From Zero to $3k MRR: How to Grow a SAAS in 2024

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what's up guys so it's been around 3 months since I officially launched click Start so if you guys have no idea what that is it's a beginner friendly affordable SEO data tool that starts at $25 a month for a full Suite of SEO tools now I want to talk to you guys about the growth of the company I want to talk to you guys about all the different things that are helping me grow clicks and hopefully you guys can do the same with your business now first thing I want to do is talk about this specific downward trend of Revenue what I did here was have a closed beta with 50 users who are trying out the tool giving me feedback and helping me fix a bunch of bugs and then since the official launch things are going up quite steadily which is great to see now the turn is quite intense a lot of different reasons that we can talk about that's a whole different video on its own but what I do want to talk to you guys about is what I'm doing to grow clicks so the first thing is YouTube as I'm sure you guys know I've been talking about the tool on YouTube for quite a bit and that helped me with the initial push getting people on the wait list early on um so here's the launch video it has around 1,900 views not too much but views keep coming in and it's the main video that people see when they land on my channel for the first time so apart from that I've also created a second Channel where I want to just pump out a bunch of videos and my plan for that my strategy for that is to basically recreate exactly what I'm doing with my SEO which I haven't really started yet but exactly what I'm going to do for my SEO I'm also going to make a video of and publish that on YouTube a lot of people have been complaining about Google as a search engine and while the quality results might not be the best I'm very bullish on YouTube I still think there's a lot of opportunity on YouTube so I'm going to be doing a lot of that so second let's talk about the SEO so as we can see pretty terrible so 800 clicks over the last 3 months basically not much going on we see the Impressions starting to spike up but honestly pretty dead and the main reason is I haven't even started properly employing SEO yet and most of the clicks if we actually check this out are all related to the brand so click. so um and so on so I did a few tests with blogs AI blogs um with the feature pages but it's mostly just clicks to the specific brand which is great but there's still a lot of potential to be fulfilled now the main things I'm going to focus on are building the alter ative pages so alternative to Uber suggest or mangul or whatever and then best X for so best SEO tool for a dentist for example trying to Target that long tail and again I want to do exactly what I'm doing to the SEO of my website I'm going to do the same on YouTube and create videos for all of those different keywords now I also want to build out a glosser I didn't add this here I want to build out a glosser which I started um we can check that out here I want to have the definition of all the important terms an SEO see if I get some traffic through there um but again very competitive so I'm going to see if maybe I can be more successful on YouTube now next up we have the product hunt launch so remember I got third of the day I have a whole video explaining how I did that and how it all went you guys can find it right here um but I'm still getting traffic from it if we actually check the traffic here we're going to see that it's kind of crazy this spike is 100% from product 10 and we're still getting signups from it um I can see the the referring traffic coming in through product hunt so pretty solid to see how well that launch went on the lowest day of products and so on Sunday so lowest traffic day and also on the weakest in terms of competition so highly recommend if you have a SAS or any new product online you want to talk about try and do a product hunt launch now next I want to talk about Twitter so I've been active on Twitter quite a bit I believe the clicks account now has around 400 followers so I've been very consistent and I'm also trying to be consistent with commenting on people that have related um tweets so people that are tweeting related things to clicks so for example this guy was asking for an atrips alternative and I commented check out clicks $25 whatever and it has 442 views there was a little spike in traffic exclusively from that day so that's just free traffic free business that you're going to get just by being active and commenting on those type of tweets now next up we have affiliate so this is the overview since I started the affiliate program which was right after the launch 777 clicks 20 leads 20 referred to users and $678 in revenue generated so the affiliate program is working extremely well there's going to be linked to that it's 30% recurring for the rest of the life of that user until they decide to cancel and the good thing about this is that I'm also getting a bunch of backlinks so if we actually check the back links for clicks on clicks we're going to see all the referring uh with the different UTM sources and the different uh referral codes so there's a bunch of these here's one from a uh beehive so from a newsletter and just different so different referral codes that people are using that's showing me that people are using the affiliate program and they're linking out to clicks which is great now that's basically all that I've done so far now let's talk about what I want to do next ideally I want to get into LinkedIn and I also want to take a look at Reddit I think there's a lot of potential into getting organic comments into Reddit anyway guys let me know what you guys think about that any comments any questions and also feel free to check out C start show link to that will be in the pined comment and in the description I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Jaume Ros
Views: 1,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: make money online, $3kmrr, build in public, how to grow a saas, how im growing my saas, saas growth tips, saas growth secrets,
Id: tLwDtGlhGLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 48sec (348 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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