knots if you go over that then you're gonna start to pay increasingly higher amounts of money as well as weight in order to get more speed it is not worth it generally so I'm going to set this to 24 knots this is going to give me the ability to still decide more or less when and where I fight and disengage if I so desire range again we're going to be using that later this is something I didn't actually mention previous but bulkheads always set these to maximum the battleship is a pricey ship and bulkheads reduce the chance of flooding it does increase your ship's cost it decreases your tonnage but keeping your ship alive I generally prefer much over having the ship eventually go down because of flooding and look at what I'm saving if I'm gonna go for let's say minimum bulkheads which is basically asking to get sunk you're looking at 29 000 tons and 54 million you're going for maximum you're paying 14 million more and you're paying quite a lot of displacement more you're going from 29 to 30 well let's say 32 33 but this is going to keep your ship alive if I would have to rebuild a ship like this it's gonna cost me 54 million at least and that's without any superstructure and guns um saving this one and repairing it is generally going to be cheaper all right once it comes to beam and draft I didn't cover these before either because in 1890 it's really not that beneficial to do anything about them demon draft affects these ship's maneuverability the beam makes the ship wider it just means that the ship is going to be either really sleek or really wide now what you do with this slider depends on how well the ship is going to behave as a firing platform a ship with a low beam is going to be more wobbly sideways so it doesn't have a lot of displacement it doesn't have a lot of width and because of that it's going to be rolling over the side that's going to make the ship less stable as a firing platform and because of that you have less accuracy the opposite side you might argue is the best well not necessarily because a high beam does make you more stable it does also have an increased displacement and if you look at what the cost does we're going from 68 million to 80 million because you suddenly have a lot more ship you're also a bigger Target in the case of a battleship you might not mind because you might be able to armor it up but all of this width all of this weight is going to have to get moved through the water and that's the final part of the tooltip it's going to require substantially more horsepower to achieve a reasonable speed so the amount of displacement relative to what you're going to be using when you have either zero beam or less is going to be a lot more because a sleeker ship like this less water resistance more likely to sail through the water nicely and quickly now this is going to be ideally the first part where you go okay what sort of Battleship am I going to use what sort of foes am I going to face because that is always question one what's the foe what's the target what's the objective in the case where you're facing enemy battleships I would say make yourself a stable firing platform make yourself a nice wide Battleship and fight the enemy battleships at range if you however are facing a lot of Cruisers well you could argue a battleship isn't the right platform to go after them in the first place but let's say that you have to I'll probably go for a sleeker ship this is going to allow me to get up to higher speeds without sacrificing too much of my engine power and I don't need guns to be as big because while I can put guns of 16 inch on this ship if I'm facing a cruiser I don't want a Reload of 226 seconds that's almost four minutes I want a shorter reload and relatively smaller guns so something like an 11 inch gun and you can see that this is the Mark III it's going to have a Reload of at least 72 seconds which means that this thing cranks out three times the shells or three times the salvos relative to the 16 incher you're facing battleships go for something larger if you're facing Cruisers even battle Cruisers potentially go for something smaller this is going to impact the beam drafts is the height of the hull now this is going to mean am I a big Target or not and this also affects the stability and resistance against the ships or against hits you can also see what these stats do over here on the far right over here with ship details the bottom column says what the draft does and it's a lot A lot changes when you start moving these dials so let's say I put this to zero my draft doesn't get any benefits or debuffs currently if I switch this all the way to top you're going to be seeing that I get a higher speed at maximum turn rate my Rudder is going to shift faster I have 35 percent more operational range which is really nice but when I'm maneuvering so when I'm turning the ship I'm going to be sacrificing 20 accuracy my accuracy penalty is far greater my accuracy penalty from standard waves is worse and my base accuracy is worse now why is that imagine that the taller the ship is going to get and it's still rolling side to side if you have a fairly low platform like this it doesn't roll very much it's going to roll a little bit to that side and a little bit to that side if you have a really tall Target like this it's going to roll a lot to one side and there are a lot to the other side and that means that your base accuracy is going to suffer does that mean lower draft is always better well no because at this point if you're just cruising around you're gonna have an accuracy bonus and whereas my operational range at higher draft was better