How to Build an AI Chatbot with Google Gemini and Next.js 14 | Tailwind CSS UI | React | JavaScript

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Hello everyone, My name is Rohit and welcome to my  channel. In this video, I am gonna show you how to   make a ai chatbot using Google Gemini and Next.js  14. I am using Tailwind CSS for the UI part. For   the source code check out the description. So,  without any further delay, let’s get started! First, we initialized an nextjs project,   I named this project aichatbot and these  are my default settings for this project. Before we jump into the code, let’s first  set up the Gemini account. For this go to the and click on Get Gemini API key.  Your dashboard will look something like this,   from here you can change the models. If  you click on get code. You will see the   documented code provided by Google to use  the API in different programming languages.   For the javascript, we need to install  a package. So, let’s install this first. Alright, let’s open this project in  our favorite code editor VS code. These are the default codes provided  by Next.js, we don’t need all of these,   delete this. Here we will write  the code for the ai chatbot. —-- For this project, we are going to use  a model called gemini-1.0-pro-001,   which is a text-generation model  that can chat with you about various   topics. To use this model, we need to write some  code in React, which is a popular framework for   building user interfaces. We also need to  install the @google/generative-ai package,   which is a library that helps us interact  with the Google Generative AI service. Let’s take a look at the code and see how it  works. The imports are the first few lines   of the code, where we import the modules and  packages that we need for the project. We use   the “use client” directive to tell the compiler  that we are writing code for the browser,   not the server. We import the useState and  useEffect hooks from React, which allow us to   manage the state and the side effects of our  app. We also import the GoogleGenerativeAI,   HarmCategory, and HarmBlockThreshold classes  from the @google/generative-ai package,   which we will use to create and  configure the generative model. The Home component has several variables  and functions that we define using the   useState and useEffect hooks. Let  me explain what each of them does:  The messages variable is an array that stores the  messages that are exchanged between the user and   the bot. We use the useState hook to initialize  the messages variable as an empty array,   and to create a function called setMessages  that allows us to update the messages array.  The userInput variable is a string that  stores the current input of the user.  The chat variable is an object that represents  the chat session with the generative model.  The theme variable is a string  that stores the current theme   of the app. We use the useState hook to  initialize the theme variable as “light”,   and to create a function called setTheme  that allows us to update the theme variable.  The error variable is a string that stores  the current error message of the app. The API_KEY variable is a string  that stores the API key that we   need to access the Google Generative AI  service. We will add the API key later The MODEL_NAME variable is a string that  stores the name of the generative model   that we want to use. In this case,  we use the gemini-1.0-pro-001 model,   which is the name of the text  generation model that can chat with us The genAI variable is an instance  of the GoogleGenerativeAI class,   which is the main class that we use to  interact with the Google Generative AI   service. We create this instance by passing the  API_KEY variable as an argument to the constructor  The generationConfig variable is an object  that stores the configuration settings for   the text generation. It has four properties:  temperature, topK, topP, and maxOutputTokens.   The temperature is a number that controls the  randomness of the generation. The topK and   topP are numbers that control the filtering of  the possible tokens that can be generated. The   maxOutputTokens is a number that controls the  maximum number of tokens that can be generated   for each response. This parameter helps to limit  the length and the complexity of the response. The safetySettings variable is an array  that stores the safety settings for the   text generation. It has four objects, each  representing a different category of harmful   or inappropriate content that we want to avoid.  Each object has two properties: category and   threshold. The category is a string that specifies  the name of the harm category, such as harassment,   hate speech, sexually explicit, or dangerous  content. The threshold is a string that specifies   the level of harm that we want to block, such  as low, medium, or high. These parameters help   to prevent the model from generating content that  could offend, hurt, or harm the user or others. The initChat function is a function that  we define inside the useEffect hook. It   is an async function, which means that it can  use the await keyword to pause the execution   until a promise is resolved. A promise is  an object that represents the completion   or failure of an asynchronous operation. The initChat function create a new chat session   with the generative model by using the genAI  variable and the getGenerativeModel method. Also,   It tries to start the chat session by using  the newChat variable and the startChat method.  