This Man Created 160+ E-commerce Entrepreneurs!

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pnl sheet sub whatever there is to know in the real world without having to invest much money into this we see complications having taught so many students is that we always tend to over complicate things and try to put our imagination before the Market's imagination t-shirts t- t-shirt is the best thing EX we tend to think a lot about what we want to sell instead of what the market wants to buy allo what's up welcome to the campus thank you lovely being here it was so cool I think we met a couple of weeks ago at a random event where you were the rockar like I've been to these concerts um you know in the US in India I went to an Apon concert also by the way guys I'm the kind of excitement and craze I saw in students and those you know entrepreneurs eyes for you for your session I've never seen that before done Instagram story along but still to get people to follow I can't get my students to follow I can't I can't get them to come to class forget about follow no but genuinely I saw um this was this room okay and this room was probably uh it had a capacity of maybe like 200 people 300 people I'm not getting there were like a thousand people like basic basically just packed in and they just wanted to hear your story and they wanted to uh hear your entire Journey right so for me to have this privilege to be with you one-on-one and for you guys by the way to to have this access is is amazing so thanks so much for coming in this is a privilege for me honestly you have you have done a fantastic thing me being here I'm just in you know all land right now wherever I'm looking I'm so um struck by the one the people all very very genuine very hardworking and just passionate and with you know a spark in their eyes but in order to get them to that stage also what you have built here is incredible theam whatever I interact with the team they are also like doctors and of course PhD from the best of institutes and uh you honestly I believe in my as you're you're actually marketing genius really yeah this this is don't say that in front of my you are a marketing genius to have convinced these bunch to come here with you and but uh yeah it's it's fantastic to be here thank you so much thank so let's Jump Right In right I mean one of the reasons that I thought that there was so much craze for your session the other day in ooy was that you've genuinely helped uh practically helped create thousands of entrepreneurs make hundreds of crores in Revenue right of course you've done it yourself with your own e-commerce and Drop Shipping businesses but you have enabled and unlocked these businesses for so many other entrepreneurs right so for me that's like the ultimate ultimate goal like if you can create entrepreneurs that's like entrepreneur Square almost right so can you just take us through your story I mean that's what you're doing I mean you're creating entrepreneurs right no but like you know we we we try to teach students and we hope that some of them will become entrepreneurs but in your case you're actually training them how to build businesses with a very high success rate here let's say we have 100 students right in like in the previous cohort we had 160 students yeah and I think 20 of them are doing their startups that's not a bad Su that's not a bad but the rest 140 are also not right but they got good placement so they're making good money yeah yeah yeah that's that's that's one thing but I I would still want to be on the other side right I would still want to see how we can create 160 entrepreneurs and there something you have done so just take us through your story uh and I'll keep budding in when I have a question okay so story is fairly simple so I have always been uh so there's this actually there's a quote in on on of of theama quotes on my on my in my like Studio office that says uh spread your knowledge it's a way to achieve immortality so that has been my core thing that if you learn something if you know something that is worth teaching then just do it and so this this this thing about spreading knowledge came from there so the reason you saw saw that cult like thing is because uh the because of how I've spread like business knowledge without charging anything from the students my business model has always been like I'm going to just teach for free bus grow big become big do big in life I'll help you as much as I can I'll give as much free content as I can and just run with it and many people do and so what happens is because there is no barrier there to education man stop there's nothing to stop you or all it requires so of course I don't have a 100% success rate nobody can but what happens is because there's no uh no other motivation apart from just teaching people toah say it stemmed and the reason I'm able to teach is because I follow the things that I teach so uh to give you some context YouTube channel start so it start it's called Flying start online flying start online so um it started off as a English Channel and I started off doing things I heard there was a concept called this 30-day challenge okay so what is a 30-day challenge in the weight weightlifting industry right so or the weight loss industry they used to keep these 30-day challenges like from this many pounds to this many pounds in 30 days so I thought let me just try to replicate this but in business because by then I had already already done many many businesses I had had startups also I had done softwares I had done a lot of different education businesses also so I had exper marketing affiliate marketing SEO a lot of digital marketing so a lot of knowledge but now I wanted to share it in a unique way and this is how I thought would you know stand out from the just generic content being put out so I started off the with these challenges where I would build a business from scratch on my computer and stream it live on YouTube for 30 days for 30 days so and genuinely huh from people do it like