right now it's not so much better I'm sacrificing operational range because I cannot stash enough fuel onto this ship so that's what those two sliders do now let's configure this thing in two different options first is going to be an anti-battleship weapon the second is going to be an anti-cruiser weapon I'm gonna go for the best Towers which are the tall Advanced Tower that's a 5th 31.5 base accuracy you also have this one this is 25 this is more 45 Long accuracy sorry no this is one this one's better generally the heaviest Towers I prefer I'm gonna put these fairly close together but these towers do not come with a slot for funnel so keep a little bit of room to put a funnel system let's go with a fairly tall funnel and it's going to give me only 30 engine efficiency but we can still tweak that I'm gonna go for the best oil I'm gonna go for the best engines which in this case I think are steam turbines gear steam turbines these ones are very interesting to use but bloody expensive these things give you a 4 000 engine cost modifier per weight these things nine thousand so look at what happens to the price we're now paying 19 million with turbines paying 98 million with geared turbines if I go to electrics turboelectrics I'm paying 183 million so that's suddenly a double relative to what you actually paid before why are those things so expensive well they allow you more fuel efficiency so you can get farther with the same type of fuel they also allow you to start and stop faster your acceleration is 200 percent higher which isn't necessarily something you want on a battleship but on a destroyer that might be very useful because it's going to allow you to use your speed to your advantage it's going to allow you to zigzag it's going to allow you to throw the ship into a turn you get options let's go for gear turbines since it's now 1920 we also have access to different types of engines auxiliary engines gives you bonuses but also some penalties the bonuses are very interesting Ship Repair engine repair and water pumping so shift repair and engine repair make sure that the ship gets underway again faster especially if your engines are down water pumping allows you to deal with flooding more efficiently the downside is that your engine cost is going up your engine cost is going up by 25 and the higher tier of engine you get the worse this becomes so we're going from 25 engine cost per weight to 50 to 200. but this does mean that I got a 40 bonus to Ship Repair 50 bonus to engine repair and 30 bonus to water pumping and whereas with these with aux one you get a bit better rather shift so how fast your Ritter changes a bit better turret reverse with this you get substantially faster Rudder Traverse turning rate the turret Traverse is better so how faster turrets turn but it does take up weight on the ship and that tends to not add up very much when it comes to these auxiliary engines but your cost could be a factor propeller shaft is I'd say somewhat optional I tend to go for the best chips the most advanced chips so I want the advanced propeller shaft to get better acceleration and better turning rate turning rate so I can swing the ship around if the threat materializes somewhere else and it kind of doesn't matter if I'm facing a battleship or a Heavy Cruiser or a destroyer I want the ship to be able to turn very quickly now this one is interesting how is your Rudder placed do you want a balanced Rudder that gives you a faster speed while you're turning but the whole turn itself takes longer let me show you what the stats do the Turning speed is less because with this you get less or more sustained speed while turning so I'm looking at less turning speed loss because as your ship is turning direction as it's changing direction you're going to be taking on a bit more water resistance so your turning rate drops oh sorry your speed drops in the turn if you go for a semi-balanced Rudder that turning speed drops even more so I'm losing more speed but my turning circle is smaller my turning rate is higher I do not turn um or I do not keep enough speed or as much speed but I do turn faster and the last one is unbalanced which goes all the way on the other direction you have the potential to lose a lot of speed in a turn but your turn circle is quite low so you can turn the ship very quickly and your turning rate is really good now if you have a smaller ship and you have a lot of money then in this situation the turboelectric drive would be really nice to have because you might be losing a lot of speed in the turn but your 200 acceleration bonus is going to mean that it doesn't matter that much very very quickly you'll be right up to speed again in this case however it's going to be really expensive and I generally like to try and keep my battleship as safe as possible without making it excessively expensive so I prefer an unbalanced rudder I'll take the hit to my ability to maintain speed and I'll slow by turning but that's generally good because if I'm turning I'm generally dodging Torpedoes which means that slowing down is another factor that will throw off the torpedo solution finally how quickly does your rotor turn that's impacted by a steam steering gear or all the way up to electric hydraulic steering gear 2. I tend to go for the best one again because I want to get the best ruler shift to try and push my turning Circle and down as low as possible but again you're losing turning speed because of this upgrade protection try to get the best even if it's most expensive I like to keep my ships safe and the difference from group 2 to group 4 in this case is going to mean that my armor