How To Bypass Windows 11 Internet Connection & Microsoft Account Login During Setup

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what is Mike from Mike's unboxing reviews and how to and on today's video we're going to take a look at how to bypass Microsoft nagging you to actually get connected to the internet whilst you're trying to set up Windows 11. keep watching to find out more [Music] okay today's video is going to be short and sweet very simple to do this is something which is becoming more and more common these days as people are starting to migrate over to Windows 11 or do fresh installations with Windows 11 rather than Windows 10 Windows 11 is a little bit more um dramatic in how it wants you to actually log in and connect for the first time it does require an internet connection which for some people can be problematic if maybe your motherboard hasn't picked up the drivers or your Wi-Fi hasn't picked up the drivers during the initial Windows installation basically you're stuck there's nothing else you can do you can't go any further because you can't get into Windows to install drivers so you are essentially completely knackered now there is a way of bypassing this I'm going to go over to the computer now and I'll show you exactly how to do it it's very simple very easy to do and yeah you should be able to memorize this rather than actually have to copy and paste it in so let's go into the computer and we'll show you how it's done so this is our Windows 11 setup and this is as of July 2023 so depending on what date it is things may have changed slightly but the effect should be the same so as you you can see here it says let's connect you to a network we don't have any ethernet we've got no Wi-fi which is allowing us to connect Etc so yeah basically there's nothing we can do we can click on next we can't go backwards we are essentially completely stuck here so with Windows 10 or previous versions of Windows 11 there would have been an option here saying I do not have connections to the internet or I don't have internet and would let you do a local account obviously Microsoft want to collect data about you they want you to have a Microsoft account all that kind of stuff so in order to bypass this very easy to do make sure you've got a keyboard where you do have function keys enabled if you haven't enable them by pressing the function lock key and all you want to do is press shift and F10 this will bring up the Windows command prompt in a administrator level so you can see here we've got Windows system 32 all we need to do is type in a very simple command and that is oobe which stands for out of box experience and a backslash then bypass nro capital B then pass capital n capital r capital O once you press this in theory it should just reboot the computer and we'll start the setup process once more so let's press enter and you should expect your PC to start trying to reboot so here we are after the reboot and we're back into the out of box experience so we'll choose our location choose our input method again we don't want to add a second keyboard so we can skip that and this is the bit we wanted so no connection to the Internet so you can click on here saying I do not have internet or I don't have internet and then you can actually set up a local account or a limited setup account and there we go you can type in whatever you want to just call this user next and then you can type in a password if you want to and then basically go through the rest of Windows setup normally and you will eventually get to your Windows desktop at which point then you can download drivers on another device to install your Wi-Fi drivers your ethernet drivers and all those kinds of good things obviously if you're getting stuck at any point of this please do reach out to us the quickest way of doing it is to join our Discord chat and just post something in one of the tech support rooms or potentially if you want to just leave a message in the comments section below user interaction is good for YouTube so please feel free to do either so there you go pretty straightforward very simple to do and uh yeah you don't need to be a rocket scientist or anything to actually achieve it very simple and again this is going to help you bypass the password situation and also the internet connectivity thing so very handy indeed so anyway just gonna wrap this video up hopefully it's been useful if it has smash the like button if you want to see more content on this on a daily basis then hit the Subscribe button and the time icon and you'll be notified of future video releases but for now I've been Mike this is Mike's unboxing reviews on how to and hopefully we'll catch you in the very next video thanks for watching [Music] no
Channel: Mike's unboxing, reviews and how to
Views: 93,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bypass microsoft account, how do i skip a microsoft account, bypass windows 11 microsoft account, setup windows 11 without a microsoft account, how to setup windows 11 without microsoft account, windows 11 microsoft account bypass, local account windows 11, no microsoft account, i dont want a microsoft account, local account, windows 11 local account, windows 11 bypass microsoft account, how to bypass windows 11 microsoft account login, bypass microsoft account windows 11
Id: LX8vb48oodI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 31sec (271 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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