How to implement an omnichannel personalization strategy with Noah Rahimzadeh (Digioh)

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yeah thank you so much carthic I'm so pumped to be here and yeah I'll get into my background but magnet monster I'm just generally super excited about I mean we hit the ground running with some of your content uh talking about the great things that you're seeing digio do we're going to feature you guys next week in our first big agency piece so excited to return the favor there and uh yeah just all I've been following you guys for years now so uh never been this close in terms of you know actually producing stuff together so I'm just I'm excited to be here and I appreciate you having me um yeah quick background so I've spent my career as an entrepreneur in martech Partnerships leader so I co-founded a health it startup out of college and then uh went on to help Enterprise mtech ORS like return path Airship and movable Inc scale through Partnerships um just before digio I spent two years building the Partnerships program from scratch at malomo which is a Shopify order tracking platform that I'm sure many of the dtoc listeners will be familiar with and now I'm just over two months into my role here as head of Partnerships at digio where our goal uh at the end of the day is to drive conversions everywhere and I think we're going to get into that uh here in a minute yeah yeah sure um so I think about Behavior targeting as you know marketing to customers and moving them down the funnel based on their actions across various channels so um it can be as simple as something like you know a browse abandonment email all the way to as sophisticated as like a fully Dynamic website based on user Behavior hence behavioral targeting uh I think most will understand you know the browse abandonment example that's just when I browse a product on a site but I don't purchase or I don't add it to my cart obviously again most D Toc marketers I think will know this but a highly effective tactic is just sending me an email reminding me about that item that I was interested that I left on the site uh Dynamic websites on the other hand are taking the entire on-site experience and personalizing it based on my past Behavior so uh let's see like think about a a travel booking site that tracks your previous searches and then shows promotions for the destinations that youve searched most recently right each time I come back to the site um I think you know one thing to call out about behavioral marketing is just some of it has been made a lot more challenging in today's day and age given what I I call and I think it's been in some of our content the cookie apocalypse which which is you know the the deprecation of third party cookies cookies going away um and the other privacy rules and regulations and laws that are being rolled out especially in regions outside the United States that already have those right so if you're an international brand uh you're even in bigger trouble on some of these use cases but that's why it's really imperative to not only capture that first party data which is pretty much everything I described above but to also capture zero party data um and you know the the whole idea of Behavioral targeting I think is going to shift a little bit because of that need and I like to think about it more as full like customer Journey targeting because at the end of the day we're actually able to Target customers and we're going to need to Target customers based on much more than just their behavior across those channels yeah sure um I've got a couple examples that I I'm hoping we get to later that hopefully will bring this to light more so I'll keep this short but I think traditional marketing you know targets broad audiences in sort of the traditional batch and blast manner so an email to an entire list right or your entire customer base or your entire uh Prospect base so to speak um it may consider you know General demographic data like where you live or how old you are but that's really as sophisticated as traditional marketing has been whereas behavioral marketing on the other hand as we discussed is dynamic and personalized across every channel and every touch point across the customer Journey or at least that's where it needs to be yeah man it's a it's a great question because I think there's a lot but I from my perspective there's kind of Three core challenges um first one is just like knowing who your users are so let's call it user identification second is data collection and then the third is data utilization or Liberation or however you want to think about it right because the identification in collection is completely irrelevant if you can't actually action on uh action on the data right and and what you know about your customers so we can break it down um user identification so that first core challenge is just like simply knowing who your users are across the customer journey and I go back to what I said earlier about you know it's not just behavioral targeting it's actually full customer Journey targeting because we need to provide those personalized experiences every step of the way to drive customers down the funnel and even postp purchase right because it's crucial to be driving repeat purchases or subscription program signups in today's day and age where CAC is through the roof so you got to get your cact LTV ratio in place um so on the identification side you know an example is just whenever I hit your site you should immediately know if I'm a first-time visitor a repeat customer maybe a multi-time visitor who's never purchased um so that you can personalize my experience based on where I am in the funnel um data collection and you you actually because of the not to I didn't want to make this a digio pitch but without a solution like digio or digio explicitly it's pretty much impossible to be able to know who I am so you actually need technology to enable that uh identification layer yeah um yeah so yeah data collection um the core challenge again uh you know you just mentioned it right this piece as well has been made more challenging by the third party cookie issue Google and apple privacy changes um yeah all the laws Etc so I want to go back to what I said earlier which is really there's never been a more crucial need for collecting zero party data and what that is is data that's been explicitly provided