weight is less but my armor strength gets a nice bonus so in this case we get a 95 armor strength which means you get let's say 10 inches of Armor Plus 95 percent means you get 19.5 inches of effective armor if I go for crib 4 that goes to 120 bonus so we're now looking at 22 inches of armor you are going to be paying the price for that your expenses go from 109 million to 123 million a higher quality of armor does take more money anti-torpedo blister is now a factor that you didn't have before and it's basically bulges on the side of the ship that makes sure that a torpedo doesn't hit as hard this is going to depend how you build out your ship what's your foe what's your target what's your threat are you expecting a lot of torpedoes bring a better computer resistance because eventually you'll be able to have anti-torp 5 and your torpedo damage reduction is 60 percent so if you get hit by a torpedo that's only going to do 60 or 40 of its top amount of damage possible and that's only taking this factor into account but there are others if you're not expecting Torpedoes at all if you're just expecting to have this thing fight at range and you have an escorting group of ships around it then you don't necessarily need an anti-torpedo system although for what this costs I generally take at least one because that still means I got a 20 damage reduction in torpedo hits at a little bit of cost but not much it's going to cost me about a million when it comes to displacement it's going to cost you what 1400 no not even it's going to cost you 1100 tons and I think that's a really good price to pay for 20 damage reduction the other factors that you have over here is how many holes do you have now you're not going to get a catamaran or a trimaran but you'll have an outer hole then a secondary Hull and a tertiary hole this however makes your ship really quite heavy and that means you're gonna pay a lot more your hallway goes up your whole cost goes up your ship construction time goes up by 10 percent but this in tandem with anti-terp 3 can make you almost invulnerable to torpedoes this is going to reduce the damage that a torpedo does and it reduces the torpedo flooding chance per 30 this one reduces torpedo flooding Chance by another 30 percent I'm not sure if those are additive or multiple multiplicative so if it's 30 plus 30 percent or if they factor into each other and it's going to give you more Hull resistance but again it's going to make you also a more expensive ship bulkheads what do these do reinforced bulkheads and reinforce bulkheads and watertight doors I'm not sure why these aren't standard on a ship means that some part of the ship that gets damaged doesn't necessarily spread out to the next compartment so your ability to divide the ships into sectors and then contain a damaged part to that sector is improving especially useful in the case of firefighting and flooding so in this case I generally bring watertight doors and reinforced bulkheads so that's reinforced bulkheads too anti-flooding system the best that you can get always bring the best you want the water on the outside of the ship you don't want the water on the inside of the ship this is not even a question for me when it comes to citadels you have a couple of options we used to only have Citadel one it's now considered obsolete because we have better options you have three options here you get the advanced armored Citadel you have the turtle back armor scheme or you have Citadel 5 which is All or Nothing these three have vastly different values let me show you the resistance of the Citadel so flat out resistance is how much damage basically how much damage resistance you have so how much flat damage modifier you're going to have damage reduction modifier that is six nine percent here 15 here seven and a half here does that make this better not necessarily because this tends to also make the ship quite heavy this goes with the philosophy that you're placing layers of sloped armor behind the main belt and above the Citadel The Citadel being the part where all the Machinery sits and where the turrets stick down into the ship you're armoring up a lot of parts of the ship it's also going to impact what Citadel Armory you can set because if I go for this one I don't even have this other layer of belt whereas if I do I'm gonna get a second Inner Belt layer so your layering armor on armor on Armor just imagine a turtle wearing body armor that's basically this does that mean it's better not necessarily because it is really heavy um and it is because of that also a bit expensive you get a 22 armor strength modifier so that's also a factor to consider over here it's 130 combined with the other factors now it's 142 and now it's 138. so again the turtle back does seem like the better option but Citadel allows you to have sorry Citadel 5 which is the All or Nothing armor scheme gets you more resistance it gets you more armor strength it gets you less engine damage chance huh that's useful over here it's 20 over here it's 55 percent more importantly you're also protecting your vitals such as your magazine a lot better so your ammo detonation chance goes from 30 less to 60 percent less now keep in mind it doesn't completely negate it but it is definitely a modifier the same for Flash fires Flashfire is when a turret explodes and that can spread so let's say I have uh let's put a barbette Down let's say I have an 11 inch gun over there and over here this turret faces a flash fire so it pops off the ship and does dramatic amounts of damage your flash fire spreading chance indicates how quickly or How likely it is to spread