How To Build Cheap! Quick Guide, From the Depths

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hello ladies and gentlemen i am water wise and welcome back to from the depths quick guides and today it is a quick guide because i was meaning to do one thing and then i meant to do another uh ran out of time planning both those two things and realized oh dang it i should do something and this particular uh guide request has been on the to-do list for quite some time and so here we are we're going to do it right now starting now so how do you build cheap in from the depths and i sympathize a lot with this question because when i first was playing from the depths i struggled a lot to make things that were cheap and effective and efficient and actually struggled to build things well i struck which let's be honest i struggled with absolutely everything and from the depths as people tend to do but building cheaply was definitely one of them so before i say anything else i would like to shamelessly plug a video i made uh ages ago that thankfully is still very much relevant and that is called how to build small i'm going to add a link to that in description because uh the first uh and probably most important note on how to build a cheap craft and from the depths is build smaller build things which are smaller more compact they punch above their weight uh in terms of firepower and durability versus cost and that is the first gist of it and so the thing you're looking at right now is a very cheap small little boat that i put together in about 10 minutes and it's very small very cheap and it's basically here just as a kind of visual aid discussing all the points that i'm about to talk about and number one it's small the thing is only 42 meters long 9 meters wide and 5 meters tall at most and it's about 300 blocks that is tiny by from the depth standards and it is very cheap it is just over 5000 materials and if i wanted to snip off little bits here then everywhere i could probably make this thing even cheaper than it already is but i did i don't know i kind of did want to shape the holes but i could honestly lop off um the entire bow of this thing and make it even cheaper but i digress so that's the first thing is build small just practice building small things don't go mad with the armor going mad with the armor is um a major use of resources both uh both uh in-game materials and cpu resources depending on what kind of machine you're running is that um kind of armor is your last line of defense and from the depths and active defenses as in things that require you to burn materials or use power or ammunition or stuff like that and that is what you should probably rely on most and we'll get to that in a hot minute but uh i'm already doing this out at all but the first thing it's a note about building cheap is the obvious one it just use cheap material so uh darn it i really should have um i really should have done a different tutorial before this one because that would be a beautiful segue no matter i'll do that some other time but anyway so you've got all your structural materials here and wood is the cheapest one which is why the sweet cheap boat is made mostly out of wood like um wood and stone and reinforced wood is there's this one reinforced uh wood block just over the ammo compartment and just for extra safety just in case this thing is really flimsy if it gets hit it dies really shouldn't have bothered but yeah so you've got wood you've got stone and reinforced decking and those are kind of your cheap options because you might look at something like oh wait like wood is wood is one but metal is like five in terms of single blocks like that's not a huge difference is it well if you uh calculate this using beams uh a four meter wooden beam is four materials but a four meter metal beam is 20 materials for good reason by the way because the metal beam is got a lot more health and most importantly way more armor just the difference in durability between wood and metal is extraordinary if you i actually it's one of the reasons why i recommend to people when you're prototyping like a new style of craft or just a particular kind of design uh build it in wood first because if you can make an effective build out of the cheapest weakest material in the game then when you upgrade it to metal and alloy or reinforced wood or heavy armor or something like that you'll be blown away by just how durable it is it's just the contrast is uh is very fun to note well fun to note is just you know it's it's a positive experience i guess so yeah just um wood stone reinforced wood also applique and yes that is how it's pronounced according to people who know these things it's um about cost as much as stone but the handy thing about it is that it's got a lot of armor even though it's got not not a lot of health and so it's also handy simply because well uh has a bit it has it's a built-in air gap it's a volume free air gap basically uh not so good again hash against the hess shells um as of the last patch but yeah it is uh it will trigger heat uh streams early and so it's just a generally a useful block i remember the days when it wasn't so useful and it's also quite resistant to explosions which is why this particular little craft has just got a lot of applique stuck in it i haven't actually tested how well it does against a lot of explosions but it's just a nice last stitch line of defense and probably also means that the deck and lower hull will be stripped away before these side things do excuse me i'm allergic to good advice okay um moving on so and this is the next obvious one use cheap materials to build but also use cheap weapons power defenses so and when it comes to defenses uh one of the most valuable active defenses in from the depths in fact the primary one that literally every craft except possibly fortresses uses is speed speed like there is and this is something that kind of annoys me sometimes there is literally no reason in from the depths not to make your craft as fast as humanly possible like uh this little uh boat is uh scuttles along uh at just under 30 