How To Butcher a Pig. An Epic Porcine Journey of Pork Butchery, Bacon curing & sausage making.

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here pig pig how you doing [Music] wow diggers come on here they come [Music] [Music] be great I have a word [Music] yeah look at this press foreign [Music] obviously winded through the countryside you get a lot of especially Round Here random apple trees on the side of the road or the odd abandoned Orchard I know it sounds mad but there is quite a few around here that just a left obviously the trees are all raggedy but they still fruit so I'm looking to pick up some windfalls obviously acorns all these lovely oak trees we're going under now and I'm just going to pick up a few bits and Bobs just as like a little treat you know like you buy sweets for your kid after school so let's see what we can find now I know there's an apple tree down here on the left-hand side somewhere I mean another mile down the road it's proper Apple growing country for Bournemouth cider where's that old apple tree I mean there's nothing worse than seeing apples trud into the dirt all being run over by cars and those six little piggies will go mad for it because you know pulls his crack to pigs there you go look can you see it on the left oh it's gonna Park up see what we got you can see just one random apple tree look and down there kill that free Pig father Pig crack man so there's not much better you can give a pig than Apples and acorns and when they're free it's a win-win look at that ah oh so this is one of my favorite places in the country down this Lane we are now flanked left and right by Orchards growing apples from Bournemouth cider it's just a beautiful place I don't know I don't know what it is maybe I'm an old hippie but there's just something cool about the orchard obviously I never take from these Orchards but what I give to turn the pigs out for a couple of weeks let me show you what I mean [Music] just a dreamy place at Red against that sky stunning so we've even got hops growing wild in the hedgerows just look at those beautiful hops on that hotline there just in the Hedge it's a Brewer's dream man look what we got for you foreign how would you like them apples then anymore beautiful piggies hello here pig pig how you doing come on come on come on come on come on come on have a banana well they really are getting big aren't they yeah yeah right they really grow in there I've got them going well now they're a bit smaller but I've got them on the Monday night I won't catch them you know well the last time I was here he was the biggest we're only the one with the the black and white one look at that bloke got good things yeah so so what's the timeline you're at in the lamb I was thinking about this me and John work we're getting a bit worried Before Christmas yeah so we reckon the first week in January okay yeah yeah we could have some food going missing yeah yeah whatever you think the bacon you want you want a bigger I want them big yeah I want a bigger than a bit of butter like that one you had last time yeah totally like that um anyway so yeah they've really come on though but like you say them items they look great tonight hear me talking I'm talking to the pigs on camera all right hello looking good how are you doing oh look at that so the next time I see these they'll be looking a little different come on pig pigs oh my God that's what you're saying what you saying hello see you soon looking good beautiful that's a pile of pork so in a couple of hours then we've achieved that and if you can see him there what's we got seven sides hanging up and the rest you see that I've been trading halves it's a bit dark in there there's no light so they're all there next we start turning all these primals into joints getting the chops done cure in the bacon getting the sausage trim yeah the job is a good one so another day on the pork had a good day yesterday so all those trays have got half a pig in so what we got there three pigs worth four five six so yeah better get these prepped got people coming from job as they say is a good one just have a look at that so what I've done then for everybody who's bought a cider Port today what I tend to do is split or break down the sides of pork into their primals so if you can see in here they've each got a leg a whole shoulder Hawk shank off the shoulders and belly and a loin and then what I do now is I'll start boning these out tie the shoulders tie the legs when the customer turns up he or she can tell me how big he wants the joints does he want the loin in chops want it in joints does he want it on and off the bone same with the belly and we go from there but it's pretty impressive looking pork oh man it's quite dark in here so it really doesn't do it justice it's just so beautiful on the farm oh the pregnant news been bought in to the maternity ward hello look at the size of them so 11 pigs then 22 sides of pork we are left with that we've got a few leg joints hanging at the back there's my sausage trim if you can see in there but these magnificent size of pork is something else look at them now one of