over to the other turret so you want that chance to be as low as possible otherwise you're going to find that your ship happens to blow up and especially earlier game like 1910 1920 well not strictly 1920 but yeah it couldn't happen in 1920 um early game let's say about 1900s it is entirely likely that you're going to see ships with 10 20 30 40 flash fires because they tend to have a lot of smaller guns and especially light Cruisers are susceptible I've seen light Cruisers which had eight 910 flash fires because all their turrets popped off the deck one by one by one so if you can negate that by all means Now by placing a barbette on the ship which is basically this little part that allows you to put another turret in a higher position you're also unlocking barbette thickness and again this is going to be very important barbet 1 to barbat 4 are available barbat 5 requires higher Tech which you will unlock with time or by going to a later era barbet's thickness and anti-flash protection means that your flash fire explosion chance is less and your flash fire spreading chance is less so having a flash fire 4 or Babette 4 in tandem with All or Nothing armor scheme means that you are far less likely to have this thing blow up when it comes to the armaments we basically have the same options as before and if I would be building this thing out as I initially set out to do as an empty let's say an anti-cruiser battleship I'm going to be using a couple of 12 inch main guns now in this case you could argue why three inch Y2 inch um I would beg that it's more personal preference rather than a surely statistical one double barrel tends to be more accurate than triple barrel if you look at let's say 10 000 meter range this triple barrel gives you 5.8 accuracy the dual barrel gives you 6.8 does that matter maybe but you're throwing out three shells and here you're throwing out two so you could argue that the triple barrel makes up for it with a better volume of Fire um but your actual ability to hit the target is not necessarily that much better I would like to be able to throw out and let's say an evening number of shells and I don't mean it has to be two four six or eight I prefer dual barrel over triples unless we're talking later Tech when it comes to your shells again I'm facing a cruiser I want to use semi armor piercing because with let's say 10 000 meter range is where I might be able to hit and the canal pan is 16 inches of armor and that's quite good that's with the standard bursting charge if I want to do more Shell pen and in this case that's very welcome you can go for the tnt3 if you want to get more high explosive damage you can go for picric acid but that's a it's a different discussion on how to kill ships cordite is your propellant and this is going to impact your Shell pen now ideally the higher it goes the better it is so again flash fire chance reduction and also Shell pen increase giving me already a 10 000 meter range 16 and a half inches of pen that's quite nice I just want to make sure though that this Battleship actually uses those semi-room piercing shells and that's where this Loadout comes in so oh and I have a standard ratio when it comes to your type of he shells which is basically what you fire when you cannot damage anything else this Can Be Imagined as a scale that goes from I'm going to set a lot of fires to I'm going to do a lot of damage fires are damaged over time and by setting enough fires on the ship you will immediately well you will not immediately burn it down you might burn it down and you might be able to overwhelm the enemy damage control Parties by setting so many fires that they will not be able to put them all out and the ship will burn down that is extensive fire overwhelm and that means the ship is dead the alternative option is cpbc and this is the other side of the spectrum everything else is basically underlying or somewhere in between this is going to give you a lot more HD Shell pen so if you look at my stats now at 10 000 meter range I get 0.2 inches of armor pen if I'm facing the belt so the flat side of the ship so that's 0.2 if I go for capitalistic a 10 000 meter range that now jumps to 5.2 which means that I might be able to deliver a fairly Hefty blow with armor piercing and if that turns out to be maybe too much because the ship doesn't have that much armor you can easily pen it using he if it's a cruiser it doesn't necessarily work against the battleship it doesn't necessarily work now when it comes to these shells in this case when I'm hunting Cruisers I probably go somewhere in the middle base views this is going to allow you to kill Cruisers pretty quick it's going to allow you to almost one shot a destroyer depending on how much damage you do it'll not be as good when setting fires keep that in mind couple of additional equipments always get the best auto loaders or the best loaders and the best turret rotation systems because this is going to allow my turrets to swing around quickly and especially as I'm building a battleship that's facing Cruisers I want this thing to be able to turn quickly next up equipment I would personally go in this case for gun base accuracy Cruisers tend to be more difficult to hit and that means I want more flat out accuracy this is going to give you more long-range accuracy and if you were as I previously discussed building a ship that's more of a sniper more of a long-range fighter take the stereoscopic rangefinder and forego the torpedo protection you don't need as much in this case I want a coincidence Rangefinder because my guns aim faster note they aim faster not the turret turns faster