they just screenshots and fake for 30 days live comment feedbacking streaming not recorded like cut cut cut stream life so Bon 3 so that was the third series like that which was about e-commerce which got me interested in dude e-commerce is amazing because by that I had not tried e-commerce sorry let me stop you why did you first decide to build the first video how did that idea come uh the knowledge sharing part because I wanted to share knowledge in a way so the first bizon I called these bons by the way so the first bizon was about email marketing how to start an email marketing business so that's a very simple like one Lander page you build where you capture email leads and then you you know pitch to them in your email newsletters the second business I built was around membership sites on online because I was so Bon is happening for 30 days 30 days email marketing business you will build and you will live stream you building that business in 30 days bu and making profit out of it so there's always goal associated how much profit can we generate with it so how much did you make with the email marketing I don't remember now it was a long time back few few few hundred maybe it was almost a lack or something right almost lck but again started from nothing with not many resources not much no funding per se or anything but just just pure yeah you want to build something this is the way to do it so not only do people get to learn the exact steps step by step in those 30 days day one may day may but you also see somebody doing it so it that feeling know that somebody's doing this thing live demo I I've not been able to explain it so I'll come to bizon 8 in a bit but three was where it all started where I built like a Drop Shipping um website so that was called common Panda okay I was selling everything it's was a general store a general store but I taught all concept of marketing advertising product selection everything where are you from uh from chandigar so you're doing this from chandigar I was doing this from Bangalore at that time okay okay so I was in Bangalore at that time chandar would have been a nicer story would have smaller small City Bangalore also like relatively small relatively to York like we are all hold up in our holes is because anys I'm sing in us I was doing interational Drop Shipping at that point so that got a lot of attention the audience this is a new audience right you'll have to explain Drop Shipping Drop Shipping Drop Shipping so Drop Shipping is a uh is a way to build a business where you don't hold any you want to sell products online physical products but you don't hold any inventory and you rely on other like people who have the inventory to ship your items so if you get an order some supplier will ship your item for you and you just keep the margin whatever is left that is your profit so so you're affiliate channel for somebody else basically not exactly affiliate because they are your customers in Affiliates uh in the affiliate marketing world uh you drive customers or leads to for other businesses customer leads so they are your customers only but fillment of the order that is being done by a different person so you don't hold sometimes on Instagram when those ads come it's actually people Drop Shipping stuff many people and many of them will be my students many most of them will be will be my students many of them will be my students hopefully in the future yes yeah so um student Wars children student that's so uh h Drop Shipping concept very simple so what happens at that point I was Drop Shipping in the US people in the US were buying my products but then but then that was like a very small scale Venture after the 30-day challenge ended I was I fell in love with the whole process of Drop Shipping right I was like so I started were you scared by guys listen by day I'm like guys listen so you got to learn something so win win so I fell in love with the process and with this thing uh as I we did the talk earlier also I'm a firm believer of faith fast you try things out move on to the next one you try products move on to the next one you find a winning product there a con winning product and that is the one you scale scale Facebook because that is a produ that the market not all products will be winning products so that is why fail quickly what has been your winning product the best winning product best so for that store Comm Pand it was a hair color it was a one day hair color and fairly simple like change so somebody from your group only ask like were you the one advertising or something you hire characters from like us you can hire people on Fiverr and other platforms so they make the ad for you you can hire people from YouTube from Instagram also blond blond with kids so you sh the to that becomes an for you ad on social media and you print your money so that was a very profitable Venture at that time and that how much did you make in that uh in three years around $4 million so $4 million worth of sales worth of sales around which around million was in profit so we wanted to sell the business also we we did get some offers but I did not think they were high enough I after four years or so it was a lot of it was a passive income you probably understand passive income bus because once you have something that works I don't have to do much but I grew um um I I I grew tired of it you could say it helped me buy my house also buy my cars give my family a lot of good things like it's time to move on so then um I did something let me just stop you there one second so we have students here right I want to see whether the ideas that they have for products are actually good ideas from your perspective from experts perspective does anyone have any idea that they want to sell we are working on a jewel brand I think we met and I'm own brand as well oh nice okay so artificial jewelry or is it real jewelry free marketing zoom in jewelry so now is that a good product artificial jewelry what do you think about as a potential Drop Shipping my my