How To Build A Ford C4 3-Speed Automatic Transmission

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so I got my transmission here from the Mercedes KITT car that I'm gonna be taking on power to her hopefully I'll see some you guys when I brought it to Joe's cuz it ain't working right and we're gonna fix it problem I was having with the the car was it was fine when you were doing low speed shifting and stuff it would still engage but when you really tromped on it you would feel the the the car slipping as it was trying to shift gears and it just wasn't grabbing as good as they should early style see all the splines are different lengths yeah if you put it in backwards your converter as you can see we're here working on black Jack's transmission today first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna pull the housing off on these old cforce there was two different styles on this one here you've got one set of bolts that holds the bell housing and the pump pin on the earlier ones there is two sets of holes a separate set for the bell housing one for the front pump I always like knock in the front pump seal out before I take the pump out of the Train that way it's a little easier than you're not wrestling with a pump on that roll it over now there's only a few pan bolts in this because we already had the pan off during the oil and here's the bell body which we already took off because we wanted with the issue that was in it we wanted to make sure the reverse band wasn't broken but if you dip your finger inside the filter you'll see there's sediment in here looks like clutch material or bad material first we're going to take this front servo out this several assembly operates this front band and that gives a second gear at the transmission [Music] inside this housing is your servo there's two seals on this piston an inner and outer spring hopes return it this is your reverser well there's a couple bolts missing because of old stuff people this is a molded piston so the lip is part of the assembly now if you remember when we did the turbo 400 for the PTO the pump is threaded so you'd put your puller in there and you would walk it out on these ports they don't do that so you actually have to get in behind an input shaft front pump assembly these are your little strut arms one side goes on that front several piston and then this side goes into your adjusting [Music] there's your second gear at the end as you can see it smoked this is gonna go in the garbage that's your front planetary obviously thrust washers on both sides of it and then your Sun gear and Sun shell your son shell locks your drum and then your Sun gear propulse from the front planetary to the rear planetary [Music] and basically the same thing as the front band you got there your strut rods that go from the servo and then to the adjuster about two sitting on this rear planet cage there's a snap ring in here that holds it on the L Prashad I gotta use my light when I look in here to grab the snap ring because there you go [Music] then there's your cage for your rear planet [Music] this is your rear drum neck your reverse being raised on the band itself doesn't look too bad just you see this little bronze in here that means there's a little wear on it put the pins not broken so obviously that's not our reverse problem inside the back of the case this is your one where your roller assembly that allows only turning in this direction clockwise I always use a magnet to pull or rollers out there's a roller spring roller spring you can see this spring is broken is what could be happening here is that Sprague isn't locking that rear drum there's your difference in the spring that could be another broken one or it could be the other half of the first one and then there's the keys that holds them all there's a little thrust washer in the bottom that that Center I spray cup writes up some claims they stick in there not because anything's wrong with it just from the the oil is up against it so we'll wait till we flip the transmitter a lot of times on the sea force the way to determine an early from a late is this one is an early it's got a screw in modulator valve where the later ones are pushing with a steel bracket anybody can just replace the parts I always try and figure out why always pay attention when you pull this out they're gonna be a little thin I've seen a lot of times guys will change this modulator valve they'll pull the old one out oil runs out the pin falls on the ground they don't know there's a pin in there to put the new modulator in and then they wonder why the transmission doesn't work what does that modulator control the shift when when to shift okay so it's it's the pressure chips and it controls this valve and we're that Valve sits in the piece is incorporated toward of our body [Music] Gail's walk now this is your governor assembly [Music] helps determine win at what speed and RPM the transmission shifts up and this is your rear support and the B tubes come actually through the case from the valve body and in between these oil rings to feed the governor this is a little tight fit because he's be too snug in the kitchen this is what locks your transmission in the park you can see it's spline to right on on the output shaft there's your park for all your linkage actually runs through two keys so when you put it in park when you're just using it this little spigot controls the manual valve on the valve body but when you go all the way forward this rod goes through the case and engages this Park crawl into that gear your forward and direct drums this one that the band grabs engages in second gear this is high gear but this set of friction also gets engaged when you put it in reverse it's not just a bend so we'll have a peek see what this friction looks like and you can see it's not worn out but it's all scored see how black it is a little bit of heat marks on there so we'll change all those functions steel place same with these ones they're all scored up so what we're gonna do is we're gonna disassemble these drums we're gonna take the Pistons out we're gonna reseal them all fresh band that's what so many beating this [ __ ] over huh I wonder who did that but the thing is is it was slipping when I got it that's whatever it was like that when I got it like from City do it do this [ __ ] or wood that metal it not alive City okay so this is the one thing we don't know I won't know if they like take these drums apart sometimes when a transmission gets old yeah the seals inside get hard so is what's happening when the Pistons trying to engage the friction yeah you could have a pressure loss it could be blowing past the seals not wanting to engage the piston right so thoughtfully and that's yeah it prematurely slips doesn't want to engage so when we pulled these Pistons out if the seals are rock-hard then I can go ahead now on this high gear drum which I said it's also engaged in Reverse this has a diaphragm style plate to return the piston where this one has a large spring on it this piston is tight in this drum so when this transmission is all assembled those two oil rings is what engages that piston so you always check where those rings right to make sure there's no wear because that will