How to Butcher a Chicken (without Equipment)

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in our last video we showed you the Maximus butchering setup what if you just have a few chickens what if you're on a really tight budget did you know you can pretty much just do it with things you have in your kitchen a knife you can use a kitchen knife we're used in some kitchen knives here ok this is just a multi-purpose I think it's like six inches everybody's got a bucket laying around right everybody's got a bucket everybody's got a stove top with a a pot big enough for a chicken and does everybody have a hey string could you guys find a hey string or some rope or similar so you could do this chicken butchering absolutely no extra cost to you if you're doing a few if you have a few friends that would be interested in this and learning where their food comes from 15 Birds this way so let's show you the old-school way of doing it so take my chicken this just right that's tied in a loop you put your chickens legs in there and let that catch okay upside-down sedates down a little bit it calms them down you want to turn them around grab their feathers you hold their head right here and you cut right above their jaw bone where's my bucket obviously I would hold the string up a little higher so I'm not bending over but you can do it hey this is a minimus butchering this is gonna take about three Ishmael its layout you need to hold them because you don't that's one reason you would have a killing cone is to keep them secure keep them comforted keep them sedated that's why we hung them upside down with this string it's gonna be multi-purpose we'll dip our bird in our skull der will also hang it back up to pluck it if you're not doing 200 Birds a year for inevitable you're doing 15 a dozen a year you got some friends do this way so after we let it let it sit for 3 minutes we did this string the minimalist killing right here that wasn't that much harder then if we had the cones the cones make it a little bit easier because we don't have to hold the chickens it's a little easier to put them in it then to tie a string up but not that significant you at least have a kitchen stove or you have a pot you have a pot you don't even have to be this big we've heated it up with propane but you can do it on the kitchen so why couldn't you do it in your kitchen unless the missus don't want you in there then you're gonna have to get a camping stove but anyway we dip this and have that string it's best if you can dip those legs but this is a minimal chip but chicken butchering that's really hot water and feel it so it might not take long to do this the way we know that it's done fishing Tiffin it whether I'm not having to touch that hot water with this is we can't normally if you're dipping the legs you can try to peel the legs but the legs aren't whoo we aren't even really dipping the legs and these legs are already starting to peel the one way you can really test for sure is pull the wing feathers and they came out okay they came out real easy so it's ready to be plucked so guess what guys there ain't no machine in the minimalist world come on let's have a party ho ho this was the pot this was a little more difficult because you have to well you have to have a thermometer and you have to regulate this temperature versus the Maximus scald or any but in here we have it set to 149 scored off a little bit but we guess what it's gonna bring it back up automatically hang it somewhere to be back on the bar y'all I got friends start plucking yeah come on guys jump in so who's who's gonna butcher after after this workshop you are ok you gotta be more this set up and a mr. Maximus looked at some of the pluckers that are on tighter supply have a [ __ ] lives up in North Dakota that grows them he made his own you see you've gotten the easy part the hard part about hand plucking it feeds a little feathers they're having real fun back there the greatest joy watch something you do you have some friends that would do this I think it wouldn't look at you like you have eight heads when you invited them emergency room nurse nurses no problem keep it going keep it going yeah you guys yeah just throw them on the grass in the minimal situation the feathers going to the grass it'll be just fine there it a decomposed we would put our blood yeah okay so we our water got a little hot that's the trick with the minimal situation you can't get the perfect 149 degrees it's harder it's hard to get the 149 degrees I believe this was a lot hotter than that we only so we only scolded it for like 20 seconds and that was too much so we would cool that in this situation we would add water to that for our next birds but then here's the trick you might add too much water and the more chickens you do them the more it's gonna cool off so you're gonna have to you have to watch your temperature more my situation but this was free yeah and maybe you just wanted one fresh chicken mm-hmm maybe you just want to kill one at a time like they used to you know go kill one for supper well you don't want to spend 2 hours setting up all this equipment you just want to get robbing getting better than that so you guys want to pluck that until you feel like that you would be comfortable with that in your fridge let's pull it off and you rinse it off and you process it just like anything else you might not have a setup outside you might have to go inside to your kitchen but maybe the missus wouldn't mind so much that looks like that it almost looks like grocery store me right there if we're going to miss rate this the minimalist way the maxim is playing we took we cut this with stainless steel shears minimis way we pull the head off in that case it was pretty easy because they cut into the neck a little bit we want to get rid of this neck next skin just slice never poke put it on each side slice the neck skin as we go put it back on its back we're a between just pull that skin right off there at this point while it's on its belly we can cut along the chest here to not pierce the bag we want to cut it with the person so we would cut this way Maximus minimus we would leave that neck on there still once back let's get it flags and spend our legs up against the way at natural events a little snit and tuck and see in there you can cut the cart cartilage but don't cut the bone pinch right about those tail bones till you see air put it over the edge here pull it up see that way there's some manure coming out open up this cavity real good now you want to reach in on either side there's connective tissues do not connect the tissue on either side up against the rib cage we're breaking in breaking that on top we're breaking that on the left side we're breaking that connective tissue and then we can reach up in there and pull all the guts out along with our windpipe we left our heart in there we can grab our heart out lungs that hang on to the ribs right there somehow we got lucky and got that one out this one the lungs are right here so you kind of just crawl in there get it in one piece I can which I was able to do you just kind of they even make a tool to get those lungs no that makes the venous I know I hang it over the edge of the table it's all my stuff is hanging out this is where I could cut the liver here's your liver you hang it you use gravity for your advantage hold the liver up put the guts hang don't hit that that's the bio that'll make it taste her well you'd want to rinse it if you accidentally hit that sacrifice some of the liver to get around the bow there's the liver cut the gizzard off if you want at this point right now we're gonna feed it to the pigs hanging the guts over the edge you want to cut on either side of this intestine to the right all the way down to the bone you don't have to hit the bone but go to where you think the bone is go to the left and then cut straight across that get your intestines out without having to cut your chest come on so there we go now I'm gonna rinse this off which was better the string or the killing cone cone was so much easier so you when I cone I'll become okay are you gonna buy a plucker colder and colder are you gonna buy scald they're probably both there's like how many gonna be doing in time probably a hundred and fifty oh lord help you never ever yes I would certainly buy that stuff Easter this is interesting how long does it take you to pluck this bird in that plucker maybe 20 seconds 15 it was really quick people to [ __ ] it a minute minutes yeah I would agree with that I would agree with that if you can only have one equipment it's the plug that's the block Walker it's the flicker definitely that's the one thing that happens yeah so what do you think about that plucker I think it's amazing would you alright when you go to are you gonna harvest some chickens yeah are you gonna get a pluck or are you gonna do it by hand it depends on money I'm gonna do okay I did a couple I guess I'd what my hand and I did a lot I definitely rent one of them buy one of them or yeah least one of them whatever you do here
Channel: Justin Rhodes
Views: 216,589
Rating: 4.8043256 out of 5
Id: byCK8RnGzz4
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Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 25 2018
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