take with these questions a lot of people ask product see running ads is not a difficult thing if I want to sell this bottle I'll take 10 seconds I'll shoot a video it will not take me much time anybody can shoot any with any product and Facebook launch product then Market has told and at a profit sell then the market is told you this is something in the first day let's say I put $100 as the budget right and let's say I sell $200 worth of bottles does that mean that that $100 profit will that 50% profit will remain forever n so one there are many different factors so $100 is just the your product price then you have shipping price advertising cost you have other operational costop Shipp but once you know your margin basic numbers basic ma then you know then you over time like once say then you don't spend not bad what and then what happens is you reach a certain scale where beyond that there there's a like saturation kind of a thing happens because enough of the market has seen that video or that product but it happens after a long time audiences are huge in the cores and cores and cores Facebook insta is like half the population of the world in India especially on the social platforms you can reach anybody you want to as much as like bottles interest you can pretty much narrow it down so then you advertise you start getting sales and you keep reinvesting whatever profit but but like explain me let's say I am someone who has a loan an education loan okay right I don't have money so how do I even so how do I even start with that first $100 $200 budget right like how do I build that courage to even put that budget in the first I I told you 100 200 because you came up with that number on your own generally I'm Indian when we do Indian Drop Shipping so I don't recommend spending more than 1,200 rupees per product test per day per per day per product test or per product that product is Market wants the product or not just 1500 rupees you spend and you'll get to know whether this makes sense or not sense or not and you can even narrow down like there are these tools like Facebook P there is called Facebook ads library right you go there adver you starts on Facebook whatever interesting know you save this you start saving you start going to these websites Facebook in suddenly you scr you want to that's a different story talk drinks so um when you when you re that you see a lot of ads so you take that and then you you find that product reaction you already know so you narrow narrow it down in that to find that winner product but that's backed on like datac for 10,000 rupees you can run 10 tests around 10 15,000 10 15,000 you can run like 10 tests and figure out whichever product is giving the best profit best profit yeah right and then just scale that then scale that up yeah it's a very very simple business model but it also requires you to have we tend to complicate a lot of things we feel like things should be a lot complicated but they are really not the more simplistic you go the better it is in your case also you were showing me that deck right that such a beautifuls so for the audience I'll tell the story so when I was in college I used to wear n jackets all the time I some of you guys know this story I used to wear Neu jackets because I was an Indian in the US right and and I had a lot of Neu jackets um and I used to wear them because I never had time to iron my shirt so if you just wear a Neu jacket on top of your shirt then it just looks good right so uh a lot of my friends would ask me pram whenever you're coming back from India the next time bring us a few of these jackets right so I used to bring in black and gray for my friends and they used to sell me I used to give them for free because they were my friends but I realized I can even sell right so I thought let's start selling and the obvious name that I thought was right um what I did not realize and was a very pretty website leftist we don't talk about left right here this is the business so uh I decided to start selling it on and uh if you can put a picture of that website right now and so very beautiful website as you can see very nice logo very nice like you know Aesthetics and all of that uh and I sold zero right I tried to run some ads at that time the ad networks weren't as effective this is 2012 2013 they were just becoming a little bit effective so wasn't able to sell like that uh Instagram did not exist I mean it existed but it wasn't it wasn't popular Facebook existed mostly there was no WhatsApp at least there was no WhatsApp Commerce I wasn't able to sell anything uh but then my shipper in India uh who was sending this product to me he made a mistake where I had placed orders of 10 different colors red green blue red because it was n's and you know he only sent me gray and black oh and that also only male okay okay so he completely jammed the order and now I have some 300 black and gay jackets in medium and small size didn't even have large and us may you need large but that's also okay uh so I thought I have to do something with this dead stock that I have which I've not been able to sell so then I just created a new website on Shopify this by the way I created on PHP like I actually built it myself I mean I use some open source libraries but I like built it myself I didn't code it I just like you know drag and dropped it but it did not sell so now I wanted to sell the is dead stock so I went on Shopify which was also new at that time correct and I created a quick website named it startup I said that listen most of the people who ask me for these jackets are people who are also starting companies like me who I meet in accelerators and incubators at all these events networking sessions all of that right um so let me just Target them only forget about everybody else forget about women forget about large size men forget about all that let's just sell to entrepreneurs and those are all medium small for whatever uh startup jacket and this is the website for startup jacket it's a really really