Epic Noah's Ark Base | Building Tutorial | ARK: Survival Ascended

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welcome to the Ark on Ark it's time to Rally your dinos 2 by two as we create the perfect Arc base to keep them safe and sound inside you'll find Dino lodgings Dino lodgings Dino lodgings and more dino lodgings oh and of course a central Hub area awaits for all your crafting needs if you enjoyed today's video don't forget to show your support by hitting that like button sharing your thoughts in the comments and of course by subscribing it's not just free it might just Sav me from drowning in the flood that's on the horizon so without further delay let's dive into today's extraordinary build hello everyone I am LS at Lance and I hope you're all having a fantastic day because mine just took a seriously weird turn I was casually doing my thing in my holiday home when all of a sudden LS what the hell Lads is this thing on hello testing testing dodo you can talk no no not the dodo look to the skies I am God oh yeah well if you're God then prove it give me a sign or something oh fine look behind you behind me when I said Give Me A Sign I didn't mean an actual sign but this works Lance I need you to build me an ark you want me to build an ark but we're already in an arc this is an arc no I mean an arc boat and I need you to put two of every dinosaur inside it sure wait what you don't want to know why I want you to build me an arc no I'm good I just want to build I'll be back with an arc oh okay then so apparently God wants me to build an ark to house two of every single dinosaur talk about a Divine twist so I've decided to embark on this wild Journey right here on the map we're at latitude 66.4 longitude 70.7 we're in the vicinity of the green Obelisk surrounded by Lush Long grassy Fields plenty of Shrubbery and trees and a giant river that gracefully cuts through the landscape this area is practically screaming for me to build my Ark here so that's exactly what we're going to do okay so I have a very big task to do today I'm building the Ark in Ark that is insane I don't know how going to achieve this but we're going to try and I'm thinking I'm going to build the boat kind of going into the water here ever so slightly the only thing is it's going to need to get over this hill here there's a little little Hill here so we're going to have to build it up quite high so I've already placed my first pillar in right here so from here I'm going to go 1 2 3 and I think that's just going to get over this hill ever so yeah I think it will be close but I think we'll make that little Hill so that's as high as we're going to go so just be wary wherever you're building you just need to make sure that you're going to be able to clear any Hills that are going to get in the way so I'm think I'm going to be okay with this so from this pillar I'm going to put in one 2 three put in some pillars and four and that is our star block here so from here we're going to want to put some triangles in so 1 2 3 and then you want to add a pillar and then 1 2 3 4 and add a pillar then we're repeating what we just did over there we're going to go one two pillars one two so that's four in total pillars perfect so from here now we're going to go and place so many triangles you will not believe it we're going to place 41 and I don't mean 41 triangles I mean so if I just place in a few here so there's one two that's how we're going to count this so 1 2 and then we're going to go 3 4 5 6 7 8 all the way till we get to 41 going that way and I'm also going to place uh pillars after every two like so so yeah 41 that's what we're aiming for let's go ahead and get that [Music] done [Music] okay I think that's 41 I just counted I did go a bit too far at the end there so you want to have 41 on the inside so I've gone all the way 41 to there so that's my 41 and then I did another triangle and another pillar now I should say at this stage that this build is scalable so you can literally take what I'm doing and just scale it down if you want to or even scale it up so from here we're going to do exactly what we did over there we're going to bring it back around now so one two we're going to do four ceiling Towes in total like so oh it's raining we need to build this boat fast guys it's started then we're going to go one 1 two 3 Bam Bam one 2 3 four just make sure you've always got one 2 3 4 like so that's better it stopped raining so right we're going to go one two then we're going to do pillars Bam Bam one two whoopsy Daisy and pillars and then literally guys what we're going to do now is we're going to do the triangles again the squares again and then triangles going all the way down so you're just going to do exactly what you did on that side but on this side so it will be triangles next like so um then once you've got these in it will then be ceiling Towes then triangles and go all the way back around and then curve it back around here so I'm going to go ahead and do that now and I'll see you in a [Music] second [Music] and if you've done everything correctly you should have something that looks like this this is going to be the very bottom of the boat so now we find ourselves with a very tedious task of filling this in which will require a ton of ceiling tiles and pillars so yeah it's going to be a bit of a task but the best way to do this guys is where have there squares we're going to put some squares bring this down one two so I'm going to go out by four here and fill this all [Music] in and then once you got 1 2 3 4 where the triangles are you're going to put [Music] triangles oh my God I can't count 1 2 3 4 we don't need the fifth one here we just need the four and then we could do the same here so that's 1 2 3 4 so we'll do that