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are you tired of your runs looking like this do you want a bunch of this nice well look no further today I'm going to be giving you the most OP builds that I know for Lan slot as well as give some tips and tricks on how I think you should be optimizing Lan slot in the best situations the builds Etc that you should be using for him now before we get into it this will be probably the last time I talk about damage cap as a PSA but let's just briefly talk about what makes a character's damage go up and down and really unlock their true potential now not to kind of spoil what's going to be in this build but let's just talk about why this damage cap thing is so so important number one without damage cap you aren't able to really see how much damage a character does and unfortunately or fortunately that means that you kind of have to revolve your entire build around including about 65 levels worth of damage cap now I know you're probably wondering what this is but hear me out for a second now if you're really really Min maxy and you want to get the most out of your build there is actually a bit of an alternate route that we can talk about here that is technically the best in slot when it comes comes to affording damage and trying to get damage cap mixed along everything else in your kit but before I get into the nitty-gritty of this I just want to preface this is extremely extremely extremely difficult to get so viewer discretion is advised as I just mentioned the stat that we're trying to get is 65 damage cap which is really important and there's a couple ways that you could get it namely like getting damage cap as a Sigil however something that you can do is actually put damage cap as a trait on stuff like your imbu or your right stone or put it on something like your character sigil and use it as an alternative trait if you take a look at what we have here you can see that one of the damage sigils will definitely have to be committed just as its own kind of uh sigil you have to use it as the main stat that means that one damage sigil will definitely have to be implemented but for some of the other bonuses that we get for damage cap which again is really important for hitting the damage cap you can see that we actually get five levels or trait levels worth of damage cap from the Terminus weapon which again spoiler I apologize but you can take a look at this later but if we move along you can actually see that you can get two damage caps as secondary traits on your character sigil and your critical rate sigil if you're playing lanc aot and just between all the stats that we just talked about prior to this you've already got level 50 damage cap without having to commit three or four damage cap sigils furthermore there's a trait that is associated with Terminus weapons which is called sigil booster and with it you're given three levels which is obviously really good and finally the reason why this build is super hypothetical is because technically speaking you can find a right stone with both a seven damage cap and a five damage cap on it totaling out to 12 and when you put all the numbers together it perfectly adds up to 65 damage cap with all of this you don't have to worry about damage cap as individual main Stat sigils or finding damage cap as a main stat sigil however again at the end of this all it is extremely extremely difficult to find this build now I apologize I kind of went a little bit deep on there I just wanted to kind of get the PSA out beforehand but let's just talk about what exactly the makeup of a build or a really really decent or versatile build in the endgame is you've got your damage traits like stamina tyranny and linked together you've got your supportive traits like uplift Cascade and quick cooldown to survive a little bit easier you also have stuff like nimble Onslaught guts potion hoarder and Firm Stance as defensive traits and finally the miscellaneous trait or the character trait that is kind of associated with each individual character and is special specifically to them is also an option that you can take when you're filling out everything outside of the damage cap you're more than welcome to honestly choose whichever traits that you want want if you want to play with a little bit more HP or you want to play with like a little bit more invincibility or if you want to play more with guard that's totally up to you and that's kind of the way the build that I just mentioned is super nice and that's primarily because you have so much flexibility you have endless slots to kind of get extra stats like nimble Onslaught or Nimble defense and you can associate or get those sigils whenever you want but I do want to make a brief mention of lancelot's sigil or his character sigil specifically because it is a little weird now if you you see here there's a white dragon's Glory sigil that you can obtain and it reads that you gradually boost the damage of each successive hit now if you look at the actual details of this this says that it boosts damage dealt by a Max of 50% if you look at white Dragon's Oath you can see that you gain additional movement range with your right click uh or I guess whatever the button is for controller but it's basically your short Dash that also deals damage but interestingly enough if you take a look at combo booster it kind of looks identical if not just way better technically speaking than