the guns are more likely to start acquiring the target faster and figure out what their range is it's a coincidence Acoustics how good are you detecting torpedoes keep in mind you might not necessarily be the target of a torpedo but you can still get hit by that torpedo if you have a couple of Destroyers screening for your group or for your battleship in this case and you find that the the Destroyer was taking a torpedo the torpedo did not hit the destroyer and passed the Destroyer it might still have enough range to hit your battleship that's dangerous so in this case a hydrophone station could be useful again if you're sniping I would go for a lower end hydrophone station because it'd still gives you a bit of torpedo warning but not as much if you're gonna go very very close to the enemy like this thing might do because it is designed to hunt Cruisers I would go for the best Acoustics that you can get eventually you'll unlock sonar which will give you a lot more torpedo spotting this is 65 this is 175 percent video a bit contentious because Communications range is going to give your Flagship a bonus to other ships around it and the better the radio on the flagship the better the accuracy of the other ships or the bigger the circle of impact that you have it is however fairly heavy well it used to be it isn't anymore I guess they changed that rdf is basically the bonus to that and if you do not have a radar I would recommend that you get a radio direction finder because if you don't know where the enemy is you will see a sort of indicator that points towards where you're detecting radio signals from note not radar but radio signals so that's where the enemy could be when it comes to armor if I'm building a ship that's facing enemy Cruisers I won't need that much so I'd say about 12 inches should be sufficient to deal with most of what the enemy ship is going to throw at me when it comes to a four belt you will want to look at what sort of four belt you're protecting when I'm looking at the current armor scheme which is all or nothing you can see that my Citadel is the darker gray part or red I don't know I'm colorblind anyway you got this small box here that's your engineering that's where your engines are and then you got the rest of the part that's where your main belt starts and stops so the four belt is only the part in front of that towards the bow the AFT belt is the rest the same for four deck and aft deck this is the Ford sorry this is the four deck this is the AFT deck when it comes to conning Tower and superstructure again always have some especially on the conning Tower because this is going to mean can I still survive a hit or as my Corning Tower we're going to get blown off and will I lose my accuracy so I tend to over invest on armor on that four Belt doesn't need to be that much ashbel doesn't need to be that much main deck doesn't need to be that much because I'm going to be trying and facing the enemy at 10 000 meter range which is generally more likely to start seeing direct deck sorry belt hits not the deck hits so I think when I'm facing main deck I'd say seven inches is fine probably be a bit too much and then when it comes to Inner I'm not really sure I don't use these very often to fine-tune the ship I would put a bit more on Belt armor than deck and what these things basically do is when this thing gets hit at least 50 percent of the Shell's pen power is lost before hitting this so a shell hits the main belt it's gonna try and Pen 12 inches if it does that it will have lost some of its energy depend and it might be able to only pen I don't know six inches and this is going to try and stop it again if it pans that it's going to stop at the second layer if it is still going it might get caught by the third and then it hopefully stops before it hits something critical inside the ship now we still have 10 000 tons left on this ship so in this case when I'm hunting Cruisers I also want something that can kill Cruisers ideally fairly quickly an eight inch triple barrel turret or an 8-inch double barrel turret could be a very nice asset to have but keep in mind where you put these things down because in this situation if I put my secondary turrets down here this gun turret is going to have less range to maneuver it will not be able to turn all the way like there where it normally would so do take care where you put your secondary turrets when it comes to barrel length by the way in this case I would keep it at zero for the main guns because I still want to have that pretty nice reload of 50 seconds but for the secondaries I want them to give as much range as possible they currently have 12 kilometer range but by giving them longer barrels they'll also have more accuracy so right now you're seeing an accuracy of 2.6 to 2.3 percent I'm going to boost this as much as I can and at 15 percent I get four percent to 3.8 so we get more accuracy that's nice that's really nice but you are sacrificing reload which puts the reload at 25 seconds as opposed to what it was just now which was about 18 seconds but I'd gladly sacrificed about 50 to gain a bit of accuracy when it comes to your other options on this ship you also have casemates and I would basically plunk this thing full of casemates so that I have a bunch of extra Firepower you can even put them over there and over here keep in mind this one is well you'd argue it's going to get limited by this turret but apparently it doesn't seem to care but the turrets there even though they're occupying the same space on the deck so that's a bit of a bug that might be worked out further secondary Weaponry I'd say