those are sold to my mate Steve the other I'm just gonna butcher now get it cured what a wonderful thing to do I like to call it from Cradle to gravy so let's have a look at this magnificent Beastie obviously shoulders the loin and there is the legs so this one then weighs 41 kilos so what I'm going to do first let's break it down into its primals so I like to go follow the tail up first vertebrae on the bend next one to it wherever you saw all the way through cut him off beautiful I'm just gonna quickly nip that hook off put that to the bin and this gets put to one side that we will separate the shoulder from the middle the middle contains the loin in the belly so there's a natural dip where the shoulder is here this would be a picnic ham foreign all the way to the end [Music] I saw needs a new blade big time and that separates the loin from the belly kill that right then put that kidney off just trim fat off over the fillet the wind banging the door on this lovely Old Farm so spin it round just above the fillet straight across the ribs foreign we have one belly one beautiful loin right we don't need all this lovely flare fat it will go into sausages some of the best fats on the pig there's quite a lot on this one but once you get him started come on he'll come off in one piece he says just listen to that trim it up foreign bacon so I want to square it off there Fringe is going now just so it gives us nice slices of streaky take the ribs out nice rack of ribs you could cure these bacon ribs absolutely fantastic you have to excuse the noise we're on a proper working farm it's absolutely beautiful fridge is going wind is blowing the doors we got 50 pregnant used next door it's wonderful and that my friends is ready to cure is that over there onto the loin so just take tail end of that flare fat take out and fill it you see that and again this is for bacon so I'm just getting my knife I can lift that up under the feather bones like that those first five or six major break from the back and there's a tricky bit sheeting out sheet it out the rest of the ribs it's really tricky to do it the camera angle right again doesn't make very good slices that ends so we're going to go about here get a couple of steaks out of that but yeah that's what you want for making your bacon that can go to the Cure I've got this wonderful whole shoulder I'm gonna take that front [ __ ] off shank whatever you'd like to call it do that over the block just to snap the joint then with my saw get my knife underneath a little set of ribs and we'll work on this neck end now working with Port like this a bit fatty is a whole lot different obviously it's not as easy to maneuver as a commercial rubbish that's why you get a better end product but just takes a little bit more time I'm gonna have to put a stone by that door just trim a bit of that fat and the blood vessel off so traditionally here that's called The Spare Rib that is a hand of pork but I'm going to cure the spare rib to make that wonderful color bacon boiling bacon so I'm just going to cut it a bit bigger so so instead of going through the shoulder blade I've left that hand a bit bigger because that is what we need for our sausages we're gonna just quickly nip blade bone out scapular I don't know if you can see it there it's just starting to come so just down each side and then under the ridge bend it you can see how much pressure it takes to peel this meat back and across the top Edge either side and that 'll come out like that so that is ready to cure but I'm just going to take a little bit of this flat off which is the finest fat on the Porker just take a little of that neck end off where there's a gland in there as you can see and then this stuff well white gold pure free range pork back fat into my slowly growing curing pile so with this hand then simple slash job get the bone out get it cut up ready for sausage making whichever way you want to do it right onto this beautiful big leg start by taking that hook off one of my favorites cured that is absolutely love it begin to trim some of this fat so we can get to the Bone so the sacrum pelvic bone just take that off following it quite an odd shaped bone there it goes so we got the femur in there thigh bone connecting to the pelvis so just the cartilage in that ball and socket there tip of the knife get it under and then just begin to work around this pelvic bone and across where the tail is and square off the pork take that out just trim a bit more of that off now I'm going to take the top side off as a single muscle roasting joint by just seaming it the top of the silver side just take that off right across there now you could cure that put some strings around it roll it would make a wonderful joint stunning right we'll get the femur out in the bin now I want to get some shape to this so I'm just basically skinning that it's a crank that knuckle straight across pull The Sheepdogs barking [Music] take a bit of that knuckle off take out this fat and there is the knee joint kneecap patella rock hard and then we want to have a look at this to go across now that will fold up into there take any blood vessels