How to Bypass Windows 10 Forgotten Microsoft Account & Reset Forgotten Local User Account in 2020

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yo what's up guys it's me again Theriot pro welcome to our video today in this video we're going to try to reset or bypass a forgotten Windows 10 password it could be a local user account on Microsoft online account or a domain user account if you have forgotten your password we can do that one now this video is a remake video of what I've made about 10 months ago that worked for a lot of people but because of the patches and updates that came from Microsoft we were able to patch that trick that we did so it hasn't been working for some people recently so the problems that other people are having with the recent updates and patches with Microsoft where the ease of access is not working util money's not there when they go to the system recovery will be required with a password already and this video since it is a remake it is a similar procedure but there are added steps that we need to do before we start I want to explain a couple of things number one is logging accounts there are three types of logging accounts that you can have with Microsoft local user account a Microsoft online account or a domain user account now both the domain user account and Microsoft online account are similar because they are being authenticated from another server now the local user account is being authenticated with a local computer and we can reset or bypass those things the second thing we need to understand is the type of user that we can have in a computer system number one is it an administrator or is it any standard user standard user accounts has limitations they can only access the files that they have with their account an administrator can do everything access rights with all folders or files within a computer system keep that in mind because we are going to use that logic when we are going to try to reset or bypass a Windows 10 login okay come on and let's start let's do this local user account first so you can see the difference that for a login of a Microsoft online account you will have a sign-in option but for this local user account the sign-in option is not there so I tried putting a password here just for the sake I just entered anything so that just to let you see that the password is not working now the first thing that we need to have is a working computer and a USB stick this USB stick should be four gigabytes or I think that should be eight gigabytes plug it to a working laptop go to Microsoft website just type in Windows 10 download download there you go quick and easy now if you click this one now if you know how to do this just go ahead download and go for that create Windows 10 installation media for other people they know how to create their own Windows installation media they can use Rufus it's up to them it's up to you if you know but for the guys who doesn't know it's easy just go here click download make sure your USB stick is plugged in now when that's done you can open this and it will run now we are not going to install Windows 10 to our computer because it will erase everything we're just going to make this Windows 10 bootable media as a tool for us to reset or bypass a forgotten password okay I just want to make that one clear because in these steps you might be thinking oh I'm going to create a media okay like this USB installation media you might be thinking you're going to install Windows 10 no we're just going to use this as a tool alright just go for USB flash drive and then make sure to select the USB stick you plugged in and check the letter of that USB before you go in select that now some of the footage here are going to be caught because it will download the Windows 10 it will take time this will depend on how fast your internet will be so you can post this one in combat later if you have already downloaded that so that we can continue to the next step so for me I'm just going to cut cut cut and creating Windows 10 media this will take longer about 10 minutes to 15 minutes depending on your computer in this process this will transfer the Windows 10 media to your USB now there will be other folders or file explorer that's going to pop up while this is going creating the Windows 10 media's just ignore it until the finish button appears these at 99 and your USB Drive is ready you can see it at the bottom you can click finish click setup is cleaning we can close the open windows we can okay close our browser and verify the USB stick there you go this is it let's go ahead and unplug this USB stick and use it to reset or bypass or forgotten window stand password now we're going to plug this to this computer now you need to know the boot menu key for your computer if you do not know that one I'll put a link on the description below so you can check that one the boot menu key of most computers for this computer it's f10 so while the computer is booting up just press that and this option will appear select USB most computers it could be f2 f10 f11 or f12 but if it doesn't work for you guys check the link that I'm going to put in the description below you can press ENTER and this computer will reboot so we'll wait for that that's how it looks like and you will have this option you just go ahead and press next pair your computer click that and you will go to this option you click troubleshoot then go for system image recovery click this option and then this will appear just go ahead and cancel that then press next they'd go for advanced we're going to try to trick this computer installing a driver so install a driver ok we'll navigate through this PC open this up and if you scroll down there will be several drives that we can see now what we're looking for is our installation folder of our computer we are trying to locate the drive that contains a Windows folder and inside that Windows folder is a system32 now there will be similar drives but the other one will be boot X so if we have the boot X you open this one it has a Windows but it is not our drive it's the other drive that contains that Windows folder so boot X not the drive we're looking for and there's only one here that's the drive were looking for open this one and we have a system 32 inside we open system 32 and locate for a file called magnify in my previous tutorial that was util man but it has been patched so let's locate for that go for M there you go M there you go magnify we are just going to rename this one as a backup so I'll just put one so magnify one because we're going to put that back later on after we did the trick sorry fresh I'm just going to refresh this one and make sure that it was renamed M there you go magnify one the next file we're going to look for is CMD we are going to change that name in to magnify so that we can trick our computer that when we open magnify we're opening a CMD or the command application so CMD see there you go the that's the CMD we right-click this rename and put the name as magnify uppercase M a file refresh make sure it is renamed let's go for magnify because that the name we put in for the CMD there you go magnify now we can close everything and reboot turn it off and then turn on back