normal black and white website and yeah and I sold almost $155,000 worth every month oh right of and just by changing the website making it simpler making The Branding a little bit clearer um so that's a story of my Drop Shipping experience what what what I saw it as was going from a complicated endeavor to as simple as possible KN this is what you have to S and because the market wanted it and you started selling it so it's always it's rarely about like beautification yeah outside appearances and anything else like that it is all it's a very Level Playing Field like you mentioned Shopify like platforms like Shopify make it dead simple for anybody to create an e-commerce store within minutes you can go live everybody knows so so you build a store within minutes you connect a domain name and with Drop Shipping platforms that already exist so you connect products to them instantly like within so for example can you talk abouto so with the team also I mentioned like Shipp we doing inventory model also I want to start another Drop Shipping [Music] business overnight or overnight I only work for two hours click click it's not because I'm a genius or something it's because it's actually a Level Playing Field for anybody who wants to just actually get it done so um Roso Cloud as you mentioned is one of the networks that he use for Drop Shipping so okay before coming on to that so uh how did we get into Indian Drop Shipping is also one of the biggest things4 million after that know I started getting interest in the Indian market why because I attended one of these meetups okay the Shopify meetups audience small but they are passionate about e-commerce and everything so they were in that Meetup they were all coming up to me like India market yeah IND bizon 8 was the pioneer of Indian Drop Shipping at that point ecommer because of that live environment and that was not 30 days like I need new challenge not really over attention 14 days store Pi it started getting a lot of sales I think we Peak at three lakh Revenue in one day and uh selling what selling there little uh nanoel pad so it was like like a little pad on your on your wall kind of it was like a very simple ad three lakh worth of those adhesives every day every day for though it's a fairly simple idea also and it was through Drop Shipping people got very excited and thing is it was like the simplest thing that can happen like operations [Laughter] showing different uses of one little product and that shoot took me like 30 minutes or Adent live and that 14 period how we built a business from nothing and uh most of the people who are to Indian e-commerce and Indian Drop Shipping got their start from that bizon 8 because of the live and they still come up to me and be like sir and since then of course many many many as you mentioned both case studies or you know success stories and screenshots so um and right and you come with some background some some knowledge but if one of us have to do it and we come with no background and no knowledge can we also achieve that same success like you did new be friendly everything is beginner friendly friendly I do it like a beginner would in a step byep way step beginner friendly just just last month Theo Cloud thing only I wanted that was Bon 10 all right so Bon 10 was about Indian Drop Shipping Pura through Roso Cloud Network so that was days I'm realizing how many people tune in for one of your buiness so this one was not live okay so this one was done recorded because what happens after you reach a certain stage so if say 23,000 proper hardcore Ecom guys are watching a live Builder store same day same so so after then it won't be profitable so I had to do it like uh uh so that's a problem so when a product becomes very successful yeah then it becomes more competitive and then it become less profitable right right so you have to keep looking for new products not always because you can uh make new creatives Crea so suddenly even the if the audience has seen some ad they might get interested corre or you target a different demographic what is the at what price point do people actually impulse buy like what is too expensive and what is too cheap uh that is product dependent so the winning product of bizon 10 was sold at $999 what what it was $9.99 or 9.99 Cent 999 Indian R 99 rupes rupes okay so uh that was uh $999 and that was a set of four Polo T-shirts there was a great deal like Polo T-shirts pure Drop Shipping yeah no brand unbranded and- it's such a great value deal very well it was a photo of those four polar t-shirts and dress smart all week 9.99 like so I after I tested products I failed emotion move on move onve on sameon I scaled it up for just a few days because videos but it at it PE it was doing around 10,000 profit per day 10 to 12,000 rupees profit per day I was not spending much money on it % I would feel is not that bad not that bad so standard so but that was like that was again one of those things key again just a few days ago I had nothing I had no store I had no product I had noidea so that is such a simple way to do things but where we see complications having taught so many students is that we always tend to over complicate things and try to put our imagination before the market imation so t-shirts t-shirt is the best thing exist white t-shirts so we tend to think a lot about what we want to sell instead of what the market wants to buy told these guys it's that easy very very easy can someone put the link on the group the group these guys are so these are probably uh up you guys are probably the successful ones in the group currently so one of the successful ones in the group though he's also a student oh nice all right you guys didn't need to come this was for people who have not been successful front frontes what what are you guys selling we selling party products party products correct so we testing around we started off with party products like said you need to get out of your bub now you're selling holders weed into home we started from home party