Build any layout with tailwind | crash course

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hey there everyone here back again with another video and welcome to fun with tailin so we have recently started a series on fun with Tailwind where I walk you through with how I deal up with the things in the CSS again giving the fact that I'm not an super expert in the CSS or the Tailwind but so far I've been able to navigate through with all the designs that comes up to my way and I'll share all these tips and tricks and hacks that I have uh gained over the years as experience in dealing with the Cs so in this video I'll walk you through as a kind of a crash course of how you can build any layout that you really want to build with just the tailwind and it doesn't involve too much of the CSS once you understand the core foundation and the hacks of it that's it you'll be able to design any layout at all so let me walk you through with that how this is being done and first let's understand a little bit of the UI and ux approach I'm not an UI uxx expert but over the years I have dealt and have got a chance to work with so so many of these experts that I've have noticed a few things so let me share with that again by no means this is a expert resource on the UI or something but let me share what's my analysis on that so uh let me share the screen first and first we will try to understand what actually I'm trying to share uh with you for so let's just say this is our Mobile screen this is how usually mobile looks like and on the other hand this is how our desktop looks like almost kind of a same so the difference between both of them is that they are actually different in the space this one is more on the vertical top to bottom side this one is more of a horizontal size so in the world of mobile what I've noticed is that you don't have too much of the option the easiest of option on all the Mobile screen what people prefer is one thing at a row so if we have a one row like this we like to display the content just a bottom row like this and so on and so forth this is usually the display the block itself or the row itself might contain card maybe buttons or something like that this is the most common design that I have seen on the other hand what I've noticed what some in very rare case is being done is you sometimes have these kinds of block which are divided into two parts so this is usually the situation of my row that over the years I've noticed that hey this is all it looks like the moment you try to inject three of them in any of the mobile devices this is not considered as a great approach because this is too clumsy for anybody to actually see and visual there are certain designs in which we have three rows in that but this is considered as clumsy the max that we want on the mobile device is two this is what I've seen over the years so yes these are possibilities to have that but this is what it looks like so on the mobile device all I have have to worry about is either my row or my content should take entire space or at a Max should be divided into two parts that's my major problem which I have to address on the mobile screens on the other hand the bigger screen has a different way of analyzing the things on the bigger screen there are variations in that the first variation is equal halves and the second variation is non equal halves let me walk you through with that so the first variation that we are going to talk about is actually uh equal or equal sections that would be better so this is my equal section and the another one that we have is something known as non-equal section uh non-equal section that's what we have okay so what's the difference between the equal section and non-equal section let me walk you through so in the equal section what you're going to notice that you will find something like which takes the entire row of the screen uh little bit rare but it might happen the most usual case that you're going to see that in the equal section your screen is actually divided into two equal portion of it this is the most common layout designs that you're going to see two equal portion right now they are not very equal but just try to get the sense of what I'm saying or you'll see that your screen is divided into three equal parts so we have some kind of a layout architecture which goes like this or maybe which goes like this three equal parts we also have some of the screens which actually takes it a little bit far apart and have four equal parts that's also doable this is how let's just say two and let's just say we have three uh they are not equal by any means but this is what the usual design you are seeing the common thing between all these design is this one actually divides the screen into two equal parts this one divides the screen into three equal part this one design divides the screen into four equal parts no matter what it is these are equal section moving five equal section rarely but once we understand how we can actually divide this into four it's doable with the five and six and so on but from the good UI perspective this is how it looks like and this is actually the first part which is the equal section there's a non-equal section to it as well let's go with a non-equal section of how does that looks like in the non-equal section you'll see that sometimes there are rows which are which looks like uh this one takes probably 25% and rest whole thing is actually taken up by the other part of the this is how usually the row is divided this might flip as well uh this container might come up uh something like this oops not like that this might come up in in this side and this one might come up in this side uh that's adjustable that's doable but in this everything gets an unequal proportion of this and you'll notice that sometimes this one might shrink a tiny bit little