How to Build a PBN (Masterclass with Saket Wahi)

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hey man thanks for uh for taking the time to come on and and chat a little so um I actually saw a video of yours a few months ago saying that you were making 150k a month and it's mostly coming from selling pbn so clearly you're someone who knows ton about pbn so if it's good with you I want to do a deep dive on all your pbn knowledge um and trying to get as much juice from you as possible for the audience uh how does that sound yeah sure yeah all right so I want to start off with what is a pbn and could you walk me through the pros and cons of pbns so a pbn is basically a link that you get from a pivate private blog Network and this private blog network is a bunch of sites that you've hosted under your basically your own server and what makes a pbn special is the links coming from the homepage While most of the links are coming from the inner pages so Google still kind of like gives some relevance to homepage kind of linking and you know it's 2024 but funny enough like the updates kind of rolling back and guest post and nishad is like they're not working the same like they used to in 2019 so a lot of people are switching to pbn funny enough and yeah like this month we did like 12,000 links pbn links yeah and the month is not even over so yeah we did some crazy numbers giving results and yeah I'm the P yeah yeah yeah no I know you're definitely well known um for pbn also I heard you were like the number one seller on Legit or something like that right number three now I used number three yeah dropping the ball I'm just playing I'm just playing um okay so some of the pros here is that you have basically a lot more control of everything right you can have a link from the homepage you can basically set what whatever anchor text you want um while in comparison guest post Niche edit it's sometimes most of the times up to kind of the um the the blog or the the owner of of the actual content um what else what what are the pros and what are some of the cons so the cons could be that you don't know like how to set up a proper pban and it would just not pass the juice because a lot of people out there they think they know how to set up a pbn but there's so many variables playing you know as not just like Authority age domain and you can do anything like there are things like R rsos linking there's things like how beautiful the website's looking you know is it looking like a legitimate blog there things like how's your anchor strategy so there's a lot of variables playing and also a lot of people with pbn networks out there they have no caps of how many links go on the homepage so they have like hundreds of links so we cap to just five I see okay all right let's uh let's let's do this deep dive here Co so let's say someone's brand new to pbn um where let's start with with domains where do you go to get a domain I used to go to I believe is that something that's that's still active are you still using something like that I mean I used to use expired domains back in 2014 so that's 10 years ago okay old school guys old school yeah right now we just have a system set up in-house system set up I I took help from some of my very close business uh friends to get the system set up so the system basically picks up all the drop domains that literally expires in the market and the team evaluates the value before it's dropping so they know what to buy so let's say a domain we like you know and it's going off like in six hours and there's a timer and the system's kind of working its you know rhythm to get that domain and sometimes we don't get it because there's other a-level players kind of bidding on the same domain so it's just a game we play sometimes we win sometimes we lose so it's the in-house system expired domains I don't think you should use it it's just so outdated so much spammy domains right any any ones you could recommend um I'm I'm off like who's selling good domains maybe o this but they they're pretty expensive you know so okay if you have to get the ROI for your pbn domains got it got it okay so so you've gotten that first domain and now one of the things that I remember when I was hting up my pbn like 2017 was I always had the question of okay let's say I've bought five different domains um do I host them on different servers different IP address what what's how what structure are you are you looking for so it's usually a to cclass IPS and they they have a unique IP like each pbn has a unique IP and a lot of like hosting companies out there like sea host easy block networks they provide a to C Class IPS and yeah that's how you bring the uniqueness in the IP diversity okay sick um we're just gonna keep going through everything because I think this is this is where people gonna get the value okay so you've bought the domain you have the the specific type of Hosting um what are the first things to do to the website are you trying to recreate you go on trying to recreate that website um so that Google thinks that it's still active or what what are you doing to that domain so we used to do some restoration back in the days but we realized like lot of that content still exists and that could be duplicated so we stopped doing it so what happens is like when the domain is hosted we send it to our uh pbn setup manager manager and that pbn set manager creates unique menus content based on whatever the domain is you know just very general so it could be like Jamie Ross is a you know we just talk about yeah I like that so just talk about like um jam Ross history jie uh Jam Ross background and stuff like that and then we'll start pumping in you know all the general clients that we have with our SOS okay so hold on let's let's slow it down because so you've you decide whether or not to to take some of that old content or to create new content um remember there's also thing about waiting you wanted to wait like a certain amount of days before you actually linked out right I don't know there's like a set number of I think it was like 32 days or something like that um that you had to wait just to make sure that uh that it would reindex in case it wasn't indexed anymore um yeah is there waiting period for you or what how do you like to do it oh I'd say like there's no waiting period for us it's just how we Tes in the pbn so once the domains index in a week or two we'll just pick up like a random