How to buy a used sport bike/motorcycle

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/K1OK 📅︎︎ May 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
okay what's going on guys today we're gonna be talking about buying a used motorcycle every single bike I personally don't believe in buying new especially sport bikes because nobody rides these things alright so there's no specific order except for like the first two steps so the first thing you're gonna want to do is you can see I have a list here create a list that way when you see the bike cuz they look awesome I mean just look at it you don't just get excited and buy it just jot down all these things I'm gonna tell you so you remember all right so the second thing you're gonna want to check is the title there's a few things you're gonna be looking for in the title the first thing is come on over here follow me we're gonna check the VIN on the title and match it with the title on the bike if it doesn't match there's no exceptions don't buy the bike come on over here you can find the VIN number on the neck of the bike it's gonna be difficult to see on camera but it's right back in here like I said it's difficult to see on camera it just matched the VIN with the title on the bike there's any liens on the title you shouldn't buy the bike you're not gonna want to do that maybe just move on or talk to the guy see when you can get it paid off etc another very important thing and I ran into this problem make sure the name on the title is the guy you're talking to and it's not a that's not a huge deal if it's not but it is a red flag and the reason being is because his whole story could just be people flip these things all the time you learn a lot of things you realize you know almost everybody's lying about these bikes like I said make sure they match up because I was talking to a guy in Pennsylvania offered him a price ended up backing out I saw the same bike like a week later a little bit closer to my house went to go look at it the guy was telling me yeah I would never hear this that I'm moving I'm going to California I look at the guy look at the title and I see hey I was just talking to this guy that's why I say make sure the name and it's don't match up one thing you can do is you can come down here you can look at the oil what you're gonna do is the bikes on a stand so you want to make sure the bikes level when you do this but you want to look at the color of the oil you can see this oil has just changed you can see through it also too you want to make sure the oil level isn't too high now if it's too high that's a red flag because you can hide engine sounds with putting too much oil in there and also - that's that's dangerous for the engine it's the engines gonna be working harder if it has more oil in it not enough oil in there then you're gonna be not getting enough protection and that could also damage the engine the oil level is very very important so make sure you check that if the oil level is good you know and it's clean that'll give you a good indicator hey this this bikes been taken care of tires tires are very expensive so the bike needs time new tires I'm not saying don't buy the bike understand know that it needs new tires the guy with the most information is gonna win is gonna be on top so you want to figure out everything you can about the bike before you buy it - come on over here for tires you're gonna want to be looking at tread you know check the middle you can just kind of see and also you can see up here if you look up here there's a lot of rubber up here chances are the guy was doing a burnout on the bike and it just kind of gives you an idea of how the bike was treated you want to check the sides of the tires too because that's where they're gonna be leaning on people say your chicken strips that's what they call them so just check the tread on the tires you can see these tires still have these little nipple things on there so they're they're pretty much brand new maybe three hundred miles on these tires just rub your finger along over here if you feel any liquid or oil the four seals need to be replaced about 250 bucks 300 bucks somewhere around there so just note that so the next thing we're gonna be looking at is the chain and the sprockets this will give you a good indicator on how the bike was treated you know if they can't take care of the chain and the sprockets and you know chances are they're not doing anything else but so you just want to look for look and see how dirty the chain is you know if it's super dirty this one needs to be a little bit clean but it's not that big of a deal but you're mainly looking to see the teeth as you can see just look for consistency you don't want one way shorter than the other one broken off etc and also just take a take a look at the chain make sure it's not crazy loose just you know should be about an inch just you can tell by I come behind the chain you can do this you know you should pull on it and it shouldn't have any play in it and if it does and the chains too loose or it needs to be replaced just keeps adding up like I said if the bike needs for Steel's tires chain sprockets you know I'm not saying don't buy the bike but just take that into factor you know and have that money aside in your head ask him if the bike was outside or garage cap if the bike has been left outside it's not a huge deal but the guy is gonna need to keep up on the maintenance even more