bit more this one might expand a little bit more but the whole idea is they never share equal space on this one so this is the most common one another one that you're going to see uh quite often is this one takes a little bit portion here and then this one takes a lot more portion and then this one takes a little less portion and you will notice in the Tailwind docks even this exact kind of design is there so we have this whole thing if I go ahead and say I want to look into installation probably not installation maybe dark mode yeah this is what you can see this one takes a little bit less portion the right one takes a little bit less portion this part is really big and what you'll notice on the smaller screen what they try to do in this one they try to hide this first one they try to hide the second one and this one takes the whole screen on the mobile when we move to mobile again same same thing this one is taking the entire space or at a Max they take two screen now notice this one here so this is the common pattern the first one the right one goes away at the very first uh try to inch it a little bit the moment I go into Mobile this one takes the whole screen so that's the hack which I have noticed in almost every website that I work through with this so this is the whole thing now I have a big overview picture let me summarize this that on the mobile screen it's usually uh the content should take the entire space that's all it is at a Max it might take hey this might take uh two equal screen on the mobile nobody prefers that this one should take uh like for example this one should take a space like this uh this one should go like this this is usually considered as not so great practice with the US yes there are uis with that which actually doesn't follow this but very rare case very rare case although can be done but you will rarely notice that in the mobile the best is user has a best experience when he can tap on the content and see the content in a good width so either it is two equal halves or it is the entire one and here let's summarize this equal section the screen is divided into two equal part three equal part four equal part that's usually it is in the non-equal section one portion takes majority uh one portion takes majority one portion takes minority now how much is the majority minority we will figure it out in a minute but this is the whole idea so got it Mobile screen just two option majorly on the big screen two option only equal sections non equal section if you understand this big picture then building any layout is much much easier and you will see that how easy it is actually to build it always see the website from the row perspective first what goes inside the row is a different perspective alog together I'll walk you through with a separate uh crash course on that but notice here there might be entire card in it or might be just image or might be four images in that but this is how usually the designs are there and go ahead and check out any website you'll see that entire thing is rowwise designed even if we go to the Tailwind homepage this is taking the entire left to right this portion this row takes two part this part and this part this one is a little bit longer one this is a shorter one notice here an image on the left side a content on the right side two portions that's it this one whole thing just one big row this one this whole thing two portions one image one this one that's it this portion divided into three columns 1 2 3 that's it what goes inside we'll worry about them later on notice here anything that you work out through this is how the content layout is designed just go ahead and take a look on this in this one right side entirely empty this portion we have content and then same half and half divided this one empty so you just scroll anything and you'll see that this is a common pattern and this is how I always look for it that how things are actually being designed so how we are going to do this now it's time to write some code let's click on the component and for this particular video I highly highly recommend not the component docks actually that you actually bump this video onto 4K it will be much more easier because to understand these things it's actually rather easier to work in the playground yes in the last video we did a setup of doing all these things into uh vs code setup as well but here since the output is on the right side it's much more easier to actually have a visual aspect of how things are actually done so what we're going to do is we'll just zoom it a tiny bit don't want to do it too much otherwise it's little difficult to actually move it like this okay first of all let's go ahead and remove everything that we have now the first thing that I want to do is let's say we have a div this is the outer div inside this I will have a inner div this div will have some of the properties but first let's have uh two of these divs and what I'll do is let's have a couple of cursors and then we'll have a class what all classes you want in this one obviously this div will not have any content so let's go ahead and give it a minimum height of of what 100 pixels minimum height of whatever you like 100 pixels seems good so now this div has a height and we're going to go ahead and do a rounded LG for rounded corners on these larger wids and let's give them uh Shadow as well Shadow just to make it look good otherwise no point in that let's finally give them a background color so that we can see them on the screen much better they are still on the screen but not really that visible so BG Das orange d500 we'll use the shade of 500 because it looks good now obviously this is Orange let's go ahead and change this one to teal okay now this is how it looks like by default obviously each div is a block level element so it goes from left to right