meters per second which isn't terribly fast but it is fast enough to dodge cram shells or unguided missiles and this little thing is small enough that um at long range even things like aps or you know or even massage that don't have good guidance systems will possibly miss it and another like so and as for the weapons it's armed with one simple weapon simple weapons were made it should be cheap because even though um you can go in here and yes the price tag for this ramps up really steadily especially like uh for the octuple mark s or these casemate guns over here these custom shell guns and the tactical nukes um they do get pricey but um pound for pound they are more volume efficient and more cost efficient than uh advanced cannon systems which put out similar levels of firepower so that you actually save quite a bit and if you use things like these auto cannons particularly uh in the early game if you're playing the nita campaign or on lower difficulties um they are quite cost efficient so you can easily spurt out a lot of kinetic damage uh not with not very good armor piercing but um uh yeah you can dish out a lot of damage fairly cheaply and um also i tend to find that small lasers so it's simple lasers but also just if you have laser systems and i really should um uh you should demonstrate something like that like slow firing sniping lasers so basically the short way to do that is connect up a laser turret and then oops no no no sorry you need to go where do you need to go you need to go here on the laser combiner there's a laser setting which is hold fire below energy percentage if you go if you set that to max the laser will only fire once the cavities are fully charged and this is a very handy way of having a slow firing but strong per shot laser and you can make these quite small so if we get this and if we just do this is going to be very very mismatched and hopefully i can do this just on screen right now this wasn't planned this is not scripted just need one q switch wherever that is and these guys on here that's not connected and let's turn you off so this actually works cavity and a laser pump or two whoops there we go there we go there you go there we go so how much damage does this do below at 100 total cavity energy holding fire this uh loads very slowly so we're gonna just do this lasers tend to do a lot better when they're big but you can still make them work when they're small let's just add these and one of these this is still pretty darn tiny so the damage of next shot and we're just going to add some frequency double is right here right there okay so damage next shot is 1000 with this little setup and let's just test how expensive this is save right there and load and 2507 materials not exactly cheap but it's on par uh with two uh with two or three of these little quad guns right here and hit scan laser nothing not to like about that so these small slow firing sniping lasers i find they can be quite cheap if you set them up right especially if you like your energy weapons i do not recommend uh particle cannons uh for cheap stuff because the le because just the lenses alone are quite expensive and the tubes are also very expensive and they are very material hungry and very power intensive so uh simple weapons uh crams even though crams have a lot of disadvantages you do get a lot of firepower uh per volume and you do get a lot of just high damage numbers per cost which is okay if you're firing it like things that crams can reliably hit so slower craft less erector craft stuff like that and yeah simple weapons just used properly just you know they're very easy they don't require much backline and that's a good way to be cheap as for power i think one of the cheapest ways to be power and this might come as a shock to people because i almost never use these is steam so steam engines are actually a pretty cheap way of using power they do burn through materials um quite a lot but this particular setup right here actually works quite well you'll notice that uh it's only about 450 power and it's battery powered but a small craft that doesn't use a lot of power doesn't need a particularly big powerful engine in this particular case this thing these things do not use much energy per second so and these particular things that uses but let's turn that off you'll see wait nope let's not do that so we're using about one material per second roughly and we actually keep salvaging that back and so yeah electric steam is actually very quite uh cheap and easy not the best thing to use once you start needing large amounts of power regular steam engines or fuel engines are better for that but the other reason why this is so neat is because unlike fuel engines you don't need to stick expensive fuel box or fuel blocks around the place and you don't need to start worrying about things like radiators or exhaust pipes or things like injectors injectors are really expensive and turbochargers as well and they're also bulky cylinder turbochargers are two blocks long or tall depends on how we orientate them and that does take space and more space means more material so uh small steam engines especially these uh just these electric steam generators paired with an electric engine is nice and compact and nice and cheap and that is probably the best of both worlds and uh talking about power you will notice that this thing has hydrofoils uh cunningly hidden at the front at the sides and at the back here so a lot of crafted from the depths and i will give you an example right now i'll just turn this guy on god mode and what's a good example of this it's just the smaller the crossbones just because we can a lot of craft in from the depths player built campaign built and all that stuff you will notice that there are propellers here uh these are pid or just ai controlled and they help to steady the ship they correct a role in pitch and lg and stuff like that so if you want to build cheaply do not use those so let's just do this wow crossbones didn't even want to shoot at us so the reason for that is a if you stick propellers to control say roll for instance uh