off score it just for the tip of the knife don't want to go too deep give it some shape where's my Straight start to put some strings around that I don't think you want to stay and watch this I'll see you shortly blink and you'll miss it so put the final string on we're just going to square him off trim into sausage just have a look at that isn't that a picture all we need to do now is cure so on to the curing then whatever piece you're using I'm going to use this belly I'm going to weigh it so that piece of belly weighs three kilos so I'm using this wonderful powder super cure absolutely brilliant now you want to use 30 grams of cure for every kilo of meat so three kilos 30 grams 30 grams per kilo is 90 grams just weigh it out I always leave a touch over an extra five purely for any that's left on the Block absolutely great stuff so get it on like I said you want to use every bit and massage it in now you can add brown sugar to this syrup herbs spices but to be honest with pork like this it doesn't need any dressing up the pork will speak for itself so just get it in any nooks and crannies it really is that simple takes all the guesswork out a bit of fat off on the ends on the top always amazes me how this stuff penetrates through the uh the skin and that fat brilliant it's a case of massage in it and then what's left on here just pick up and that's why I always have that bit of extra just as a safety net and that just gets backpacked and put to sleep in the fridge so we got two trays with all our bacon there's the belly I've just done a beautiful loin I'm gonna make some monumental Bakers what I'm going to do is get another tray I like to keep them in a single layer and we'll turn these every day for about seven days have a look at it then but then if you wanted to you could wash it off and slice it it would be some of the best bacon you ever had leave it for a while longer and it will be the best bacon you've ever had so no Pig processing video would be complete without one of the finest things you can make from Pig sausages so what I've got here then is seven pounds a port trim shoulder it's a belly you saw what I trimmed off that carcass we've got about 30 fat as well you need that all important fat so seven pounds of meat I've got a pound of Rusk as you can see there and I've got four ounces of my seasoning of choice and then two pints of water there's only one there we'll add another the first thing is first we need to put our trim through the mincer okay you might not want to watch all this we'll get it through look at this split job is a good right more vintage kit these lovely old trays are so sought after they're worth quite a lot of money so if you ever see them and you want one grab them they are just wonderful for or Butchery Manufacturing I'm gonna put in my meat I'm gonna put in one pint of water to start with just to get it all sticky beautiful in with the seasoning now this will make a 10 pound batch so far off these pigs I've made about 150. so this is just the last few bits 150 pounds in weight basically 70 yards tequila and of course we've got the bacon to slice and that will be it done right time for my other pint of water here we go it comes nice and sticky now that's seasoning that water helps it go all the way through smells absolutely wonderful next is my pound of Rusk the binder also holds on to all that lovely fat the flavor give that a mix make sure it's all nicely Incorporated and what we've got to do then send this whole mix which should weigh 10 pound just over back through the mincer let's give it a good old mix and then when it goes back through the miniature course it'll mix again so yeah the smellier it's fantastic amazing right through them into load up the upper with a silent h upper we can start getting it through work for me and what you'll see now is the final sausage meat come out before the last mix so there's one so have you been through them into once and he is the one that's been through twice actually looks like sausage meat now so yeah shortly shakes of a pig's tail lovely lovely sausage meat but we don't stop there we now have to mix again find that fat to the lean we want to get it real sticky so when you lift up a handful sticks that's how you get your texture and your sausage to be consistent and no crumbling no dryness a good mix the Rusk very important for a proper banger and just to help it on its way just a splash of water and you'll see how it changes you can get your hand in yes I'm wearing a ring and no I don't care to save your comments the food nuts is so yeah just spend five minutes it is hard work it's a bit of a ball breaker but it is one of the most important parts of the process we're getting there looking forward to hold that in my hand it sticks so I'm not holding that at all it's just gathered so once we are happy with that we'll go over to my gorgeous vintage sausage stuffer pipe these bad boys into cases so my vintage stuffer is locked and loaded now I got some Hogs casings here which are the thicker ones so if you're starting out sausage making these are the best ones they're very forgiving but I have noticed