I forgot my Windows password: Breaking into Windows!

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[Music] [Music] now how many of you have found yourself in a situation where occasionally you simply forgot your windows logon password or you're working with an elderly parent and they have forgotten their password and of course you didn't know what it was and now you're trying to help them get into their pc or laptop because of a lot of good reasons you need to access their data their their information their applications sometimes individuals give you a laptop or a desktop and you really need that the resources on those and you don't know what the password is and the person who gives it to you doesn't of course know what the password is so we need a way to get into windows operating systems when they're actually our possession but we can't get through the login how do we get past this login screen without losing the operating system and starting all over the good news is there is ways of getting past the windows logon even without knowing the password i'm going to show you one method that most people can do that will get you past this logon problem let's get started and let me show you how we can get past the windows logon and let me explain the steps that we're going to take and the difficulty of each of those steps so you can decide whether you want to tackle this project or not okay mr vanderbilt what do i need in order to break into windows without a windows password well you need a working computer you need at least an eight gig usb flash drive and you need access to the internet now you need to think about this because if the computer that we're trying to break into is the only computer you have you're going to have to get some help from someone you know who can help you allow you to use a working computer go purchase an eight gig flash drive usb flash drive and maybe use their internet this only takes a very short amount of time you don't have to use their resources or their computer very long but you have to have this in order for us to go to the next step how difficult is it to break in to the windows operating system without a password well there's a couple steps we've got to download some software and that's usually i would say on a scale of one to ten maybe one to two in difficulty creating a bootable flash drive probably a difficulty of three but if you can follow steps and you've done software it's not that hard booting my laptop and desktop to this flash drive now that's probably the most challenging part of this whole operation because every laptop can be different every desktop can be different so that's the challenging part but i'm going to help you with that that's where i'm going to help you the most and then we're gonna run the password cracking software create a new password reboot and you're in we're going to start this project by downloading two software packages one is an operating system called hirings this operating system has been around for years i've used it as an id professional to help solve problems on computers we're also going to download a software package that's going to create a bootable flash drive and that tool is called rufus so we're going to go to two websites download two software packages and i'll show you what we're going to do with each now launch a browser and you want to go to hiring just type in in the google search hirings and you'll see hiransbootcdpe now let's go over and click on the link that the google search link and it takes us to hiran's boot cd pe webpage we're going to come up to the main menu where it says download and click on that and we'll close that and we'll scroll down here and you can see it explains a lot about what is on this operating system and just keep coming down as you get to the hb cd dash underscore pe time 64 iso so you'll notice that the link turns a slightly different color that is the link that allows us to download the iso this is the file that we want and this is going to contain an operating system so we're going to go ahead and click that and you'll notice my browser shows me it's downloading it's very important that you know where this file is going to your computer in most cases it's going to go to a folder called your download folder if i go down to explorer and i open explorer i'm going to go to my downloads folder i should be able to see this file hbcd underscore pe underscore time 64. this is the software that we want downloading down into my downloads folder now this is a large file it takes a while to download so be patient and when you're done you should see in your downloads folder hb cd underscore pe underscore time 64 dot iso so that's what you should see in your downloads folder next go to google and just type rufus and you'll see rufus create bootable usb drives the easy way and we're going to once we see those search links we're going to create we're going to click those links and it's going to take us to the rufus software site we're just going to come down and we're going to download the portable rufus three-point whatever version you see on your web page you're going to click the portable so let's click those and we're going to say i don't want that and hopefully it starts to download so we'll go back to our download folder and we should see there it is rufus in my case it's the version 3.19 p is in portable.exe [Music] now take your flash drive and insert it into a usb jack on your computer now hopefully at this point you've got the rufus software that's going to create your flash drive in your downloads folder and you have the hiran's iso file that's your operating system in the same directory so let's right mouse click rufus i'm going to right mouse click run as administrator say yes and it will launch the software notice this software that builds my usb flash drive recognizes a usb flash drive on my computer and it's in drive i so the operating system has given that flash drive the drive letter i it also has indicated how large that flash drive is in my case it's the 64 gig be very careful make sure this is the flash drive that you put in then what we're going to do is select the iso and that's going to