something like three inchers in case you happen to get a destroyer that comes really close because these things fire every 2.3 seconds but in this case I only have slots over there and over there that's casemates secondaries I would put three inchers and I would just throw out as many shells as I can so just use three inches on spots where you might still have room where they don't interfere with other guns so in this case this spot doesn't interfere with the the primary turret too much while still giving me some Firepower there when it comes to the stern we don't really have that luxury um so the stern is going to be slightly less protected now that means I still have 6 000 tons worth of ship what am I gonna do with all of that well that's up to you you could go with uh for example having forced engines so you get more engine efficiency and with that you get more speed or you get more range you could try and get more speed so that you're maybe more likely to catch up to a cruiser but keep in mind that as you increase speed your ship will get substantially more expensive especially after you cross a certain threshold and also you're going to be facing engine efficiency issues because now that you're going faster you need a bigger engine and that bigger engine is going to need more oxygen so more funnel capacity and because of that you're going to need more funnels so keep this in mind as a trade-off now this video is turning into a really long bit so let's move on to a new design and this one is going to be fighting battleships the previous one that I had should have been actually minimum beam to make it better at maneuvering this one is going to be the sniper build so how would I put that up I would not make it faster than 24 knots I would still give it the best oil and I'll say balanced boilers gear turbines aux 3 in this case a balanced Rudder because I want to maintain speed shaft three still pretty good steering best armor that I can buy best armor type uh not as much torpedo protection but still some triple hull resistance bulkheads Citadel 5 to reduce that flash fire chance and ammo detonation chance and let's go with a really good tower for long range Firepower secondary Tower long range Firepower I can still max out the displacement and this is going to give me a really nice firing platform I'm going to go with the tool funnel once again now if you really want to you can go and calculate how much smoke interference per ton you're getting and how much funnel capacity um I generally don't care that much about it um I might be able to do better with the ship design but whatever it works for me generally main guns I'm facing a battleship I want something that's capable of dealing with a big ship with a big threat in an efficient manner and ideally at range so let's go with a standard burbet standard superimposed barbette there and well maybe not there I don't think I need it on the stern main guns ideally I take something that's beyond mark 1. because they just reload faster their accuracy is better they tend to just do more damage over time so in this case a 14-inch gun and we're gonna go with double barrels double barrel does not fit over there but that's not necessarily bad because while you might be designing a ship for a certain threat that doesn't mean that that's the only threat that you're going to face you might still have a cruiser or the occasional Destroyer come into range so be careful and be prepared so in this case I'm going to put an 8 inch triple turret on here so that if a cruiser gets too close I will still be able to whack it over the head with a couple of eight inch shells when it comes to the secondary guns I'll probably still bring a couple of three inchers just to be able to annoy those destroyers that get too close but in this era really if a destroyer is able to make it to a range of nine kilometers or less you're probably already getting attacked by torpedoes so you're probably already going to have a bad time when it comes to casemates um I probably wouldn't bring too many when I'm fighting another Battleship or when I'm making a strict anti-battleship ship because at this point my 8-inch gun won't do too much but it does still weigh quite a bit it weighs 129 tons and I could still use that somewhere else we're gonna go for a coincidence sorry stereoscopic Rangefinder to maximize gun range and accuracy rdf and Acoustics minimum electrical turrets I've already upgraded semi Ultra loader turrets when it comes to the shells we're firing super heavy shells this is going to give me more shell damage and more Shell pen and with capped shells capped AP shells these things will do a lot of pen potentially too much they might actually do more damage than I strictly need they might do more pen when that happens you get an over pin so essentially a shell flies in one side and still has so much energy that it flies right out the other arguably that should cause flooding but generally it doesn't so an overpen means that you basically have too much Firepower on a gun and you're too strong when this happens when you find that your ship is too good at fighting other ships you can reduce the type of shell from let's say capped to maybe semi-ballistic and now a 10 000 meter range or let's say 15 000 meter range I'm able to pen a maximum of 22 inches rounded up 21.9 this could be better standard shells fifteen thousand meter range 31 inches of armor pen that'll be ideally sufficient to deal with most armors but keep in mind my ship has 12 inches of Armor Plus 138 so my main belt is really substantial it is really quite heavily armored and I have 10 000 tons