there's a couple of holes in these which is a bit of a ball ache but The Show Must Go On so thread them on just like that put a bit of water in the bottom of your tray just to have slide it with your cloth just dry off the skins there's the end now what I need to do is bring the piston in my sausage machine up and it will start pushing the air out and bringing the sausage meat through as you can see there and then fun begins I like to hold mine just so it feels the first nice and steady no rush and sausages magically begin to appear from this beautiful beautiful bit of Kit I bought it must be wow 60 80 years old hand cranked so none of this hydraulic Malarkey and of course because I'm trying to talk at the same time it's not coming out as smooth as I want it to but I don't care I'm pontificating about my sausage stuffer there's a hole up there so yeah there's another one there could be a bit of a pain it's the last thing you want so I'm just holding my fingers over the end just gauging how much is going in here and I'm hoping I'll get the whole 10 pounds but I know I'm gonna have trouble tying some of these because of those holes come to the end of the piston look at that okay then so this is called a chain of sausages and we are going to tie it into links I'm just going through just checking it now I'm really wary of those splits there which are a nightmare so like I said if you're new to this I wouldn't bother with those just take them off and put some clean ones on some clean ones uh you know what I mean so here we go so measure the sausage how big you want it I'm gonna go like that some of you might have seen this before right on that split there so I've made three sausages I don't want to hang about because of those splits it makes it so messy so I've got to be really gentle here yeah so just pushing the chain through measuring two twisting and then bringing the end up right again split so I'm hoping I could disguise that in there it won't affect the sausage just makes it difficult because the meat will swell anyway when it Cooks and then the Skins will dry around the meat anyway as well so yeah no problemo so yeah we just go along and I've had to do this so far about 15 times with this amount a lot of Loving Care goes into your Saucy songs people and it's like the worst thing to try and film make excuses now time for a brew and a [ __ ] let's finish that one off I am actually going to just shorten it do it one of them monster sausage tie it trim it and now you can see where those splits were the pressure is forcing them out but most of them are perfect there's your sausage how to make sausages from your Piggies good on it and that's just if you've got a mincer no matter what size minty you've got you're always going to end up with some in the barrel make a couple of patties yeah Robert your mother's brother right am I going these up now so we're back again sausages made absolutely beautiful just look at those divvying them out now for the customers and I ain't even tried one okay if you remember what this looked like then so after six days it's looking like that in all those trays there is our bacon nicely curing away these are bagged up sausages I made 140 pounds of sausages they're all sold within like six hours so these are just waiting to be picked up my favorite time so seven days has elapsed and I'm just getting the bacon out now washing it off ready to go in but just have a look at that that piece it's got my name on it but just look at the color change what we need to do then is just wash off the excess salt and cure [Music] and leave it to equalize in the fridge for a week or so yeah I cannot wait so it's bacon slicing day just working through the loins beautiful butt bacon have a look at that how good does that look firing up the old machine beautiful bit of kit there's all the streaky yuck excuse me I'm eating some at the same time let's have a look at this [Music] quality of that is absolutely stunning and again just back bacon packing it in pounds ready to go up to customers so I bet you're thinking Scott what are you going to do next all those pig is gone well let me show you we complete the circle between us farmers and butchers and here we have a lovely stye being prepared for more Piggies coming tomorrow this is what we do it doesn't stop preparing great quality food pork Hotel in a lonely Pig's day So within the click of my fingers we have a fresh delivery of pork hello five little porkers hello mate and uh cycle begins again who's gonna have a banana morning pigpicks wakey wakey okay
Channel: Scott Rea
Views: 103,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pork, How to butcher a pig, How to butcher a pig at home, Pig butcher, How to make sausages, Sausage making, How to make bacon, Curing pork, Make bacon, Home made sausages, Pork butchery, Butcher, The butcher, Pork belly, Pork recipes, Eating pork, How to butcher an entire pig, Bearded butchers, Diddly squat farm, Clarkson farm
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 59sec (3119 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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