if you need something like this then obviously it looks great even on the smaller screen but the problem comes up when you want to have multiple layouts with this one so what my hack is to design any kind of layout is actually to introduce the grids now grid looks absolutely crazy it has so many properties but I'm not going to teach you all the properties in this video this is not a grid tutorial this is moreover a hack of Designing any layout so if you want a grid tutorial there are plenty of other uh tutorials on that now once I do grid it does change nothing at all where actually things go change is how you do and thing uh design the things now one of the hack another hack that I have is I always think from the bigger screen first now you might be thinking hey uh we were trained to do something like design mobile first yes I designed for mobile first but I think for the bigger screen first so the way how I do things is the classes like grid which will be applied on the smaller screen I don't care about them but if I'm taking care of something in the bigger screen I always think like from smaller and above screen so this is how the break points of the uh Tailwind Works SM then you write it that means this property will act for all the all the thing all the screens which are above the smaller screen so the way to think it is always think from on the smaller and bigger screen I will do this so that you can later on come up and apply properties without any colon or something and that applies on the mobile so by default the properties apply on mobile so I go ahead and say that you know what I want that on the smaller and above screen I want two columns so I'll just go ahead and say grid Das calls and I want two columns the moment I do it obviously we need a little Gap let's go ahead and have a gap of two four two is good enough four too much two okay uh no just not like that we'll just have a gap of four come on yeah this one is good enough okay so we have this one and on top of this let's have a margin of four so that this is better now notice here what happens with this okay did I missed anything okay it looks good now notice here when I said smaller and above it says hey just go like this so always on the all big screen this is going to be divided into two equal half no matter what you do or what you put inside them doesn't really matter the moment I go on the smaller screen automatically these are designed for me I don't have to do anything at all so automatically the grid takes place and my designs are done this is how you want most of your designs but let's just say for some some reasons you want to overwrite that on the smaller screen I want to follow the same thing then I can come back and overwrite this that hey grid Das calls D2 so I'm explicitly writing first for the bigger screen uh yes I know everybody says design mobile first but in the reality if you'll just work in the production nobody writes for the mobile first everybody just worry because the screen is opened up when you're writing code onto a de screen and this is how it works okay so notice here now on the the smaller screen also we are following the part so if you remember half of our work is done automatically this one works and we have explicitly told it to work on the half and half so mobile actually is not that difficult to work on and you can achieve any layout with this how nice this is okay now one more thing the moment you are saying grid calls 2 and grid calls 2 and all of that make sure your inner divs are equally matching that as well so if I'm dividing things into two columns there should be two divs to actually match those columns so this is the first thing that you have to remember uh I'll actually copy and paste all of this and we'll give it to you so for example right now uh let's just go ahead and duplicate this and we will just comment this out to actually have a discussion on this now let's just say I have another of this one so I have three of these elements this one is not teal uh let's just go with the red come on select this red nice red so notice here since my grid is actually taking care for only two columns but I have in in this div I have three of the divs to take care about it I have to think like that that is the first thing so let's just say you want your screen to be divided into three equal parts all I have to say is first of all I'll worry about above screen smaller and above that's my uh way of thinking so I just go ahead and say uh for smaller and above screen that means the larger screen let's just go ahead and say grid calls three all right so notice here when I go ahead and move this is all three columns but the moment I go ahead and say uh hit the break point of the smaller one since I'm zoomed in that's why it's looked a little bit there otherwise if I go to 100% Zoom you'll see that it is actually a smaller screen you can see a little hovering of that but on the smaller screen you can just go ahead and do something like this like hey on the smaller screen also I want three equal parts but since I mentioned you will rarely find this is too much squished for it you don't want to do this on the bigger screen this looks great and this is how I exactly want but but what should I do on the smaller screen in such scenario you will rarely find that people want to divide them into two equal half two equal half because there are three elements in this row so what should be the best way to handle such scenario you'll notice that let's just take it entire width of the Mobile screen that is the best way to handle it so in that case what should I do we just noticed it you have to do nothing sometimes not doing the things is actually the best thing let's just remove this grid calls 3 which is actually for smaller screen let just go ahead and it automatically does it for me I don't have