to still put additional armor on this ship which if I'm facing a ship that's going to be fighting the enemy at longer ranges I will make use of that I will definitely make use of that in favor of having the ship survive let's say survive over having more Firepower on the ship superstructure three inch cunning Tower is going to go to 24 inches because I'm concerned that my accuracy will be dramatically decreased when my chronic Tower gets destroyed whereas if my previous design the one facing Cruisers is going to be facing a cruiser it's not that likely to lose its conning Tower it's possible it's not that likely because the guns are smaller when it comes to he shells these guns don't fire very quickly anyway they fire every 50 seconds but that is without the barrel length that I'm going to give them because I want to be able to reach out and touch the target now the 15-inch guns weren't very good they were mark one my 14 ninja guns are Mark III and I still want to climb up to 15 inch so I'm gonna go and say 14.9 inch guns which now puts my reload at 76 seconds but they're going to be accurate with this 15 length these guns are going to be accurate and with the amount of damage that they can do they will hit hard but going back to the he shells I do want to make sure that these things don't try and set that many fires because I don't expect them to be needed for that particular role if for some reason this ship with its 40 inches of pen that we're now at is unable to pen the target I might be able to pen it with high explosive so let's go for capitalistic and see what that does it's gonna give me seven inches of armor armor pen that is and your chance to deflect with he is far far far less so your chance that high explosive shells Ricochet off the target is almost none that means that this 3 in superstructure wouldn't protect this ship from itself it is not sufficient I can blow away the conning Tower and every other part of the superstructure with high explosive if my main shells are too good so in this situation I would probably go with capitalistic HD cells because I'm not trying to set fires but I will want to be able to just blap smaller ships because look at that pen fifteen thousand meter range seven inch pen that should be enough to wipe out a destroyer in one shot considering that by itchy damages 3281 don't stick too much to those numbers because they're inaccurate I've seen a ship get hit for 31 000 points of damage with a shell really quite similar to this so don't stick too much those numbers now something that I do need to keep an eye on is my four weight offset whenever one of these numbers turns into a different color than this you need to start paying attention but the game is telling me now is saying hey dude your ship is a bit heavier on the bow than it is on the stern and that's going to give you an issue it's going to give you less bass accuracy it's going to give you more accuracy penalty from waves so try and balance your ship out keep in mind though as I am moving the turret on the stern look at what the picture here is doing my Citadel my main armor belt are going to increase if I put the turret all the way over there then that means that that turrets magazine is going to sit all the way down there right below it and that means that the entire main belt is going to protect the ship from there all the way to there if I pull it all the way back I suddenly have a lot more displacement because I don't need to armor up this whole section of the ship so if you're looking at a four weight offset issue try and move everything back just a bit and see if that fixes the issue because generally it will generally this is going to make it far easier to balance your ship out there we go perfectly balanced no four or Stern weight offset this is how I would build a ship for anti-cruiser Warfare and this is the one that's going to do anti-battleship Warfare is this the end-all be-all of battleships no absolutely not you can still change this thing to face your exact Threat Level if you find in your campaign for example that your 14 inch 0.9 or 14.9 inch guns won't cut it upgrade to 16s just try and get a higher tier of these 16-inch guns alright this video turned into a far longer monologue than I'd expected I hope you found it useful let me know what your thoughts are down below in the comment section and if you have any questions by all mean post them down below keep in mind that the game is in Early Access and that means that your version might be different and with that version difference you might also have stat differences so always correct or always try and have a look at what I'm looking at and whether those stats are still the same for you hope you found the video useful if you did please hit like so more people can find it if you have any questions post them down below and otherwise I'll see you soon for more videos
Channel: Stealth17 Gaming
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Keywords: ultimate admiral dreadnoughts, ultimate admiral dreadnoughts gameplay, ultimate admiral dreadnoughts campagin, ultimate admiral dreadnoughts guide, ultimate admiral dreadnoughts update, ultimate admiral dreadnoughts campaign, ultimate admiral: dreadnought, ultimate admiral dreadnoughts campaign guide, ultimate admiral dreadnoughts ship building, ultimate admiral dreadnoughts us campaign, ultimate admiral dreadnoughts german campaign, ultimate admiral dreadnoughts gameplay pc
Id: UVpKnH3DJs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 17sec (3677 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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