How to Build your own SMTP Mail Server using AWS for FREE with 10/10 Sending Score -Send Bulk Emails

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[Music] hello everyone my name is deborah chidas welcome to bytes on tech here in this video tutorial we are going to learn how to build our own smtp server and send unlimited emails you can promote your blog website or products for free we are going to use amazon aws for this smtp i have already purchased domain if you don't have a domain you can purchase this from hosting or any other name chip or any other platform i'm going to use my hungry blogger domain uh i purchased it roman from godaddy okay so if you don't have amazon account please sign up aws account okay i have already uh signed up this is amazon aws management console we are going to use the ec2 instance for this smtp just click on the search bar and type ec2 okay and click on dashboard okay so now we have to create an ec2 instance so click on instance and launch instance okay and now type centos on the search bar press enter click on results select the first one centos 7. after using one year for free you have to pay these charges so read all this press continue okay select the configure instance detail you don't need to change anything we are going to use the free tier only so keep it as it is just click on add storage 8gb is enough for our smtp so just click on add tag i'm not going to use any tag you can use if you want just click on configure security group this is important here you need to open few ports we are going to install our whm sndp for uh you know it uses 2087 port that needs to be open and there are few other port like smtp smtps even http http it's supposed to be open it should be open actually and mssql so please uh check this part okay pop3 pop3 exports also need to be opened you can click on custom and gift open 2087 uh what i will do is i will open all the tcp ports it's up to you for the ssh port keep it as custom okay and for the other ports i will keep it as anywhere let's first let's just uh select all these ports okay yes okay one more port needs to be added i think yeah all tcp i'm opening all the tcp ports okay you can add a custom port or instead of opening all the tcp board you can open 2087 port over using custom tcp so for the ssh i will keep it as custom and for the other ports i will select anywhere from the drop down menu just follow the step by step you can build your smtp in your time okay okay click on add and uh sorry click on review and launch okay click on launch unit you can check all the details then click on launch now we have to download a new key pl for to create a new vpn please select create new appear from the drop down menu okay so give it a name i'm using domain so i'm going to give hungryblogger smtp so you can give a custom name if you want so just download the keypair and click on launch instance i have drafted this blog uh post uh basically i haven't published it yet i will publish it soon okay uh click on the id okay i think it's running let's check click on the instance id okay here you just remember the last three four digits and for the ip address here as you can see this uh after creation of instance it has provided one ip address if you stop and restart the instance this ip will automatically change so because of this dynamic ip address you won't get uh email score of 10 out of 10. to solve this issue we are going to create an elastic ip address and we will associate that elastic ip to this particular centos instance let's go ahead and click on elastic ip click on allocate elastic ip just ignore those ips click on allocate it will allocate a new ip for you click on allocate okay this is the ip address okay click on it okay so now we need to check this iv if it's blocked or not so if it is blacklisted sorry not blocked but blacklisted or not just search for mx toolbox okay so click on blacklist and paste the ipad yes and click on blast list check okay there is some issue click again okay as you can see ip is not black distress this is one thing that i like about amazon is uh it provides so good ip addresses with good reputation i haven't seen any blacklisted ip yet i've given it many instance anyway let's go ahead okay let's open okay let's go to the instance okay we need to associate first okay click on associate and here we need to select the instance okay so now click on associate okay now this ip address is associated to our centos instance so if you stop the instance type and you start it the ip address won't change now okay just click on instance click on the sentence instance id now you can see the ip addresses change okay ah that's great uh copy the ip address so you can use the ip address or uh to log in or to connect to you know this particular instance we need to use puttygen before that we need to convert the key pr file into ppk file we downloaded a pem file we need to convert it into ppk so select click on load and just select all files and select the key pair click on open press ok and save click on save press yes you can select the specific path folder or directory okay uh just give a particular name i will keep the same name hungry blogger smtp basically this footage and converts the ppk file in sorry pm file into ppk file okay click on save and we need this ppk file uh to login anyway now we are going to use putty don't worry about this software i will attach the link on in my blog post you can download the putty from okay so i will attach the link for both put the input together okay so you can use the ip or you can click on connect here in the point number four public dns is mentioned you can use that or you can use ip as i mentioned i'm going to use the public dns so click