all the way across [Music] and then inside this section here we're just going to put all [Music] triangles and then everything you've just done here we're going to go and repeat on this side [Music] and just like that we have completed this side so now here comes the longest part literally the longest part as you can see we got to do triangles going from here all the way across so like this and fill it all in on this side you can kind of see what patterns happening here so that's all going to be triangles this is all going to be triangles and then in the middle will all be squares so you can see the pattern now but we just got to make it happen so I'm going to do this side with you and then I'll do that side off [Music] camera [Music] okay so everything I just did on that side you're going to do on this side so I'll see you in a second and just like that that side is also in now as you can see we've got a giant rectangle left to do so we're just going to fill that in with ceiling tiles so let's get to that now and I'm going to do that off camera because that's pretty straightforward you just put in the ceilings and the pillars as you go along and we have done that as well that is all filled in and looking like a giant platform uh with the pillars I decided to do one two three pillar one two three pillar I felt like that was the most efficient and then this way I did one two pillar one two pillar that also seemed to be the most efficient and I did that all the way until I got to the end so now we need to build the boat upwards to make it look like an actual boat so how are we going to do this I hear you ask well we are going to do that using some roof tiles so we're going to be using the triangle roof and the normal roof that is not the normal roof there it is and we're going to make sure that they're facing outwards rather than inwards so for this first section with the squares here we're actually going to use the triangle angle and if I can get it to go out like that there we go so we're going to go all the way across like so and then we're going to go up another one and [Music] another and then on the triangle section here we are going to use the normal roof tile followed by the triangles [Music] and then we're going to do the same thing we just did there on this side [Music] here [Music] and you should have something that looks like that and then we're going to do the exact same thing over here on the other side so I'm going to do that and I'll get back to you in a second TDA that side is also now done and you probably guessed what's going to happen next we're now going to need to fill in this side and that side with just the roof tile now so it's a bit easier cuz it's all just this one tile um also if you're playing on Survival which of course you will be it's a lot easier to place them down on the inside because you can climb up and just keep putting them down like so which is a lot easier so I'm going to go away now and do this side and that side and I'll see you in a second and if you have put both sides in success y you should have a giant bathtub look at that what a lovely lovely looking bathtub so next we are going to go around the entire rim of the build with the pillars not just on the top here but also on the bottom so we're going to go around like this all the way around the entire rim and also down here we're going to go all the way around the bottom part as well so I'm going to get started on this now and you guys just need to go all the way around there and all the way around the bottom and when you are done you should have all the pillars going around the top and around the bottom the bottom part isn't completely necessary if you're trying to save on materials uh the top part however is very necessary because what it does is it allows us to place walls across the triangle usually you can't Place walls on top of these triangle roof pieces but with the pillars you can so with the walls we're going to go up one two and we're going to do that across the entire boat we're going to go all the way around this boat now doing two wols so again I will go away and do that and I'll see you in a second oh my God this this build is so big I this is easily the biggest base I've built so far isn't it I think it is so now we need to fill this bad boy in so I need to work out the pattern here of how this is going to be filled in but to fill this in we are not going to do it right at the top we're going to go one down and that is going to be our starting point for how we're going to fill this in so I'm thinking the pattern is going to be similar to the one on the floor down there so we're going to go out by maybe three or four here okay so that's four now if we use the triangle block here how's this going to [Music] work nice then I'm guessing we'll go back to ceilings [Music] here and square ceilings on this [Music] side and then I'm guessing similar to down there we'll do triangles in this Gap [Music] here I forgot to uh fill that Gap in there just so everyone knows so it should go all the way up to the corner with the ceilings and then yeah this should have I done this side as well I haven't even finished this side look needs to go all the way to the corner and then we can fill it in with [Music] triangles there we go and then we're going to do the exact same thing all the way over here just like magic this side is also complete so as you can tell just like down here we're going to have to go all the way across with triangles to this side and on that side so let's do [Music] that [Music] and lastly we're just going to fill in the Middle with just standard ceiling tiles all the way through so I'll do that now and I'll be with you in a second oh my God that took so long to fill that in I was like fall