How-To Calculate the PERFECT Z-Offset For Your Creality Ender 3 v2 - CR Touch

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what is going on everyone it's the print house and i'm getting you that buttery smooth first layer that you always wanted but first please guys give me a like a subscribe ring the bell and put some comments below because every single one of you guys you are growing me faster than i thought i was gonna grow this i mean it's fantastic um the more people that see these videos the more people i can make content for it's just exciting um so i'm not even gonna waste any time we're gonna jump right over to the printer so let's go so immediately we're gonna be working on an ender three you can do this on any printer that you have cr touch or anything uh connected to the very first thing i want you guys to do is do a bed level now i have already done this so it's unnecessary for me um now after you've got your bed level go ahead and uh go to prepare and do an auto home oops doing auto home and auto home is going to do some funny things going to move the probe a couple times and it's once it gets there and stops moving then we've reached the point where we're going to be using a standard sheet of paper as if you were doing a manual bed level so uh so it's done moving so we're gonna go back over here we're gonna go to move we're gonna move our z down to zero and once it's at zero you're going to see that it's still not touching the bed we need to do a z offset so we're going to go back and your z offset uh i know mine's the offset is negative 1.25 but uh you guys should start at point one i believe is uh my recommendation and you're going to put a piece of paper under the nozzle as if you're doing a manual level and move the paper if the paper has a little bit of resistance uh that is the that's the point of which you want to get to so if it still has no resistance go down another point one right so now i'm at point two and then move the paper and you're gonna do this until you reach a level of resistance that you would uh because of that you would feel is uh level for a manual level now like i said i know mine is uh negative 1.28 so i am going to bring mine uh down to let's see uh 1.2 [Music] and uh in this case uh i'm feeling a little bit i'm feeling quite a bit of resistance uh and i can't put this back under so i would usually stop here and then i would go back about point two so i'll go to one and once you do this you're going to go to the next step so the next step is and i'm going to be working with this printer because you want to level your bed preheated so i'm going to uh i have this test print file is going to be in the description below if you don't want to use my file you can create your own and you're going to see exactly what it is here in a minute so the the key is once your nozzle or sorry once your nozzle is giving you resistance on your paper the key is to go back point move you do not want to drag your nozzle on the bed if you do that you're gonna possibly damage your bed possibly damage your nozzle that's a bad day all around if you damage both it's a terrible day so the key is to go back point two now what we're looking for here is when you go back that much as the nozzle is moving along the bed the layer is going to look really really bad because the nozzle is too high off of the print bed so what we're going to be doing is we're going to be going into the tune setting and we're going to be tuning the z offset live as the printer is printing and we're going to be able to manually see what's happening like i said live as it's printing now you guys are not going to have a very good uh camera picture of exactly what's happening because the focus is way too difficult as the print head is moving to get a close-up shot but guys i promise once once done i am going to pull the piece off and i'm going to allow you guys to look at it and see what was happening as i was moving it so on my tune this printer conveniently is also negative 1.28 so what you have to do first is just you're going to have to get a you know use your head let it get a few layers and then put your head in some funny angles so you can see around the print head now you guys are gonna have like i said a very difficult time seeing this but i can see right now that those layers look terrible okay or sorry not layers those uh those individual strips that are being laid down look terrible they're not connecting to each other at all so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go to tune i'm gonna take my z offset and you guys should probably step this .05 until it starts to look good then step it point zero one i know what my offset is so i'm gonna step it a whole 0.1 and then you're gonna let it print for a couple a couple passes back and forth and examine what it did and so i can see that it still does not look very good um so what i'm gonna do is i'm going to come back over here and you're going to step it another 0.5 or another 0.1 or whatever step you're doing the smaller the step probably the safer it is i know what mine is so i can make a little bit bigger steps again i recommend you guys do do small steps so at negative 1.7 or 1.17 i'm noticing that these layers are becoming a little bit better but they're still not that great so i'm gonna come back here do yours the offset again get a little bit more and then just let it do a couple passes this can be a really slow process you don't have to take you know it doesn't have to be fast now doing that i can immediately notice good change so you don't want to go too far guys you do not want to drag your bed so uh this looks really good i know once again i know i'm being repetitive i know what mine