on connect i will keep on connecting and i will copy the point number four okay open putty okay here under hostname host address basically paste this one now go to data here the default user name is centos so type centos expand the ssh you will get authentication audh so click on auth and browse the key file ppk file that will generate it from putty gen okay select click on open press yes okay now we have successfully logged in we need to go to the root now for that i will use pseudo minus i okay now we are in the root okay so what we need to do is we need to change the hostname and also add a a record okay in our dna settings first let's install pearl okay so copy the command and paste install perl installation is done okay now after okay it's going okay let's wait okay now it's done uh now we are going to add the a record and set the host name okay so for adding the sorry for checking the hostname you can add the command hostname and press enter it will show you the host name let's just go to code id click on manage dns we need to click on that to access the dns settings so here is the manage dns option click on manage dns okay what i'm going to do is i am going to create a sub domain and point that sub domain to the aws id so aws ip address uh so let me delete this one i'm going to use server only as my subdomain create a record uh in the host name uh you are going to mention the name of your sub domain uh basically i'm going to use server so let me type server so you can uh create a custom name for your sub domain so my main domain is hungry blogger so my sub domain if i'm giving server then it's server dot hungry blogger dot team this is this will be my host name i need to point uh you know and paste the ip address to point so copy the ip address and paste on the point to field and click on save okay and now we are done with the dns settings so let's go to putty we need to set the host name now so you can check the hostname assignment i'm using the hostname command and you need to type it using smallcaps now you should i will set the host name directly for that you need to use the command sudo hostname and you have to type the hostname okay pseudo host name space i have created a sub domain uh that is server so my main domain is a dotting so it will be dot hungry blogger dot in so basically the name of the sub domain dot your main domain press enter now it's done so let's check the hostname copy and copy it and paste it press enter as you can see the hostname is changed now it's showing server dot blogger dotting right uh now to install the c panel uh what we are going to do is we will change the directory by using a cd command so let's go ahead and change the directory copy this one cd slash home don't worry about the codes i will paste all this codes you can check it out from my blog now we will install the cpanel just paste it press enter okay it's done so now just we'll use the switch latest so it will update and install the cpanel the placing once you finally okay it will uh take some time uh to install so be patient and just wait in the meantime what you can do is you can update the reverse dna so uh the reverse dns is basically the host name that we get that is server dot hungry blubber dotting based on your domain and subdomain name so i will do that now to change the you know reverse dns too for that we need to go to the plastic ip and just click on the ip address okay uh you can see there is no reverse dns record we will create a reverse reaction update reverse dns okay here as i mentioned uh this is basically the host name you have given you've said basically that is the reverse dns so here in my case it will be server dot hungry blogger dottie so basically your sub domain name dot your main domain after that you need to type update and click on update okay click on update okay so uh just wait it will take 15 to 20 minutes to update okay let's check uh okay the installation is going on okay uh in the meantime uh let's discuss something uh like uh i'm using aws because it's free and they provide uh repetitive ip address okay uh like there are other providers you can go with digital portion i won't recommend that because their ips are blacklisted okay so uh there are other providers like uh i have read few posts they have credit card faults and all this thing called dabo is their host win these are all previous services uh that you can you know use to host this smtp server if you want to go with a dedicated server then uh you can go with king sufi kim sofi and one provider is there for dedicated servers okay anyway uh for dedicated server this port 25 is open uh there is no restrictions you have the full control okay uh but for other providers like contact or hosting awkward by default the port 25 is blocked so you need to request them to open this port 25 okay to send emails in my account i have requested the awst and they opened the port 25 within 20 to 48 hours okay and one more thing uh there are many smtp servers so like postal smtp and there are other also uh i will recommend to use this one because without ip warm up your mail will land on the inbox okay if you configure this cpanel smtp server properly okay i have tested few smtp servers okay and what i found out is this one is one of the best smtp you can use for to promote your blog website or anything okay so let's just wait for the installation to complete uh i know many of you how to use aws and create easy to instance i'm not pausing the video because there people might not know how to use aws and they can use this tutorial step by step to build their own smtp server okay so if you want uh you can skip the installation part you can check the other things after the installation is done it will