to get my eyes were going as I was filling it in I literally nearly fell asleep so now that we've got this top layer we're now going to work on the rim here so we're going to add in ceiling tiles going all the way around so it'll be like this so everywhere there's a square below there'll be a square on top and everywhere there's a triangle below there'll be a triangle on top like this and basically what we're going to do is going to go all the way around doing the same thing so ceilings here and we're going to do all that going around the entire thing and then we will cover this with walls all the way around like that so that's what we're going to do all the way around the entire Rim so I'll go ahead and do that off camera again we're trying to save as much time with the video as we can because I understand this is a massive build and I don't want this video to be like 2 hours was long so but it's very simple the build surprisingly very simple and straightforward so yeah so just do the ceilings and then we'll do the walls after so we'll do that all the way around and I'll see you in a second and if you did all that correctly you should have a nice thick Rim going around the outside I decided to do the inside walls rather than the outside walls so this is an outside wall I decided to do the inside walls on the inside here I think that looks very nice ni so what I think would be best is to work on the top part here so I want to put like a top house on top of the Ark let's call it the Ark on top of the Ark but I haven't planned this yet so I need to quickly go away and work out how this is going to work and I'll be with you in a second this has taken me ages to figure out but I have figured out how I want to do the top so what I've done is marked the Middle with some pillars here of this section here here so that's 1 2 3 4 and that is the middle right here so knowing that's the middle I know I want to put a dinosaur gate in but obviously with Dinosaur Gates they are two blocks wide so one two so I need what I need to do is use the quarter walls so I can have it dead in the middle so I've gone out by about 1 2 three here so if you're doing this yourself you look where the middle is here's the middle so I'm going to go forward so I don't want it on this block here which is the middle block I want to go out by one and then place it and the same this is the middle I'm going to go out by one and then place it here you could even use a wall here just to guide you a bit better so that's the middle if we go back we should walk through the pillows yeah that is the middle so we want to place not there but here and not there but here and then you can go ahead and delete that afterwards so from the quable we're going to go out by 1 2 3 and the same on this side as well we're going to go out by three so one 2 3 and then we're going to go up by one [Music] 2 and then here we'll go up by one and stagger it upwards and the same on this side and then we'll fill in this little Gap here and put in some more walls at the top so it should look like that and then of course we need to go up with our quarter walls here and [Music] here perfect I mean don't worry about the gaps cuz we'll probably fill that in with pillars but if you didn't want to put pillars you just need to make sure you're using the right quarter walls there are two quarter walls in total so just make sure you're using the right one to avoid the gaps and then we're going to use the sloped Wood Walls going up to the [Music] top and at the very top here we're going to put in two quarter walls just like that then on the sides here we need to put in our pillars going down to the floor like so they need to be straight in line with the walls because what we're going to do on this side is ADD walls going off the pillars so you need to get the right snap point there and then you should be able to place them in and it should let us just do that forever and it is letting us do that hell yeah and the same on this [Music] side fantastic now I'm going to show you what we're going to be doing with the roof here so you know so with the roof we're going to go up with our normal roof tiles up by three and the same on the other side like so then we're going to use the ramp so this is the ramp I'm going to flip the ramp over so it's on the opposite side like so and we're going to use it up here as well so I'm going to place it there and here and also down here and then right at the top here we're going to put a ceiling tile but we're going to do it the reverse side and then in the gaps here the way I'm going to fill this in is by using the railings so I'm going to clip it onto that and onto that and there we have it so I'm actually going to bring that out into an overhang so I'll quickly do that now [Music] and there we go I have created a nice rounded roof there I think this is a much cooler design than having just a big point I think this works well for this build so I'm going to delete these now we don't need them and now I just need to work out how far back this goes so I'm just going to put in the walls here and I'll let you know how many we're going to go across [Music] right so the total width of this is going to be 43 starting from this block here this is 43 across and then literally we're just going to do the same thing we did over there on this side so I need to add in a pillar perfect so all I'm going to do now is connect everything up so we need to do a line of walls and we need to connect the roof just following exactly the same pattern we've done up here and go all the way across and with that roof going across the entire thing we suddenly have a giant boat look at this wow so we're not done with the top part yet we've still got quite a few more things to do I think