to a brand by their customers verse zero party data which brands have captured from customers but oftentimes kind of without their knowledge right it's tracking Behavior across websites and on your site but the the customer themselves never said here take my data and use it for personalization whereas zero party data is me handing you the keys to my data explicitly um and the way to capture that zero party data simply is through gamified on-site experiences so think about you know an engaging popup experience like a spend a win or some sort of fun game that encourages leaving my email address to be able to play it or to be able to get a discount this is a great tactic for explicit list growth right so I've opted in your program to be able to have that experience on your site uh but taking that popup experience one step further and this is why identification is so important is imagine if you could Target me let's say I you know I've purchased uh four times in the last four months every time the same product and you're a subscription brand what if you could Target me and say hey join our subscription program and save 10% on every order and don't even worry about coming back to the site to repurchase right now you've got my recurring Revenue business I'm happy because I saved money and I'm a more loyal fan to your brand as a result because you knew exactly where I was again in the customer Journey right it sounds super complex but in theory it's not we're just looking at your email email uh service provider ESP data think about clavo or yapo and I'll talk about this in a little more detail um and your Shopify data or your e-commerce platform and we're miring those two data sets to know where you are in the funnel and then Target based on that so I think a lot of Brands get intimidated and worry that this is going to be some 10-month project and that they can't prioritize it in reality a platform like us will take all that that off your plate and uh set it up in a matter of weeks I just think that it's much more simple than most brands believe it to be and if you're working with a you know platform like digio we're going to do all the heavy lifting for you anyway so there's no need to be you know too worried about it the other amazing thing too is we're really just activating data that you already are capturing we're not you know we're not adding a bunch of bad email addresses to your list and harming your deliverability or sending emails to customers who aren't Eng AG or don't want to hear from you we're simply grabbing explicit optins and then using the data that we collect after that optin experience to personalize the entire customer Journey so a another way to do that um is guided selling experiences what you mentioned earlier or a a quiz on site right um this is something that will ask you you know all about your preferences what you're on site for how much you know about the products on the site what similar Brands you like your flavor preferences your T-shirt size you know could go anywhere right uh depending on the the vertical that a brand is in um but the amazing thing about asking all of those questions and again I'm going back to explicitly getting this information from your customers all of that data can then be used to drive conversions on site and through retargeting if done right and that sort of leads me to the last Point here which is that utilization piece right cuz none of this matters if you're not utilizing um this type of solution and all the data you're able to gather with it correctly so in that prior example of the quiz let's say you can obviously offer product recommendations immediately upon quiz completion and drive conversions on site um which is a great tactic and we see that that sort of uh that sort of quiz completion to product recommendation if they go all the way through the quiz they're three times more likely to purchase on site amazing results right but the really smart brands are using all that data to enrich their email and SMS targeting as well so for example if I take a quiz and I don't purchase let's say you as the brand still have a treasure Trove of data that I have explicitly given you um and that you can use to retarget so you know think about an email hey Noah awesome job on the quiz uh as reminder these items would be perfect for you that email is going to have the same level of Effectiveness in conversions as a browse abandonment because you know for a fact that you're confident as the brand that you've provided me the products that best suit me I'm confident as the consumer that I just got served the best products for me and it's just a it's a real win-win there um but you can take that email and SMS retargeting even further so imagine using all of that incredible zero party data to enrich all of your other prominent flows imagine if that really was my first time on the site how much more personalized is a welcome series for me with that sort of data to to um plug into it and that just goes on and on and on so it's really about not just you know driving those on-site conversions but as we talked about an omni Channel approach that leverages that data across the entire customer journey and across channels and the nice thing is is it takes a lot of you know the the thought process because it is a lot right to think through but when you have access to the data and you have access to a tool like digio for simple targeting as we've talked about and simple data um trans uh transformation between not only you know using it on site but also immediately in real time sending it to your other platforms like your clavio or your yo or whatever you're using to send email and SMS uh it takes a lot of that really critical thinking out of it because it becomes very clear what you need to do once you start capturing that data yeah yeah I'd love to share an example um just really quick on digio everything that we just talked about can be powered by uh our solution from the ident identification piece to the data collection to the data utilization um and it's not I mentioned this a second ago but it's not really just about digio right it's actually about the power of our Integrations so with over 250 Integrations we can pass the data anywhere we can ingest data and we can use that to provide these on-site and um you know retention marketing um Omni Channel experiences um but I'll walk through one of them so um so