Essentials but now we Home Essentials because that's what people wanted people wanted to phone holders doesn't in the car no no say if you don't have a table around your where would you keep your phone you have a phone holder so you put okay okay okay how many have you sold so far 500 in the past one 500 units oh wow so I've given them a very simple plan so they'll start selling 500 maybe in a day 500 amazing guys amazing so great we should do another podcast match sounds good man this is so why don't more Indian entrepreneurs know about this like why isn't everybody doing this this this is so obvious right like this makes so much sense I think you like dis there in India right now around 10,000 10,000 like the successful ones there have probably been around uh 40 so I'll tell you what happens so over the years I've taught almost 150,000 people say 40 50,000 people have taken the thing seriously uh most of them have become successful but the thing is that you learn Drop Shipping is a way to uh as I was discussing with you earlier also is a way to enter the business world where you learn not only about uh buyer psychology you learn how to make ads you build your own website online selling operations Supply relations fulfillment you learn everything there is to do when it comes to business using Drop Shipping without the need to raise any capital or without need to invest your own much Capital because you're not doing anything you don't need staff you don't need Packers you don't need to hold inventory Co dead stock that is why it becomes like a no-brainer to start off with this to get brush up your skills to learn marketing and advertising and what a lot of my students have done is they've pivoted off into other Ventures many of them are like business owners in they own of course many own d2c Brands many own drop shipping stores and all of that but many also own ad agencies uh many own their freelancing thing many have their own marketing companies so they do their own sort of things so which is which is fine by me again it was my goal was to just teach knowledge I mean I think for us also uh Drop Shipping is in the in term one all students have to do right right and we also think that's the best way to get your hands dirty with real business yeah pram business educ you're going to change the name of your Channel no but I think like don't you think it's important to teach MBA students Drop Shipping like without that how do you what you're doing is like this is this is something that should be encouraged a lot because this is this teaches you all the real trenches of business whatever there is to know in the real world without having to need you know invest much money into this or testing and not and see the the subtleties are very big here when I tell you about failing fast when I tell you about you know trying testing Market testing product testing you're learning so many different things and you're building a psychology in your mind of of being successful at no whatever might come your way you will fail it's fine that is just part of the process you learn all of these things so psychologically you become a better business man also and you're able to handle pressure situations in the future when uh you're faced we will face of course but you at least with this thing because you learned this concept about failing you are able to handle it much better so it should be something that uh definitely should be done in B schools but unfortunately not a lot of B schools teach business or or tell you how to starts school can be T I mean like do you have any students who are high schoolers many of my students are high schoolers so so uh many of my students start off in high school so who was the guy we interviewed uh uh yeah many of them start up in college high school so 16 year olds 17 year olds are doing this but it's very interesting like in a business school or in any college you know placements is sort of the main goal right everyone is so stressed about placements I mean their stuff has also started so I mean like clearly you can make a lot more money M running a business that simple as a Drop Shipping business then by you know trying to like crack that Bane bcj McKenzie job what's your advice to us as a college students as well like you know when do they how do they find out that Drop Shipping is for them or not for them having looked at your curriculum also so we figured out certain pain points for them so I I feel ke uh the curriculum needs to be a bit slightly modified so that it is more stepwise so that these guys don't make uh uh they know the right steps to take because a lot of people were stuck in like certain path you'll see people also start getting much more success with it adse they'll also see a better success rate and um success leads to success once once a few people start seeing success and having seen so many success stories from all over all over India from Villages just as you mentioned high schools and everything these guys are smart enough to do handle Drop Shipping let's be honest these guys are and they are a team of people and they and they get grades like you have the incentive for that also so for that like all the you know check boxes are there for them to build a business and they will like we'll we'll work out something to you know have a better curriculum for these guys also absolutely but uh the hustle mentality is definitely there polishing requ and no we are on it this is super exciting now I think the undergrad students can you guys raise your hands oh wow these are students who are coming after class 12 nice nice they've just finished class 12 two weeks ago oh wow wow literally right I mean like I mean you you had your summer break but you just finished uh so where are you guys from where are you from Delhi nice nice kanur Mumbai Chennai Chennai wow Chennai Chennai oh wow kpur Chennai chenn anyone else undergrad you guys Delhi Delhi L lakau all right that's um YouTube scientists where are most of your drop shippers from um mostly CI