5 Banks That Will Approve A New LLC Without Proof Of Income

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five banks that will approve a new LLC without proof of income in this video I'm going to share with you five banks that will approve your new LLC your new business without proof of income you can get up to $50,000 from five different banks obviously that's $250,000 I'm going to explain to you how to do it I'm going to explain to you what you should be saying on the applications and I'm going to share with you how you can do that right now let's go no yeah she can fix if you got to get it done you need to do it better well she can fix that yeah she can fix that investment to get back trying to get a big St can fix fix okay so let's get right into it I just had to make this video because I have discover something that my students have been doing it's amazing I've actually done this myself but more importantly I want you to start doing it too most businesses actually fail because they don't get enough funding they don't prepare and have capital for res reserves they're not able to um adjust when a big order comes in or if they have clients they're not able to hire people most people try to get that business going and then secure the funding but as a successful entrepreneur a self-made millionaire I'm here to tell you one of the smartest things that you can do is borrow money before you need it do not wait until you actually need money when your business is may be struggling or that big order comes in or you need to hire someone because you're so overwhelmed start preparing that business right now and start getting business funding you literally can do that and get funding in your business's name you can build business credit and I'm going to show you how to do that if you need help with getting your business credit this video is sponsored by Justin merch consultant Justin merch is my big my friend he actually helped me uh fix my personal credit many many years ago he does fix um help with personal credit but he is an expert in business credit and business funding literally last month he helped one of my students get $75,000 in like less than a week Justin merch consultant make sure you use the link below and the link that you see on the screen let them know that Noel Randle sent you and he will give you a free consultation help you get strategy and even help you get business credit and business funding but I'm going to tell you how to do it with or without Justin merch's help however remember that's an absolutely free call he's an expert you might as well just take advantage of that offer so there you go so let's get into this so there are five banks right now that will lend to a new LLC which stands for limited liability company now these banks will do with something that is called stated income okay and this was around for many many years even in the personal and the Consumer Finance world where you could just State what your income is but the great thing about a business is that is almost considered projected income you know what I mean you can actually say okay I think my business if I had this money will make $250,000 this year for example because you want to make sure that you're you're you're thinking big about your business and that your business is making at least $110,000 per month okay so kind of think about that and know that that's what these lenders are looking for so if you can easily come up with a plan that okay if I had $50,000 from each of these Banks or even just from one of these Banks I know exactly how I would make this money and then that is not a lie that is not fraudulent or anything to that nature because remember they're not actually going to make you provide those business tax returns they're not going to make you you know provide um you know the bank statements or anything like that they're going to let you state your income okay so this exists in the business World it has existed for decades okay this is not something that just came out and in fact these lenders that I'm going to tell you have been doing this for years okay this is not new it's just most of us did not know it existed okay so the first thing the first bank and this is easy this is Chase Bank all right because I have my student here he immediately went to Chase and Bank of America and secured funding okay he got business credit card and he got a business line of credit so if you have decent personal credit you literally can open up this business checking account and let them know yes I would like to also apply for the business credit card and a business line of credit many cases they will offer it to you but sometimes you may have to ask and that's okay just because they don't offer it to you immediately doesn't mean that you don't qualify and that you can't get it it really depends on the banker that you're talking to and so when you walk into the bank some of the bankers they may be a little bit lazy I'm just saying that and being honest with you some of them um may look at you and you get what I'm saying and just prejudge you you don't care about those things trust me when I tell you this is Noel Randle this is your best friend in business just because someone does not invite you to the party does not mean you can't go okay just remember that and just think of that analogy because so many times we just get discouraged when they don't invite us when they don't say hey we have these things for you and if you have to ask so what let them and have their pre their prejudices against you who what do you care okay because it's not even them that approves your business line of credit or your business credit card it is not it is literally an underwriter that is somewhere else so if you have your business established you have your LLC established you have an EIN established okay meaning they can find you on the Secretary of States um website so I'm in Florida right now for example I would go to sunbiz in Texas I would