I'm gonna give you an example to change leaving it outside it's gonna rust faster also too you're gonna be able to tell by the seats the Sun dries it out that sound always in the Sun so those are some things you can look for he's gonna need to lubricate the chain even more rather than if you have it in your garage sitting there you know a better environment what you're gonna want to look for on the rims you're gonna want to see if there's any damage if there's any scratching is there any dings or dents that's pretty big you want to make sure the rims aren't bent that's a big deal that's these are these are really expensive another thing is do research on the bike that you're looking for you can get on top of what problems the bike might have for example I was looking at a 2006 2007 Suzuki Gixxer and it had an electrical issue the rectifier would burn up a fry stators that wasn't so much the problem like for me it was just that you know the parts you can get some parts that are really cheap Chinese off-brand parts you know or you can get the OEM parts and that right there is already hundreds of dollars for that and I gotta do the work and I gotta you know fix the issue like move the rectifier but the main problem is is you know there's that issue and then there's everything else like they're asking five grand flat you know they won't they won't move it might need tires like I ran a bike they need tires fork seals it's got that issue or with the rectifier so I just decided you you know what I'm probably gonna move on and another thing another bike for example would be the oh five OH six new key GSXR 1000 when you would come down you come over here when you would come down on the wheelie the frames would crack and where they were crack is right along the neck over here they'll crack so if you see one of those bikes and they have a bracket on there the recall has been completed you're good but if it doesn't you're gonna want to look for cracks along the welds you know along the neck to where they would come down and crack on the wheelie so if the frame is cracked on any bike but that bike specifically look harder then the bikes trash don't even don't even buy a move on a different looking for is to see the bike so if you drop so if you look come on on the Sun on your front four tubes first off the place was missing a frame slider on this side I took off the other one so something definitely happened but if you come over here there's light stuff over here on the front fork tubes so something happened wasn't too serious but you want to look for scratches now athirst scratches under here and they're going you know like there's a lot of scratches it's become over here oh you sure you on this dirt now this is a dirt bike I don't care you're looking for scratch patterns as you can see there's two different scratch patterns there's multiple different scratch patterns actually but there's one going this way there's one going that way you know obviously the bike was dropped that's what you're looking for so if you have deep scratches on the fork tubes and something definitely happened another thing too you can look over here check on the swingarm if there's any scratches going this way the bike was dropped and went that way if the if there's any scratches under here the guy probably low side of the bike on a turn you know you can check both sides two people aren't gonna replace the swingarm and that's really expensive so also to look to see if the bike has been painted as well I ran into that a few times like the rear of the bike had been painted you know something something happened a lot of times when you drop the bike there'll be teeny little scratches over here you know they'll be scratches on the mirrors too but that's not really that big of a deal people hit their garage doors and stuff like that rub them up against things so that's not too big of a deal here um also another thing as well is they don't make a lot of colors for each bike so this bike here's a 2015 and I know that this is these are all the stock graphics plastics so if this bike was say this link was Green or something you know something's going on why is this bike green you want to ask questions hey you know why did you replace this that this whatever check the frame as well there shouldn't be any dings or dents in the frame check the engine covers you can look at the stator side look under here usually if it's been dropped there will be some scratching under here on the other side you can look at the clutch cover same thing if there's any scratching under here you know the bikes been down take a look at the tank if there's any dings or dents or scratches you know something something definitely happened if the bikes bent down like I said it's not a huge deal but you're gonna want to check for those things just to see you know and if the guys asking for prints don't pay full price for it another thing you're gonna want to look for is funny wires does the bike have LED lights does it have some alarm kit does it have a Power Commander there's the power commander turn on when you turn the key pop the back seat open this bike doesn't have any power commander just has a battery tender which comes on their stock is there a funny alarm kid on here is there a bunch of wires and stuff like that cuz if there is you know I'd probably walk away it could be a bigger deal you know then it really is so just look into that and also to like I said if it does