Locked out of laptop, Forgot my Password (Fix)

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everyone this is done is from job skills shared or today I'm gonna show you a scenario so let's say for example you're working in an office on a laptop or a desktop and it's a domain joined laptop or even if it's less a workgroup laptop or desktop and you basically turn it on like this and you forgot your local admin password or maybe in our domain connected environment you lost that domain connection and now you cannot get in as a domain user but you also don't know the local user so you're stuck basically and this could happen into the server's environment too like you do upgrades on the servers and everything like that and then sometimes you do upgrade and you forgot to add let's say local account and you now forgot that local account that was there before and now you're stuck let's say the scenario is you're stuck on the screen so what I'm about to show you today is not to be used for some illegal purpose you know but so if you go to someone's else machine and you use these kind of tools of course you're violating their privacy and you may land land yourself in the jail okay so don't do that and even in work environment if you use these kind of tools you need to let other people know that you have these tools and you're doing this process so this is a first warning so in my case I cannot log into this laptop with my account right now I just can't log in this is a local account i just can't log into this laptop i tried everything but i can't do it so let's move on what do we need right here so here you go it's up right here and let's say i forgot this password i can't I just can't I know that I'm I tried everything in there so the first thing you need to do is to go through the website and then you need to go to Herren boot CD like that hiren boot CD org and click on download once you click on download you got a call all the way down and then make sure you click on this HB CD underscore PE 64 ISO so once you downloaded ISO make sure you know where it's downloaded then what you need is you need a USB like that it's a at least has to be 4gb because this whole thing is about 2 GB itself so you need a bigger USB you plug that in and then you need another tool so let me show you which tool that I am talking about is this called Rufus so you're gonna go online you're gonna Google are you u.s. you're downloaded it's a portable tool once you download you double-click on it's gonna open up like that now here's the important thing when you plug this CD in you need to make sure you come over here and you click on MBR and then make sure it's BIOS like that if you don't do this then you're gonna have issues okay so now you're just gonna leave it like that and you're gonna click on start and now let it run it may say that you need to boot you know reformat your USB so another warning whatever you in whatever files you have in that USB it's gonna get formatted you cannot get it back ok so once this is done we're gonna grab that USB and we're gonna go to that machine and we're gonna try to see if we can get the password reset and then we can get inside that laptop that is our goal right now so you see it's done almost 100% done so while this is finishing up what do you need to do you need to go to hyerin boot CD slash download hyerin boot CD org slash download download the iso saving in your file and then go to google again and download this product which is Rufus you know portable I'm not getting paid by this by the way make sure you use it on your own risk so then once you open this up go to select file and pick that you know I so I don't know if I show that you like that so you gotta actually click on select and then you have to pick is so that you have downloaded here you go if you see right here is in D Drive so once I pick that then of course my device that USB will be showing like this then once I basically start reformatting it so once you select it it's gonna show right here and then your USB is gonna be on the top right there and once you click on you know start this whole process it's gonna basically finish to 100% alright so once it's hard numbers and done you just take the USB safely out just take it out from this laptop now we're back into the problem laptop so the first thing I want to do is to shut down this laptop so let's go ahead and shut it down here you go I'm just gonna shut down and then I'm gonna plug in this USB into one of the USB is right here and now I'm gonna basically start this machine and then you have to look at your model of the laptop so if you're using a Desktop model whatever Dell HP Li normal you have to actually look at the manual how do you boot this machine from USB so in Dell is pretty easy I think it's f12 so I show up now in a second on the top right there see f12 might hit that so when I hit f12 then you see I'm gonna get some options right here and the option that I'm looking for is USB this one right here so when I do this you see my computer will look for in a image or ISO from this USB so you can see that even though this is a Windows I can but it's actually running from that USB has a higher boot CD so they have a where de datos here when it was XP was xp I can now Windows 10 has a different icon so now you see they're using the P version which is kind of like the windows icons in there so it's gonna totally open up a whole new operating system and let you do certain things now of course this can be used for many other things like severe technician you can turn it on you can maybe if you're having a lot of issues with the operating system and you cannot get in maybe you can use this USB and then it will let you get into the system and grab the important files from Leicester for CEO or director whoever's you think that it's very important then they will grab those files and put it in some kind of USB and then you can you know reformat the