How To Butcher A Lamb. ( The Ultimate Lamb Butchery Video)

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hi today I'm going to show you how to cut up a lamb I'm going to show you the whole process that we go from this lovely carcass into all the cuts you see in your butchers shop now this is not just any old lamb this is proper grade a butcher quality lamb and if you just have a look at this I mean you don't get meat like this in a supermarket this is the real deal you just have a look at that lovely thick shoulders going into that loin there's a nice bit of fat on that loin if you have a look at the back end lovely pattern Asian there just have a look at the confirmation on those legs nice thick chunky legs now this is Welsh lamb you know it's one of the best you can get hence in the price you know this has got the same protected status as champagne Stilton cheese you know cheddar cheese you know you cannot call anything else Welsh lamb unless it's reared slaughtered in Wales and it's actually got a protected geographical indication which you can see there I mean I can't stress enough to you how special this is you know and it is expensive but you do get what you pay for like I said you definitely won't see stuff like this in the supermarket this is a prime product so basically what we're going to do to start is we're gonna break it down into what we call primals so if I can just show you there if I turn it over there's three prongs on the lamb you've got your shoulders your front end your middle which is your lying when you get the chops run and obviously that was fantastic legs our lamb and we're going to start first of all by removing those legs so what I'm doing just getting rid of that fat so let's see a clear way taking those fantastic chunky legs off and like I say with that PGI you know nothing else can be Caldwell slam but nothing else can be called a Cornish pasty less it's made in Cornwall or champagne if it's Bailey's anywhere else what the Champagne region of France it cannot be cause champagne right so we're gonna do is if you can see in there there's the back end now that comes from up the back end there's a joint now when I take my legs off next joint I just go straight through my knife and I just cut cuz I'd like to keep it nice and clean I cut straight through you can see there the joint I'll just get my sauce and there you have those lovely back legs off so we'll put that over there so if you look inside you count one two three four five six ribs so in between the sixth and the seventh rib I have to do it this way for the camera just put your knife in then you count two three four five six and then same that side so put your knife in just go up through the breastplate join the two cuts up straight through and then saw him take the blinders off there you have your loin shoulders and your fantastic legs now that is what we call the primals so like I said the fall around the shoulders where you get your slow-roasting joints off we can get some chops off get your neck alam from which is there we've got the lawyer or the saddle you've got the breaths of lamb which is one of my favorites you get your chops out there your best in the neck chops and your loin chops and obviously your legs you're roasting joints you can break that down into steaks you know and obviously there's some chubbs get some Chum steak so now what we're going to do is we're gonna start butchering this property now so first of all we going to do these legs so what you do you get your legs there's a natural scene where they join you go down there you'll come to the H bone just with your knife straight through and then straight down you two legs of lamb it's gonna trim fat off going to save all those bits going to mince those bits up just going to trim it we're going to cut off the chump now this is the equivalent to the rump steak cut it off take you out those fantastic bone-in chops you can see it's a lovely leg of lamb fantastic so same with the other room that off just trimming as you go you want to take too much fat off and then each bone finger slight angle towards a tail one cut then you saw watch break drips that is cracking cracking Ram so we've separated the chomps from the leg now I'm going to work on the loin right so next we're going to work on this lovely saddle now if you look in here this is just a piece of the blade bone just get your knife in all you've done is just caught the end of it which means it's been cut properly what we're gonna do look in there just gonna give that little trim all that fat keeping your knife nice and flat you don't want to take any other meat with it all you doing just clearing it so you can get to your meet so you can see there then we've got our lovely Sutherland we've just trimmed up the fat now there's several things you can do with this now obviously where the ribs are if you look in there from there to there is what you'd make a rack out of a rack of lamb or your best end chops and then from whether that Fitness is to there is you've got your loin chops now there's several options you can obviously take the breasts off leave it whole and then you can cut some double thick Barnsley chops off the loin or you can burn it out roll up obviously with the breasts off and make some little Noisettes but what I'm going to do I'm going to cut down the middle and I'm going to show you how we get there cutlets and the loin chops so basically straight down the middle you go stop to see now we're just going to cut straight across I'm just gonna get rid of all that bone dust just get a clamp and wipe that off and also gonna take out the points on my steel spinal column so we got ongoing split what we're going to do is cut off the breast which is one of my favorite cuts so what you're looking for is the other meat about the same again because I like quite a bit of breast alignment but I don't like too so take it down there straight through your left that lovely loin and one of my favorite cuts for underrated breasts so we repeat with the other then we have two loins not to Brussels an elastic band off and not the one of my favorite cuts you know I'm not a fan of the expensive cuts on these limits and this is one of the first cities under the cooktop this is this fantastic Nicole and I mean you've got to go a long way to get a cut that is tasty as that so just tidy that up what we're gonna do