The Official Build: Perfect Tek Dedicated Storage Floors | Ark: Survival Ascended

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hello everyone today I have for you the perfect way to make a tech dedicated storage floor uh all the videos on YouTube don't use official settings and they used a lot of collision that wouldn't work on official so this is the official way to make it I made this video yesterday but someone made me aware in the first hour of it being posted that there's a better method so I put that video down uh took it in the backyard shot it and then I checked out that method refined it down to make it even better and this is what I have for you today and if you just want a cheaper method at the end of the video I have this if you care less about looks so let's get right into it okay so I'm going to put the dades in this empty 5x5 area this is not where I'm going to be walking this is where I'm be putting these structures to lift up the deis I'll be walking on the D up on this floor I'm just showing you here that you cannot have any walls or ceilings around this area you just have to leave it completely free except for this row of ceilings back here uh cuz we need to walk on them to place some stuff and then this ceiling right here will help us line up our first D placement so I'm going to fill this in with foundations and show you the rest so just to show you the main idea of this dadd floor we're going to be putting two of these ramps down uh not the roofs that go all the way up just these ramps that go halfway up uh a wall height and then we're going to be putting tables on them and this will lift up the dees very nicely and make it just like up perfect smooth surface to build this on a larger scale we'll set down one row of ramps right here and then put the tables on top and then we'll do the next row of ramps and put the tables on top and this is because if we put the all the ramps down and try and put the tables down they'll the next ramps will obstruct the first tables that we want to put down so you can use either metal or wood and just go ahead and put them down to wherever you want to put Dy then go ahead line up on a ladder so you're nice and straight you don't have to be centered you just have to be straight right here and what you're going to do on metal ramps is line up the right leg on the bottom of like that tab right there it's not super precise so then go ahead and Center it and if you're using wood ramps look at the left leg and put it at the bottom of like that cement line there say honestly I'd even go a little bit lower right there it's not going to be a big deal as you'll see and then go ahead and just Place tables centered on the ramps all the way down and then for this next line there is no snap point right here so we have to create one by making a wall right here a ceiling and then placing the ramp on the bottom of that ceiling right there and then we can actually get rid of the ceiling and the wall or the ramp is snapped to this quarter wall here if this gets destroyed the ramp gets destroyed like that so if you don't want to put this on the outside here because if someone broke into the wall here and destroyed this it would destroy the entire line of ramps that we're going to snap to this you can actually before you put down a whole line of ramps uh like on the normal snap point on a ceiling you can put down a wall in the middle beforehand and you'll be fine like this and if you're really worried about something happening you can put down more walls further down and it will create more snap points that would have to be destroyed to destroy the entire row so I'm going to leave those there and then set down these ramps and put the tables on top so this first row of dades is basically done I just have to put down the dees right here but I'm going to finish this up and then I'll show you how to place the dees okay I got these all finished up and they look so sick I love this method actually uh I forget if I said but one thing it doesn't really matter where you place the table you can't raise or lower the dees because they go on like a slope here so if you raise the table higher or lower it's just based on where this daddy ends up uh colliding with the ceiling it's always going to end up in the same place just how the height of the table and the slope of the ramp works it's weird but it's just always going to be at the same height so placing the steady you line up on that ladder and then you come over as far as you can to the right here and you're just going to want to get this as perfect as possible I have a macro on my keyboard to nudge me like this so I just got to press that and it nudges me if you're on Xbox I did notice I was even using a keyboard that if you just tap the key you go way further than PC and it's probably because of frame rate or something so this is really hard to get this exact on Xbox which I assume any console like PS5 so maybe if someone that's on PC like a decent PC plays this first one just to make it that much more perfect but it's not that big of a deal so make sure you didn't have snapping on when you were trying to place this and go ahead and put it down and now you enable snapping and just snap every daddy box to each other okay we have all our daddies done down so I'm going to go ahead and put down all the ceilings if you had these ceilings on before it would obstruct the boxes that you're trying to place next to them and here's our beautiful ddy floor there is no method better than this it gets it so close to being just absolutely perfectly flush it is like a pixel down which honestly for how the Collision Works you this might be perfect cuz I feel it feels like butter walking over it I feel no bump like going over this it's so nice so as you can see here we can't put a wall next to these dudes it's obstructing it I think even without the ramps it be obstructing it so that's why we need this buffer space right here to put down walls one more thing depending on the direction that you place these dades it should line up the image that way so since I placed them down there looking like this way this is how the image will appear but you can change that by going to visual options the item display options and then you can turn it right here so if you want to not move 100 DD boxes be aware of that uh I don't think don't press rotate on this when you're placing them because I think that would change it like I just turned it 180 right there and yeah so be aware of that so that's how you make a perfect ddy floor there is another way that people have been using that I'll show you that's just worse I even put it in my original video but after finding this uh or being shown this I I'm never doing it again it's terrible compared to this uh the method is using elevator tracks and I just got to place these down real quick to show you the difference between these two methods yeah so I got the elevator tracks down and you can see these daddy boxes right here are just slightly lower than these which honestly I don't even think you can feel it oh you can the slightest bump it's so slight but that's this is just that much a little bit better but it is infinitely cheaper these elevator tracks are expensive especially if you use wood ramps here it costs zero metal to make this whole thing which is crazy also if you're worried about structure counts uh to do one Foundation of daddy boxes it's four elevator tracks and this is two ramps and two tables which is basically four but the only difference is is that you have these uh quarter walls uh filling up a little bit more structure count it's just based on how many you want to put down though so at most it would be five extra structures for this is a 5x5 so it's 25 this is 100 ddy boxes right here so it's five extra structures for 100 DD boxes I'd say that's pretty much worth it so the only other method that has any other Merit if you want if you don't care about looks and you just want the lowest structure count and the cheapest way possible to make this you can go ahead and put down quarter High ceilings right here obviously make them out of wood if you want them really cheap and then just put tables on every half of a ceiling right here and again this is even this is easier to make you don't have to line up you just got to get it like kind of in the center turn around here and go ahead put down the last ones you place the daddy boxes using the same method as over there just lining yourself up and putting them on the ceilings and then when you walk over them they have a slight bum bump they don't look terrible uh they actually like lift you up so if you have stuff like floating like forges or replicator it actually gets you a little bit closer to them so it might be better in that regard but this is a very cheap way and a very structure count efficient way of doing this and this is what I have in my grind station if I could redo it I would do this method because it's so nice but this is just the only other way that I see that has Merit uh to do a dad floor okay that's the end of this video it started raining so I got to go uh subscribe if you want to see stuff similar to this I already have cryo fridge floors on my channel and like ways to make perfect vaults every single time so go ahead and check those out and I'll have more stuff coming like the video If this helped you out and comment if you have any questions or anything you want to say see you
Channel: Doth
Views: 5,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7dFXahfaQek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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