to do anything at all all I have to worry about is smaller and above screen there we go beautiful design there we go two equal parts and this one mobile optimized so grid is actually not that difficult uh to worry about if you go and do something like that okay uh what else can we do uh we can actually divide it into four equal parts as well so if I go ahead and say hey you know what now we have four another color um maybe purple yeah good shade of a purple so now notice here again the same problem occurs you are taking care in the parent element about three only but there are four elements so take care of the four elements the best way that I would love to do it is just go ahead and say four there we go they on the all the bigger screen that is smaller and above it actually works on the smaller screen automatically takes care of the things for me I don't have to do anything uh but on the smaller screen if you want that they should be half and half not a great design you have not started great uh you can do that uh but it would be really really difficult so for example let's just try this a little bit I want that grid Das col-2 if I go ahead and work like this uh yes uh now we are taking care of the in each of the grid columns there are two but I usually prefer not to do it if it is four screen I want them all to be on the one screen I can do that I can do that because I understand how the grid actually works on the outer layer I can do this but I don't prefer for it I usually prefer to actually just go ahead and uh not write anything that's the best thing don't do anything if I go ahead and work like this this is better design in all together this one here okay so uh this is the basics of how things are done whether you have uh maybe two of the divs four of the divs doesn't really matter so what we have covered so far is the equal portion two portion three portion four portion you can divide five portion six portion doesn't really matter my talk is not going to give you any additional value if I just go ahead and add one more because I'll be changing the values you get that you get that already now let's move on and talk about this part which is a non-equal section what should I do to have this non-equal section uh we have to take care about the mobile as well which we will but let's talk about the non-equal section okay uh this one is good I'll just have a duplicate of this and I'll comment the above because probably you might need that don't know why but maybe maybe okay so what we're going to do is first uh let's start with the three ones because that's where the majority or let's start with a two because this is where I think you'll learn the best so now we have two of these elements but I want to go non-equal that means I want to have something like this 20% or half less than half of this one 25% and rest should be given to this one so over the years what I've noticed is you can actually have the grid columns but here's the interesting thing so far we have been saying we want how many columns and all of that but actually we can distribute these columns in the inner child based on how many total columns you have I usually remember this with something like uh how much property is there with the parent that can only be divided now portion you decide 25% or 70% or 5050 but parent need to have that much of the property so this one right now you can see smaller and above that means the bigger screens have only four of these ones so so half and half is automatically divided between them uh so this is how it looks like uh but let's just say these are only two so we'll just go ahead and say I want this to be two okay let's just go ahead and save this now what will happen on the bigger screen this is how it looks like so how can I go ahead and divide them one thing that I learned over the years is especially writing a lot of bootstrap uh code is designers usually like to divide their entire big screen into 12 equal columns and then they distribute the inner of how much space should be taken then this is a very very common technique in the design world so what I'll say is uh let's just say that how many columns we are going to have so on the bigger screen or this one is good let's just say what happens when I go ahead and say 12 uh really nice uh now they are obviously taking two spaces out of 12 but what you can do is is you can actually distribute how many um how many of the C column span you would take so for example let's just say I say that out of the entire 12 how much columns you want to take so just go ahead and say call span two so this one takes call span two now how many is remaining out of the 12 that's again property distribution so two portion was taken by one brother so how much portion is going to be taken by another brother so call Dash span and this one obviously is going to be 10 there we go nice and easy now one more thing is when I go ahead and Shrink this not not great on the smaller screen uh since this is going to take the 10 part of it out of the 12 as soon as I shrink this this doesn't satisfy the property that's why this Mayhem is happening I don't want that so since I have already taken care about the bigger screen all I have to do now is take care about the smaller screen which is easier which is easier I can just go ahead and say on the smaller screen which is the direct property so I can just go go ahead and say grid Das Co and I want it to be two and that's it now notice here something strange that has happened when I go ahead and say uh this grid calls is two that's okay your grid is going to take two equal portion of it but still there is a little bit of a space on the right side it's trying to achieve that that's because you have added some extra property on the child this is taking two portion of it but this is still trying to take the 10 portion we have