how to buy ANTIQUE teacups - TIPS for what to look for when purchasing vintage tea cups

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I've been collecting antique teacups for quite  a while now and over those years I have come   up with my own things that I look for when I'm  purchasing antique teacups. If you want some   tips on what to look for, what not to look for,  and how to figure out if a teacup is good or not,   follow along on our journey! Hi welcome  to Tea with Jann, I am Jann! Today,   yep, we're looking at antique  teacups and why do I have these. If you're new here welcome, please subscribe  and follow along for all things tea-related;   if you've been around for a while you know that  these are not my normal teacups that I collect   I collect a very specific teacup it is Aynsley  is the maker and it has to be at least from   like the 50s 60s at the earliest or you know  later, it also has to be the color turquoise   and it has to be usable because  I'm going to drink out of them   so you might be like Jann, 'what are you  doing with all these teacups?' yeah I know... I have a problem and I haven't  talked to you guys about this someday, someday we will discuss the vast amount  of teacups that are not turquoise Aynsley's For today however, we are  going to use these teacups to   demonstrate how to purchase  a teacup, an antique teacup.   Let's just get this one from precariously sitting  up there. All right let's move these backs up   oh that's a little bit safer feeling as you know  i've always stated that when you're collecting or   starting out to collect antique teacups that you  might want to narrow it down by either a maker or   you know a year or a color or something  because otherwise your teacup collection   can get out of hand however i do love mix matched  as well so maybe that's your maybe that's your jam   maybe it's like i want mix matched and i'm just  gonna fill my house with teacups who am i to judge   so there's many different ways that you can buy  antique teacups you can buy online so etsy or ebay   you can look through instagram and find different  places to purchase teacups i'll leave some   information as well in the description down  below and that online is great there has to be   you know a little bit of trust with who  you're buying from because what one person   considers a flea bite is completely different  to what another person considers a flea bite   as well you know you might run into somebody that  repairs a teacup and doesn't disclose that to you   so you really want to be able to trust  the person that you're purchasing it from   if it's online another way to purchase antique  teacups of course is in person so thrift stores   are great because you might be able to score that  really great deal or like yard sales and stuff   you you might be completely shocked at what you  can score for the price and for the quality and   it's amazing another place is antique shops that's  where you're gonna pay a little bit more money   but chances are that you're gonna actually  find something that you know is a little   bit rarer or that is maybe a little bit more  special maybe i mean thrift stores are great   as well i do find though that in the heat  of the moment at a thrift store i'm more   likely to get you know lost in the moment and not  actually follow through with you know checking the   teacup over appropriately to make sure that it  is going to manage to be in my collection i just   get so excited that i am just like oh my god i  can't believe i found this teacup for a dollar   and i snag it and a lot of the times we thrift  shop at you know um charity thrift shops   and i'm completely fine with that i don't really  pay attention too much that way if it's going to   a charity so we have like an spca and we have like  you know a few different ones that Jeanette and I   love to frequent and i'm completely fine if i  get it home and then on further inspection it   doesn't meet my standards and it doesn't make  it into my permanent collection i'm completely   okay with that because i know that it's going the  money's going to a charity however all that to say   a great way to make sure that you're getting a  good teacup is to give it a good go in over and   how i do that is a few different ways that i have  learned the best thing is to make sure that you   don't have gloves on so i know in today's day  and age a lot of people are wearing gloves and   you can't really feel and touch so you know you  can always use hand sanitizer before and after   touching your teacups the first thing that i  like to do is kind of give it a go over like   who is the maker so this one here it is in ainsley  that there uh back stamp it will tell you a lot of   information so once you figure out what type or  what what maker you want then you can figure out   if the maker used different stamps throughout  the years to figure out how old it is   so this one here is a Hammersly Hammersley i'm  bad at pronouncing things my apologies my brain's   still not 100 working well so the second thing  that i usually do is then i look at the color   so this one here you can see that there's like a  little imperfection on it and i'll go around the   whole thing and look for scrapes or scratches  the difficult thing of course especially at a   thrift store more often than an antique store  is that a lot of times there's dirt on it so   it might be difficult to tell what is dirt or  what's underneath that dirt the other thing is   that sometimes they put stickers in weird places  so here you can tell that there's a little bit   of the paint chipped off and there's  a little bit of like discoloration   it looks like when it was being painted there was  a little bit of gold put on the green by mistake   when it was made so you look at that then you can  look at the back side and you can see on this one   that there's a little bit of kind of like bubbling  and stuff underneath and then the next thing that   i do is i will then start really feeling the cup  over so if you take your finger and you're just   gonna go around so if you look closely at this  teacup it actually has dents down those are on   purpose and that's how the cup is made but if you  feel around you can feel if there is a rough spot   and if somebody either painted over it  trying to hide that rough spot or that crack   now the next thing i and i do that everywhere so  i'm trying to like feel my way around and i do   that on the plate as well so you go around  and you feel and you really just give it   a good touching with your hands another thing  to really be mindful of is the handle so the   handle is one of the most frequent places that is  going to be tried to be repaired if it's broken   so you want to give that a really good  close looking over and a lot of times   it's like right where it joins to the cup so  you want to really pay attention and again   using your hands to feel it over to see if  there's anything going on or anything a muck and you're just really trying to make sure  that there's no nicks that there's no nothing   the next thing that i have noticed is that  sometimes there can be like um a crack   or that almost like the base is cracked off and  just and this actually i i think i i thought i   was getting one that was at a really good deal so  and and i didn't because it was cracked and it was   worthless because it completely fell apart  so the next thing that i would do is that i   actually take the cup if it's real bone china  it's going to be translucent a little bit   so if you take the cup and you hold it up to the  light you can kind of see through it a little bit   and this is going to really illuminate any  of those cracks or anything like that so i   can see on this one that there's like a little  mark there so then i go in with my fingernail   and ever so gently i rub it back and forth and  my fingernail catches slightly on it and that's   when i can tell that there's something there but  looking at it this way i wouldn't be able to tell   but when i hold it up there you can see  that there's like a little darker mark   and then putting your fingernail over top  of it and scraping through you can feel it and that is how i would assess a teacup  of course it's perfect if you can actually   fill it with water and see if it holds water  another thing that you can do is you can buy   one of the jewelry what are these called loop you  know the magnifying things and you can actually go   and use one of these i only recently  got this and i'm not very good at it   so i find i still do the whole like you know like  holding it up really close and stuff like that but   yes look at how beautiful this one is  this is a paragon let me see if i can   show you without breaking it it's so beautiful  beautiful beautiful roses these are both ainsley's   and this one is like a beautiful royal blue  so pretty that's another ainsley the corset   shape and that's another thing that  you could just collect like corsets   now the interesting thing is that  these rosebuds this is a royal albert   forget me not roses and i really like that shape  it's so pretty i thought this one was pretty too   look at that how beautiful is that so pretty  so and there you have it the way that i   look for teacups and what i look at i want to  know do you guys collect antique teacups let me   know in the comments down below i can't wait to  chat with you guys until next time take care bye
Channel: Tea with Jann
Views: 32,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to pick a teacup, tips for buying a teacup, how to buy an antique teacup, antique teacup, antique tea cup, how to inspect an antique teacup for damage, what to look for when buying antique tea cups, tea with jann, tea with jan
Id: 6jRHO21I2DY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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