next is we're gonna burn these shoulders out so if you can see there there's a bone just get your knife in either side naturally joins up there we're gonna do flip it round and we're gonna shoot this out in one go so get your knife in just gently follow that bone should turn round for you in a minute just to show you we go in all the way round we release up neck there you have one shoulder off the bone this little strap here just take that out you would not chew that it's up basically just sheeting it out pulling it let the knife do the work just gently following the shape of the bone the natural shape obviously we trim this bone up after convince it make some lovely lemon mint burgers if you see comes off it should look like that like that strap again on that one side and with our shoulders it's quite a bit of fat some blood meat just gently trim it up square it off what I'm gonna do with this I'm actually gonna cut these neck Phillips out which is that I of the meat you can see it's got a natural scene just follow it these are great you know it's gonna make a curry these really are a prime piece of meat you know you can see I'm just pulling it it's basically coming out on its own trim it off square it off take a bit of flats oh that's off there I'll do the same to the other side so start it off for your hands as you can see naturally pulls away yeah well here are the next fill it from that one up swear it off there's plenty of fat in this you know I'm always have shoulder when I roast you can't beat it do it slow it gets sweeter you know and do it real slow and it you know falls off the bone I don't think you can beat it so there's our shoulders there's our neck Phil it's better then form the primals as you can see we've got our two lovely legs or two chumps moving across or two loins two breasts and of course the front ends the shoulder the neck Phillips to the dice the net village using a curry or make some nice kebabs and obviously my neck a lamb so what we going to do now is we're going to concentrate on boning these pieces out the pieces I want boned out you know we get them tops cut get it all trimmed up nice these chunks these are the equivalent of one a cow these would leave the room steaks so these will be great for grilling for frying or doing in the oven what we going to do is gonna trim up the fat square them off and bone these out now you can see the bone there just put my knife in skel aha now these have got two bones so you could if you wanted to just take that one bone off there and you could cut them on the bone but I want the bone mistakes so I'm just going to get that other down out makes a good little roast and joint this does as well now you have your very must jump so you have a scene out on this one so just trimming it following that bone nice and steady there's our other bone out just show you on that side and your left and get in there not from that one up square off there we have two lovely chumps the breasts the lamb now this to me you've obviously got to do this slow just going to square off I'm gonna take that bit off my mince that there's several ways you could cut this cut it into ribs you know do it in the oven ball I like to do I like to burn out I'll just show you again we're going to shoot this out but burn this out I mean you roll this up I have actually got a video of slow-roasted breast to lamb and it because of the fat content you know it keeps it moist it's an absolutely an amazing cut and I love it another cut I grew up with you know these used to be 50p when I was a kid you're looking to get them for about a five or now so a bigger breast for lamb all you do just roll it up just gently slow put that aside and all these bits we'll go over after with die set we're mince it like i said make some lamb burgers make some lamb sausage you know shepherd's pie kebabs I mean there's loads of things you can do you know even the nice lean bits slice it thinly stir-fry them shooting that rack out ribs that's the other one now I'd like to leave a bit of fat in you know because if you slow roast this it's all going to melt away anyway so is that one do this one properly no cowboy skillet yeah you could stuff that as well so there's our two rested lamb or two so without knowing we've got two cuts we've got our best end chops and our loin chops so I want to leave the rib bones in the what we call cutlets so that very last rib put your knife in and as you can see the bone there together clean joints straight through and there you have fantastic glowing chops trim them up take a little bit of the fat out and basically you go through what we call in the butcher's tray the six-foot-one small five I mean just look how nice they are got a little bit of marbling in there as well this is you know serious quality lamb so like I said see it this side where the rib ends you can see the bone straight through a little bit trim so again so chops five joint five joins this is where having a sharp knife is a priority loin chops put them over there now with these I'm just going to take the backbone off the chine bone so you can cut through your saw here just take that off and these lovely doctor never chops I mean I'm gonna jump quite thick through the ribs now you have lovely cutlets looks good than it it does look good we'll put them over there show you again so just you can hear it when it gets through you knew that that's when you don't any further than that you go into the eye of the meat just gently follow down those feather bones scream as we go then I put it with the other cut that a double you know yeah again grill these I like mine pan fries or plan fire them to get them crispy finish them in the oven so next which is my favorite mmm the neck alarm now normally these would be chopped in a butcher shop what that does is it makes the bone splinter which is no good you know so we're gonna do some way just cut through the bone you get no splinters and that's believe it or not it makes one of the best dishes go in to me one of my favorite cuts after the breast he's lovely chomps like I said the equivalent of a rump steak so it's very very versatile go straight through and as you can see that is a fantastic cut a meat and obviously I've cut her end but joins the legs a little bit thicker cuz it tapers down that gives you your lovely like steaks just take off joints knee joint what I'm going to do with these