done a mistake can you catch it we didn't thought of the smaller and the above screen we just wrote it like that so always take care just write SM for such properties so that you can take care of the bigger screen first so I'm going to go ahead and say this one is SM colon and below this is also going to be SM colon that means smaller and above screen now at least my bigger screen is fixed so this one is there so smaller and above screen since you didn't mention anything for the smaller screen this is how it is being divided because here you said grid calls to this portion so grid should be divided into two columns but if I go ahead and change it to one maybe this is I want so there we go on the bigger screen they are taking unequal portion on the smaller screen there we go so all I have to do is take care of the smaller and above screen rest of them don't take care so notice here what happened let me just summarize this we wanted that on the bigger screen we want to have 12 column or the 12 12 portion of the property the portion of the property will be distributed on the smaller and above screen so breako and above screen not the smaller screen so we went two and 10 this was my portion so this is what I loved but what I want to do for the smaller screen so I'll not write anything for them if this is I want but if I want to overwrite it then obviously I'll go ahead and write that hey I want it to be divided into two equal parts so I'll just say hey uh our child are great so let's just have it that's it uh you can go ahead and say it in three as well doesn't look great but just wanted to give you that you can design any layout if you know even this much of the things okay one more thing which is going to bother you a little bit okay on the smaller screen I want one so they are taking all equal portion so let's just try to design something which is like Tailwind so let's go back onto the tailwind and try to see how this actually works let's go into dark mode so not dark mode over Focus utility first give me something spacing ah break do we have the third portion of it anywhere yeah there we go so my screen was a little short so we can see this one is taking out of the 12 if you just ask me probably two and two here and rest of them is divided like this almost similar we can just adjust them so we definitely know that there are three of The Columns I have to take care of this this is the first part of it or let me just hit command Z and actually have another one so that we can actually have a talk on this separately there we go I'll just go ahead and remove this okay let's talk about this guy and try to design something like uh tailin uh obviously I know there are three elements on it so there we go we have orange we have teal and I'll go for purple that looks nice uh purple so we have three elements uh but this is not how they looks for look good for mobile so this is the idea I always worry about the smaller and above screen first that automatically makes me worry about the smaller screen on the next step so uh the bare minimum thing is let's just have a grid and remove everything to so that we can think accordingly okay this is how we remove this one and also let's remove the SM colon to you don't take any portion right now we haven't distributed the property yet no distribution of the property yet okay so this is how it looks like on the biggest screen they take the div on the smaller screen also they take the div so this is how they looks like right now now what I want to do is obviously on the smaller and above screen remember how I think the process on the smaller and above screen I want the grid to have a calls that should be divided into three equal portion there we go three equal portion that's being divided but I want the property distribution to be a little bit different so how I'll do is I'll just go ahead and say this one uh now the three is not great I want them to be divided into two 12 equal portion so there we go 12 is the magic number and this is a design standard magic number I'm not making them up to be 12 I could have done it in the 10 that could make much more sense but this is a design thing either they divide it into six or the 12 that's how they do it so in this one for the smaller and above screen I'll just say how much column span did you want to go so I'll just say call Dash span and you take two portion of it maybe four four is too much two portion of it is good enough for you and I think the same portion will be given to the last part of it so just copy this and let's just paste this okay but obviously now the distribution two and two four so we need to go with eight to make it 12 and you need to be decently good in the math not too much so let's just go ahead and say this one is call Das span and we'll go with the eight so this is how our Tailwind UI looks like or a Twitter layout if you want to go with that once we are done with this now notice here this looks great but on the smaller screen we haven't worry about we have worried about smaller and above screen so notice here uh not so great it is it is doing its job great uh the way it can be so that nothing hides or nothing has unequal portion I would say this is a good design as of now but what happens on the Tailwind is the moment you actually move this uh the right portion first of all disappears so they have a medium break point as well and the smaller screen uh they have only the middle elements being displayed uh you can worry about the medium Point breakpoint as well but my goal right now is to focus Morely on the smaller breakpoint and above everything so what do you want so what I want is that this should be hidden when it should be hidden the first element or the last element let's talk about last element when should be the last element should be hidden on the smaller screen so okay let's just