Ender 3 Pro - Auto Bed Leveling Probe - CR Touch - Upgrade

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hey guys so this is the cr touch auto bed leveling probe in action now this tests different points on the bed to make sure that each of them is as level as possible so it's not just leveling it in the center of the bed or in one spot it's testing at multiple different places as you see right here now um this is one of the more important upgrades you can get for the ender 3 pro and we're going to show you how i installed this and how i set this up today so i'm going to show you how i i'm going to cut away to the part where i take this out of the box and how i uh you know screw it and bolt it on to the to the printer in just a bit now um this is actually i would recommend doing your bed upgrade first you'll you'll see you see here i have a glass bed and if you do decide to upgrade to the glass bed i'd recommend doing that first or whatever bed you do upgrade to if you upgrade your bed if you don't upgrade your bed then fine just do this one first so there there's that to consider now um i installed this on my under 3 pro and i'm pretty happy with it the prints have been coming out pretty well so far and the one of the things that's important to uh pay attention to is to get the correct firmware so getting the right firmware is important i tried a few different firmware versions that didn't work properly and that's mostly because i didn't follow the instructions that came along with the probe i i didn't follow them carefully enough and i um i thought i had a better idea of which version of the firmware to install and it didn't work out right just pay attention to the instructions and install the correct version of the firmware and it works great so i i fumbled around with that a little bit um when i was testing this out you're not going to see most of that in this video so most of the mistakes and mess up ups have been cut out now the correct version of the firmware that i eventually installed was the marlin version 1.1.2 so just make sure you follow the instructions and get that now here we are looking at the box here now i'm going to show you what comes in the box um yeah and before i forget yeah basically with firmware you basically just place it on the sd card pop the sd card into the printer and start it up and it's going to load the firmware for you now um yeah this is basically what comes in the box it comes with a little cable it comes with uh now that cable is gonna you're gonna have to run that to your uh system board comes with this bracket that can i believe be installed in different ways but um in any case we'll show you how that gets installed here now this is the cr touch probe itself so mostly plastic but the actual metal probe part on the bottom is metal and it lights up which looks kind of neat but doesn't give you any functional you know it's not functional but the it does light up and that's kind of like an added benefit if you care about that now make sure you check the links in the description if you want to know where you can pick up the cr touch probe or this actual printer if you want to pick up the ender 3 pro or if you want to pick up the glass bed just check the links in the description all links to where you can pick those up on amazon or wherever else so uh check that out and here we go these are the cables that it comes with it comes with some zip ties and some bolts and screws so the zip ties you're going to want to zip tie it to some of the cables that are already there notice there's two different ends of the cable one end goes to the cr touch and one is going to go to your system board and you notice you have your two different types of bolts here so you get your m three times eight and your your other one there now you're going to start out with this take your bracket now it actually fits on here like this notice how the how the holes actually just fit together like that now you'll notice these other two holes match up right here right right on your printer so that's where that's supposed to go now that large hole is supposed to uh make it so that you can still uh unbolt that that other component on your printer there so you can take that wheel off if you want to it doesn't get in the way but um yeah we are gonna remove that head and we're going to remove the bolts and you'll see in just a second now you're going to want to put them through the bottom here like this line them up and now we can connect it this is so and there we go we got that connected together pretty tightly not too tight but tight enough so so [Music] my so so [Music] um so we're going to start out by taking these off oh see a little bit easier with these tools check the link in the description if you want to know where you can pick these tools up but this is a screwdriver from the ifixit toolkit so that's so much easier than using the hex key that comes with the kit oh [Music] so uh uh hey [Music] all right so we're going to connect the smaller end of the cable and just pop it in there like that i actually ended up pushing on the end of it a little bit there [Music] kind of just push it into place with the screwdriver make sure it's nice and tight and snug now we can loop this over for now but we're going to want to use zip ties to tie it in place we're going to want to connect it to that other cable that's already there so just got one zip tie in there we're going to turn this guy over we're going to start removing this panel on the bottom so note the screws are of different sizes so make sure you remember which one went where [Music] now there's another screw on the other side here too and you need to take i guess both of these out let's see or at the very least that one [Music] now one other thing to be aware of is that um the z-axis probe is gonna actually be removed too at some point so while you have this while you have this open you might wanna remove that and unplug it from here otherwise you're gonna have to reopen this back up and remove it later anyways i'm pointing out here what i pointed out is uh the version of the board so it says 4.2.2 so um that means this version