How to build a retaining wall on a slope

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[Music] what's up guys in this video i should go over the steps on uh how to build a retaining wall on a on a slope or a hillside as you can see this customer's backyard was pretty steep the wall we're going to build is going to be a reinforced wall and this will make their upper part of their backyard more level so it's more usable i hope you enjoy the video please don't forget to like and subscribe to the channel we got our trench dug sub bass compacted ran into some roots had to cut them out there was also a big slab you guys probably saw i'll include that in the video it was like a five by five slab that we had to dig out too it's coming along so we just got our third lift in he's running a plate compactor on it now and that's our that's our final lift before we start putting retaining wall blocks down we probably will have to fill in some some little low spots dips here and there but it's basically we'll be ready for block after this we're gonna be burying um close to two rows of block you can see this yard's on a pretty pretty good slope and when you build the wall on a slope like this your uh bottom of your block is supposed to line up with the benchmark and the benchmark is about seven feet out from your cut so basically the bottom of our block is going to line up about here so you know you have all that land mass that's going to prevent the bottom of the wall from sliding out you wouldn't want to just bury four inches of wall because then you just have that little lip of soil to retain the wall which would lead the wall failure if you do that um this spot down here this is our lowest spot but believe it or not that that's still that's still about eight inches so it'll have one full row berry down here and then this area we're gonna build up we're gonna add some more soil we're gonna compact it and then i'm probably gonna put some uh some rip rock on there uh compact that into the soil to help with some erosion and this wall is also going to have a geo grid reinforcement we're going to put two layers in it's only a three foot high wall usually you don't need to for that small of a wall but with this being a hillside like this uh i build them that way so i know it's gonna last i'll end up after we get our first two rows in i'll end up cutting back this this grass a little bit and uh we're only using three foot geogrid a foot of it's basically under the wall or sandwich in between the blocks and then you got about two foot back a lot more to come right here i'm getting the blocks laid out you can see i'm leveling them front to back side to side and making sure they're level with the block that sits right next to it sometimes it takes some tapping with the hammer to get it get it right the first course the block is in we're getting the uh behind the wall in front of the wall and the cavity is all filled with the modified you can see josh down there he's compacting the modifier behind the wall and he's using a shale bar to compact the stone into cavities and in front of the wall we went with the modified base and we're putting modified in this first row because where the placement of the drainage pipe is going to go what we're going to end up doing is the drainage pipe is going to go behind the second row which is on top of here and then from here up is all going to be three-quarter clean stone and then we'll just end up digging out through the front of the trench somewhere and it'll discharge down the hillside [Music] so [Music] so we got our second row of block in we just added our drainage pipe that's a four inch perforated pipe uh we have it discharging in two places through the face of the wall you see here we'll end up burying that and maybe i'll put a pop-up or something over there i'm not quite sure what i'm gonna do at the discharge but it's going to go out in front of the wall and down the hill and we got another discharge right down here you see right there same deal um you're supposed to discharge every 50 feet these are about i would say 40 45 feet apart something like that and we're gonna start filling in with our three quarter clean stone up to the top top of this course then add our first layer of geogrid [Music] me [Music] this is our third row of block we're getting the cavities filled and behind the wall with our three-quarter stone you could see our layer of geo grid went underneath this course it'll be we'll add a second layer of grid um on top of the next row of blocks this this wall is going to be six rows total we're putting two layers in [Music] [Music] [Music] up [Music] [Music] [Music] oh me [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] you can see here we got our filter fabric laid out and we're getting our dirt put down on top of it this will keep the soil separated from the drainage zone and prevent the dirt from washing down into the stone and potentially clogging the drainage behind the wall [Music] here i'm cutting a small groove down the center of the top of the blocks so i can run my wiring for the low voltage lighting [Music] me [Music] [Music] so we got all of our caps on they're not glued yet because we still have to put our lighting in uh but all the cuts are done most of them went in pretty good there's a couple of them that have a little bit of uh i don't know like a burr a concrete burr on the bottom of it that we'll have to grind down to get them perfectly flat but we're gonna deal with that after the lights go in right now we're getting ready to dig out our base for the paver patio it's gonna be the outline here is gonna go along here it's gonna curve and end up with the deck over there and then on this side it's going to go from here around and then meet up with the deck up there um or the bottom of the deck we're going to dig this area out we're actually going to do a little step down so you step down onto the patio since there's such a big grade change we're gonna build a small wall with one step it's gonna come from up there and about halfway down you
Channel: Sean Markee - SRM Contracting
Views: 804,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to build a retaining wall, how to build a retaining wall on a slope, retaining wall on a slope, retaining wall on hill, retaining wall geogrid, geogrid, backyard retaining wall, retaining wall installation, retaining wall drainage, how to level backyard, retaining wall on steep hill, stanley dirt monkey genadek, srm contracting, retaining wall curve, retaining wall steps, retaining wall built in steps, how to dig for a retaining wall, allan block retaining wall
Id: _doJGnUlCWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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