page and that random page could be like free cookies in lombok IND Indonesia you know and we'll Target that with the keyword and just send a link to see if it boosts you know and you'll know in a week or two like if it boosts or if it's going down and that's how we filter good pbn versus bad pbn and with this strategy like 90% of the domains like succeed this you know test so we put them into the main sheet got it and um okay so the pbn has then passed this this test um you always link out from the homepage that's like the that's like the main never from anywhere else yeah that you always gota link because that's I mean that's where all the most of the authority is going to be right the highest yeah best bu link page I guess and that's why I meant like Google's kind of reversing its algorithm is because homepage linking was the king linking like back in 2012 like you could do like a sidebar link or foot link or just place it anywhere bro you could just place it anywhere and just like you'll rank that keyword in like five hours or something so yeah but I don't promote like sidebar to linking anymore I promote you know contextual General looking blogs that have full you know readability and Google can crawl it and see like oh it's coming from the homepage okay let's boost this site and it works mate and what about um okay so you said you have a maximum of five links on the homepage and then what are you doing with that domain is that domain just kind of dead no so basically the posts that were on the home hom page they stay there for four weeks so when they stay there for four weeks we add we'll add a new client so they'll roll in into the inner page and I know a lot of people might be thinking now it's gone off the homepage I'm going to lose my ranking not really because uh this concept was I think explained by one of the OG's I don't remember his name and it's called a link Echo effect so once he Google picks up a link let's say it's coming from the homepage and it moves to the inner page it's still going to have the authority because it's echoing the power from the homepage that Google crawled initially and yeah we let let it slip in the inner pages and and then we'll you know consistently build more uh more links to the same client you know over four weeks or three weeks sometimes two weeks you know different niches different approach and and yeah just build up the authority from there and so do you do you try and select the actual links based on related niches or is it just it doesn't matter because it's a pbn just any links from a homepage will will do the work yeah it just needs to have good juicy links like most of our pbn they've got like Washington you know like BBC New York Times um these kind of links you know the guardian Wikipedia so if the site has those sort of links it'll just do the magic you know and right and yeah like put in all the niches but most of and then we have a separate Network for gambling and you know like adult so we have a general network with home you know uh Plumbing Finance you know and we'll categorize those posts in sectioned and then we'll have a separate Network so not all niches only few niches that don't go to the main pbn is the adults and casino ones okay and would you ever connect different pbns or as in the actual websites within the pbn should they be totally separate like they never connect in any way right they have to be totally yeah you don't want yeah no connecting be a footprint got it and what about blocking blocking Bots what's what's the reason behind that like why would you want block the H spot for example so basically like when we were starting this pbn game you know and we didn't block Bots what was happening was like all the clients could see the pbn links on air TRS and then they'll teer two like thousands of GSA links and the PN literally got destroyed you know like most of most of them back in the days so we just blocked it and we were like we're just going to keep it very private we're going to give you partial reports and you're not going to know the site because our relationship works on results and if you want to work with us work with us and if you want reports go somewhere else we're not going to work with you so it's work it works bro like a lot of our clientele like they've been with us like two years three years four years you know and we get them results and they're like okay sake I don't need to know the link why you need to know the link when you're getting results you know yeah I hate those seos that track each link like yeah and so okay what about um term link velocity right how many links you should be getting in a certain time frame when you're starting out versus when you're growing um for someone who has let's say a brand new website what what like what what amount of pbn links you think are just like I don't know what would you do let's say you have a brand new website and you're like you know what I'm just gonna I'm targeting the the the gardening Niche um what's what would be your strategy for that so basically what we do is we take the URL and we put into HFS and we'll see how many index keywords are being picked up from how many different money pages so let's say there's like 20 money pages and there's 150 index keywords or even like 20 index keywords you know so we'll start with like the foundation Authority which is Nisha guest post and pbn so we start with our kind of package these days and then we go pbn sniper we can go like 50 to 100 to 200 to 300 you know for some niches some clients are ordering 500 P links a month it's crazy a month yeah Jesus and so okay because I know there's I know there's a lot of positive results but could you talk about like some negative it doesn't have to be like um just like it like what could happen yeah like talk to me about some of the negatives just because I know there are negatives right what could happen if you don't set up a pbn correctly or if you don't go with the right vendor for example yeah sure like there are some negatives because you're playing the game you're not going to win all the time you know there's some variables where something happens and and you know like you lose rankings I'd say the negative would be like if he got good results to a client and he saw a drop in his rankings it's probably to do with his on page and his content because if you build that Authority with all the you know like unique anchor text and you know good sort