of the board is compatible now basically you need uh you're going to need a 32-bit board and the the 4.2.2 version does happen to be a 32-bit board and it is compatible with this probe now down here is where we're going to plug this thing in oh and just push that right in there and there we go as long as it's firmly connected nope nope no good so and we're going to connect this back in place however the one thing i'm leaving out here is unplugging the cable for the you know the z-axis probe which we won't need anymore um having adding the cr touch probe we won't need that z-switch anymore so we're gonna remove the z-switch which means not just removing the z-switch but unplugging it from the system board so really you're going to want to do that before you close this back up here i'm closing it back up before i remember to do that so i'm going to have to come back and fix it later which is not a big deal but we'll show you how to do that later on in the video so [Music] we're going to make sure to do the other side as well so yeah and uh as i mentioned before we are going to want to take out this uh this z switch so um or the z stop or the z switch whatever you want to call it we're going to want to remove this here basically this switch is uh kind of redundant and not useful and we actually don't want it there not only is it redundant but we specifically don't want to have it there because it kind of duplicates what the cr touch does for us so remove it like that just remove those two bolts and you'll see here this cable connecting to it goes down through a little hole there down um to where it connects to the system board that we were just looking at so yeah we're gonna have to open that right back up and uh and um unplug that we're going to save this thing for later we're not going to throw this out or anything yeah highly recommended to just hold on to that um i've heard of people using that for other projects and stuff um or you know for all you know you might just need to have a spare part to fix something it's so small you may as well keep it anyways here we are um i kind of skipped ahead to where i have it reopened again and this is me unplugging that cable and kind of sneaking it through [Music] yeah so it's it's generally going to be recommended to uh bring this up to temperature before you actually uh configure it and set the the the you know before you um set the z offset and everything else so you're going to want to bring it up to temperature first just to make sure the you know your bed is going to heat up and everything else is going to heat up um so it it can you know expand and contract with temperature so you you want to make sure it's at the normal temperature it would be at when you're actually printing things so heat it up before you do any of that stuff and here we're going to set the z offset um you know despite having the probe we still want to make sure we get this z offset set um so that it's basically we want to get get it so that the you know that tip there is just barely touching the board and that's going to be the offset so it's not quite at a negative one so we can adjust this by uh millimeters or fractions of a millimeter we're going to move this up a little bit and the idea is you want to be able to slide a piece of paper under there but you want the piece of paper to drag just a little bit and that's going to be your perfect uh z offset value so you're going to set that and then you're going to want to save the value in your using the menus in your firmware yeah let's see how that moves a little bit and there we go so yeah with one hand i was moving the paper underneath the other hand i was you know adjusting this knob here so we got a 1.2 so a negative 1.2 that is our z offset now the menu here might be a little bit different um you know depending on your firmware and and some other things but uh basically just just make sure you adjust it the way that i did just follow the general the same general premise that i did okay uh [Music] and note here we're going to store the settings so make sure you actually store the setting before exiting out [Music] and we can tell it to level the bed and you'll see here it's going to go through and you know take you all the same measurements this is the exact same thing we saw do at the beginning of the video it's gonna check each of the check the the level at each of uh of multiple different points along your board here or along your bed here yeah this is generally gonna run before you do each print now make sure you check the links in the description if you want to know where you can pick up the cr touch probe or this actual printer if you want to pick up the ender 3 pro or if you want to pick up the glass bed just check the links in the description all links to where you can pick those up on amazon or wherever else so check that out go ahead and hit that like button also hit the subscribe button you're not going to want to miss out on our other great videos we have a lot of great stuff we put out already and we have a lot of stuff coming up soon so uh definitely hit the subscribe button and also hit the little bell icon otherwise youtube's not going to alert you when we come out with a new video and you're not going to want to miss these we put a lot of other great content out this includes hardware software networking servers coding electronics single board computers 3d printing robots and a ton more also leave a comment down below not just for me but for the next person who watches this video if you know something that i don't know or you have any comments questions criticism whatever you want to say just leave the comment down below hopefully you found this video useful or at least interesting and as always thanks for watching and we'll see you on the next video
Channel: Low Orbit Flux
Views: 79,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creality, ender 3 pro, ender 3 pro upgrades, CR touch, auto bed levling, 3d printing
Id: dQE_V4H06F0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 5sec (1745 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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