white dragon's glory and there's only technically one kind of scenario that I can think of where white dragon's glory is a little more justifiable to be used or you could maybe justify picking it and the only use case that I can think of where this is maybe a little bit more useful is if you're trying to add another damage oriented or an orange sigil if you take a look at some of these like combo booster linked together tyranny stamina you'll see that the orange sigils actually can't be paired together so that means that something like stamina and tney can't be linked together ironically and not a pun linked together can also not be together with combo booster you get the idea now the main advantage that you may have if you're trying to use white dragon's glory is that technically speaking if you want to still have the damage boost is that if you still want the 50% damage boost you can technically have something like weak point damage or stamina or you know tyranny one of these other damage related sigils put specifically on white dragon's Glory so that you can have both the 50% damage boost as well well as this additional orange damage sigil that being said though since the damage cap is usually reached pretty quickly there isn't really a need for you to have tyranny tyranny or stamina stamina anything like that usually you can just afford to have stamina plus Nimble assault and then guts plus you know tyranny whatever you want now there is one trait that I haven't mentioned yet and that's the stat trait and kind of similar to the character trait this stat trait shares a similarity to the character sigils in the sense that you can actually pair this critical hit rate with literally any sigil in the game so that means if you want critical hit rate and Link together critical hit rate and guts critical hit rate and Nimble Onslaught you can totally do that but for the sake of playing Lance slot this is 99.99999% of the time likely just going to be allocated to crit now if you want to take a quick look at my L slot build this is kind of the sigil breakpoint or the sigil makeup that I have for my character I've got about 30,000 HP a little bit north of 25,000 attack I've got 75 crit rate and I've also got 142 stun power and in all honesty guys I kind of had a little bit of a boooo where I forgot to save and then I lost my second supplementary damage 5 but I actually wanted that over the additional link together at the bottom and of course if I could ever find a supplementary damage 5 plus well more power to me whenever I find that but that's like one in a million now the reason that I'm actually showing my build and not just giving you some hypothetical best in slot in all honesty guys between trying to get damage cap on all of these r random you know character sigils and finding double damage cap on your weapon it's pretty unrealistic and especially if you're trying to afford or especially if you're trying to find supplementary damage five plus an additional trait these are all really unrealistic kind of scenarios that you're trying to look out for and to be honest with you something might just come out before you even reach this end goal so let's talk about what is pretty realistic or what an average setup will look like now for the setup we have four damage sigils and as you can see we've got stuff like guts we've got Nimble Onslaught we've got improved Dodge etc etc and ultimately or unfortunately if you take a look at this we will actually overcap a little bit uh just for over for the damage cap which is the reason why hypothetically speaking you want the other build because it doesn't overcap but it's really difficult to minmax this so like don't lose your mind over this if we move to the rest of the buildo it actually kind of comes down to personal preference now some things that I really like potion hoarder because I'm not running Auto revive anymore because I don't like the really long standup mechanic But ultimately if you want that you could run that however for me I run a Max potion hoarder because I want the additional potion revives and then I get to get back up and I don't have to wait for like the really slow animation I have Nimble Onslaught and Nimble defense because in all honesty having the additional invincibility frames is crazy I think right now or in my ideal build once I get my second supplementary damage I should be I think about 8 seconds worth of invincibility which is again insane 8 seconds count that 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 what huh how's that even po what is that even real and for me personally I like having additional Dodges because I sometimes don't really like just running around so I gave myself improved Dodge at level 15 this in addition to guts is what I actually think makes up the utility and kind of the uh the supportive kind of buff self buffing aspect of my kit but again feel free to choose what you like if you want Auto revive if you want something like Aegis or Garrison by all means you can definitely kind of mess around to see how much health you can pull and get or take or maybe you want something else that has to do with like dodging but long story short outside of the damage cap and so long as you hit Max damage just choose what you like you can also just follow what I like because this is what I find to be the most flexible for damage it works for a lot of content that's how I selected my build now if we move