Andy swim here is uh sort of like a luxury swimwear brand um I've actually it's cool I've worked with them here at digio and in the pastoll at Momo so uh cool to see it come full circle but their entire site really is optimized to provide customers guided buying experiences so as we talked about earlier again it's you know really a win-win because it helps the customer uncover the most relevant products to them more quickly but it also gives Andy tons of valuable data on their Shoppers which provides yeah you know the confidence that a brand really needs to drive conversions up uh so as you can see you know if you're if you're um following along on the screen uh which is really cool that you guys do this on your podcast by the way love it yeah uh you know Andy has their Style Quiz as the first option in their nav bar so you can kind of see like this is really important to them in in cap not only capturing that data but moving customers down the funnel on their site uh yeah that's very smart that's a very smart move and they've kept it right there on the on the top I mean not a lot of DDC Brands will have the courage that that's what the education part about you know knowing knowing what behavioral software can do that's what it does I mean you take very bold decisions you put quiz right there on the top um menu there yeah sorry please go ahead NE no you're good I yeah I I couldn't agree more and actually we're seeing this more and more across our Merchant base um they're putting their quiz right in the top nav and a lot of times like Andy it's it's the very first option that just shows how important this data is um and how much it's able to you know Drive results both onsite and post session um but they don't you know they don't even stopped there with that first quiz they actually have three different quizzes featured throughout the the site funnel so to speak so first they have this style sort of style guide quiz um that just educates customers on what styles they will likely be interested based on their preferences um in the middle of the funnel they have this mini quiz which I think is vastly underused to be honest with you because it's a great way like very quick one-step way to capture some zero party data but then um direct customers to you know a dedicated landing page or a product recommendation page based on what they're searching for uh but it's just a one question quiz that you know it's just asking what occasion the customer is shopping for today um and I think about this and we talk about this a little bit internally too this is like what we consider forward motion on the site um and in this case they're just guiding to a collections page which is an amazing user experience and gives Andy just a little bit more data that they can use to personalize and you know we'll get into this a little bit more but it's not even just about driving that on-site conversion right we're sending that data immediately back to clavo so that they can use it for followup emails or plug it into other campaigns as well but yeah great Point great Point carth um yeah and then at the bottom of the funnel they have their fitfinder quiz so Andy you know as a swimwear brand now knows bunch about the customer but size could still be an issue um so they ask a series of questions that help them you know find the perfect fit giving the brand and the consumer again that win-win situation confidence that the products being recommend recommended are you know a a great match um and then we kind of get into you know the down funnel stuff so they use this experience to capture not only email and SMS optins so that you know list growth piece that we talked about earlier but all the zero party data they're capturing on their customers is again going to clavio going to YPO going to postcript any real any ESP in real time in this case with andd they're passing all this data back to clavio uh and using it to trigger those automated emails and personalized campaigns so the these triggered emails this is a you know how how about this for at over 70% clickthrough rate so it just shows how effective they can be at you know retargeting someone who may not have converted on that site initially but then can confidently take action from a completely personalized email um and you know while the quiz complete triggered emails are fantastic Andy can use all the data they've captured to retarget throughout each customer's entire life cycle which is what we were hitting on earlier with a welcome series the browse abandonment you know any other flows that you're you're triggering yeah just on that topic just on that point about 70% convers 70% you said 70% conversions no uh click through right yeah click I think I got a stat on conversions here yeah yeah yeah so when you said that 70% click through all of those 70% people have taken this quiz which means that there's an intent that they are they are looking for so every click every click is an intent every click is is a Behavior Uh that they are trying to show and and that that's where uh you get a little more smarter about what they trying to what where they are trying to get what they trying to achieve what they want to become in their life and you personalize and customize that and like you said yeah you extend that data to clavio or yo or whatever and retarget them meaningfully yeah across a funel yeah yeah and I I just go back to you know not only does it give the brand confidence that the emails they're sending are likely going to be at least engaged with uh um but it gives the consumer confidence as well right I if I'm on the fence about a swimsuit because I don't know if it's going to fit me or any item you know for any reason I do know that I've provided this data to the brand explicitly so that they can figure out for me what will be the best fit or what will be the best item right or the best items um and that's why we're that's why we're driving you know these types of results so uh Andy saw a 55% increase in yearo year-over-year revenue from their automated email flows that leverage this zero party data so that's not just a triggered email that's across the flows that they've plugged this data into um a 71% clickthrough rate on these retargeting emails and overall 343 increase in conversions so massive impact here right just based on this pretty simple use cases that we talked about today yeah I mean um this this is insane