propellers cost money so even a small propeller be it circular or square the only aesthetic difference between the two that's 60 materials immediately a hydrofoil is three materials and uh hydrofoils get more powerful the faster you move so this um ties back in to what i was saying earlier that speed is of is your best and cheapest form of defense if you move fast uh think you are harder to hit and it's just useful when you're playing the campaign and just moving around the map you have a fast thing running around so using a hydra using hydrofoils or rudders you can trick rudders out to control all kinds of angles here there and everywhere but using that is a lot cheaper both volume wise because you don't need a bigger power source and just cost efficiency wise because they're so much cheaper and they're very very strong the amount of force exerted by hydrofoils and definitely rudders is huge so you can have your boat controlled quite nicely without expending extra power so yeah that is um just that's weapons power and defenses so uh one of the things with defenses and this annoyingly is not on my note so i'm gonna make this up as i go is yeah just be being smaller and faster and harder to hit and uh using missile see here's the problem though if you stick any kind of missile decoy on the craft that immediately shoots the cost up hugely because like just a one as one medium launch pad is 600 materials it's a lot so you might be better off trying to use a decoys using a little bit of power or you can just hard counter things um with altitude so uh let me give you an example of this you could um if you want a cheap counter to say some kind of campaign craft you could try and do the whole shenanigans with laser anti-munition systems or decoys or missile interceptors or sea with stuff like that or you could just build a submarine so here submarines [Music] this is a submarine i made ages ago but yeah so a lot of things cannot hit you so small cheap submarines are really good against a lot of things and spacecraft so uh one of the these three cheap forms of defense is speed and low altitude hiding beneath the water and high altitude hiding in space so let me give you an example of that we have this guy the star bird hangs out in space drops bombs from space not incredibly powerful but things have real trouble hitting it so it hard counters a lot of things that otherwise it would not be able to so yeah that is uh that is the gist of it basically you gotta build small compact and clever and do more with less which brings us neatly to this last point which is build efficiently whenever possible and this is where once again i will plug the video i made ages ago how to build small because building small building compactly is all about efficiently it's about cramming more stuff more power more potential into a smaller space and and here's the bad news people that just takes practice you just gotta do it over and over again and just practice getting good at that squeezing stuff into a tiny space and i technically have not done that incredibly well because there's still a bit of wasted space in the sweet boat but um still works quite well and yeah so it's just whenever you have to the i know a lot of people and from the depths they like building big stuff that like building huge battleships and uh starships and like you know just nuclear packing submarines stuff like that and in order to build in a weird way learning to build cheap and learning to build small uh because those two things go hand in hand a lot like like i keep saying that actually helps you build bigger things better because you realize okay so what i was doing before this this and this was excessive and not necessary i could do this this and this instead um so yeah and that's basically it nice quick guide so just very brief recap if you want to build something and from the depths that's nice and cheap oops shouldn't have done that um firstly build it small because smaller things less blocks less materials built using cheaper materials so instead of using metal or alloy or heavy armor you use wood stone reinforced wood and applique and you use cheap weapons power defenses so for your weapons you use the simple weapons you use slow firing single shot lasers and cram cannons works quite nicely and for anti-submarine things like custom shell weapons with super cavitation shells i believe having tested it haven't done the math i believe that is cheaper than torpedoes so keep that in mind and uh steam is probably your cheaper uh your cheapest choice uh just in terms of block cost when it comes to power you don't want to go straight to injector engines or just huge fuel engines stuff like that and use forms of vehicle control that does not use power so actually let us just spawn in a tiny thing so we can watch this thing shoot at it yeah and watch it rock around like crazy um yeah and then just you just gotta practice building efficiently so yeah just you know practice practice squeeze it squeeze it in i hope that's helpful that sounded helpful to me wow we already killed one my goodness poor c vipers see simple weapons when you've got a 5 000 boat um against other things that are five thousand dollars it does quite well in its weight class so anyway that does it for this quick guide which looking at my timer is probably still not as quick as i could have made it um thank you all so much for watching please like comment subscribe if you want to see more videos like this support me on patreon or youtube membership if you like it really helps there's fun perks in it for you and thank you to all my current supporters and i will see you next time in from the depths farewell bye
Channel: BorderWise
Views: 5,059
Rating: 4.9699249 out of 5
Keywords: BorderWise, PC Games, From the Depths, PC Game, Rambly, Guide, Building, Creative games, Brilliant Skies Limited, Funny, Patch, Latest, UI, Update, Steam, APS, Advanced Cannons, Simple Weapons, Multi-weapon, CRAM, PAC, Laser, Wood, Cheap, Tutorial
Id: ke3qIwwOY2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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