have a Power Commander this bike doesn't turn the he turn it on and see if the power commander late turns on ask him about it how is this set up who did it did you do it you know things like that you're gonna want to turn the key start the bike you know I'm not gonna start it in this video but what you're gonna do is you're gonna start it and see if there's any indicator lights on fi light you know that's that's like basically like the check engine light you just want to see if it's on ask why it's on you know figure out the code maybe look into it before you buy it that's up to you to buy but you know if it's something simple that could be a price point start the bike up let it warm up the whole idea here is you're listening for you know any weird sounds any ticks rocks anything like that but warm up the bike it's and let it get up to operating temperature maybe let the fan kick on they'll take a little while this bike kicks on at 220 but what you're looking for is you're building the oil pressure up and it's gonna put it's gonna put the pressure on the seals and you want to see if they hold you know cuz I've been on a bike where I warmed it up didn't leak I checked in the guys garage there was no leaks but my buddy went to go ride at while I was talking to him came back and the oil was leaking you can hide a lot of issues when the bikes warmed up so you're a cold start is it gives you an indicator on how the life of the engine is so after the cold start you know if you if he sent it to you on video or you looked at it the first time you didn't buy it if you guys live far apart or he's meeting you somewhere especially if you've looked at it already maybe have him meet you somewhere because if he's riding the bike and you know however long it takes like from his house maybe he's driving thirty minutes you're driving thirty minutes or whatever then when it gets there you can really see the bike has been warmed up to operating temperature and you'll know if it's really leaking so you're also gonna want to test ride the bike what you're looking for here is is you know you don't need to go super fast on someone else's bike don't do it and go wrecking or whatever it's not yours unless you want to buy it but so what you're gonna do is is put it in gear and just you know maybe about a mile two miles get into the power band a little bit make sure the clutches is slipping punch through all the gears make sure nothing's weird it goes through all the gears and everything works okay if you're traveling long distance talk to the guy on the phone ask him to send you pictures detailed pictures because you know I kind of had a little bit of issues with this well they'll send you like one or two pictures no you need detailed pictures talk about the price on the phone so maybe the guys asking like seven say hey what about like six and if the guy says oh we haven't even seen the bike well just say this say if the bike is as you say it is then I'll give you this and if you guys can't agree on a price like he's asking way too much and you know you guys just can't agree on the price just move on to a different bike you're not you don't want to sit there and argue on what the bikes worth I made some mistakes like talking too much when the guy was like 40 minutes from my house and I could tell he didn't know about the bike but he looked up everything I said which was my mistake if you get him in person you can tell if they're thinking oh no or whatever they don't give you a direct answer your you'll know another thing is to look to see if the bike has been tracked now it's not a huge deal if it has these bikes are made for that but it'll just kind of give you an idea of how the bike was ridden you know I personally wouldn't want to track bike but things you'll be able to tell if the bike was tracked hard you can see if you come over here you're gonna want to look for like the screws and all these things will be safety wired and if they're safety wire that means the bike has been tracked now that's up to you if you want that or don't want that but just something to look for if you get to a guy's house and there's just junk everywhere there's you know a broken car there's tools everywhere like just you know all this the guys probably not organized the bike might reflect that but you get there everything's clean this guy really takes care of things and you could see it and the bike will reflect that hey I just wanted to thank you guys for watching the video if you guys liked the video please be sure to leave a like if you guys have any comments questions or concerns please leave it in the comments section I will get back to you you guys like motorcycle content as you saw in the video we have plenty of motorcycles to come I'm gonna be moto vlogging soon consider subscribing peace out [Music]
Channel: Spunky Boyy
Views: 90,054
Rating: 4.9307504 out of 5
Keywords: sport bike, how to, used motorcycle, used sport bike, GSXR600, GSXR1000, motorcycle, tips, streetbikes, buying used bike, crotch rocket, bikes, GSXR, CBR, yamaha, suzuki, honda, kawasaki, cruiser, riding, how to buy a used sport bike, how to buy used sport bike, 2020 Gsxr600, M4 exhaust, motorcycle crash, bike crash, new Gsxr, New GSXR, new Gsxr600, 2015 Gsxr600, 2015 GSXR600, R1, CBR600, Cbr600, R6, yamaha R6, yamaha R1, Harley, Harley Davidson
Id: 1y9Wn1fWmso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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