the first thing I'm going to do is add in some pillars now I want to put some pillars down here to hide these little gaps for a start go across here and we'll even go down here as [Music] well there we go and of course anything I do on this side you'll need to do on the other side as well I'm also going to put in some pillars going up every two walls I think here I accidentally place a ramp there but I actually quite like that I might do that in a few places I think that was a happy accident I might do that every let's see 1 2 3 4 five maybe on every fifth 1 2 three four five we could do that on every fifth uh block as well so let's put the pillars in the ramps in [Music] now there we go so we've got our ramps in I don't know if I actually like them or not but they're going to stay there for now they just look like they're supporting the roof um so everything I've done on this side you need to on the other side and also you need to do what I did on that side on this side now the other thing I'm thinking is I want some railings going up here so we could have them go all the way around the roof like [Music] this I do quite like that so just do the same on the other side so we want to add a dinosaur gate into the doorway as well and the best way to do this is just a disable snapping and just place it in manually like this so I'm going to put it in about there taada and we'll do the same on this [Music] side perfect so let's park the top for now and let's work out how we're going to get in and out of this Ark so I'm thinking I want a doorway around here somewhere yeah okay so I'm going to do it there where I've just made this ho 1 2 3 so from this side here I'm going to go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and on the eighth I'm going to take out two of the roof tiles and go one two three so yeah just three wide I might take this out as well we'll see but first of all let's put in some ramps here lovely that's pretty cool I I dig that I do want to check that a mammoth can fit through this I'd like it so that I can even fit a T-Rex in this not sure a T-Rex would fit into that hole a mammoth can though so that's good okay will he fit yes he will let's go okay we got a Rex on here okay now that the rampers in I think I want to add some pillows going around the whole build now I kind of want this to look like you know this is Before the Flood has happened so the ark has just been constructed and it's ready for the flood so I mean it's such a big build if anyone was to really build this uh you'd need all of this support so we're going to put in a load of support going around the outside now so I'm probably going to go one two three walls at a time and take pillars going all the way down on each side so this is o one two three four I kind of want a pillar over the door here so let's just add in some pillars here quickly and [Music] here there we go okay so we'll do one two 3 1 2 3 four we do one 2 3 four just to make it even and then we'll go back to three one two three I'm going to do this all the way around the build now just going three at a [Music] [Music] time [Music] so now it looks like we've got some supports on either side like it's still under construction I really like that I'm not sure I'll put it at the front and the back yet I think we'll leave that to a bit later maybe I will put that in maybe I won't and now we find ourselves at that part of the build where everything from here on out I haven't planned I've planned everything up until now but now I'm just going to make it up as I go along so what can I do next you know what there's something I want to do here but it would require me to have some support so you know what we are going to put some pillars right here let's put some coming down from here and some coming down from here there we go okay so I should be able to do what I want to do up here so I want to bring this out by two and then I'm going to place a ceiling tile down there as well and we're going to go up with some walls on either side and here as well but here we need to do a corner piece so let's put a corner piece in like so and we need to put a roof piece in here can get it to work there we go and then I kind of want it to come all the way down this way if we can get that to happen as well it seems to be letting us can I get it to go there there we go okay and then how am I going to fill this bit up I think I'll be able to do it with the corner pieces I can okay so the corner pieces here like so is clipping into the roof a little bit there do it all the way going down there and all the way going down here lovely I really like that so I'm going to put in some railings up here and then I think I want a railing to sort of pop up like that and again on this side get it to pop up and then one two two okay okay and then maybe a pillar yeah then the pillars can go all the way around here we're cooking I'm cooking right now then some pillars going up yeah look at that little detail it's kind of cool okay I think as well we could probably put some railings coming on down here and well let me put another one in here there we go and on this side possibly up here as well oh yeah look at that so I'm going to do that same thing on the other side um and I'm also going to go around the entire build now on the out side using the pillars so let's put all of these in and I will see you in 2 seconds there we go the pillars are going all the way around the entire Rim again so the next thing we're going to do is still to the rim I'm thinking I want railings to go all the way around but not just on this side so we're going to add them in across the outside here but I think I'm also going to put them onto the inside part whoopsy Daisy so not not this guy here get rid of him but yeah