um just by implementing a quiz I mean I I do understand that there's a lot of brain a lot of brains behind um creating that quiz a lot of creativity that has gone into behind um putting that quiz together but imagine if someone were to do it if a brand were to do it and and you showed while you were demoing uh the quiz you also showed that there's a quiz within the quiz just to GA gather zero party data which is ultra smart which I felt is really smart but on the whole on the whole if you look at it um imagine not implementing this quiz versus implementing this quiz and um experiencing these kind of numbers 55% and a 71 55% uptake in in Revenue 71% uptake in in clicks click through rates and a 343 person conversion I think it's it's insane for for somebody who's never tried behavioral software uh who never tried a popup form that's that's customized who's never tried a a customized website yeah no I I agree I think um over time it's going to become a no-brainer it's our goal you know me has had of Partnerships Blake is our VP of marketing um and our entire team at digio to better educate the market on why this is imperative in today's day and age and over time we truly believe it'll become a no-brainer for for most if not all dto see merchants of a certain size uh but right now there's still you know education to be done and that's on us yes so we do we have this landing page on our site 61 or 60 plus now uh 61 plus now examples of quizzes that we're powering on our site you can click any of these links and go down the quiz funnel to see that not only um not only is every single one of these quizzes custom but you know the questions they're asking are completely modified to the brand the outcomes that are being served on product recommendations page completely customized to the brand um you can see how popups you know engage throughout the on-site experience as well uh sometimes we're powering those popups sometimes we're not but um yeah that's a great call out you know check it out 61 61 or 61 plus now quizzes that we're powering and uh it's it's actually kind of fun to take some of these like I've gone down the quiz funnel on a lot of these just to see what it's like and get to know the product better and our customers better and I've bought stuff after taking the quiz that I never thought that I I would be interested in but uh it's effective yeah so the the first thing that we're going to do when you come on board with digio is we're gonna start identifying more site traffic that's you know you're going to get immediate value out of more identification if we can increase if we can increase the amount of site traffic that you're identifying by 5x which we can in a matter of weeks that's a huge win in and of itself then we're going to go to move on to something like a popup to start grabbing more explicit optins while we're working on your quiz and the reason I say that it's not necessarily that you couldn't Implement everything at the same time but because each quiz is customed to the brand because the logic of each quiz is custom into the brand right it does take a few weeks to get up and running but we're actually going to you know bring that time to Value down to zero days because we're going to turn on identification immediately and start working on the rest from there 2200 2200 D Toc Brands now and yeah and that's a great Point caric like we I want to make it clear because again going back to being hesitant or fearful that this is going to take up too much time all we need from Brands is guidelines on guidance I should say on the ultimate goals of what we're implementing digio for and we can obviously help with that based on our experience with those 2200 Brands and some brand um some brand assets right to plug into the quiz from there it's hands-off and our team does all the work so we don't just build the quiz but we actually help you with all that targeting that we talked about right uh we help you with email flows and triggers uh at least on the quiz side uh and then just provide guidance every step of the way so um it really is a very low lift for Brands but uh on the quiz side at least it does take a few weeks and I just like to be upfront about that because again everything is custom and you know we take our time to we take our time to do it right just to piggyback off that I also think that I mentioned earlier that you know the power of digio itself is okay but it's really the power of plugging into the rest of the stack so seamlessly that drives a ton of value similar to our agency partners right when our brands are connected with an agency on driving uh the strategy that we just talked about that we're going to walk through with Our Brands when they sign they tend to have outsize results right because you as an agency have all this knowledge uh from all of your Merchants right that you can let us know hey this worked this didn't for this brand we need this because they're perfect in this vertical right for this brand we don't need that because it didn't work on that you know our other client so um I'm really excited to continue partnering with you guys and the agency Network at large especially in the Shopify ecosystem because throughout my experience it's just been a no-brainer to really get outsize results out of your Tech stack yeah so digio is very easy it's Di and then I'm very active on LinkedIn uh it's Noah Raheem today I'm not going to spell that but maybe we could put it in the show show notes or or something uh or you can find me through Dio's you know LinkedIn profile because I'm always reposting and commenting there uh but I would love to connect with you know any of the listeners and chat more about this and how it might fit their specific needs or um you know any just I'm just generally happy to connect with people in the dtoc space it's always a pleasure so hit me up if you're if you want to chat [Music]
Channel: MagnetMonster
Views: 38
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: klaviyo, email marketing, sms marketing, retention marketing, life cycle marketing, email marketing strategy, email marketing strategies, email marketing tactics, email marketing techniques, klaviyo training, klaviyo education, klaviyo FAQs
Id: SwHXDapBbZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 36sec (1656 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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