along to skills there's a reason why I've specifically chosen the list that I have here and let's just go through the skills real quick the first skill that we have is this word that I'm not even I'm I'm going to I'm going to call it dolch blower dolch I that's probably not even right but it gives you supplementary damage and if you aren't familiar with supplementary damage at this point it exceeds or it goes beyond the damage cap built into the game so this is pretty much a no-brainer this is really really important especially for Lancelot it's really important for most characters in the game definitely take this skill if we read Southern Cross it reads as a fast multi-hit that is chainable into a normal attack combo and the reason why this is so good is because it does a load of damage it's kind of just your bread and butter damage combo in my opinion blow dolch and Southern Cross are pretty much never going to be taken off of your hot bar and honestly the last scill that we have to talk about is blade impulse because technically speaking if the boss moves around which most of them do this is pretty mandatory as well just because again you can chain it into a normal combo and it also allows you to dash far distances which is really important for damage up time now we skipped over turbulence and that's mainly because this really isn't a core and you're kind of forced to flex between turbulence C Winder uh loow I I can't say this basically your ranged Auto attack your stun that allows you to freeze really really op by the way if you're trying to prolong certain phases or stun the boss and basically just Mirror Image if you're just afraid of getting one shot and I'll just be honest with you guys if you're giving the rest of your team your your gauge I I mean I guess you're you're padding your honor stats I I don't really think this is that good though personally I would rather just play Greedy because that's kind of how lanot works but just so you're aware I will go through some of the scenarios where I think flexing between some of the other skills is better the first one that I have here is turbulence and I think in all honesty when you aren't able to stun the boss I think this is probably the best one for you uh I really enjoy taking this one into a character like Vulcan Bola I don't know if I'm just really unlucky or something is going on but I've never really been able to stun that guy and that's pretty much the only time that I take turbulence alternatively if I'm playing solo and I know that I'm taking characters that have stuns and I'm just trying to get out as much damage as possible I don't really trust my AI that much to minmax their damage so I will ALS will probably take turbulence in scenarios like that for C Winder this is pretty much your go-to skill no matter what uh it's a stun and honestly it also does damage at the same time which is kind of luxurious uh you would kind of expect this skill not to do damage but it is okayish damage not the greatest not the highest amount of damage in the world but being able to free someone and being able to do this during certain things like overdrive and stuff is super super critical if you want to get fast clears this is pretty much what you're going to take against pretty much every single boss in the game except for maybe like griffins or ranged characters and Vulcan Bola the final thing that I honestly don't even think is that worth mentioning is the law range skill now as you can see it's a rang attack and that's fine in theory if you're trying to fight against like certain ranged characters at first but to be honest with you I kind of wouldn't Farm or I wouldn't just use Lancelot at all against a lot of ranged characters I'm not going to go too in depth with this because I have an entire section later that goes into when I think Lancelot is really good but long story short if you have a ranged character and you are a DieHard uh L slot mean you could definitely I guess Speck in law but most characters in the game don't stay up in the air for like 9 years so if anything it's probably just worth holding your L waiting for it to get dropped by something and then or like throwing like a range you know bomb or something at it and then just hitting it once it's landed on the ground to be honest for masteries there isn't really much to talk about in terms of offense or defense you want to Max both uh preferentially or preferably like kind of like a healthy mix between the two but in all honesty if you're ever struggling with something Mastery related I would just turn on the auto assist mode unless if you're like a speedrunner or something in which case I guess just again upgrade them at the same time because sigil costs are reduced and they're not as expensive especially later on and sigil costs are kind of similar and then once you get to the point where you're at about 80% for both then you start encountering the really expensive sigils but it's better than just using 30,000 Mastery points for like the last four traits or for the last like four nodes on an offense when you could just get literally the entire defensive Tree in exchange for it to touch on collection for a moment this is kind of the similar offense defense debate long story short just upgrade everything because again they all apply to each other uh spoiler I'm we can include the spoiler tag here don't uh show the final weapon if you don't want to see this uh but