give us to link we will use those links one is the one type or login link and you also need one email id if you don't have an email id you can create a gmail id and use it for sign up okay one more thing you can connect this smtp server with even marketing applications like myotic and mailbox idick is a open source free marketing application in my next blog post or video i will uh discuss how to install matic and connect uh this safety server with maldik if you want to you know me to show how it can be done with mailbox also i can show it just leave a comment in the comment section i will upload a video and please do subscribe to get update of the latest post i think the installation is done okay this as you can see it has provided a one-time url for login we will use this url just copy and go to i will use same cognitive mode you can use the normal mode only okay so let's just fight accept to all okay if you don't uh we need to create a cpanel account for this just click on login okay uh so you have to click on create account just give one email id i will use my bytes on tech email id for this okay click on create account new response okay click right click again okay let's do one thing let's refresh the page okay uh so we need to check our email i think we have sent a link so let's go ahead and open our gmail account okay basically you need to click on that link and verify and create a new password so let's let me sign in first next okay okay just click on the link here you need to provide a strong password make sure you remember this password okay okay click on change basically we didn't have any cpanel account and we have used this one-time login link to create this account let me just log in first to the cpanel then we will request for another one-time login link for whm okay and just use the email id and the password okay like this okay let me click on login okay just accept the terms click on continue okay we have successfully signed in as i mentioned we have used the one-time url to you know to create the cpanel account now we have to request again for to request just type whm login it will generate another link okay we'll just copy the link and paste it here and open this link click on login allow access okay uh activator now so setup server okay you have to provide an email id i will use my python tech email id for this also click on next okay uh so as you can see it is asking to reboot i'm not going to reboot uh first we need to change the root password this is very important if you don't change the password you can't log in again so click on change like you can click on change password or you can search for it or from search bar like you can right here change password it will give you the option so here you have to provide a strong password just provide a strong password that you can remember okay sorry for the delay let me just just make sure you give a password that you can't remember okay this one is very important by default the username is root by the way so you just need to change the password here now we will reboot using this button click on proceed uh it will reboot this whm okay okay uh so let's we need to go to putty again actually we don't need uh connection has lost actually we don't need the putting but we just need the second link that it provided okay so we are going to use this link and you can see that it uses 2087 port will copy this link uh to you know from next time if you want to access the application we will use this one to access okay when so let's just paste the url and click enter and don't worry click on advanced uh at proceed okay actually i'm not going to uh give any just let's just log in first and i will explain uh click on type root and just keep the password to log in in this tutorial i'm not going to show you how to set a setup ssl okay you can provision the ssl from the application the i think from what next what i will show you to you right now just click on create account we will create the account okay uh just keep the domain information okay you don't need to write the host name like server dot you just need to enter the main domain okay and some people i i have seen some people do that let's say write the host name so here you just need to fill up you know all the details and mention the main domain okay just provide one email id the email field okay what i think will keep the username as admin so let me change the username from hungryblogger to admin okay so okay scroll down here in the dna settings make sure you tick this one use the name server specified at the domain register now see the name servers are changed okay so you have to click on create it will create this account okay after account creation you need to go to cpanel okay it's done so you can click on go cpanel from right hand side or you can click on whm to reload from list account you can go there so right now i will click on whm to show you how you can access the cpanel for this particular account click on list accounts okay as you can see it is created so you can click on cpanel logo so it will take you to c panel okay uh click on email accounts as you can see the email this account is already created uh storage unlimited okay so if you click on connect devices from here it will uh you know it will give you all the credentials you can use this credential to connect with the email marketing applications or if you want to connect with windows mail or even you know microsoft outlook you can do that will the we will test this credential afterwards uh we need to do something first so let's go to cpanel again okay so we need to set all the authentication records so click on email deliverity deliverability so as you can see problem exists so click on manage