The Beauty of China Teapots

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[Music] have you ever been to a teapot party you haven't well come on into my kitchen because today at seeing Beauty with Sandy we're celebrating teapots with a teapot fashion show you know if you could consider a platter to be the centerpiece of a beautiful set of china I think a teapot is the Crown Jewel they're just so beautiful so great graceful with the spout and with the handle and you know they're not just for special occasions teapots come in so many sizes and shapes and styles they're the very delicate ones that are just exquisitely beautiful and then some are a little planer and very sturdy and then they're the ones who are just Whimsical but to me they all represent an invitation to Friendship so so here we go we're going to have a look at some pretty teapots here we go with our teapot fashion show and just like a high fashioned Runway might have beautiful hats I thought we would start with the beautiful Lids on some of these teapots look at this one with the roses and the gold detail absolutely Exquisite now all of these are vintage teapots and some of them are quite old some of them were made in the 1800s now I'm going to show you some smaller teapots in the sense that they hold probably about two cups of tea now wouldn't it be fun to have a tea party and everybody have their own small teapot look at this one I've never seen another one like it and look at it lid you know teapots are really just objects of beauty and even if you never put hot water in them and you never make tea in them they are just wonderful to display to have on a table to have on a shelf and even if the lid gets broken you can use it for a pretty vase can even use it for planter so I hope that you will let me know in the comments below which of these is your favorite teapot look at that little cottage girl I think she's wonderful I have to tell you probably it's hard for me to have a favorite but this blue and white one here that looks so worn it's been well loved and well used used and that is really the best thing to do with a teapot a teapot really is an invitation to Friendship how is it different from just pouring a mug of tea or coffee for you and for a friend well there's just something about a pretty teapot and when you pour that tea into a pretty delicate little teacup you just want to sit and visit for a while it's not something it's not like a beverage to go it's something to sit and visit and you know what happens when you begin to pour tea You' be surprised at what comes out of that teapot laughter comes out sometimes happy tears sometimes kickles sometimes new memories sometimes old memories but they all add up to Friendship I appreciate you joining me here today for our little fashion show of teapots and I hope you'll join me next time and join me on Instagram at Sandy Lum cloud and I invite you to subscribe to see Beauty with Sandy at YouTube and until I see you next time I hope you'll start pouring some tea from a pretty little teapot
Channel: Seeing Beauty with Sandy
Views: 2,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uyAjbOAf02Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 31sec (271 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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