go to the Texas SOS there is one online in every single state and at the when you go into the bank they are going to want to make sure that you show up on the Secretary of State's website as an active business okay you also want to make sure that you have your EIN you have that Ein letter if you don't have it you can call the IRS and request one okay I'm going put a number on the screen right now that you can call the IRS and request your EIN letter which stands for employer identification number if you don't have your EIN go ahead and apply one for one it's absolutely free you go to irs.gov okay so Chase Bank you go into Chase Bank they will give you up to $50,000 as a stated income line of credit or $25,000 on a business credit card $25,000 in a a line of credit okay simple stated okay and actually these are lines of credits that I'm talking about so I'm not just talking about the business credit card they actually would do $50,000 in a line of credit immediately on the spot okay and you don't need to have perfect credit but you do need to have I believe it's a 680 at the time of this recording um but I actually have seen somebody that told me they had over a 660 had like a 668 and no Collections and things like that and they they were approved okay so don't think that you can't get this and remember if you need help with this or any help you can call my friends at Justin merch consultant and it can help you okay he's an amazing person at this he can tell you okay the Second Bank Bank of America okay Bank of America is lending up to $50,000 stated income to businesses to a new LLC all right and you can go in there again opening that business checking account so that you're establishing that a relationship with them that's what they want all right and they will give you up to $50,000 Bank of America all right so again These Are banks that are in almost every single state Chase Bank Bank of America they're in almost every state but some just a few small states that they are not in so I'm going to keep going and give you one and you're going to find this okay number three PNC okay PNC Bank literally open up a business checking account with you they actually do up to 100 ,000 okay this is a cuz I just found this out cuz I actually went in there and established my an account myself they will actually do up to $100,000 in a line of credit stated income okay so this is a big secret um share this video people are going to want to know again if you have questions about this call my friends at Justin merch consultant but literally PNC is this great bank that it's just like this Hidden Gem and all although I said chasing Bank of America first I really like these midsize Banks you know banks that are not you know the the bank of americaas that are everywhere and they're huge and most of their customers are you know they they have you know Chase Bank banks with Bank of America you know what I'm saying that's how big their business accounts are so midsize Banks like the PNC they really do Cater to You smaller and your midsize Banks and they really can be a great asset a great friend they have auto loans so many wonderful things I have a great Banker um at my local PNC and I absolutely love love love PNC and i' I've established a relationship with them and I really a fond um fan of them and like I said they will do up to $100,000 stated income the caveat with PNC though is the bank the the it's not for really a new LLC the $100,000 they are looking for the LLC to be at least 2 years old but again they are not asking for any tax returns and bank statements and things like that so again with a decent credit score you could walk out of there with a business line of credit $100,000 business line of credit all right this is exciting number four truest bank so just like PNC it is a midsized bank all right so same thing great customer service really catering to those small and midsize businesses more hungry for that business not like a Chase or Bank of America where they have just tons of business and tons of help and and tons of things so they again stated income no tax returns no bank statements none of those things you state what your income is and you will be walking out of there up to $50,000 line of credit and again they also do business credit cards in fact when I went into trist bank they actually gave me three different cars they gave me one in my personal name because I just took that I mean why wouldn't I take that $20,000 and then they gave me 25,000 again this was many years ago and I'm just immediately just this is on day one I'm establishing this business checking account with them and they're giving me this this these funds these business funds immediately and then they gave me two other um they gave me another credit card and then they gave me the line of credit so I walked away with well over no yeah almost $100,000 because the one in my personal name was $2,000 it was $50,000 for the first business and then I'm sorry not the first uh for the other credit card the business credit card and then another uh 25,000 in a line of credit okay so 20 50 and 25 you do the math it's almost $100,000 bam in one step this is a amazing and this is what you can do and again borrowing the money before you actually need it that is key all right and then number five is US Bank US Bank um is actually really incredible because they have this again stated program they actually even are sending out a lot of letters so when you first open up your business um sorry you open up your business and you establish that LLC you may immediately start getting offers from them where they're offering you like $300 um in credits to open up a business checking account with them and then of course like I'm saying they have those business credit cards they have those business lines of credit and they will lend up to a new LLC with no proof of income up to $50,000 and again each of these Banks May CH may use different credit reports okay so some may use Equifax