go ahead and make it hidden if you do it like this then you're worrying about the smaller screen first no no no no we don't want to worry about the smaller screen first first we want to worry about the bigger screen first so on the bigger screen I want the display should be block that's the way how you display it so I'll say that on the smaller screen and above I'll just go ahead and say uh the display will be blocked so I'll just go ahead and say block there we go so display block shortcut for it and uh this one should be same everything should be display block on the bigger screen so let's just try this so last one so on the smaller screen and above you'll be displayed but on the smaller screen I want to hide you so just go ahead and say hidden hidden there we go save this now obviously the hidden actually goes at the very first so don't worry but notice here on the smaller screen this one hides on the bigger screen it is available exactly like Tailwind there we go it's gone now you want that the orange portion should also go away and what is left is only the teal one so I'll just do exactly same I'll come up say first I'll worry about the bigger screen so on the small screen and above go ahead and say uh block so your Block Level element but on the others that means on the smaller screen you are hidden that's it we have achieved the exact Tailwind UI there we go this is how they actually do it now we can add additional break point and right now we're just think thinking in two dimensional space the smaller screen and the bigger but you can think in the uh medium perspective as well that on the medium uh the orange should be block but on the smaller screen the orange should be hidden so it's all about thinking perspective how you can go with that I'm completely happy if I'm on the smaller screen the moment I go it I want to hide both of them I think that's a better design so I'll go with that and the same thing happens with the Twitter as well the moment you try to shrink the Twitter uh Twitter is basically three column layout again the moment you try to shrink it the right portion goes away so that's exactly same on the bigger screen block level on the smaller screen hidden and on the Twitter even if you go a little bit on the smaller screen this portion goes away and a new portion get unlocks so new portion is always hidden but on the smaller screen that's display block that's how you see those navigation item there so it's it's actually super simple now I hope you can understand what I'm trying to give you as a visual perspective of how things actually work so now let's come back to the analysis so we can now make a screen onto two equal portion no problem at all grid can do that and by the way there are more properties in in the grid if you work with that uh there are grid like we have this one uh where is the property call span we have row span and whatnot I don't get into too much I try to think my website from the rose perspective so there is a row span as well but I don't use it too much I just always like to hack out my way so this is what I have over the years uh figure out a way for me so now uh we have two equal layouts super easy to design if we do nothing automatically takes one portion on the screen and another portion below it we can also divide the screen into three equal portion four equal portion five equal portion six equal portion no problem at all we have also learned about the non equal section where we can uh divide the entire grid into 12 equal portion and out of that we can do the maths four portion eight portion 10 portion two portion however you want you can actually give the equal portion as well if you wish uh like on the medium screen I want to change the fancy layout it's not usually good but this you can do that 12 portion on the bigger screen you want to give four and uh 4 and eight portion on the medium screen you want to give 6 six and that's doable but I don't touch it that much uh so non-equal portion you now know how to handle this and this three column layout this is also what we have done come on don't do that and on the mobile screen we have noticed not doing anything is usually the best because it takes the entire screen but if you explicitly want to do it then you have to mention this always think from the smaller screen perspective but what but do the things for the bigger screen so the moment you say smaller and above you make it a habit of writing smaller and above smaller and above that actually does so much of the things so uh let's just go ahead and copy this and I'll actually paste it in the vs code as well right now my vs code is not even open uh but anyways this actually uh makes the tutorial as complete that uh how we are actually doing the things and how it is so this sums up your crash course on building and designing any grid that you want I hope this video was fun A little hacky yes I haven't showed you all the things which you can do with with the grid there are more crazy things you can do but this is my favorite part of the grid of Designing any layout that I want and still no problem at all that's it for this video hope you have enjoyed this if you have enjoyed this please please please do comment down below uh fill up the comment Target we have not a highend Target but if you write the comment it boost me it helps me to make more videos that's it for this video let's go ahead and catch up in the next one
Channel: Hitesh Choudhary
Views: 10,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Programming, javascript, devops, cloud, aws, reactjs, nextjs, MERN, coding interviews, tailwind, frontend, css, build layout, css grid and flexbox
Id: rbSPe1tJowY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 28sec (2068 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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