it says the dkim there's a problem with dkim spf is valid for you it may show the spf is not valid you may have to create the spf record also okay don't copy uh the name full name just copy up to domain key ignore the main domain part okay copy it uh go to dns settings uh for me i'm using the godaddy dns management okay i will go to my dna settings it's same for other providers also for example if you use hostinger it's more or less same okay so there is one dkim record already exclusively let's just skip it and create a new one i don't think it will be a problem so click spf record is clear so let's delete this record okay click on add create a text record select txt record in the host frame just paste the name up to domain key okay so go to email deliverability and copy the value of dkim and paste in the text value field save so we are going to do the same with spf also it says valid but i have deleted the record to show you how you can do this for spf we only need to cop our copy uh you need to create the text record only for spf also okay i'm just checking if there is another record okay because i have tested few servers this would be a server for email marketing just uh to create the record click on add select the txt option okay text value filter paste it sorry i copied the name uh you just need to copy the value field okay for spf just remember that you only need to copy the value fill just ignore the name okay uh in the host field just give a accurate sign okay paste the value on the text value field and save okay now just refresh this page email deliverability okay let's check what's okay here as you can see all the records are valid now even you can check the reverse dns it is pointing to server dot hungry blogger dot in uh if you remember we have used the ec2 dashboard to you know set the reverse dns so let's just refresh it and check okay as you can see from here also the reverse dns is set and that's why it is showing here server dot hungry blogger dot in okay great we are almost done uh there are two more thing you need to add one is the dmark record and another you need to verify with google post master to verify with google post master [Music] check okay just type google post master press enter tools okay okay click on postmaster tools uh click on let's get started and here if you don't have gmail id create one and you need to login then after the login you need to click on the add button to add your website okay here just keep your domain name and press next it will create a text record you need to copy the text record the value only so after that let's go to dns settings you need to paste it here you need to create a text record and paste it okay so it's like the spf only you just need to give a at the right sign on the host field as you can see and the text value field you need to paste that record generated by the google post master okay after that you need to go to postmaster again and click on verify okay so this is the dmarc record now i will attach the syntax for dmacc record in my blog you can check the blog from the video description you will get the syntax for the dmacc record you just copy the demark card and paste it okay create a text record and paste it here okay you just need to change the email id don't worry about it i will paste the syntax in my blog okay as you can see in the postmaster tool there are three steps so the last step is to verify okay so as i mentioned after adding the record you need to verify anyway uh let's continue with our smtp so there are few things you need to know like let's go to email account first okay uh here is a create button you can add more email ids you can create more email ids and use them as a sftp server okay you can connect those email ids to you know set up a bound server or anything uh you want for example if you have a support team so you can create a email id for support after it uh in my case i'm using so it will be like support accurate blogger dot in so uh it can be info at the rate of domain name anything you want just provide this password that you can remember it is necessary because this password will be the you know authentication for login okay so just you need to remember this password you can change it easily uh now we need to test this server so basically we're going to go to just copy the email from mailtester and we'll open this admin so check email click on check email and open round cube so click on open we are going to compose one email and we'll send email to that particular id we copied from mail tester paste it and i will give a subject let it be test mail this is a test file so i'll copy this one only body and paste it and hit send okay the email is sent so let's check our email score for that you need to go to validation click on check your score as you can see the score is 10 out of 10. okay so perfect score uh thanks for watching uh stay tuned uh subscribe the channel if you like the content to get updates for the latest post thank you
Channel: Bytes On Tech
Views: 12,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cpanel smtp, how to build smtp server, mail server linux, mail server setup, smtp server for bulk email, email marketing, setup smtp server, cpanel, mail server configuration, smtp server, mail server, smtp server setup, unlimited smtp, send unlimited emails, send unlimited emails free, bulk email, how to setup smtp server, setup smtp server ubuntu, Amazon AWS, email server, send bulk emails for free, cold email marketing, how to build smtp server using AWS, bytes on tech
Id: lGmhlf20bh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 0sec (2700 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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