essentially you gain a bunch of Health you gain stats at the end of all these things and you're going to have to upgrade them all at some point arguably I guess if you want more survivability and you're being carried you could commit to Ala Kiara I'm I'm terrible at naming this stuff guys but in any case um upgrading Health might be kind of useful and if you want more damage maybe you could invest in the critical hit damage one but you're going to upgrade all them at some point anyways so it doesn't really matter that much and finally for overmy I will talk about arguably the most important Mastery thing of all which is honestly just hitting the three caps now you don't see it here but there are technically I believe four caps that are available to be taken it's the healing cap it is the normal attack damage cap the skybound Arts cap I think there's a chain there might be a chain it might be five I actually don't know if I've seen all of them I don't think I've ever seen them all together which is why I have it like this but ideally what I think is really important is the skybound damage cap the normal attack damage cap and the skill damage cap those in my opinion are really important because especially when you're trying to get a speedrun clear you want your Sky bound arts or your ultimates to do as much damage as possible and and if it wasn't obvious enough skills and attacks uh your left clicks and your skills do an insane amount of damage so they are definitely worth investing in when it comes to damage caps and you'll notice especially later on and this is maybe not so much the case early on uh the damage increases themselves literally do nothing once you start hitting the hypothetical damage Cap all you are looking for across everything when it comes to sigil like play sty supplementary damage Etc is you're just looking for a way to exceed the damage cap and your overmy is another way for for you to do it so even though in theory it could be nice to say get 20% you know skill damage up or gain 1,000 attack power honestly these are just kind of excessive and you'll probably hit the damage cap just from stamina and tyranny anyways so try and look for damage cap especially early on and if you want something like stun power cuz you want to do more damage or break the boss easier consider that as well however I think damage cap is the most important stat that you can look for when it comes to your overmy bonuses okay now finally let's talk about when you're supposed to or when it's ideal to pick llau the sword answer is pretty much at any time I think this character is insane he's got a lot of potential he's got utility he's really elusive he's kind of hard to hit in all honesty especially if you're actually good at the game and in all honesty guys even though sometimes fighting against range characters is annoying that doesn't really stop you from being able to just wait a second or having someone else on your team knock down the opponent or freeze the boss or stun the boss and then you being able to hit them arguably pretty much anytime the boss is stunn you kind of want glacier if you compare something like paralyze to glaciate there are some scenarios where you can't actually paralyze or paralyze is weaker than glaciate in most scenarios that I've seen it feels like you're able to glaciate certain bosses easier or they stay stunned or you know Frozen for longer compared to paralyze I could just be imagining this though guys because I don't really know why but they don't include like the exact seconds for how long stuns are however again long story short if you want to stun a boss take Lan slot now as I mentioned before for when you're not really wanting to take Lance slot you don't really want to take him against characters that can't be stun so in this case it's probably a no-o against Vulcan Bola if you have to fight against flying characters I think I think it's like some of the Dragons or some of the uh the flying characters like Griffins are definitely not worth fighting for you but ultimately if this is your first time running through you don't really have a choice so you might as well just play the character you have highest leveled just play llot anyways guys that's going to be it for this video I hope you enjoyed or you learned something if you did make sure to like comment turn the notification Bell subscribe let me know what you thing about llot if you think he's good if he's bad if you appreciate this sort of content feel free to let me know if you have any other questions feel free to join the Discord and ask me or pretty much DM me on any platform that you see me on uh thank you so much for supporting the content recently guys I really really do sincerely appreciate it if you want to suggest or comment down below something or a guide or whatever you want to see feel free to let me know as well uh again I've been streaming pretty regularly on Twitch and YouTube for especially content relating to grbl if you want to check out or ask questions there feel free to do so as well but that's going to be it for this video guys I'll see you on the next one thanks for watching [Music] adios
Channel: canna
Views: 2,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canna, cannaaaa, cannaa, gacha, guide, help, granblue, fantasy, relink, granblue fantasy relink
Id: wQkf2p7zpHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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