mostly cities yeah but we have a lot of students uh who are from just Villages see because Drop Shipping is not inventory based pick which you can do from like m one of our most successful remot vage two business a month good you know these undergrad students that they're going to have their Drop Shipping uh project coming up in December December in December discussing that and they'll have three months and in those three months all they have to do is Drop Shipping wow are you guys excited to learn Drop Shipping I mean MBA students you know they come with a lot of sorry guys they come with they they come with a lot of preconceived notions and pressures also and pressures also but the undergrad kids I think you guys have this raw energy possible yeah like even the most craziest ideas are possible Poss nice any any ideas you guys have that you want to discuss yeah I am running nice nice I oh nice nice how how much do you s currently it's low but yeah 500 oh nice okay okay so go ahead I did this Drop Shipping business uh 21st July Barb launched so I did this Drop Shipping business of Pink clothing shoe wow pink yeah everything caps and skirts everything okay so I closed it in one month but it was pretty Co nice all right pretty pretty good pretty pretty that's how he's paying his face pretty pink yeah go ahead yeah I done this trust byi which is on fashion pces just and half months nice nice and who was you supplying yourself or with pure Drop Shipping career see this this tells you I was telling these guys also now see two of my winners like I run a jewelry brand now jewelry us hair color but he'll sell probably now lacks of Bangals in his lifetime I'm also not an MBA I said undergrad I I didn't do an MBA okay nice nice nice but uh you had some questions as well you were telling me I want to know a little bit about this initiative this school of yours I want to know admission process how does one get admission into Master's Union okay do you want the real answer or you want the answer I give to students I want uh both I'm kidding it's the same now um so it's a four-step process right in step one you have to write an application where we ask you to write an essay and upload a video okay right so we are more interested in who you are as a person rather than just your grades okay right we also ask for your grades but grades only matter 10 to 15% okay the rest is you know U so like I don't know if you guys had this question in your applications but I think last year we had this question which was um why does my table Creek oh wow that is the ESS topic you guys didn't have that I think this was the year before why does my table Creek now that question means absolutely nothing now most people will become very uncomfortable okay what is this question this makes no sense but if you have an independent mind if you have an open awakened mind you'll start thinking of what that question means how can I interpret it how can I think about a unique answer how can I impress the so so that's the step one right so basically look for vacant Minds step one awaken mind that's fine uh step two awaken mind step two is an entrance exam okay right so if you've taken an entrance exam that's okay but no I mean cat yes you can submit your cat SC but we recommend that you still take our own entrance test which is called muat Master's Union business aptitude test okay right ni which is again a test you can't really prepare for we don't tell you SE questions every time we change the exam okay right as part of the exam there'll also be a video you'll have to upload a video suddenly the next question would be open your camera and record this video and upload oh okay nice so you can't really cheat you can't really do anything um a recorded video you could have made through AI or anything how do you grade these though we actually watch uh all of our masters all of our Deans Etc they sit down and they actually watch each the app all of the applications yeah yeah all of the applications we spend good two months going through the application step three is an interview okay where one of our masters or one of our alumni would interview uh the student you mentioned Masters or what is Masters so Master's Union un the main thing is Masters right so Masters are these practitioners who come and teach Jedi basically okay okay yeah so we really believe that you know if you want to learn business you should learn from people who have done it before right right uh and not from YouTube YouTube and not from someone who has just maybe you know like written some research paper correct right maybe some things they can teach well sure of but some things they cannot teach as well right so bring the best fit Master for the best fit course nice so that's Masters for us so I think 30% of all of your Masters are practitioners 30% are academics so teachers are called Masters here basically yeah they're called Masters Masters nice master G Master G new take on Master G correct but I think it works really well students you know like they're all very intelligent students especially the undergrad postgrad also are intelligent undergrad they can answer I'm just pulling your guys' leg now at this they can answer how does it why does my table Creek but the interesting thing is that they will only listen to you if they have trust in you right right if they believe you have done something in life they will listen to you if they believe you have not done something great in life they will not listen to you they will not be inspired by you they will not come to your class on time but if they are inspired by you like there's a course that's taught by Manoj Ki he'll teach you guys as well I think in term four he teaches and Manoj kohi is the um former CEO of AEL he was a CEO of airel for some 10 15 years oh he took AEL from like 1 million to like 100 million users right and when he walks in the class like I've seen students be like like you know who just like walked in and like adjusting themselves everyone's like makeup and like shirt