inside and outside and we'll go all the way around so let's quickly do this okay all the railings are in and it's looking a lot nicer so there's two things that I haven't actually accounted for one of them is how are we going to get from this level to the upper level so I need to find a way to get us up there and the other thing is Windows I think this area down here needs some windows to let in a bit more light but first of all let's work on the ramp to go up okay so for the ramp I'm actually going to start from the top part of the base and I'm going to start deleting some of these tiles now let's think about this maybe somewhere around here so if I start breaking 1 2 3 it doesn't really matter where guys you kind of choose for yourself where you want to go doesn't have to be exactly where I've done it um but the main thing I think is it needs to have an opening that's angled inwards like this rather than outwards so I'm going to angle this inwards rid of these God damn it I just killed my Rex I was going to use him to see if I can get up and down from here damn I have to get another one okay so like this and then we're going to use the stairs I believe I think the stairs are going to be the best thing here a ramp just not sloped enough we'll never know if we can fit a wet Rex up there I'm sure you can if we can get the mammoth up there we should be able to get the Rex up there let's see Mammoth okay I need to destroy some more tiles let's get rid of this layer as well that should be enough now yeah that's plenty okay okay Mrs Rex let's eat your Fallen comrade down here there we go will she fit up the ramp let's see yes she does let's go okay so the Rex can fit up here so let's just finesse this a little bit with some railings and some pillars as [Music] well [Music] and I think I'll put another one of those staircases in on this side facing the other way so maybe so you walk into it coming in that way there we go I tried a three stairs rather than two stairs which might work a little bit better for big dinos but I mean we're not really going to put any of our big dinos up there they're mainly going to be down here here I think so now I need to work out how we're going to let in a bit more light into the underside of this boat so my first idea for this is maybe putting in a doorway uh up here where the walls are uh will this look good and will it let in [Music] light and more importantly how would it look on the outside you know I don't hate that and we can put doors in here as well so let's go ahead and do that all the way across whoopsy [Music] Daisy okay that's a lot of Windows let's see what it looks like on the inside aha obviously the sun's over there right now not over here so that's why there it's not really letting in any light so let's do this side as well and just see what it looks like yeah it's kind of starting to look a bit more like a cruise ship than an arc uh I know I do like the windows let's put in some doors and just see what it's going to look like with the doors so something like that with the doors and if they're all open and they're opening outwards they'll look like shutters if I can open them this way so they look like that now with the shutters I quite like that I think that's what we'll go with so we're going to put doors across all of the windows okay we've kind of fixed the lighting in here with those additional windows I think that does work quite nicely we can probably add more if we need maybe some Greenhouse glass here through really want to get in some light but I'm I'm happy with this for now so the next thing I need to think about is how to get light into the top area up here oh my God how did you get up here Mr parasaur what on Earth well that's interesting he literally must have climbed up through the whole base to get up here so for the windows I'm actually thinking about using the greenhouse glass which is kind of crazy but we're going to see how it works I'm going to go one 1 two 3 Greenhouse Greenhouse 1 2 3 Greenhouse greenhouse and I'll do that all the way to the [Music] end and already that has let in so much more light up here so I think the next thing is I'm going to put some Greenhouse glass down below each section we've just done so where there's glass up here there's going to be glass down here and I'm going to do that all the way to the end again lovely look at all the light now so let's just see what this looks like on the outside uh oh I accidentally did this I mean I don't dislike it I quite like it so we'll keep it so we're going to do the exact same thing we did on this side on this side side there we go we have light successfully penetrating into the top section okay what should I do next is the big question I'm thinking we want a way to get up to this little ledge here so we can peek over the edge while we're sailing the Seas so let's get some stairs going on up here thinking of using the spiral staircase on either side like that I think that would be nice and if I get rid of this and this then we've got two ways to get up and down and on this side let's try a different design let's just try the normal staircases and see how that looks uh huh could do it going all the way across might be a bit much let's see I quite like that I think I prefer that to this side but there you go you got two different designs there to to choose between you got the straight stairs and you have the little spiraly staircase either side so really all that's left for me to do is to do the interior so I'm going to go ahead and go into super fast build mode and build the whole of this upstairs I don't know what I'm going to do to it I have no idea but what I do know is that we need a crafting area like a main Hub we need some bedrooms and then we need a bit of Dino storage