of different websites linking to it like that's what I wonder but sending a lot of links it's not a bad thing at all because I've done it like hundred hundreds of times it works so the negatives would be like is your overall strategy like optimized enough for you to sustain those rankings and and yeah man there's so many clients that come and they're like they don't have good on page you know and I'm like okay the P links probably won't work and if something drops it's not us it's your shitty on page so it's very hard to say what are the negatives where it's coming from you know like there's a lot of variables playing in SEO and yeah the truth is like we're just figuring out every week every Google update and we don't know you know yeah absolutely and so why do you think I remember we we spoke in in changm a little bit about how there seemed to be this kind of trend at least from some of the people that I was speaking to where people are switching from just like you said earlier they're switching from guest post and NAD it'ss to pbn why do you think that is like what do you think is happening right now that that people want that Conformity so it's just people who conform to Google policies did good linking human written content all you know like to the Google's policies whatever you know and and they realized like they got smashed and it hurt their feelings so either they could quit SEO and say SEO is dead or either they evolve and join the Dark Side of the things of doing T link and doing AI content so I think a lot of good seos today they're just leveraging of AI and pbn links and also of links you know a good SEO strategy like why do you want to limit yourself with just guest post and human written content and KN shut it's when you know you might get smashed you know so you might just go all the way in so that's that's my mindset and who do you think are are like the the target like who's the right target for a pbn are you I don't know if you do client work as well but is this something like would you ever consider using pbn for a client like not even you wouldn't even likees would you even hesitate to no bro ago any client any website any keyword let's do PB links everything okay and uh affiliate as well I assume yeah we have a lot ofate clients now because of the content up there and also like too much clean link building like now I think a lot of Affiliates before like there was a thing in the market which was like if I had pbn it would be hard for me to sell the site you know and and all those Affiliates their rankings are dropping their revenues are dropping you can't even sell anything you know so the the mindsets kind of changing and they're like okay it's about the revenue it's not about the backlink profile so I think the trend's kind of like shifting to that you know side of thing yeah yeah one of the things that that I found that super interesting right now is um is Parasite SEO do are you getting a lot of clients who doing they're doing parasite as well yeah we we just testing a parasite page with Julian we just just go like to page one ranking in one week it's going to be out soon um but yeah parasite SEO is working but it depends on the page I'd say because most of the parasite Pages I'd say it's like a hit or a Miss it's not going to work all the time but it might work but if it does not work maybe try a different parasite page okay and so what what's what's the strategy there it's you post the content and then you wait if it does anything shoot some if it doesn't do anything then shoot some pbn to it yeah I mean a parasite with some Authority would all almost get you on top 100 results right J Jamie so if it's a parasite page and it's not getting you top 100 like there's something wrong with that parasite you know and you wouldn't want to go there so when parasite clients come they usually have like PID six page five page seven rankings so I think that kind of helps and having that you know little bit of rank ranking somewhere along the seventh page we just suggest the client to okay let's start with 25 or 50 or 100 and it totally depends what Niche bro right so are you giving recommendations based on based on like every single client like you're not just going to just send 100 links if if they ask for it like would you personally give a recommendation yeah yeah I think the every Niche has a different bandwidth and US seos need to analyze what's the bandwidth and around with it CU a lot of people would be in you know like gaming Niche or Finance Niche right and they'll just have the bandwidth of okay I'm going to do 10 Niche edits this uh 10 PB links and I'm going to get results not really like we just had a finance site six months ago new site and we've done like 900 pbn links and they finally getting like 5K visitors a month you know and because they had the bandwidth so we did like 50 60 80 100 120 this month and it's working out well so velocity Niche keywords how many inner pages and how you diversifying how are you making it look natural you know because a pbn link is just a link but how are you sending that link to your website and now we even sending it to the auor page you know so if a website has an author like Jamie Rose you know we'll just send it to the author as well and talk about the author interesting okay so so what's the strategy behind that is just you don't want to do you don't want to overdo links to money Pages or the strategy behind that is just making things as natural as possible okay so if you're hitting keep hitting the money pages I think there's a threshold where Google's like hey it's not making sense you know why the homepage is not getting the links why the blog pages are not getting the links why the author is not getting the links you know so and sometimes some niches you can get away you can just smash the money page you know thousand PV links like I gaming I gaming nich you know so it just depends man it just really depends Su is really broad people don't understand people are like okay Su is like this I read this article I'm gonna do something similar and then they don't get results like if you want to be a good SEO just test everything and see what works for you right okay um what about AI um how are you you how are you using AI today are you building affiliate sites or you just fully focused on or using AI to generate content for the pbns um what's uh what's the strategy right now yeah so we using AI for we've been