be the hiran's file that we just downloaded so i'm going to go select and i'm going to make sure that i go back to my downloads folder find my hirins file the iso file i'm going to click on that and say open and most everything else that shows up on this screen is going to be okay in other words this software is smart enough to look at that iso file that we selected and choose all the proper components that you need in this entire software package to go ahead and start and creating it so all i needed to do was launch the software go ahead and help it find the iso file that it needs to install on the flash drive which we did and then go ahead and start so we're going to go say that go ahead and begin the process of taking that file that's in hiran's and moving it over onto the usb flash drive so now we're just going to wait it's going to warn us that we're going to format that flash drive so we say yes and we have a status down here that's showing us what's going on and notice it popped up so i can see what's going on with the flash drive and we'll click back on it so we can watch what's going on with the rufus software and it's now copying that iso file to our flash drive and now we're complete we see that our status it's ready to go the flash drive is ready now to boot our windows laptop or windows desktop so now this is the toughest part is trying to determine for your laptop or your desktop what key do i press during the as it's powering up what key do i press to give me a boot option do i want to boot from the hard drive or do i want to boot from my flash drive that i've plugged in to that laptop or pc this is where google can really help so let's say you have a dell we're going to type in dell boot menu keystroke and hit enter so google looks for web pages that might help us in determining what key to press during the boot process that will give us that boot menu option and it says here f12 if you've got a dell that's probably where you want to start let's say you have an hp we can just change this same thing go look and it says some you hit the escape key some f9 you can try either one to see if you can get that boot menu option so what you're seeing right now is i've booted this pc into the hirings operating system my flash drive is plugged in to the usb jack and i chose the boot order keystroke to say don't boot to the hard drive boot to my flash drive so let's look at that and let's see how that works as i did the research on my pc i found that f11 was the boot order keystroke that allowed me to choose to boot to my flash drive over there rather than the hard drive so i'm going to go ahead and power on and i'm going to be tapping f11 i'm just tapping the key as it boots up and there's my boot option menu so here the boot option menu comes up on the screen i can boot to my hard drive but i want to slide down until it says usb disk 3.0 which is the usb drive that i've created with hiran's that's what i wanted to boot on once i've selected that i'm going to hit enter and it's going to boot to the hirings flash drive if you do this and you select your usb flash drive and it ignores it it keeps booting into windows we may have to go into the setup and turn off secure boot now we're seeing the rolling wheel on the screen indicating and i can look at my flash drive and see that the light is flashing there's hiran's booting up my pc and this is what i want now we have figured out how to boot our pc to our flash drive and we're ready to get started cracking the password that we don't know now notice on my pc john is clearly identified so he is the username we don't know what the password is if your pc that we're dealing with doesn't have a username or doesn't show the username and you don't know what the username or the password is then we're going to have to take extra steps when we get ready to crack this password but in this case john is the guy that i want to crack and we're going to go after him let's go ahead and restart our computer this time we're going to boop off our usb drive so that you're going to hit those keystrokes so that it boots to the usb hard drive and it's going to boot into hiran's and let hirans do its thing it's doing a number of things to get ready so that we can use it and it's asking us do we want an ip address you may say yes or no i'm going to say ok and let it go ahead and pull an ip address that's not important and then i'm going to come down to the start menu go to programs go to security and go to passwords and then we're going to go to anti-passwords edit now it's pretty smart it pretty well knows what you're trying to do here with this software so it's already found what is known as the sam file the security accounts manager file so all i need you to do is open it and here are all the users on this laptop or desktop now john is the guy i want to crack so i'm going to click on him and i'm going to go ahead and change his password now i've typed in my password hit ok now very important make sure you save the changes and then exit out now we're going to go ahead and shut down hirings we don't need it anymore and then you can reboot your computer take the flash drive out and reboot it just like you normally booted it up now we're going to type in our new password and we're in the operating system you just successfully broke into windows okay mister vaynerpool it didn't work out like you're showing in this video well first of all let me give you a couple words of advice number one you have the video link in the description download that and review that i've got lots of great step-by-step many additional helps that can help you if what i demonstrated isn't working exactly the way you need another important thing is to get a friend to come over and step by step walk through this with you because two heads are better than one also as you're working with your computer i've demonstrated my computers which are not going to look like yours [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: TechSavvy Help Desk
Views: 16,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QIOLfkotZb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2022
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