up here for the dinos um downstairs I honestly think I'm going to leave the downstairs as is because don't forget the art Gods told us to just have two of everything and we need all the space we can get to be honest for the dinos so that we can fit them all in we'll have two rexes two spinos two diplodus whatever they called and two mammoths etc etc so we'll have two of everything down here and then up here we'll have some dinos that are smaller like parasaurs I mean this guy's already up here chilling out uh dodos all your little pets Etc we'll have enclosures for all of them and a main Hub and also a place to sleep that's the plan I don't know how I'm going to do it I don't know what I'm going to do so wish me luck let's get to [Music] it [Music] a [Applause] [Music] la [Applause] the [Music] okay so what I've done so far is segmented off some areas for the dinosaurs either side and then I put in like a main Hub area here with our furnace in the middle um looking okay so far but over here is where I want to start to add in some bedrooms and I was thinking I want to do an upstairs what would be quite cool but for me to do what I want to do don't forget that we've built this all a little bit off uh Center so these walls aren't in line with the ceiling below so we're going to have to pick and choose what we want to align to it I definitely want to align to these walls rather than this ceiling so to align to this wall here I'm going to use the beams going from that pillar and take them across actually let's do it from this pillar here take it across from here like so see how that looks okay maybe one more okay okay no we want to go from there that's where we want to go from because what oh it just broke that oh dear now what's happened okay we want to align to that so I want to add some stairs going around this like that and I know that's aign to that pillar because it's literally touching it but I think I'll do the exact same thing on the other side and we'll have two staircases going up to each other I think that'll be pretty [Music] [Applause] [Music] cool [Music] n [Music] okay we've segmented up this whole area now so I've got dinosaur areas down here little kennel sort of looking areas either side quite nice big sizes really for each area I could definitely segment it up even more and add even like second floors even third floors if I wanted to so I think what would be best now for me guys is for me to go away and you know sort out some decoration around the build finesse any Minor Details that I might have missed um do more decco for sure in inside the interiors and add some dinosaurs anything that I do miss guys do not worry because I will walk us through every little detail so I'm going to go ahead and do all of that and I'll see you guys after the cinematics oh [Music] okay guys just like we rehears 2 by two no pushing shoving eating each other I'm looking at you Mr Wolf and strictly no mating until we're off the ark that's it come on you damn basil bow fo step this way lovely and stop everyone there we go fantastic thank you very much let's just count you all up one two three mmoths we've already got mmoths on the ark I'm afraid you're going to have to leave the queue I am so sorry God's orders okay well everyone just wait here because I need to go and give the grand tour to my audience and yes just to address the elephant in the room I do have gray hairs now I don't know why it just grew overnight and a beard I I I don't know why let's start the tour so as we come up into the entrance where the dinos come in I have done some decorating in here I decided to segment it all off which I think is a lot better it's basically the same thing I did upstairs but I also have done down here on a much larger scale there's actually a lot more I could have done down here but as you can see all the dinos fit on here very easily there's so much space I could easily get every single Dino on here apart from a titanosaur and a brontosaurus I think they're just going to have to uh swim I guess we've got our grinder over here with storage oh my God so loud and we've got our spinos here and caros we've also got a load of cargo over here so that we can survive when we're out in the flood of course and even more cargo over here it is a little bit dark in the room there's not a lot I could do about that even if I like put some Greenhouse up there it doesn't really light up down here unfortunately but it's light enough it's not too bad so we've got all our dinos 2 by two in the specially crafted little zones on this side and on that side all the dinos fit very easily in here even the quels I managed to get two quels in here very easy we got the Diplo dipla I've forgotten their names Diplo we got the Diplo over here and we've got our two mammoths here we got plenty of room for even more dinos I mean they're still loading on outside so uh yeah we got more dinos to come in here so we got more room for them that's all fine let me take you upstairs so up the triple wide stairs here we can easily get up with the dinos as well I'll be honest there is a little issue up here the railings here this railing and the railing just below it for some reason some of the big dinos can't get up here if those railings are there so you might have to not have these two little railings here not a big deal but I've kept them in just because you know I'm a perfectionist so yeah you can easily fit your dinos up here just fine as we saw earlier let me just quickly give you a demonstration with this Mammoth come on up Mammoth we've got places to go he's Stu Stu on the food trough he's stuck I'm not a gamer he's well and truly stuck okay let's do it with screw it let's see if the dipl blow can go up there let me just remove the railings and we'll