It catches any error that might occur during the  process, and sets the error variable to a string   that says “Failed to initialize chat. Please  try again.” by using the setError function. The handleSendMessage function create a user  message object by using the userInput variable   and the new Date function. Also, It tries  to update the messages array by using the   setMessages function and the spread operator.  Next, clear the userInput variable by using   the setUserInput function and passing an empty  string as an argument. This way, we reset the   userInput variable to an empty string. Also,  it checks if the chat variable is not null,   which means that the chat session is initialized  and ready. If so, it tries to send the user input   to the generative model by using the chat  variable and the sendMessage method. Next,   create a bot message object by using the  result variable and the response method. Also,   update the messages array by using the  setMessages function and the spread   operator. At last, catch any error  that might occur during the process. The handleThemeChange function is a function  that takes an event object as an argument,   and updates the theme variable by using the  setTheme function and the target.value property. The handleKeyPress function is a function  that takes an event object as an argument,   and checks if the key that the user  pressed is the Enter key. If so,   it prevents the default behavior of the event,  which is to add a new line in the input field,   and calls the handleSendMessage function to  send the user input to the generative model. The return statement is the last part  of the Home component, where we return   the JSX element that represents the  UI of our app. We use the className   attribute to assign Tailwind CSS classes  to the elements, and we use the primary,   secondary, accent, and text variables to  get the theme colors for the elements. An h1 element that displays the app  title. A div element that contains   the theme label and the theme select.  It has the flex and space-x-2 classes.   A label element that displays the theme label. A select element that allows the user to  choose the theme. It has the id, value,   onChange, and className attributes. The  id attribute sets the id of the element   to “theme”. The value attribute binds the element  to the theme variable, which stores the current   theme. The onChange attribute updates the theme  variable by using the handleThemeChange function   and the target.value property, which  gets the value of the selected option. A div element that contains the chat area.  A map method that iterates over the messages   array and renders each message as a div  element. The map method takes a callback   function and an index as arguments. The callback  function returns a JSX element for each message,   and the index is the position  of the message in the array. A div element that wraps the message. A  span element that displays the message text.   A p element that displays the message  sender and the message time. A div   element that displays the error message if  there is any. It has the error and className   attributes. A div element that contains  the input field and the send button. An input element that allows the user  to type their message. It has the type,   placeholder, value, onChange, onKeyDown,  and className attributes. The type attribute   sets the type of the element to “text”,  which means that it accepts text input. A button element that allows the user to  send their message. It has the onClick and   className attributes. The onClick attribute  calls the handleSendMessage function when the   user clicks on the button, which sends  the user input to the generative model. *------ Before we test our application, we need to  add the API key here. So, go to the Gemini   Dashboard and click on Get API key. From here you can select any project   and generate the API key. Simply copy  this API and paste it into your project. Now, it’s time to test our application, so,   go to the terminal window and  run the command, npm run dev. Ok, the input text is not visible. But Our code  is correct, So, we have to make a small change   to our code, go to the global.css file,  and change the theme from dark to light. And that’s it, our project is working perfectly.   You can ask questions, change themes, or  most importantly, customize this project. Thanks for watching! I hope you successfully  build the project. If yes, then hit the like   and subscribe button. Thanks for  watching. See you in my next video.
Channel: Bug Ninza
Views: 745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to use google bard ai chatbot, google, how to use google bard, google bard, next.js and tailwindcss, google bard ai, how to auto resize textarea in javascript, gemini, javascript, google ai chatbot, google ai chatbot bard, google bard ai chatbot, how to make money with chatgpt, google gemini ai, google bard vs chatgpt, google ai, how to build chatgpt, google ai build, build google ai, google chatbot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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