again okay Windows 10 here's the login page click Drago Pro we are just going to type and it's something here it's not going in so we are going to click this ease of access and you will have the magnify so if we click this one it will open up the CMD alright the first thing we're going to do we're going to type net user to check what users are here it's closed net space user enter and then we have administrator and we have tour GoPro what is active right now is totally pro so that's what we're going to use let's type in the command net space user turaga Pro that's the user name now if you have a space between you have a two word username like taurogi space pro you need to put quotes so if you have a user name like that you put quotes like this oops like that yeah okay because this is one of the problems that the users are having in my previous tutorial it they don't know what they're going to do so take note of that now for me it is only one word so I'm just going to go straight up Taraka pro space target pro asterisk you put the asterisk remember that one press ENTER turgor pro as space asterisk making sure enter password for the user just press enter because we want it to be empty or blank press ENTER again and the command was successful let's close this one and go ahead and login in tada we're going inside yeah see how easy is that guys tada we're in ok that's that's how it is and the next thing we're going to do is a Microsoft online account which is similar to a domain user account so we're done with that local user account we're going to do the Microsoft online account what we're going to do is to bypass that sign-in option so that we can have full access to the computer now if we're going to bypass that one we're going to have an administrator account so that we can grab all the files we want because it is nearly impossible to reset a Microsoft online account if you do not know your password already or if you went through these steps where Microsoft can help you reset those passwords so if you cannot do that one the only thing you can do with this computer if you don't know your password is use an administrator account and I'm going to show you that you can access all the files and folders within a computer system so that's what we're going to do so you can see this that this is an online account because you have I forgot my pin and option there that say sign-in options and if you try to put a password it will fail that's the sign-in option I was talking about so this is the difference between the local user account ok so I just put another password ill that's the message that it's giving me so this is a continuation of that tutorial if you're trying to do reset or I mean bypass this account so that we can go inside this computer in Access the files now before doing this also you should have already changed the magnified file into a magnify one in the CMD file into a magnifier file so if we click ease of access we can click magnify and CMD will come out now same technique we can go for net user and you can see taurogi pro there and that is connected with online account so we're going to put net user taurogi pro asterisk enter enter and this will show up the system is authority in bla bla bla bla that means this is connected to a Microsoft online account now we cannot reset that one so what we're going to do is we create an administrator account net user we're going to create an administrator account net user pro tak we're just going to put in an ad this will create a user the command completed successfully and the next thing we're going to do to a local we are going to add this one to the administrator group so net space local group space administrators space Pro Tech the user name space slash add the press Enter the command completed successfully so this should have created another user and the user name is protac closest one now you can see it here already that the gene our doc is there and we have the protec below we can click this one in this doesn't have any password because we created this account with a command prompt and it is an administrator so if you're worried with your files we can grab everything from this account and it will set up the profiles this might take several minutes almost there and tada next and it will load up Windows 10 we can close this and navigate to the files here Inlet see you and show you this account protec change the account settings so that lets try see sign-in options there you go local account administrator protec search menu and type in computer management this I want to show you the users that we have here before we go in navigate to the folders go for local users open users there you go gene are Gua Quiroga Pro that's the online account that we have and then we have protect that is the newly created account we'd see MD now let's go to the folders or the file explorer go to this PC local disk C users and you will have protect you have throguh Pro if you open throw go pro you can access all the files that are saved with the account of taurogi pro so you can grab that one if it is very very important you try to check it with protect that's my product account everything that this is stored with these files it's there with my previous tutorial a lot of people were asking how can be renamed the magnify or I mean the util man a + CMD before now we have magnify and magnify one so what we're going to do is we need to boot up back to that USB and change it because if you are logging into the computer you cannot change that one so like what I'm doing here right now I'm going to boot to that USB and put back the real names of magnify and CMD so we have done this one earlier I'm just going to quickly do it system image recovery cancel next advanced install a driver okay we're going to locate that drive again go to this drive this one okay and windows system32 and then locate for magnify magnify stare we're going to rename this one to CMD rename CMD we are going to refresh check this one if it's CMD there you go CMD is there the next one is magnify one we need to put that one as magnify magnify one is there right click rename magnify close refresh I mean refresh locate for magnify to make sure it is changed magnify is there okay close everything and boot back double check if it's our CMD is working and the magnify is working normally protec is there and let's go to the Start menu type in CMD there you go press enter CMD is up that's good how about magnify type in magnify click magnify is working so we're all good see you next time guys I hope you liked this video bye-bye
Channel: Torogi Pro
Views: 977,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to reset password on windows 10, reset password on windows 10 via command prompt, how to reset forgotten password in windows 10, remove password on windows 10, how to reset windows 10 password, reset windows 10 password, reset windows 10 password without losing data, bypass microsoft account windows 10 setup, how to bypass microsoft windows 10 password, how to bypass windows 10 password, bypass microsoft account login, bypass microsoft account login windows 10
Id: 7MeiiBygFWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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