How To Build Business Credit For A New LLC

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How to build business credit for a new LLC.  Did you know that there is more funding than   ever before for new businesses, and there's  even businesses where a new LLC can get up   to $50,000? Well, in this video, I'm going  to share with you all the secrets on how to   build business credit, and in some cases,  how to do it without your social security   number. Let's go. IN THIS video, I'm going to share with you a simple step  by step process on how to build business credit   that reports the business credit bureau, I'll  also share with you an easy breakdown on how to   get funding for your business without using your  social security number. And last but not least,   I'm gonna give you my super secret trick on how  to get funded quickly. There's more funding than   ever before for businesses and most businesses  fail because they don't have enough funding. I   literally used to fund my own business with my  own personal credit cards using my own personal   savings. And I literally ruined my own personal  credit score funding my business and running ads.   Well once I learned about business credit, I was  able to take myself to the next level, and I was   able to get more money in my business's name than  I was ever able to get in my own personal name. In   fact, I used to have bad credit and my friend  Justin merch at Justin merge consultant. He   helped me fix my personal credit and now he's an  expert in business credit. If you need any help,   especially expert advice on getting business  credit and business funding, use the link below   for Justin Merce consulting. He is an absolute  expert in this and his team will give you a free   consultation on getting business credit and  helping you get business funding quickly. Now   let's get into this. Because most businesses  are funded by the business owner meaning you   will use your own personal savings and your own  personal credit cards you will be risking your own   credit however, you can actually build a business  credit profile and you can do it really quickly.   And this will help you save your own personal  credit and actually allow you to get credit in   your business's name and in your personal name,  doubling the amount of funding that you can get   if you were able to combine both of those funding  options for yourself. So let's talk about business   credit. There are three business credit bureaus  you may have heard of personal credit bureaus   like Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion and those  three credit bureaus will report all of the trade   lines for your personal credit. So if you get  a credit card or if you get an auto loan, you   already know you have a FICO score and that will  report on your personal credit report. However,   there are business credit bureaus we have Equifax  business, Experian business and Dun and Bradstreet   and Dun and Bradstreet is the number one business  credit reporting agency, you can literally build   business credit and start adding trade lines to  your Dun and Bradstreet business credit profile,   let me explain. So the first thing that you want  to make sure that you have is an actual business.   In order to really build business credit, you will  need an actual business registration. So if we're   talking about a new LLC, for example, you will  have to get registered with the Secretary of State   make sure that your business is open and active.  And if you haven't paid your annual fee or paid   for the annual report, make sure that you do that  and you will also want to make sure that you have   an EIN and employer identification number which  you can get absolutely free I'm   going to put a screenshot right here. Make sure  you get this because it is so important. The next   thing that you're going to need is a professional  email, a professional website and a professional   phone number. Doing this will make your business  a lot more fundable and you can actually get your   business reported on the business credit reporting  agency, especially Dun and Bradstreet. Now let me   tell you the next step. If you log into Dun and  Bradstreet website, which is simply d n,   you can actually search for your business if  you're already active as a new LLC and many cases   when you search your business you will literally  find your business and all you have to do is claim   that business you'll claim the business and then  they will send you in the mail a number so that   you can validate that you are the business owner  and start getting tradelines on that business   credit report. So once you go in you claim your  business and they mail you that card in the mail,   you receive the card in the mail, then go back to  Dun and Bradstreet website, type in that number.   And now your business is validated and you can  start building business credit let me tell you,   there are lots of different ways to build  business credit but the easiest way if you   don't want to use your social security number and  you just want to start building using that EIN and   that Dun and Bradstreet number is to get vendor  credit. There are three companies that I know   of that report directly to the business credit  reporting agencies and you will have trade lines   on your business credit report in a matter of  weeks, not years. You can go to ULINE Granger   and Quill and you can open up accounts with them  and this is called vendor credit. In other words,   you will go in there and you will find something  that's a minimum of $50 you will purchase it and   when you go to checkout, they will offer you a net  30 invoice meaning they will ship you those items   and you can have the right then in there but you  do not have to pay that for them. In other words,   they are extending you