whole machine reimage the whole machine get it from the backup stuff like that and of course other things like that you can you may have some type of malware or something like that and you don't want to turn the machine on so that mail won't be able to run inside your network so maybe you can use this type of USB to turn it on and do things another reason you can use this is that you may may not even have a whole operating system inside your network and you may run the everything from USB so that nothing will be you know impacted when you restart this machine if you have to open some kind of malicious file or something like that you want to check it that's it what kind of you know reaction it does and everything you can really really utilize this for you know for your technical purposes now just be patient with that because you saw that you know that spinning started to happen after almost like a minute so just wait on that don't close your gene or anything let it spin and look at look at that there you go hiring Bootsie dpe looks like I mean does 10 assists we understand in there it's not a vendor stand by the way so he's gonna go out there he's gonna say IP address and everything oh it has a music in there too I didn't know that okay so now you see we got a lot of things going on we are not worried about this none of that stuff this is what I was talking about you can come and open a Chrome Firefox command line and stuff like that you may go to this PC and you can see I can get into those files now and grab those files and everything which is pretty awesome right here I think everybody should have this as a technician you can see you can have other things too but I'm not interested in that I really want to go back to my password reset ability and this is other things maybe other videos we can discuss other things here but what I want to be interested is in security and security you see the password right there now this is a paid version I'm not interested in that either this is a free one so when I come to the free one you can see I'm not seeing anything right now but I have to click on open and then I see I do open it says windows system on selected device seems to be hibernated modified data on this blah blah blah could be dangerous but I don't care about that because I need to get in and that is my account right there guys that's my account and I'm gonna do unlock first just for fun purpose and I'm gonna change the password to nothing and I'm gonna save it and now I just removed all the passwords and I did it I could have done that with my you know my administrator of count two but that's also maybe disabled I can just try that as well just in case my account is not working so now I'm done with that I'm going to exit this and you can also actually do this in a virtual environment if let's say you have a virtual server and you got stuck in there all you got to do is to put this USB in there and do that part see how it looks like a Windows 10 and I'm gonna do a restart now so it's the moment of finding out can I really get into this machine am I going to be accomplished please don't do this for you know bad purposes don't don't use it like that you're just going to put yourself in a big big trouble so right now I didn't touch it I didn't do f12 or anything I'm done with this I'm going to take it out so now I'm done with that I'm low I'm waiting on my normal windows to come up and see if I can get into that account now and you must be wondering why is this so slow because this is a old dinosaur non SSD I have to put an SSD in this machine because I really like this alright here's the moment so we're gonna hit enter and there you go my account is right in front of me and I didn't do anything I didn't type anything because remember we put a blank password for that account and also an administrator account but since that account just came up for the first time maybe that's probably gonna work but let's see I'm not sure yet and tada there you go so you know this thing is a lifesaver right here hiren boot CD it's been there for when I started my career in IT as a technician and I was doing helped us work for labs and everything and this is something that I was using a lot of the time and they had that time they had their own Linux version and something like that and then they became XP type of you know version and then you know now it became almost like Windows 10 so you can see how cool this is I can I can get into my account now I can basically go back to my management and then of course I want to put the password that I will remember so I'm gonna go to the management computer management and then I will put my you know password in there now if this was a domain connected computer what you will do right now you're gonna go back to the system that info and you're gonna change this to workgroup first and you know remove it from the domain and then add it back into your domain now you can directly add it to your domain but I would like it to remove it from the domain our once and then add it back into the domain just to get you know the connections and everything working perfectly so you see when i unlock that admin account that I also got unlocked and so again I need to put my password so right click on here and put the new passwords and now I have a password that I can remember and I can also fix other issues and of course other things like copying files and stuff like that it was just awesome I wanted to share this with a lot of people because I know at some point you're gonna be stuck with this in this situation thank you and if you liked it please give it a gives us a like and if you use other tools let us know what other free tool do you use to make our life easy
Channel: Jobskillshare Community
Views: 546,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rkA3-D72Ny8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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