How to Make a Custom Water Feature

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hey guys so here I am at our shop and I'm going to show you guys something that I've been doing this year which I think it's pretty cool and can make some good money so I thought I'd share with everybody I let me know what you think so what we've been doing is we have a large pile over there you can see with a bunch of big boulders and this is actually something I kind of came up with them I'm going to do for my company but we're also doing it for the company I work for so we're taking these stones boulders of all different sizes and we're drilling holes in them all the way through so I'll show you here's one a bigger hole a two-inch hole and then a smaller hole which is about one in three quarters roughly so we're drilling it out so we can put a one-inch pipe actually it's 3/4 inside diameter which ends up being one one inch outside and lighting wire so we can do bubbling water features you can make them shoot you know up a few feet you can make them just bubble a little bit so this is just a cool thing that you can do with just stone as long as you have some sort of hammer drill so there's a couple stones the small one I'm actually bringing to a job of mine pretty soon and I will play that above later in the video so you can see what this looks like when it's done so I'm doing it this small because we can't really get a machine into the job that we're at so we have to be able to move it with a few guys by hand so we're keeping it somewhat manageable so if we come over my truck here here are the drill bits I've been using in the hammer drill so I have a healthy t70 which is definitely on the larger side you don't need it to be that big you want to be decent-sized but doesn't have to be quite this big so here my drill bits I start with a actually I usually start with a small like three-inch 3/8 inch bit with a smaller hammer drill just to get like a pilot hole started then I go to 3/4 which is kind of the same it's like a pilot hole for my inch and 3/8 which is for my actual pipe so before I do any of that I drill my pilot hole a really small pilot hole and I use this two inch bit and I only go down a couple inches and that's for the water feature light to sit in so you can illuminate your water that's shooting up it's really cool looks awesome at night and they're very inexpensive so all you do is drill your pilot hole just to get your precise location of your hole and then you drill all the way through deeper rocks are a little trickier unless you have long bits so so I'll play the video of this smaller water feature for you now so you can see what it looks like and I kind of hear what it looks like it's really nice so this is something that you guys can sell it for you know you can charge a couple hundred bucks just for the stone and most the time that's mostly going to be going in your pocket because stone is a very expensive if it's stuff you take from other jobs it's really free so all that hunting is gothic going to your basement where they use a premade base and or aqua blocks that's what I'm doing because you can customize your sizes and in your pump you know your wire your lighting it really doesn't come out to be too expensive we're doing a larger size stone kind of like this one a little bit more here where I work and we're charging that it couldn't be installed for that so the pretty reasonable a lot less work and doing a waterfall or a pond that song is nice but it's a nice inexpensive option for people who want the sound the nice soothing sound so let me know what you guys think I'm pretty excited to put some of these in and just a couple side note things if you guys don't already you can follow me on Instagram I post some cool stuff any of you who are into a hardscaping installation that's really all I post so I am mass underscore hardscape err on Instagram I'm pretty sure and so check that out if you're interested and you're not following me already and then I just wanted to let you guys know that hopefully you're noticing from this video I am using a new camera I upgraded to a fairly expensive DSLR just trying to make the quality of my videos higher for you guys so let me know if you notice that and what you think and if it was worth the investment I really hope it was I'm pretty impressed with the pictures so far so let me know what you guys think about the whole bit you know everything I've said and just comment give me a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't already thanks again
Channel: MassHardscaper
Views: 147,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hardscape, hardscaping, landscape, landscaping, hard, scape, land, scaping, install, installation, construction, build, building, professional, pro, icpi, ncma, company, business, sell, sales, custom, water, feature, pondless, pond, fall, stone, drill, hammer, drilling, hilti, aquascape, aqua, dirt, ninja, how, to, step, by, process, simple, element, river, rock, boulder, bubbling
Id: iOJx8VvJ9pY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2016
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