How to build a Sustainable Global Startup Ecosystem? | Conference at Startup Hub Expo 2024

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[Music] hello everyone good afternoon and welcome to uh this conversation on collaborations across countries for startups we have an very diverse and interesting panel who are well versed with this idea of collaboration uh hopefully we will all pick up something interesting to take forward uh my name is manjunath I am from infosis my Essential role is to work on emerging Technologies and incubate new technology solutions for our clients we do this both organically through what we had we do as research and incubation and we also bring in collaboration with startups and startup Innovations to our Solutions in today's context uh the primary idea is to understand what is the role of collaboration across geographies and across organizational entities and what is how does it drive the next generation of innovation I mean civilizations cities countries kingdoms have all evolved through centuries and Millennia through this exchange of ideas exchange of information and exchange of capabilities around the world I mean I don't think there's been any civilization left touched through this exchange of new ideas which is actually added to each other's development and I guess it is very ingrained uh in the human psyche to be able to work with multiple other organizations and entities to evolve their new ideas but it has to be purposeful and it has to be driven to be effective and to be scaled otherwise we are unlikely to see the kind of outcomes that we desire so let us then see particularly in the technology world uh today digital Technologies uh the kind of ideas that come up and distribution is almost instantaneous something happens in Silicon Valley or somewhere in Europe you know it's kind of available everywhere in the world today overnight but I believe there is lot more for organizations to be able to tap into this idea and translate those connections to reality for solving different problems the problems of this country problems of other countries Etc so let us hear from our panel uh what do they think from their experience a few uh you know nuggets of insight that may help each of you as startups and participants of startups to leverage this collaboration yeah so maybe we'll start with our you know Lady Luck yeah so so sha one is obviously you know please introduce yourself and uh help us understand when you are looking at this whole collaboration with startups and with different agencies in different countries how do you measure and what is a good objective to chase when you're looking at these kind of collaborations sure thank you so much mju I'm scha and I represent SSN in India the Consulate General of Switzerland based in Bangalore and our remit maybe you to keep it a little closer okay so our remit is actually to work from fostering let's say um R&D collaborations till Innovation um something that we consider to be early stages of a startup because that's where the maximum handholding has an impact and uh in in the context of this I will try and answer Mau your question um so let's let's think of when we say R&D collaborations usually you all thinking of let's say university university ties right or industry University exchange of students all that is fine but apart from those one way that we actually also do is very purpose l so we try and pick up topics for example that are of immense interest to both Switzerland and India what is the shared Fabric and what are these topics that both the countries are actually investing in for impact Beyond borders so I can give you two examples of this and then tell you how is it that we measure success in that so one for example we picked up in India now you might have heard of one Health right and a key component of this is actually antimicrobial resistance that not many actually talk about Switzerland also recognizes this to be a big threat to humanity per se so so few of the things that we've done is to create a dialogue around AMR wherein we had 25 different U you know delegates from Switzerland that are ranging from researchers to let's say pharmaceutical companies as well as in India also representing researchers companies insurances Etc to bring all these stakeholders on a common platform in order to accelerate whether it's development or new antimicrobials whether it is to understand the economic impact of this whether it is to also cross collaborate in a manner so that the R&D efforts are not going in vain they are actually channeled in the right direction thinking of the ultimate which is the hospital how would they use it thinking of insurers thinking how would they actually reimburse it so that you can fast track this so if we have to measure success of these it would actually B what kind of new collaborations are being formed and in order to actuate that um the next call the Indo Swiss call for R&D that will actually open up is JRP it's called Uh this year the topic will focus on one Health right so that actually provides like a tangible way for those that wanted to collaborate now to go ahead and do so now the second part is also so about diversity uh both Switzerland and India are championing diversity in the countries so for example we are looking at it in a programmatic manner right whenin we put let's say some effort of it into that so one something that we did was called as inspiration which is actually how is it that women could actually um let's say manage Ambitions along with the per menopause and the menopausal stage and we collaborated with invest India tech for Eva to actually try and figure out how is it that we could accelerate innovations that are addressing these health and hygiene of women um so now an outcome of that for example is that one of these startups that was working out of University in Switzerland is quite interested to now bring the Techno not just bring the techn technology to India but also make use of the make in India opportunity to indigenize it to so that it's it's not something that's limited to a certain geography the impact can be across right now while these might be more Purpose