is so i'm going to go a little bit lower but you guys really don't want to drag the bed so in this case i would say start going in increments of 0.1 uh but again i'm going to drop it all the way down to 0.28 1.28 and then you guys can actually see on camera now that we're getting a large enough picture you can see the vast very uh you know it's a wide array almost looks like a rainbow with one individual color the same color you can see as the strips of plastic being laid are connecting and touching uh touching even better it's very clear um and i'm gonna let this go for just a few more passes this way when it stops i can i'll give you guys a really good picture of what mine looks like and what yours should look like as well so just one more pass on this and i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna stop this and once it stops i'm gonna safely stop so i'm going to turn my printer off so i can drag the print bed closer so guys this is what i'm talking about you can see in the bottom right how bad it was just slowly lower it give yourself a little more squish basically and i mean you can see from right to left when i lowered the z offset even or when i raised it i guess i had maintenance lowered but you get the idea you can you can clearly see that um right here was when it started to look decent but it looks even better in this strip and obviously if you pull this off of the print bed you're gonna see some very drastic change now guys if you wanted to stop watching here that's great i'm gonna give you guys a little bit of insight on how to make these stl files for yourself so over here um we're going to start in cura so if you download the stl file that i've had in the description below uh you're going to uh you're going to not have sorry guys i don't know why my button board wasn't working so we're here in cura and you're going to have oh goodness was not prepared for this so load the file into cura and the very first thing we want to do is search for wall and we want to take your wall line count down to zero and then down here extra skin wall count make that zero as well then we're going to go back to our basic settings we're going to make our infill density 100 and then we're going to slice this with your normal settings what this is going to do is let me go down here this is going to remove every wall it's going to remove all the unnecessary stuff so we can jump right into the printing uh sorry one last thing guys you're going to come down here to build plate adhesion and select none because we don't want to waste our time or plastic printing a brim or printing a skirt and then so let me go ahead and pause this so as it starts in this bottom right corner it's going to look really bad because your z offset is not close enough to the bed so as you start to get a good picture of what the print looks like you're going to lower your z offset a few points like i said 0.01 0.02 and then just wait and see what happens and then you're going to lower it again 0.01 or 0.02 in case it's not close enough and then this is really going to refine your z offset and make it as good as you possibly can now you can then once you have your offset looking as good as you want you can let this print run and go fully and if you do that you should have an absolutely perfect cube and if you print the file the stl file i have below you should have a three inch by three inch cube so it shouldn't take too long or too much plastic i think uh down here you can see it's about 69 grams and three and a half hours you don't have to print the whole thing uh just in case you want to see uh what your layer adhesion looks like what your top layer looks like now so if you guys are deciding you don't want to work with the stl file that i have supplied here i've got free cat up and i'm going to show you guys how i made this file in freecad so i'm going to go and delete my pad so you're going to make a uh part go to the part design workbench and then you're going to right here create a new sketch and i chose the xy plane and uh in this case uh i've already got a sketch on here so let me open this new sketch so i just deleted the old one and we're just going to create a rectangle it does not matter where this rectangle is uh over here we're going to click the length constraint and make it 72 millimeters by 72 millimeters this is roughly three inches by three inches it's the same cube that i made make it whatever size you want uh so come over here to top left click close and then click on your sketch and then up here uh on this toolbar you've got pad a selected sketch so you're going to pad this pad it to whatever size you want once again uh click body click file and export this file and make sure you change it to a dot stl once you do that i've already got this saved so i don't need to once you do that you can then come back over here to cura and you can import your file into cura and you can do all the settings that i've listed above or previously anyway guys i hope this was fast i hope this helped you out uh please once again give me a like and subscribe ring the bell tell all your friends the more people here the more i can do the more i can show you guys i love it all i love you guys i'll see you next one
Channel: The Print House
Views: 103,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how do i calibrate z-offset, how do i calibrate z offset, how to set my z offset, creality, auto bed leveling, b l touch, how to set, offset, zoffset, z offset, z-offset, bl touch, calibration, ender 3 v 2, how to, bltouch, ender 3, 3d printing, a b l, ender3, ender3v2
Id: hyBpX5w3L3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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