A Pondless Waterfall for my Mother-in-law

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oh my gosh oh stop it that is so cool [Music] okay so today we are building another water feature this time we have had aquascape send us one i don't even know what to say that was terrible put that in the blooper all right today we are in front of my mother-in-law's house to put in a pondless waterfall if you've watched a lot of my projects you know that usually i try to assemble a bunch of different parts from all over the place to save money and get used material but if you're not wanting to stress about getting all the right parts or picking the correct pump you might want to just get a water feature kit and in this project aquascape actually sent me one of theirs for free so thank you aquascape for providing the supplies for this project i'll put links to their website in the description down below and we are going to assemble this pondless water feature kit in my mother-in-law's front yard all right so this is their front door behind you off camera is the street we are going to build this fountain this waterfall is going to go right where i'm standing so you're watching the before video right now i've got a small trailer load of rock from my dad's property so we're going to unload this rock right here and i'm going to lay out the pond liner and the reservoir material to figure out how big this is going to be so that we can start breaking ground my buddy manny's here to help remove [Music] rocks [Music] okay so it's a new day at the moment i'm digging this down and trying to level it off so that these can sit in here flat right now about six inches below the surface of the ground so that when i put rock over the top of this it'll be about level with the grass but i gotta level this off for these before i put the liner in so that's what i'm working on right now dig dig dig [Music] so [Music] it's like 90 degrees out right now it's freaking hot the only reason my shirt's honest keep me from sunburning because i think i'd be lobster right now if i kept my shirt off so i was out hiking the other day with my older brother like way up in the mountains the marble mountains in northern california and we came across a big series of like high mountain lakes there was like four or five of them in a row and we kept crossing these real narrow creeks a lot of them had fallen down between the big rock face on the mountainside where you could tell the rock had split and the water was just kind of cascading down between them off over like sheets of big mountain rock and most of the rocks i picked up coincidentally are really flat and wide so i think what i'm going to try to do is get a nice zigzag at the top of my waterfall where maybe if i do it right instead of a stream that cascades down over waterfalls i kind of want to make a sideways waterfall where the water kind of flows down a crease between the rocks and then cascades off the bottom and who knows maybe it'll kind of trickle out of that crease all the way down but it's hard to see on camera it's just dirt but i've sort of dug out in the top here i've sort of dug out to the right side and i'm going to try to put a crease of rocks in there and it'll kind of come down like it's a mountainside and then maybe zigzag back to the left in sort of a pool and then have a creek stream that goes down and disappears into the reservoir i realized it's actually closer to lunch than i thought so i'm gonna take a break and probably be at this later so well and just like that the sun is behind the house so i'm able to work in the shade now but that's why i waited for shade [Music] wow [Music] i'm not certain this is how i want it to look or if the water is going to flow correctly but before i get too far ahead of myself i'm going to go ahead and foam it and run water on it and see how it turns out [Music] okay so i'm out of rock i'm out of foam my battery on my camera has two percent life left so i'm done for the day basically i'm gonna let the foam dry a minute longer which is why i'm stalling with this monologue and then i'm gonna run it and just do a test run to see what it looks like this is test number one this pump has flow control so i'm gonna maybe change up the flow a little bit see what we get but we're just gonna run it and see what happens i like it honestly i think if i patch this i'll get more water here and if i patch that that water will make it all the way to the edge and if i patch that this water will have to come around to this waterfall and then i just throw a bunch of river up on it okay so like i said um my battery's dying and i'm out of rock and i'm out of phone i might leave this running tonight so when my in-laws get home they can see what it looks like so far and we'll pick this up okay so it's a new day i've got more pond foam i've got river rock i got more boulders and i've got bark today we are going to touch up a couple of areas foam a few more areas to redirect some water so i'm gonna shut this off to work on it and then we're gonna put the rock in add a couple more boulders and then bark around it and then we'll be ready for plants so far i really like how this is turning out so i'm excited to keep working on this and it's only gonna look better from here so i'm gonna get to work [Music] that is so cool i think that was my favorite oh my gosh i love it yeah all right so i wrapped this thing up in less than a week i started it on saturday and i put in a couple of short evenings after work this may have only taken me 10 or 12 hours with the help of my friends at the beginning so so we got the water feature done and the plants in and i put that bark around it to get a nice clean edge i'm gonna get some close-ups of it so you guys can see it a little better but before i do that i'm gonna ask if you enjoyed this project if you enjoyed this video if you could give me a like and subscribe to my channel that would be awesome i really appreciate all you guys support the ad revenue i get from these videos helps pay for these projects for the resources and the time without the donation from aquascape this one would not have been done at all so thank you again aquascape for sending me this kit i hope you guys like this video and i have more projects planned so i'll see you guys in the next one [Music] [Applause] all right you
Channel: Travis Jantzer
Views: 35,819
Rating: 4.9265442 out of 5
Keywords: tjantzer, Travis Jantzer, oregon, diy, travel, Aquascape, Team aquascape, Pondless water feature, Waterfall, How to, How to make, Build, Creek, Pond, Pondless, Shaq, Easy, Simple, Coolest, Easiest, Bubbling, Fountain, Project, Mom, Gift, Ideas, Concept, Landscaping, Landscape
Id: 27qva1Fs4Sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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