Driven we also have some things that are more commercial or economic driven wherein um in February we are focusing on health Tech in June we will focus on Space Tech so there we are looking looking at delegations of startups that would come and each of them have specific asks or needs for collaboration sometimes it is to do with manufacturing partners that one would need sometimes it is to do with the access part of it so in those cases the measure of success would be how well or how how much time have we saved or you know only if there is a product Market fit is is something that the company should actually uh come here only if there is a certain capacity for the collaborator you know and they also have their ambition served by going to the other side uh that is how we measure success so it's very context driven yeah thank you I thought you know you will take everybody's time now but the most important two nuggets if you were to capture is if you are into Healthcare and if you're looking at space Tech and if you're interested in the Swiss Alps then you know talk to sha yeah so any startup in India looking at these topics I think should please go reach out to her yeah okay now that she spoke about Healthcare I just realized you know we need to do some exercise of our neck as well so we'll move this side and then maybe to the other end so uh tun she's the director of the New Jersey group and uh he he comes with a very different perspective and H you know we want to go hear what tun has to say as to here you heard about governments and you heard about universities or agencies trying to promote and contribute to Innovation and startups uh but from tarun we would like to understand what is the role of diaspora given that we have such a huge presence all around the world and they play such a significant role particularly Indian diaspora in G governments in universities with companies with startups how have you seen it work and what would you advise for let us say startups here to say hey you know what if you were to do maybe one to three you could potentially leverage uh this diaspora for yourself now thanks munat uh my name is Taron I lead the New Jersey India Center I like your statement initially civilizations have grown through collaboration and I see a certain gentleman Edison mentioned there right so Edis 's first uh incandescent lamp was invented in New Jersey the first motion picture was in New Jersey and Sha's comment on purposeful we are all seeing the impact of that collaboration now coming to Diaspora it's an easy job because I'm representing New Jersey if you look at the US landscape 1% of the population is about Indian diaspora about 3 three and a half million yeah you look at New Jersey 5% of that population is Indian diaspora okay before I talk to work I'll talk something which is very close to my stomach I'm from Delhi the best cha vura is in Delhi right by far and the second best in the world is in New Jersey okay so that's on the most important then let's come to the three points I'll cover manjunath of the diaspora impact first is education and employment that's been our journey into the US education and employment so if you look at the US households 80% of Indian diaspora households 80% have a bachelor's degree as compared to one3 in case of an average American household but dig deeper nearly 50% of Indian diaspora household has a graduate or a professional degree as compared to 133% 15% yeah and this year India has overtaken China as a largest number of Indian students in the United States there are close to 270,000 students studying Indian Indian students studying in the US and why it is relevant for New Jersey is because New Jersey has the best public schooling system k212 the number one University in the US Princeton the number uh second Public University New Jersey Institute of Technology in fact if you go to a school in New Jersey you will see a a lot of Indian names gopal Swami Agarwal Joi so you see the strength of our diaspora leveraging that education on employment there's a very nice report which came out called Indian Roots American soil by CI New Jersey has been amongst the top three states where Indian firms have created jobs infosis is amongst them but why it is important is now the next wave is amongst the startups and so in employment Indian companies are creating jobs and the second part is which has an impact is on remittances this year United States has overtaken has become the number one country where we have remittances coming into India and that is again providing pools of capital and also access and the last point is finally we are also leveraging our diaspora on the Indo us strategic for in fact the largest cacus on Capital Hill is the India caucus which is also known as a samosa caucus and we are seeing this impact even at a state level where coincidently the head of chws New Jersey is of Indian diaspora with that I'll take a pause but happy to engage in discussions no no thank you tun I think uh if if tun is given a choice he will make Samosa cus to chaa cus yeah but yes food is great here I'm enjoying the food as I come from Bangalore and I love North Indian food so thank you thank you ton uh uh I think you know we are also very uh deeply connected people uh we usually are find familiarity to work with other familiar people and we do find ways to discover engaging and helping each other I think I have personally uh felt it and I'm sure each of you if you're are looking at working with these startups you should obviously looking to go to New Jersey now you know where to go to yeah okay thanks you thanks thank now obviously you know I'm sure all of you would have noticed that you know we have somebody out of place H so Greg thanks for coming to India being an Indian almost now yeah and I am hoping that you I'm sure you know you'll be looking at this India the market the people and the work innovation technology everything from a different lens from you know whatever we have been you know thinking or or looking at so what what what do you want to share in terms of how you see organizations or working across these countries and states that you have been working uh is helping