some use TransUnion some use Experian so in many cases they're not even always seeing what each bank is doing because you don't have an inquiry because they're only pulling one credit report and this is where my friends at Justin merch consultant can really help you because in many cases he knows exactly which credit buo they pull and that is incredible like that is one of the ways that they are so helpful because they can help you maximize because they know which credit bureau each bank and lender is pulling think about that so if Bank of America for example is pulling Trans Union but Chase is pulling Equifax they don't necessarily have you don't have that inquiry because they didn't pull the same credit bureau and that is an amazing fact like I said I was going to share with you things that nobody else shares because most people don't know this and so it's so awesome to be able to share this information with you and so in exchange for that I'm going to ask you to do me a favor nearly two months ago only 36% of the people watching my videos were actually subscribed and it is so important for you to subscribe to this channel because it helps me the bigger the channel grow grows the more I can show other people and that helps them give me information for you okay so I'm telling them and I'm showing them my numbers of how many people are watching and so then they start sharing information and I share it with you for free okay think about that you're getting this information that I can get from Millionaires and other you know other millionaires I'm not to say that I'm not but bigger you know if I have 10 million somebody has 100 million they are way bigger than I am and they're telling me stuff that a 100 millionaire knows that I don't know and then I'm able to share that with you absolutely free so that just helps all of us grow so make sure you subscribe to this channel if you like this video and you got good content out of it if you ever liked or gotten great content or felt like I gave you great content please subscribe to the Channel please like it really helps so much okay and my goal is to get at least 50% of you watching these videos to be subscribed to my channel that is my personal goal and again it help me it helps you all right and so I'm going to give you one more bonus okay we're not going to end let me give you one more bank that will do this because it is amazing this is a bank that I have had for many many years Regions Bank Regions Bank and again it's not in every single state but they are grown Regions Bank is an amazing bank for small businesses they gave me business credit cards they gave me business lines of credit and again you can do it with multiable businesses and they are considered like a midsize bank so again they're not in every single state but at the same time they have these stated loan programs for businesses okay so you can get those business lines of credit you can get those business credit cards and you can get business loans stated okay so you're not having to actually show them those tax returns and that is amazing and that is just from opening up that business checking account and then accepting those offers but again I want to remind you you want to make sure that you are doing this right now be proactive don't wait till you are in dire straights your business is going crazy you really need money start being proactive and do it now now if you need the money absolutely go ahead but I'm telling you it's so much easier when you are prepared when you're just like I'm always going to be applying for business funding me and my friend Justin merch were on the phone talking about that and it was amazing where we're just always and he has this these great strategies where every six months he's just getting it bigger and bigger and bigger and he doesn't necessarily need the money right then but then when this great opportunities come in fact he was talking about a builder that he was um partnering with he had the money he had it and it was other people's money he doesn't have to use his own personal savings he's not going into retirement accounts you don't want to have to risk your own money you much rather risk your business credit because again it is easy to fix we have those great resources where we know how to fix personal credit we know how to get things Del deleted off credit reports we know how to get things removed we know how to consolidate and we know how to get a personal credit score back up if anything ever happened and it is so much easier to fix your credit than it is to just get a bunch of money you know what I mean you'd rather keep your money keep it safe there's money out here for your business especially if you are a woman-owned business you're a minority owned business you're a veteran owned business you're a disabled person with a business there are programs out there there's free money out there but these are five banks that will lend to your new LLC up to $50,000 with no proof grp of income so go there right now if you have gotten some value make sure that you go to my friends at Justin merch consultant the link below he is a great friend of mine I just want to make sure that you have all of the resources all of the tools and all of the knowledge that you need to be successful this is Noel to your success
Channel: Noelle Randall
Views: 399,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: business loans, business credit, small business loans, business funding, business loans for small business, line of credit, startup business loans no credit check, best business loans, how to build business credit, business credit for new business, business loan, small business loan, business loans no credit check, business credit card, business line of credit, business loans for new business, how to get a startup business loan, business loan no credit check
Id: QXSjbyyMq28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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