using AI for a pan since the last three years even when AI was not popular and interesting yeah people like AI has been working since dawn like even when Google didn't recognize like and the quality was very back in the days but still Google rang those pages you know somehow and yeah we leveraging AI big time so the AI is going on all the pbn uh AI is going on all the most of the client's website as well and some of my GV um JV uh Partnerships projects and we just have like a human editor that overlooks the AI content adds the headings the inter internal LS and just it before it gets out I think that kind of approach could really really work and if you've seen Julian Goldie like he's ranking with AI content all the time yeah yeah that go just Savage so any any specific tools that you're using that you really like um just adrs and the system we have no for AI I mean sorry okay so we're using chart GPT article Forge article for and these are two tools we use and yeah they produce really good uh quality what tools do you use um so actually I made a video um a couple weeks ago where I I tried to find like the top four AI like content writers and so I I think I tried uh Kaa koala um I'm forgetting to they're going to kill me but anyway I picked four and I missed like two of the most important ones which were Zim riter and they're going to kill me agility agility writer um also I I don't want I don't I don't want to talk about like AI comparisons uh um niches but one of the biggest sites out there in the AI comparison Niche they get like 50k visitors a month 2,000 pbn bro like we we yeah just don't think you know they don't know how to think they don't know how to approach things they just like come to conclusions too quickly so yeah there's a lot of good AI tools like you mentioned the five of them you know and see what works for you for me like article Forge like it produces like 200 blogs in four hours you know and we're doing like 11,000 and that's why we use article Forge and what do you use what's your priority tool right now yeah so the one I think I've seen the most results with is um I think it's agility I think it's agility I'm running I'm running also a little bit of a of a case study on on my new website with no links like I just want to see what happens no links brand new domain um what produces the best content and there's a few already I'm targeting like super low competition keywords there's a few that have already gotten featured Snippets uh which is kind of crazy they're ABS tiny tiny keywords but it doesn't matter it doesn't matter right it's just the quality of the content if it's not there Google would even consider it um but it's there it's there and and it's ranking yeah and it's and it's kind of crazy actually like it's really making me consider do I really need to hire a writer I probably don't you know I probably don't and that's that's great um cool so let's talk about other um other forms of Link building because I do think that I know you love your pbn and you're gonna tell me that I need like 500 pbn but what do you think is a more like balanced way of doing link building today like where how would you like the quantity um yeah let's send the question there so today in 2024 we having this conversation yeah yeah I like three types of links a lot so first would be pbn links second would be Niche edits they give just the right diversity and third would be 301 redirects interesting they're working like crazy these days okay so about that yeah so what we do with the 301 redirects is we get age domains set up on the same niche as the client does not have to be Niche domain you know it can be any domain you just set it up as the same nich as client and let can do is like you can make a page in a page and be like gardening tools website acquired XXX whatever the domain is and you redirect the 301 to the acquisition page and then you can also do 301 redirect to the parent page to the money page the homepage so there's so many variations to 301 redirects you can do so for our you know like business trading trading client one of our biggest clients right now we did like six redirects in the last four weeks and one went to the homepage one went to the acquisition two went to the acquisition you know new pages that makes it look like okay this domain's Acquired and two or three went to the parent pages and it just did like you know a little nice little Spike so yeah three redirects just amazing yeah I've heard I've heard from a couple of people as well I remember uh I don't know what conference it was but basically one some guy who's in uh I think he's in the tech Niche what he would do is he's he's a pretty big player in that space and so what he'll do is he'll find smaller websites that maybe are in the third fourth fifth page that have decent content they're ranking for some of the bigger keywords but a lot lower and he'll reach out for with an with an actual acquisition offer just buy that website they're not going to give you crazy prices because they know they're not getting that much traffic um and just 31 redirect and you just basically buy up all the smaller websites and just 31 redirect to your homepage or whatever to an acquisition page and and yeah and yeah I heard that it's it's working quite well so I can see that happening yeah and 31 read is also like OG strategy it was like popular 2015 2014 yeah so that's why when I say like Google's reversing its algorithm it's getting all the things back that used to work really good right amazing dude where can people find you yeah people can find me on X so sakeah 11 and then they can go to my website which is sake and I think that's about it I'm just focusing on these two channels and X is doing amazing I'm just posting some stuff and it gets to thousands of people sometimes you know yeah yeah it's incredible the reach is incredible yeah yeah so I feel like and on YouTube and on YouTube and on YouTube and on YouTube dud shout out your channel my guy yeah sakeah on YouTube yeah and and yeah amazing dude well thanks for taking the time this is this is really
Channel: Jaume Ros
Views: 1,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to build a pbn, pbn tutorial, pbn step by step, how to build a pbn step by step, link building guide, pbn link building guide, saket wahi, saket wahi podcast
Id: MoN9t6NM22s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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