people to innovate or can learn something for each of them to pick up and look at thank you good morning or good afternoon everyone uh my name is Greg matney and I work with Charice Global I oversee the global Business Development uh for the company and work alongside the CEO and founder paral Shaw my role is essentially to take our smart vending Solutions of coffees and teas outside of India uh so I actually live here uh my wife is Indian my children were born here I've been here for seven years uh so my wife often says I'm more uh Indian than American now uh so I think my vantage point is a little different I'm not a policy person or a government person so I'll share maybe a few insights from my perspective that may help startups and smmes uh build relationships uh with foreign governments with foreign entities with foreign funding um and I can share a little bit about my experience which may help you see uh my main point which is that it's truly at the personal human connection level uh that Partnerships are formed so it's about finding the right ways to find that human connection and you have a lot of people on this stage who would love to connect you to foreign entities if you put that intentionality into the relationship but it has to start from you because they're all busy and they don't know where to find you but you can find them and so if you're a little bit intentional with reaching out to the government of Switzerland or Austria or New Jersey they will be intentional about to connecting you to Opportunities there uh but the intention comes from you from everybody that's come to our booth I've had probably dozen people say oh I'd love to start putting a trce uh vending machine in in Saudi Arabia or Argentina or Chile and I said I will work with you if you're intentional about reaching back out to me I see an opportunity there so the onus is on the startup the onus is on the smme to be intentional uh for myself I was able to build a human connection with the CEO uh py mhaw through his investor uh as a friend of mine our kids go to school at kod Canal international school together and through that connection of a shared human relationship we were able to build a bond where he saw that I could add value to this company and this company and I would be a good fit so my my piece of encouragement for you is that everybody wants to be in India India is a really exciting party to be in but nobody knows how to get in so if they don't have a connection with Indian people if they don't have the personal human relationship it's still scary so you need to hold their hand and a lot of people up here are hand holders a facilitators of those relationships uh trust is still low unfortunately but trust is growing so we're all trying to create ways to build trust with foreign entities uh I think the Indian diaspora is probably the best way to build trust I can say that whenever I share with people that my wife is Indian my children are Indian I get a hug I'm in your I'm in your family yeah and so that means a lot and I and I say it jokingly but it's very very true I met with an investor yesterday at the investor meet up and we had three minutes and then a bell rang and we had to go from one spot to the next it was a very kind of cold feel but uh when I started speaking with him I found out that my wife's grandfather and his grandfather were friends almost a hundred years ago oh my God and now we've had our third meeting in 48 hours of ways that we can partner together and we spoke yesterday about getting our machines into 6,000 of the 7,000 train stations through a connection that he brought to us yesterday brilliant so all that to say is that if you take intention and you seek out the handh holders the facilitators you will be successful in building Global Partnerships you can't immediately ask for something you have to see a shared interest you have to see a shared value and it may be a slow game of building a relationship but I would say that if people don't think you're in it for a quick dollar but you're in it for a long-term relationship you can really really build some significant inroads in the global Community well thank you thank you Greg for that interesting Insight so I believe like my wife keeps on telling me this you know you should always think the world is conspiring to make you successful so I think that's what Greg is saying you know everybody is here everybody wants India everybody wants Indian Talent Indian technology they want to work it just that you know we need to take that first step and then every one of us will be able to you know help transform absolutely fantastic thank you thank you great and so I also then you know want to see if uh governments and organizations do they have specific programs specific ideas and uh policies to help such collaboration going so we have a who is kind of representing the Austrian uh government or their Embassy and do you want to share uh what are some interesting programs or ideas that you have seen work with multiple you know companies or uh countries and uh you have a few thoughts on what we can pick up sure thank you thank you man uh good morning good afternoon my name is a Singh and I am representing Advantage AA which is the Austin embassy's commercial section or in simple words Austin foreign trade what my particular role here is to help and support startups we do support Indian startup as long as uh we see a lot of uh innovativeness or the you know the appetite for international growth so we do have a lot of program before that I would like to share in last two years what we did with uh this startup collaboration between India and Austria we had four startup delegation from India to Austria and they were uh all over India we had uh a startup delegation from Karnataka we had a startup delegation from Kerala also we had a startup delegation New Delhi and in these startup delegation we had wonderful entrepreneurs coming from India and we give them a road show all over Austria we had a very good success story now five companies from India they established themselves in Austria Austria is looking at uh innovativeness AUST looking at sustainability austri