How To Butcher A Lamb At Home (Tutorial)

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did I guys butcher any tea here in this video I'm going to show you guys how to cut up I am with minimal tools no no Dan store just a handful of knives and I saw so we'll get started first up get up breaking into his shoulders loins legs start on the shoulders just flip it on the edge of the bench that you're not looking through from the inside Kent from the front five ribs we're going to cut point five and six ribs leave it is five or six you know what's cut through that up that might leave that to the soil out of light do three five six again have you saw through the once you feel once you feel the soul gets through the bond stop and cut up the knife take these notes of play today's your four corner you'll move on type of legs off the lines what you're going to feel for there's a little Kim been able to hip bone feel for that and cut right beside that alternatively you can poke your knife in there and feel so that this joint just past queries title buying guys then I'll lock your grandma be able to hit there is it what are they strike they're in there going on over in putting out into the bench a true this guy strapped to that joint there guys there it is legs loins shoulders I saw some stat on the legs so I'm going to show you how to just do a simple leg roast one sorry layer rump steaks lamb chop chop just grab the knife tip it up hold on there you got to cut through the tie line right there that's me - running off through there you'll say you'll come around the table and feel for that stripe through that that's off down this side door through just feeling like you'll feel it got into that joint back then tuck in style by now there it is oh yeah I'm starting this month I'll do a simple leg of lamb and some some bad chop shops just trim this panel right you don't need that little place of skirting it take that kick down a stream that's the Philip you said Philip runs up the air on top of get on top of you or I don't understand your Chuck chops around the top for you on the side of that doing that outside oh yeah that's a long long time take away in there we're gonna make some chump jokes on here so for that same again moving off and you want to get roughly there is the end of your interview awake so we'll start with the north yeah [Music] let me get one little mark out a little bit possible we're gonna get it we'll take one more oh yeah Hansel it's nice and gentle till you're feeling us see this all right Bob little chap chops then we left for the leg of lamb you'll just want to joint that and you just find it go through the body hit this wall it's a little wide get your hands up there yes Oh then we'll move on from the other way so place the skirt again with this so I'm going to reduce some rump steaks Weimer up stakes that's just a better crew in that battle I again website nor did I come will come please chumps try it all better suicide again as you feel the shock through the time the rest of it all cut that off and say we rot on me rot on the hip joint that little piece of bones just coming into bed that's you keep going Chuck that in there do it on top like a man with this once I cut through with you know and so again you want to follow the Bible rant start it snap it up on the hip joint just following her hand just use the point of you North don't go into dish that you follow the vine just use a point you can't go too far wrong just working in like that Neji bond will make that little place of tipping on the palms all of it putting that up little pace of the hip there that it what side as you land right oh yeah so sighs that yeah because you're a little buzzed ability with that so that is your basic cuts of your leg and your chunk jobs out of line amp rips thanks Eric Ronnie hey next we're going once you want to start something you want to work on your source of what your chops are gonna be back through this come through that place like that now let's go down blowing and out rib Moines so I want to sip right guys to join your last rib when it cut strike in there oxide let's try it across this slide will sit right guys do anything off I'd be the cutlets in your rack they'll be on boys and we'll take a back spin realize how much they get you know just work it along the backbone or just on the backbone once on the side that's that never flip you over we're going to take this these rib bones their term that Peter I don't for you so you can see exactly what you've got where you're going over there right over there with your saw this is important you don't know don't go to date this is weak and stop reading the good cuts of make just getting a very simple cut throw that advice but you feel the lines go back you cut into where you do run into that cut you put down the back there it is that's an awful sight on the other side speeding your in-laws and gentle with your saw Justin's in you guys through the body there's you guys get into there that's alright look this one will do a rack trim that bit of that has fallen for their backbone any wax that then with you're not a little bit back from you from the I run a straight in nice and square with each other it's a more square cut straight down I'm going to peel that off will Chuck that in there and you've got a little piece of a scapula shoulder wide left in there take that in here go ahead then we just want to go on their north like these intercostals there yeah I'm working your way through there we got my little bracket line over there now we have the other side dripping the numbers on down there I'm going to do some couplet enemies so again we'll take that piece it anyway have this they go I face back nine yeah and we'll go again square across like that want some square it take that off tuck that away take that piece of place of show show them like that again we've met and it's just a matter of going between your ribs and counting your comments it we have nice little cabins oh I have one little boy and the one side is your normal traditional loin chops and then the other side we'll go ahead in to fill it out and the and the backstrap there let's take that in the end the same with it bring that up you carefully cut into your filling that's it well yeah that's the reason we do that we'll talk through some of that Nathan if they fill up so just working around that do you hit that bottom bone just working out nice and gentle as you land fill it tiny him up a bit take that bottle bit of skin off there's a filler see you go to bed it's just that they're all right now before we cut him now my goddamn with the stool and cut straight through the middle of this side again nice and gentle widgets on Drive that this is Nate down the middle as you can [Music] you have worn chops this will be our back strap so long this feather boundaries instead of these top these back on it run your knife along there just following the bottom is that a minute it's just a matter that backstrap them is wrong out of it come up it just clean this you steal the steam off it is just a matter there's your man backstrap grunting blowing chops we've already pretty well trim that little bit more stuff over here we'll take off a little bit around there like this this is top why I just gently score with it off and they stopped my other bag trip this peel-off Rome is in like that and it's just a matter of going through the jewels we have in the backpack so I want to work through these joints here this is the