and everything plac help but it's just that like when someone with that aura and that status walks in students listen correct right and I think that learn from experience yeah their curiosity automatically gets awak like I want to learn you know my first business I started as a class project which was given to me by a professor who was very much like this right this guy called Adam Grant okay I don't know if you follow him uh do you guys follow Adam Grant obviously you guys do now because Adam Grant is a won Professor he's a youngest 10y won professor and the way he teaches is is very interesting no exams no lectures no grades no slides no attendance none of that he would actually give you problem statements like Drop Shipping he' actually give you problem statements ments like you know create your own YouTube page he'll give you these problem statements and you in a group will work on those problem statements and that's how you will learn that was his entire mode I believe in this so much books can never teach you what real life teaches you I believe that heavily like all my all my decisions are based around that only whatever I do in life is all based on but when you start doing it realize there are so many intricacies to every little thing decision making emotions come at plays when it comes to business anything else so there so many variables when it comes to real life which I believe ify these guys are exposed to this sort of realities this is such an amazing thing at this uh juncture for their lives I mean if you are trying to learn how to swim yeah you have to jump into the water right you have to put it doesn't exactly and so but I think you know you have to combine both the things you have to take a little bit of academics like core academics and you have to take a little bit of Applied learning and marry the two right right just academics will not be enough and just experiential learning will not be enough it there'll be a lot of trial and error involved if if you're just riing on experience take learning beelin like what we were discussing also like for example like I don't know if you fa this but in in our term in our first year when we were doing Drop Shipping a big problem was that students were not able to uh you know write down their balance sheets and their income statements properly because they hadn't taken the accounting course yet but sales but they weren't able to put that in like a proper business format okay right so what we tried to do this time was put the accounting course in front ah so that whatever they're learning in accounting class they can actually apply corre as they're doing their Drop Shipping I hope you guys do that by the way corre like I really you know so we gave them those templates we G okay this is how it's done and now whatever you're doing in Drop Shipping actually apply to that and then you'll see that the inventory is zero in the balance sheet and that makes the balance sheet looks so good yeah so that's and profit admission process now what about scholarships and fees or how does one get into this thing because there something that a lot of people probably who are watching my videos or your videos would like to join so fees scholarship yeah um so our fees is probably it's expensive I think we are probably the top five most expensive programs in India okay right for I think 16 months is 23 24 lakhs right so that's high uh however what we believe is two things one is that you know to bring in the kind of Masters that we do right uh you know we have to pay a lot to them right to bring in the kind of real estate like right now we are in this building and in this building upstairs is Bank of America's office then it's E's office then it's w pp's office then it's record's office then it's Gartner's office to be around them also costs a lot so uh but the way you should look at education is the ROI if I'm spending 10 Rupees on something am I getting 15 rupees back right and if I am then the 10 rupes is not expensive but if I'm not then that 10 Rupees is expensive right right so that's the Fe scholarship in the first couple of years we gave a lot of scholarships because we wanted to attract students we did not exist we didn't have a brand so we needed to students by giving scholarships but at this stage we have a brand right and we have confidence that we can give our students great Roi return on investment okay either as an entrepreneur or through a placement and now because of that confidence that we have in our curriculum we say okay the scholarships will be limited nice right and that will help us invest more in the campus that will invest help us invest in ug students you know all of that ecosystem grows so yeah CH I that is uh um I would still want a scholarship plac is probably from either your business or from placements numb you know I would I really hope that in the current cohort I'm talking about the pgp cohort there are 200 students I really hope that 100 of them do not want placements oh wow I hope historically number historically that number has been less than 10 15% okay less than 10 15% but I would want that to be 50% eventually okay right and I think with with your help U with the help of other corporates with the help of other entrepreneurs maybe we can achieve that uh but that's my goal but the rest of the students um you know they want a good placement they want to work with a good company but what is the definition of good right I feel like there are certain roles where you get to learn a lot I mean right now everyone is 23 24 25 years old they're still in that stage of learning so if you get a role in a company where you get to learn a lot then it's okay then it's also an investment in education right um so there are roles Like Chief of Staff Founders office generalist roles entrepreneur residence roles where you get to see the entire company function from the top okay right so I feel that's always a better role than maybe just doing some marketing work okay or maybe just doing some sales work or