it's quite a lot of meat on these first time I'm going to take off the shank one of my favorite first cuts cuts straight through you can see on this one they've got ya Shanker lamp how many new doesn't like that stoop down nice and slow right these legs just give him a trimmer just take a little bit that fat off and then the other Bristol what we gonna do is bone this house starting with that H bone funny shaped bone this just take your time through that's all joints as you can see try not to get in the way of the camera and basically know she is your left really I mean you could just tie that up now as a joint or take the bone out completely string it I think is what I'm going to do and I'm going to cut that once it's tied into two it'll make two nice joints so to bone it out feel in there so the one bone ends have a lot of people they just open it up I make bone a leg of lamb I don't do it like I do it the proper way Tunnel boney so you can see that bone there just go in nice right up close that boat and all you're doing is tracing that bone to the tip of your knife and you start at this end on the ball joints basically comes out there you have one boneless make a lamb given a trimmer what we were doing a minute as weel tie that up and get it cut in half two joints with this other one same again I should trim it up for this one I'm going to leave the bone in do you know that lovely prime would be his shank aligned with the shunt taken off and that ass she got the bone to staff would be you fill it to fantastic looking joints the neck fill it so I took off first I'm going to do just Mitch let me do these a couple of ways first thing I do is cut the shoulder and ass into the shank and the blade end all you do there's a blade bone there your knife nice and straight across now this blade is my favorite joints bone dust off my sore didn't work really well then you're left with that from this end all we do give that a trim your left with them so the same with this one so find that blade you can see that white blade bone there ends that's where you want to put your knife and you can see them in there there's the bone just go straight Christ I mean that's got plenty of fat in it which obviously roasted slowly all mounts down sweeter cut a meat for me out of the leg shoulder on shoulder every time you tie this leg that I boned out cut the string around it try and get even strings nice and tight keep the joint together we gonna do take your knife right down the middle or two boneless leg joints before we lump it all together for the money shot with these shank ends of the shoulder just gonna take the I suppose hock off says come on you little beauty and that will go with the other ones I'm just gonna burn this out cuz I want some meat for dice like I said make some nice lamb kebabs maybe ask you you know all the trim definitely go into some burgers and minty burgers so let's take it off there first thing I do square it up I'm going to get couple nice shoulder steaks and for that and the rest I'm just going to dice up I'll cut that and cut they're pretty much the natural seen and you can expose see in that joint and same again that little bone up dogs are gonna eat well I mean this is you know it's not as hard as it looks and it's definitely the way to buy this stuff you know but it all comes down sloping the right product in the start you know like I said this is seriously the top great lamb I had off my butcher my mate the road you know he's really passionate about Islam and he's right too as well you know this is an amazing product you know they don't just give these protective state systems to anybody you know so I'm just going to finish off trimming it out I've got these lovely shoulders I'm just gonna bone what healthier this is the blade end very strange shape bone so one stone this one got the bone in I'll show you what I mean the minitor shape of the bow very therapeutic to watch when I was at the butchers you know a lot of people they they'll ask you to cut something from you know when they'd been mesmerised and they'd be saying you know I really enjoyed watching you do that and as I found out you know in your channel with over 150,000 views on my idea butchery alone you know people like to watch it these are dying skills you know there's not many of us left you know there's definitely no younger kids coming into the game for what they are you know their supermarket monkeys you know it's all out of the box you don't see many people cutting off the bone anymore give it one of them and that cheap blade bone out just take that ball joints simple as what quite a bit of fast in this neck end so what we do strip it back just take a little little bit of it out not one kernel there and little bit of blood meat once that's tied up and squared off that there's a lovely little joint so there's the finished article and what a beautiful display as we've got from up the top here we've got the two shanks on the back legs a bone leg putting out elect lamb boning cut in half blade side of shorter lamb bone in blade side shoulder a lamb bonus are two necklace which we can cut down the middle cut nice and thick for kabobs some shoulder steaks over here we've got these lovely fantastic looking loin chops or lamb cutlets one of my favorites the neckl and nice little pile of dice the lamb there and moving over here we've got our lovely chunk chops our front hocks chance whatever you want to call them you could burn them out and it's that pile em to mean one of the king of the lamb cheap cuts is the breast and all it remains me to say is you know this is a premium product you have to go to a butchers for this you know no one else can produce it like this the supermarket's they won't stop the quality of this you know this is a premium product like I said it's got its own stamp and that was how to cut up a whole lamb and it just remains to me to say thank you to my butcher mr. Neher away you know who got me in Islam he's really a passionate about Islam and you can see why no there's a few meals there and I hope you enjoyed watching her I enjoyed doing it thanks for watching
Channel: Scott Rea
Views: 963,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Nhp2wcWtR0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 1sec (2221 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2014
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