How To Build A Rock Fountain

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you've seen them at fancy hotels or perhaps outside of a fine restaurant they scream elegance in class now in this video i'm going to show you how you can put one of these rock fountains in your outdoor space in true diy fashion let's build a rock fountain it's way easier than you think if you like videos like this don't forget to like and subscribe so more people can see how you can build your very own rock fountain [Music] all right in this video i'm going to show you how you can put a water feature just about anywhere in your yard before i get started i'd like to thank the people at hans ponds for making this video possible and if you're in the area stop by they'll help you out knowledgeable staff great people very friendly i recommend ponzpons this is one of the easiest projects you can do to add a water feature to your outdoor space the hardest part about this project is picking out the stone honestly so all that you need for this project is one of these basins this is going to be the place where all your water is stored now this is a 30 inch by 30 inch basin so make sure you have at least that much space for your project you're going to have to select the stone that will fit on the base and size that you get there's also a larger basin but if you get a rock that goes on that larger basin it's no longer a diy project and you're going to need some heavy machinery to lift a rock that size we're doing a project like this because in true diy fashion i like to do everything on my own by myself with my own bare hands maybe not by myself sometimes i get a little help like today i might need a little help moving that rock around because it is quite heavy even though it's not that large anyways this is what you need for the project you need an aquascape basin a fountain pump a hose a valve so you can control the flow rate of your fountain and i have an elbow and a straight piece i'm not quite sure how it's going to fit on the basin you'll see what i'm talking about as we move along you don't need much to get this project right if you are doing this project yourself you are going to need a hammer drill with a one inch bit hans ponds was kind enough to lend me their hammer drill just for this project now if you can't get your hands on a hammer drill you can always stop by hans ponds or your local pond outlet a lot of them have the rocks that are already drilled for you in that case it cuts out a little bit of diy we're gonna do the whole thing here today and you can watch me do it step by step and see how easy it really is the aquascape basin holds 500 pounds so you can get a pretty good sized rock on one of these the pump we'll be using for our project is a thousand gallons an hour and maybe a little bit much you always want to oversize your pump and then turn it down with a valve you never want to put a pump on that can't pump enough water it's better to turn a pump down than to not have one that's powerful enough only other thing you need is access to power so you can plug your pump in other than that you're golden stick with me and i'm going to show you how you can build a rock fountain [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay in true diy fashion we are going to drill our own rock and i borrowed this hammer drill from hans ponds they were generous enough to let me do this they have a wide selection of stones pre-drilled if you don't have a hammer drill of your own but if you do it's a lot of fun to put a hole in a rock i don't know it just does it for me so let's get this rock drilled all right we got our one inch hole drilled let's see what it looks like on the bottom all right it blew out a little bit it doesn't really matter you can see the one inch hole okay i have these wasn't sure what kind of uh situation we'd be in here but it looks like i'm in a good spot for this hole directly in the center of the rock i have one inch fittings with barb on them all you need to do is hammer these in and they're not going to go anywhere you don't need to run a tube through this stone water's not going to leak out you're gonna it's gonna just flow right through the easiest path which is directly to the top so you know depending on how the hole came out we could put an elbow in here i don't think i'm gonna do that i'm gonna put this straight piece in here easiest way to do that is just get it started and just tap it in and that's it we're going to attach our hose to that now your basin is going to hold directly in the center so what we're going to do is we're going to place our rock directly over that center hole and run our run our hose over to the corner here where our pump is there's a little cutout for your electrical cord to come out too we're going to hide it behind these bushes and we can plug it in in the house now with these barb fittings you don't need to use a hose clamp or anything like that this should stay not the easiest to get on so that's it put our hooks in the hole throw our rock on top of our basin and we're going to test this thing before we decorate with stuff just to make sure everything's good okay we got our rock in place i opened up the package for the pump and in the pump comes this it's a barb one inch fitting i shoved it into the hose just like i did below the rock it's got threads on it now they're just assuming you're gonna put this right in here but i suggest you use a valve like i said overpower the pump and then turn it down so that's what we're going to do well then you get a fitting like this male to male that on there like that now it's a good idea just like we're doing here to fill up your basin after you get it all set and run it just to see what it's going to look like you might have to manipulate your rock forward or backward depending on how the water flows and the way you like it to look so right now i got it propped up in the back so hopefully the water will come over the front which is what we want because when you walk by the sidewalk you want to be able to see the water cascading down the front uh if it doesn't give the effect we want we're just going to simply prop it up a little more until it looks the way you want to look and then we'll go ahead and finish this whole area the whole area is going to be landscape stone when you put stone down you need to put fabric otherwise the stone will sink into the dirt so we're going to put fabric on every part of this area except for the basin so the whole thing is going to look like stone the water is going to disappear into the stone and it's going to be a really cool effect it's important to make sure that you have water in the basement before you plug your pump in you don't want to run your pump dry it'll burn the pump out so this pump can be laid down on its side doesn't have to stand up even though it came it came with feet but uh we're not going to use the feet let's fill it up all right we're pretty close to being filled with water so i'm gonna plug this in i'll probably get a face full of water because i got the valve opened all the way up but i don't care it's a hot day i could use a little shower i'm going to turn the valve down okay i got about half open you got a nice sound now like i said you can adjust the valve see just by turning the valve you can uh adjust the fountain how you want it to look i think i like that actually just want to make sure that the water's staying in the basin turn this up too much water gonna splash out and then start losing water that's really the only thing you have to worry about with one of these is running out of water so just have to check it every every once in a while make sure it's still full crank it down just a little bit more just to make sure we don't splash out here all right i like that looks like it's flowing all the way around the rock pretty much so once you're satisfied with the way it looks this way you go ahead and finish the outside super easy project maybe an hour or two depending on your digging skills and you have yourself a water feature all right after much time our stone finally showed up so we're going to finally put some stone down on top of this fabric you do need fabric if you're going to put stone in your garden beds because the stone will find its way and disappear under the earth if you don't plus it's a great weed barrier all right let's get this started [Music] [Music] [Music] putting river rock around your new phone is not the only way to finish it off add a splash of color by adding some planters let your creative side go wild if you want to take your new phone to another level add some outdoor lighting to extend your enjoyment into the night not only does this bring everything to life it's super easy to maintain just keep it full of water all right guys there you go that's how you build a rock fountain thanks for watching don't forget to like and subscribe for more and until next time enjoy your backyard [Music]
Channel: Backyard Water Garden
Views: 430,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fountain, do it yourself, pond, Backyard DIY, build a fountain, how to build a rock fountain, backyard fountain, water feature, garden water feature, backyard water feature, how to, make your own fountain, landscape fountain ideas, water fountain, backyard decor ideas, diy garden, diy garden ideas, cheap garden, backyard water features, backyard fountain ideas, fountains
Id: hX7AUbkFgzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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