only time I use speaking off just give you a bit of everything so you just walk up and just one anymore there's one oh yeah family out rich you can do one of two things the vase for anything really you could Truman F just use them for something just you can find them at and roll them which takes it's a little bit in it drawn the trim alone all the fat and seniors and stuff it out problems just do it in spirits so just cutting pull out the bone around if you can see where the bone you wind up with a brisket bone take that out you'll be left with that then this top piece it back and skin just matter little nick hold on it get off there is and we'll just trim that little fat off the top check that away then we'll cut rich there's your spareribs this piece might escape in the Fraser but I'll make a batch of sausages mine out yes this one so just do the same thing there follow where the brisket filing joint under the ribs take that out that under there if you have a little mincer you can trim this turn this leg by internet and wrap them in some a little bit of ambience it's awesome it mixed up and the base together for me starts at the other side that's some oh my god I'll be right down again then place the top skin you know it off there it is zoom that that off throw that in there then just between your ribs just kinda mean this nice little spirits oh yeah it brings us to the pork oil isn't a piece of meat that I want them and do it trouble with working out what what to do with it I almost don't think it's probably the best pieces of meat on the land their taste and flavor so we're gonna bone this bone one side up and the other side will will do into four quarter jobs without the under bones they'll just hope that the top owner the shoulder and the scapular in that we'll start by taking the bone there so it's just a matter of running your knife down the back so at the end of the movies net I'll spin right done it that's art that's art that's art then with your knife you want to go down inside the ribs working it off around the ribs so anyway off there's Nick I know off your neck just bow on the bags there's no rush to get it to get it off just you fall in the bottom you can't got to be wrong you're not going to cut three muscles if you're on behind gently letterhead are in awesome sorry I'm just we're gonna reenact Nik just using the funny enough there that is that's off the first time do some some fork or chops with every plans up I'm just going to trim this up a bit take it that paddywhack which is a yo bit that runs along it back and down his neck take that off of that once again we want to try to cut through meet with the Civil War so knock everything off that's just a matter of one turn this off pending that far yeah we just want to cut through once again we're just cutting through the mix and we'll make the bounds of the salt one do take three off that they don't give us a good length [Music] [Music] [Music] that yeah they're a little Rambo for corn chops oh yeah now this one you've got the leg bone running through to there and the scapula's the rest of that really tricky over these ones so here we go take your thickness however thick you take your chops mine's pretty well but thumb thickness probably you can go that's enough to limit possible piece there for a bit of soup okay first you leave it running like that scheduler in it so you're just soaring there is an awesome gift or til you feel to go through that time then you want to pull up [Music] [Music] that may is good for soups or stews behalf and turning a little dice its or whatnot I'll choose the sausages that's what you can hear the poor yeah just go on the rest of the way through it with an off and that's just a four-quarter job without the read values in there we have it my wife Charlotte going in there for rolling fork order of hand [Music] they pretty much stand on whether scapularis you can see see if they're just gonna work it off around that oh damn it on the flat and open this out you can say that and you'll get a scene here soon to make this fire that scene that'll open your head you're going to go back to if I just far enough to go open it up for that bit of fat literally a gland and now we'll take it out soon that's that open that out what we're going to tell tunnel bone this shank out of here in a moment don't want to take this piece of that off here the shoulder is a rather funny piece of meat which probably explains why it's got so much flavor oh yeah what we only did it he's going around the scapula back so it's website do you saving it soon will come neck in system at up pick it up push that will pop out little meat then let me show you how to grab it and pull it straight out of the shoulder like that just pull in just given that last place here there it is nice and clean oh yeah you don't want to get this shank out here so what you do not put the leg and boy belt buckle it and just stop working around this knuckle then they're just using the 14 off you don't need to go too far with it and just scrape scrape the meat there you can see the edges just look describing and won't cut me into date that's it you can see that I was going in it's just around there like this oh yeah no just under that where the knuckle is on there on the point of easy elbow then north through Joey in that walk side and then you better grab puts the shank out of the edge of the bench look and on tuck grab the shank of your twist twist it up lose your shame down please here you nail the bottom of Charlotte nightmares left it at all now it's just a matter of trimming up and get them ready to roll whip some string up which I'll shine over the light at night hey I liked all my two other more roles of made up alright so we'll just look her in the photo we need trimming that eventually a gland in a locker system look at our big wedding that one time little one sit down that I know very nice take well that take a penny like that in it again as your foot and use that a few times just to get a cool it along the back trim that out of that website you can either be total off that one's pretty good and [Music] [Music] [Music] one drink two chicks that is it Ronnie hi guys I'll just bring her in the other side here and tell her you're exactly what I've done this will be spinning with me righto guys so I'll just take you through what we've just done for starters we've done in the legs so we've done a half leg there another half there's a full leg then we've done our chump chops here and then our lamb rump steaks then we moved on to we did the lamb back strap and lamb Phillip lamb rack there's their cutlets and we moved up to our low end chops is our loin chops there's the ribs then our little round bow in four quarter chops a square cut four quarter chops that'll be a rolled boneless shoulder then of course there's our shanks right guys so that was me video on how to cut up a lamb the old style while with just a couple of knives and a handsaw I hope this this helps you with your home butchering and thanks for watching don't forget to like share and subscribe to me channel cheers guys bye
Channel: Butcher Benny Tee
Views: 115,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Home Butcher, DIY Butcher, Homesteading, Lamb, Farm Butcher, Home Kill, Self Sufficient, Non Bearded Butcher, Butchering
Id: bNS82Ig6Vf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 42sec (2202 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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