have a quick look so I've just removed them just to give you a demonstration I haven't actually tried it with this guy yet who's huge so let's see if uh he can fit up there fingers crossed ladies and gentlemen as we go upstairs with stuck we're totally stuck oh no we're not we're not we're fine I'm a gamer look at that absolutely fine so yeah you can fit all the dinos up here as long as you don't have those two little railings there let me just put him back and I'll be with you in a second so up here we have our tapa jaras and all our Flyers they don't actually need to be on the ark but they just need a rest that's why we got more than two of them because you know they're just resting up here and I'm fine with that we got our parasaurs up here you can get up the entrance as well and our gigant epifagus keeping watch for us on the tyrants down below I'm looking at you tickle chicken who's stuck stuck look at him okay well if we come down here we of course we need water tanks on the base so I put some water tanks to keep everything irrigated uh we've got our crop pots I've got these plants going down the whole of the Ark and as you can see there's so much space up here you can fit so many dinosaurs on this Ark it's crazy so yeah let me take you all the way down the base here and you can see just from me walking how incredibly long this base is we got argentavis up here just resting making an absolute racket oh my goodness me there's so many noises uh we got a T-Rex here who's apparently pooped out a bird I don't know they could do that um over here we got some crop pots for decoration and to feed us you can definitely fit a greenhouse up here if you wanted to I decided not to just to keep it all aesthetically pleasing um up here you got your little observation deck again with a different stairs layout just you know the curvy stairs here so we can look out onto the Seas while it's flooding okay so if we come back down we come to the main entrance where we've got all our mediumsized dinos in here on the left we've got our cargo again another water tank we've got to have water tanks all through the base to make sure the whole base is irrigated thalos terab birds all the mediumsized dinos and the little ones as well terab Birds Raptors you name it they are on here even the megaloceros is it megaceros Megalodon I don't there's so many megas in the game I get them confused but yeah these sleepy guys that dwell in caves and if we keep going we come to the main Hub where we' got a little seating area now I decided to keep the Hub pretty open plan which is unusual for me cuz I usually like things really close together but my thinking was that you're going to want to you know get your dinos up here and move around to get to the forge so you can easily Flo off your anerus onto the forge and put them back where they need to go uh yeah it's quite a nice little area this one square which is unusual for me cuz I always do uh hexagons and circles but everything is a rectangle today we come on through we got more dino storage here we got our cous uh I forgotten the name of these guys but they throw poo and we all know it I mean there's just so much space it's unreal uh we've got little kennels that I made with little roofs quite cute for the dogs and the cats uh even more space that hasn't been utilized gamus beavers we got them all so as we come to the exit here we've got benches and storage and we got these two lovely stairs that's nicely symmetrical and decorated that take us to the living quarters so if we come up here we'll find two gigant epifagus who are at work to keep us fed and well hydrated got little seating area for us and any tribe members that are working with us on this Ark over here we've got these little cute bedrooms that have little cooking pots and benches in with Beds which is a very nice addition because of course we need a place to sleep and rest our heads while we're working hard to feed all the animals down below and yeah I really like this area because I've kept it open plan again you can kind of look over the ledge and see what's going on down here uh there's no reason why you could have more levels as well I mean it goes up really high so you could have easily like two or three floors on this Arc easily so yeah guys I think that's it uh I've given you the whole tour all that's really left for me to do is just let God know that it's complete and oh my God it's already raiding it's it guys it's starting the flood is starting hey God God I've built the ark Lads oh thank you Lads you've built the ark what a marvelous job you've done is there anything I can do in return yes there is actually could you tell everyone to subscribe comment and like this video okay please subscribe to Lo at l it's free and he deserves it and comment down below what you want him to build next and also smash that like button thanks so uh how long's this flood going to take then I got things to do God God God well guess I'll go inside and wait then [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: LolsAtLance
Views: 31,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aaron longstaff, syntac ark ascended, ark survival ascended, building tips ark, ark survival ascended base design, noahs ark base, noah's ark base, noah's ark, ark building tutorial, epic base design, dino pen construction, ark survival adventure, ark gameplay, massive ark boat, ark house design, funny ark moments, survival game builds, evan almighty inspiration, ark boat design, ark base design, boat base ark survival ascended, boat base ark, dino pen ark ascended
Id: r3Zn2unpe5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 4sec (3904 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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