looking at new technologies but also at the same time we are supporting startups who are coming from tier 2 tier three cities from India we are supporting startups to help and launch and support them in Vienna in Austria and Austria when you are in Austria you know the you're not limited to just one country when you are in Austria you are in Europe so we give access to India to European market I think that is more comparable uh being the size of the nation so we I always compare India with Europe so when you are in Austria you are in Europe in these four startup delegation they were hosted by uh our offices also by the Indian Embassy so this is a initiative what we want to promote which we want to have more collaboration some major events in Austria are also Vienna app and you should definitely Google Vienna startup package uh this is for the international Founders especially from the Indian Founders if you get selected you get uh uh free flights accommodation one month of offices based in Austria so you don't have to spend anything you can actually test your product in Austria and also the second uh uh incubator Network which is global incubator Network Austria you can apply already for the call for products is open you can apply that and when you are selected you will be supported by the Austin government and also from the financial obligation you don't have any we cover all the cost and everything looking at the success story so on your left hand side I see carala startup Mission this was our third startup delegation to Austria we had a wonderful time with carala startup Mission with Austria and they were supported by us so we are actually looking forward for supporting more startup delegation supporting more incubator excelat Network to Austria and we are also uh asking you to come to Vienna with this startup package or one of our delegation and going forward one more initiative I would like to share is India Austria startup Bridge which we are going to launch very soon with the startup India so under that bridge we are also looking at this collaboration thank you thank you AJ uh I mean what what you essentially get is that uh like Greg was saying there are many many programs many many initiatives that each of the countries are putting in place to attract our talent and our skills so to obviously know you need to take that first step and make use of those those opportunities yeah so thanks thanks a thank you now obviously you know all of these interesting opportunities finally you'll have to translate into some sort of money flowing for everybody and the man with the money bag is our Prav swii and uh he can share or I would request him to share where do you see the flow of funds coming from across geographies on what kind of topics initiatives are people interested in investing you know for the set of startups in the next coming days and quarters sure um first of all if I keep my answers very concise please blame Delhi Winters for this right I'm not trying to save time um okay on a more serious note great question right and um you know as a fund that is in its second fund as a fund house that we're in in our second second fund right we've come to realize that there is a lot of capital both institutional and Retail flowing into India right this is across the country some of which you know Ares panel members are a part of as well um I think this points towards one fact that this is going to become the tech Technology Center of the world right and hence you see a lot of capital flowing in why it's flowing in I'm going to restrict these answers to sectors that we look at as Mira um in insurance for example we look very actively at insure tech for insurtech what we've seen is that um you know there is capital because of course Insurance in India is highly underpenetrated right so that in itself creates a massive opportunity I think uh you know if you're a reasonably good founder building for insurance in India that is a massive opportunity you're already at like level two automatically just as a function of the space you're operating in um another sector that we look at is SAS right um for SAS as a horizontal I think it's very important to understand that the money comes in um in exchange for let's say sales business expansion product expansion and hence Revenue expansion opportunities right and I think the West sees this very clearly that we're ready to put in some amount of capital in exchange for um you know let's say the potential to expand sales Beyond borders right um this leads to sort of good bargaining power for Global money that comes in and hence SAS becomes lucrative for Global Investors right create a economy I think of course India just as a function of the population has a categorically higher number of creators right and hence the space becomes interesting and for climate and sustainability I think India is a good testing ground as well right um we're sitting in the center of it all um but um yeah and and I think that's why you see the emergence of great climate businesses in India I think two potential is yet to be realized but it's because they're closest to the problem right uh and hence the urgency to build great quality climate Solutions emerges from there I think these are a few factors that contribute towards why abund capitalist flowing into India no I think that's uh very good to hear and I'm sure it must be heartwarming for everybody that you know there's significant amount of fund flow but I just want a small extension on that PR of uh you spoke about you know Indian startups or Indian Technologies being close to the problem but if you take an insure Tech as an as a space the insurance problems of in West are slightly different and particularly B2 kind of a scenario versus an insurance problems in India like let say it's here penetration there maybe it is you know cost or efficiency or whatever so do you how do you see you know Indian startups trying to solve Indian problems and making it Global versus Indian startups trying to solve Global problems and making it Indian sure so Insurance particularly I think is a space where every country works completely differently right but what you can