maybe just doing some Consulting work so preparing people for the specialized kind of roles in these companies more generalized roles in companies I would prefer my students to go for rather than more specialized roles because eventually I know their DNA is entrepreneurial like eventually I know they will start up if not in one year then in 2 years in two years then in 5 years so it's best to see the company from a bird's ey right so that when you build your own you have that visibility of all the Departments rather than so in your students like now what third year now fourth year fourth year now so in your four years so what you have seen uh among students is that can you tell by like initial interactions or by how a person progresses like whether somebody is built for building a business or built for a job or is that a fallacy it is just your state of mind at your present people change so much in this one year okay people change people who believe that they will never become an entrepreneur and they want to go to BCG only they are the ones who definitely become entrepreneurs okay like I've seen this again and again that the most polarized people they actually exchang their polls right and the people who were like startup they sometimes end up you know placed right so there is absolutely no but one thing I've realized is that when they do Drop Shipping right most of them come from a job background like they've worked in a company before but when they do Drop Shipping and when they see that first like you know King yeah or like you know what happens in what's the sound that the patm sound box makes you know I think I think something gets you know there's a new energy that comes in this is possible you know I'm finally not being paid for my time but for my work you but the end goal is for us for example notifications M because if the phone is ringing 1500 battery that's a good problem and the first 100 are good so we want to we want them to reach that sort of stage stage so uh you are so this batch that you're currently running are you seeing a lot of promise with these guys what do you guys think so far so good yeah I mean if like I mean there are these students who are doing 500 orders a week that's not bad right so like I hope that you guys do not sit for placements yeah like why should you like if you if you have to sit for placements then what's the point of doing all of this and and your course is still like is a Bas to go right how many months are left now they just started just started so you have a lot of time to actually grow this business and make it big then in fact you should come and recruit your batchmates and you should come for placements on the other side what say this is very inter and I also read somewhere you have your investment fund and you invest in in your students also right no students invest in students so what we've given them is a 5 CR rupes in their accounts we say okay this is your money you go and invest it okay right you can invest it in stocks you can invest it in real estate you can invest it in venture capital or you can invest it in your friends and each person is allocated like a small percentage of that I think you guys 10 20 how many people in mu is run the whole f a 10 member team is running the entire fund okay so there's a application process to even get into the fun those guys are going are those guys the rock stars of the thing they treated like kings and queens in the campus the fund managers prove themselves I mean the the portfolio is not doing that well assessment of portfolio that is your money on the line course it's nice at the end of the day so uh and this what we were part of is basically outclass right what we doing right now yes this is part of the outclass so 50% of the curriculum comes from inclass which is what you inside the classroom which you mentioned knowledge you have your standard faculty who are permanent faculty basically right they're not standard they're very unique permanent yeah apologies my apologies my apologies permanent faculty but uh but yes 50% of credits come from courses in class and 50% of credits come from courses like Drop Shipping very interesting model sir yeah got a lot to learn I'm pretty sure like this business model will be tried uh uh you a Pioneer in this uh thing I think this is going to attract a lot of attention in the future for a lot of other uh you're going to create competitors for yourself we have to do this together you know we can't do this alone yeah and that's why we pay very expensive real estate rent to be close to people like you right so that you know just right behind this office is the headquarters of Bombay shaving company oh nice shes Pand so his entire office is and so like we're trying to work out a a course with him where he will come and teach the entire story of how he built uh Bombay shaving company as a d2c brand amazing right and this is vhar lots of other companies are here link is here AEL is here I mean so many of them fantastic awesome thank you so much for your time deeply appreciate and thank you for your thank un thanks guys for listening in and I know you have a train back to chandigar so we'll make sure that you get that in time we are almost going to miss it so let's thank you hope you [Music] enjoyed
Channel: Masters' Union
Views: 229,405
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Keywords: how to make money online, make money online, how to make money, how to start dropshipping, websites to make money, free ways to make money, ecommerce, how to make money with ecommerce, how to start an ecommerce business with no money, how to start ecommerce business, make money, how to make money with affiliate marketing, how to start ecommerce with no money, make money for free, make money websites, how to make money dropshipping, how to start ecommerce
Id: g1YJ-WjXiII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 14sec (3494 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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