credit. And if you buy  something a minimum of $50 and you pay that net 30   invoice back one time, which is what I suggest,  then you will have three different trade lines   reporting directly to your Dun and Bradstreet  credit report. This is absolutely amazing because   once you have three trade lines reporting  on your Dun and Bradstreet credit report,   then you can move on to store credit cards and  then cash credit cards. Additionally, I'm going   to share with you a secret or how you can get even  more funding, especially if you have good personal   credit. I'll get to that in just a second. So  once you have your vendor accounts reporting as   trade lines on your business credit report, you  will then move on to store credit cards. In fact,   I have an entire checklist that you can download  at no wells free That will outline for   you some companies that will give you vendor  credit store credit and even cash credit cards.   I will summarize some of them here, but go to  no wells free And get this checklist   so it can help you out there are stores that will  give you business credit accounts like Walmart,   staples, Dell, and things like that. Now, these  are store credit cards in your business's name.   So unfortunately, you'll only be able to use  those credit cards at those stores. However,   once you have the three vendor accounts, they  will then lend to you and you've paid them on   time. They will then lend to you as store credit  cards and then you'll make sure you pay those and   then you can move on to cash credit cards. cash  credit cards are cards that you can use in your   business's name anywhere. For example, you can  have a Bank of America business credit card or   Chase Bank business credit card or Wells Fargo  Business credit card, you can even get secured or   unsecured business credit cards and you can use  those cash credit cards anywhere. I'm actually   referring to unsecured credit cards because of  course, you've already established yourself as a   business that repays because you have trade lines  on your Dun and Bradstreet credit report. Again,   if you have any questions about this, use the link  below and reach out to my friends at Justin Merch   Consulting. They will literally help you build  business credit and help you get business funding.   And again that initial call that consultation is  absolutely free. So take advantage of it and let   them know that no well Randall sent you now that  you have cash credit cards or if you're looking   to get cash credit cards immediately. Here's a big  secret. You literally can go to different banks,   especially if you have good personal credit.  And you can open up a business checking account,   and they will offer you business credit cards,  business lines of credit and business loans.   For example, Chase Bank, Bank of America, US  Bank, PNC and US Bank all have what they call   stated income business loans, meaning you don't  actually have to show them your tax returns, or   any of your business checking account statements  in order to get approved for these business credit   cards. Literally, I have students that can get up  to $50,000. And they have been able to get them at   all different banks. I've had students go to two  and three different banks and end up with $150,000   in business funding in their businesses name now  one of the things that I want you to know is that   you should identify what it is that you're going  to do with this business funding so that you don't   get yourself into any trouble. Again, if you have  questions or you need expert help reach out to my   friends at Justin merch consulting, because they  are the experts and they can help you not only   get that funding, they can help identify some of  the things that you should do with that funding   so that you can maximize that money and actually  put yourself in a better situation. As a business   owner, I know that getting business funding  is one of the most important things that you   can do to make sure that you have all of the  funding that you need for your business. And   to take your business to the next level. You can  use business funding for buying inventory, ads,   marketing wardrobe, getting your car wrapped so  many other things. We absolutely love getting our   cars wrapped because we are basically driving  around in a billboard, I'm going to show you   a picture of some of our vehicles that we have  wrapped. And this is one of the things that we   do with business credit and business funding to  take our business to the next level. And we're   able to use business funding not only to get the  car but to also get the car wrap and we're able to   get more customers in the process. So now that  you know some of these amazing things, if you   need any help, please reach out to my friends at  Justin Merch Consulting. Let them know that Noel   Randall sent you. Again. They can help you not  only build business credit, they can also help you   get business funding. Again, I just want to make  sure that you have all of the resources, all of   the tools and all of the knowledge that you need  to be successful. This is Noelle, to your success.
Channel: Noelle Randall
Views: 10,171
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Keywords: business credit card, how to build business credit fast, business credit cards, business funding, business credit card no credit check, how to build business credit, business credit no personal guarantee, build business credit fast, business credit for new business, business credit, build business credit, business loan, business loans, building business credit, business credit cards for new business navy federal, noelle randall, how to get business credit
Id: UCQORgjtooE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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