you know what what you what what inspiration you can draw from different countries is regulatory challenges that they faced earlier so let's say for example the US right the US is a far more mature inure Tech Market than India which means they've seen a lot of regulatory hurdles being overcome and that I think is a very good Benchmark for Indian businesses so my point is it's actually not only the capital that you can draw from these countries it's a lot of learnings from the fact that they are a way more mature Market that these businesses draw right so in shte I think you know regulatory B like you know like you know barriers are the single largest thing people can learn out of how they've been overcome in the west perfect thank you thank you thank you uh Wella so I mean I think all of these a little bit uh harder aspects of collaboration partnership Etc I mean obviously we heard a little bit from Greg about developing personal relationships and connects but it is also true that you're trying to deal with different worlds of sorts you know culturally you know economically uh I mean perspective of the world everything is different uh and as an Indian startup youngster who is trying to develop some solution for a different world I mean how do we connect and understand these softer elements of this collaboration and given that you know you work with many such countries and many such people a few sets of advice that we can take up no I think um it's like what you see in a when an iceberg is floating in the sea is all this economic commercial the tech match Etc and actually the softer aspects which are six on seven of it are under the water so that's a kind of importance that uh it has and uh I would say for example um just taking you know the sector that our colleague here mentioned inure Tech so one would think India underpenetrated Insurance Market Switzerland over insured Market actually and even if you come to these uh together would there be any learning is there any collaboration inspiration that's possible and I can tell you from experience that that's very much the case because for example some of the innovations that you would apply here in order to get your uh you know people to access there you could tweak it to a different product Market fit in order to you know uh deploy it very differently so it becomes very important first to understand the context of each of the countries while internationalization I'll just answer this also in the context of that there are so so many countries so much support and everything that's available um one has to also think why you are collaborating with a certain country how is it that you want to collaborate now it's actually a global playing field right India is also entering into free trade agreements with different countries including for example with Switzerland now if you look at Switzerland and if it's a consumer startup is there a point there is lesser population in the entire country than there is in Bangalore itself right right so at the same time for technology access for R&D collaborations especially in the fields of Robotics for example computer vision for example um so those are the reasons why one would actually go there versus let's say for financial markets then you are actually looking at a lot more very different set of uh countryes so I think those are also the kind of not cult that's like the business part of it or the contextualization part of it that is super important and the second part is also business culture right um as Indians one would find it very hard to say no while you know as European I think also as American it's there is nothing rude about it right but you say hey this is not what I do this is not interesting you actually shrunk down on the time and you moved on so I think also to understand I mean this is is something that probably everyone knows but for each country there are these specific things so for example Switzerland innovators not very risk-taking as the Indians are or Americans are probably the most risk-taking um but there is that index so that means in order to generate confidence in order to build trust so they will first think about everything before making that step and it's very important for the other person to understand this while in another one hey the opportunity is in the next few months we have to do it so that is also the attitude for certain countries so all of these things are what really makes a large difference thank you thank you and hopefully all of these kind of many program that you have like you know aay was talking about traveling being there being part of their incubators working with different startups and their companies in these regions should kind of give that sense of the local culture experience that that you would want to take up yeah okay so I have been handed a chit warning me to you know finish this session um and I think they they took away 15 minutes of this panel uh maybe you know any any questions uh we wanted to make sure know you have an opportunity to to ask do we have any question from the audience maybe I should have planted one before no Okay so so obviously you know you can always reach out to us uh post this panel and discuss as well but just as a kind of a parting thought I mean being a being from coming from a technology company you cannot walk away without talking about technology so anybody in in our panel I just want to check um where do you see the role of Technology itself in building such Partnerships of global significance which you know con kind of connects both the hardware and software elements you know today all that we know is okay Zoom Zoom meeting you know connects you I mean that's do you see technology playing a role in expanding these human connections you know across these geographies or have we been thinking or doing anything about it anybody yeah I think uh it gets you a seat at the table right whether you are a startup whether you are a very large company now I think technology is essentially leveling the playing field so for for example um most recently we did a round table at the we right and one would imagine that only the larger corporates a very influential people are the ones that are coming in but but startups are the one that are disrupting right so they also have a seat at the table so I think that's how the way forward is and that's how technology really helps disrupt get you a seat at the table build inclusivity yeah start with technology yeah any other thoughts I'll just add a few things and that's more from a personal and looking at the overall picture see first part of you mentioned India is at the Forefront of Technology yeah give couple of examples 40% of the global capability centers are here in India now that is and they employ close to 2 million people that is 2 million people really creating wealth for the country our services exports Tech exports are about $200 billion and all projections are we exceed half a trillion dollar yeah you look at India us space which was signed when our prime minister was there is on critical and emerging technology specifically focused on uh space where we've seen our private sector players taking a leap focused on resilience of semiconductor supply chain which we have seen as part of global diversification we the other one is on stem Talent so all this are enables of and similarly in New Jersey last week this last week our governor announced the new AI policy a specific person on generative AI I think wealth creation entrepreneurship people to- people collaboration and geographical tie ups the underlying base is technology R anything you want to add yeah do we have time all right um okay really quick um I think it's a very very simple equation right um labor in India is cheaper than anywhere in the world probably close competition to China uh which means uh Tech just fundamentally comes at a cheaper cost right so the cost for technology transfer is going to facilitate significant margins right which which just basically means that every piece of technology that comes out of India stands a better chance to build a more meaningful business out of it than anywhere else in the world and I think this is going to be the largest Catalyst for Tech businesses Going Global in India gen I think you know while we're a tech first fund um we've spent a fair amount of our time trying to filter out the not so gen businesses from the actual gen businesses right i' I'd like to just take a couple of seconds on this because we've spent a lot of time uh on gen my thoughts are that utility businesses in gen there is no geographical barrier which means you're competing with early stage businesses that have raised double digigit million dollars right in their preed round but on the infrastructure side I think gen in India has a serious shot right because um the infrastructure that is going to facilitate everything that we use let's say on Mid Journey or GPT or every you know consumer facing utility the infrastructure that powers that is eventually going to be a more sustainable business so that's the stuff that we're looking forward to evalu valuating at least that Mira I have uh just to add 30 second on it so try to keep it technology obviously plays an important role when we discuss about startups especially so and Austria is a technologically advanced Nation many people don't are not aware that this atal Tel rangas that is built by one of the Austin technology and we have Railway signaling technology being used automotive infrastructure so when we uh think about start we always think about technology and it's not just trade now the technology is major part of the trade uh after this G20 having startup 20 as a separate session other than a business 20 session so technology actually playing a major role in geopolitical or business or bilateral relationship between countries but as uh it helps and supports and the uh conversation is now in an around technology so I think it's uh obviously not the add-on but the main part of the question absolutely so Greg last word to you sure we all heard you know you cannot survive without technology and you are a personal connection man so what do you have to say so let me just share and this is a little bit off of Technology but on the personal connection side uh advice that I would give you in less than 60 seconds if you have no connections with the International Community but you want to make them I would say contact conferences like this like vibrant grerat like other trade missions write a conference convenor ask which countries were represented there see a country where you have an aligned interest with or you'd like to learn more ask that conference convenor who is their local India contact reach out to that local India contact and say how can myself and my business add value to any of the delegates that attended this conference because those are people who are wanting to build intentional relationships with Indian companies and they're trusting their local contact in India so if that trust can transfer to you then they'll open the door to that delegation on your behalf so a very practical way I hope to help you build relationships with the International Community back to being human back to being human okay okay thanks thanks great so thank you so much panel I mean uh it was a wonderful chatting I I hope you know uh we have been able to pass on a few interesting ideas insights that you can carry forward for your startup your business your personal connections and obviously for an better and happy life thank you so much for being patient with us thank you
Channel: Exhibitions India Group
Views: 1,345
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Keywords: startups, startup, marketing strategies for startups, startup company, strategies for startups, startup funding, tools for startups, hiring tips for startups, essential tools for startups, google for startups, hiring for startups, startup tips, how to hire employees for a startup, seed funding for startups, google for startups cloud, startup information, google for startups cloud program, tools for startup founders, Best Practices for Startup, Exhibitions India Group
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 47sec (2507 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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