cause a huge crushing loss give this a little shot here [Music] ceil doesn't feel overly hard so we'll check there's one that's on the inside as well to see all the piston the one on the outside is a square cut the one on the inside is a round see now this is actually gonna be hard for you guys to see if I had the new seal in front of me but you see how this seal isn't perfectly round see how it's a little flat all the way around that means it's it's worn and that could be causing a little bit of a pressure loss so like we said earlier this is your front pump this is the heart of the transmission there's a problem with the front pump you could cause damage so when we do a rebuild we always strip the front pump rebuild that new bushing seals oil rings but we're gonna knock that's a two two-piece pump we'll lock it apart and just make sure there isn't any anywhere and not in the pump here's cosmos as well always look on the back half see how this is really nice there's no signs of wear in here so we know there's no pressure lock and then of course we'll inspect the gears and they look just great so this is nice the torque converter that goes into the front if there was an issue I've already been checked the converter check then play in it it feels good but if the converter was actually coming apart or tearing up you would see metal in here or you would see mark so steel going through because when the converter lets go everything goes through the pump through the transmission so this is a good sign this pumps like new so now we just need to fix it let's give you like a nice star light and we'll be putting it back together ready for the power tour exactly all the parts that are damaged or need to be replaced are easily attainable so we're gonna order those up then Joe is gonna put this mess back together and hopefully I'm gonna be boogying down the road pretty soon with a transmission that doesn't slip here we go we're back on the c4 everybody thinks his name's blackjack his name is really Stefan yeah that's true but here it's stiffy yeah only only at Joe's on the stiffy so you guys don't get any edges good friend of mine went to a place in Toronto where they hand rolls Cuban cigars it's one of the only places in Ontario lock so hopefully I'll enjoy and I don't work with gloves but I've got some inner Venus issues going here right now so I'm trying to keep my hands clean as you see we got everything disassembled inspect that we ordered all the parts we need it so we're gonna start the assembly on it it's like building a puzzle everything goes together in a certain way for a certain reason so we've got to put the back section on first our rear governor support our parking here our Park paw like when we did the TCO training I always like greasing up our washers keep their ring in place during assembly [Music] and obviously it doesn't give it a strike start this is a special grease that turns into transmission oil when it gets hot so this is gonna sit on here then when we put our output shaft in its gonna keep it centered in the case part for all the guy when you slam it in park it jams in here when the linkage comes up [Music] this is like like a return spring it keeps it keeps otherwise it would just float yeah yeah you would hear that this spring was broken or came off you would hear a ratcheting effect [Music] just like that [Music] make sure now that we have this back piece on we're gonna roll it over we're gonna put our rear band in our rear drum our one way roller then we're gonna put the output shaft in and there's a snap ring that goes on the rear hub before we continue with our planet cares so same deal I'm gonna put a little grease on here two older in the place little bit on the washer the old one that came out of it yeah yeah that's dope at all that's meant it's got two locking tabs the locking tabs sit down into those two recesses in the case one at twelve o'clock one at six o'clock there we go and this is the key that holds our one way of rollers and Springs and you can see the way it's notched it sits in this hub and locks it in now this is your your inner race that your sprague rights on it this only goes in one way you see how the splines are cut up because I do this [ __ ] for a living I know this goes in like this okay so you see these three little marks these three little circles you could tell there yeah so we'll set this in well now this is in now we're gonna put our one way of rulers and we're gonna put the rulers in first then we're gonna put this spring so when we took it apart we found a couple bad springs in this break we're just gonna put them in like this I'll show you why if you put the springs in first you'll never get the rollers now this is called a sprig some people call it a one-week clutch is what it does it only allows this drunk to turn in one direction sometimes you actually have to turn this a little bit just to keep the hub centered to allow you to put the rollers in then on our Sprague is what I'll actually do is I'll squeeze this together and then I'll slide the spring in you want to make sure that they're down all the way that it's it's bottomed out and they sit in those l-shaped brackets on that on that holder that we put in you're always got to watch when you get a new kit because these things are so thin and so small sometimes it'll be too stacked up you want to make sure you don't have two together see how as soon as I roll that how they loosen up and let's go put the spring down I always like making sure that the roller goes on this side with this tip going towards the outside of the case because this spring wants to roll and it's going to stick with the contour of the see how we just got that one tip on the outside of that holder so now that they're all in all your rollers and springs are in it's gonna keep this inner hub Center but before we put the drum in we're gonna put the band in cuz if you don't put the band in sometimes you won't get it so this would be the reverse band this the lining on this band is awesome this bands like brand new yeah I prefer to use an original OEM band is way better than an aftermarket if you look here where your strut rod goes off of this side servo the case is very shallow here on this side where you're adjusting nut is is very long so you know the band's gonna go in this way just like that and and if you did put it in backwards the band would sit down into place it would sit there cocked look at me rebuilding transmission is what we're gonna do is we're gonna put this strut rod for the adjuster in now because with the draw mode we can move the band around and make sure we get this into place for opera okay so you can adjust the tightness yeah this is an adjusting nut here to adjust the band if it's slipping in Reverse you could tighten that potentially as long as the band's not already smoked right which nine times out of ten it probably is right yeah now is what I like to do is I always prefer to put this sir rolling now because I've got everything out of here and I can see yeah you can adjust it and I'll know all my tabs are locked in I always like put a transmission oil in the servo or so our robbers got lubricant Haney delivery rubbers I've been doing this so long I know what everything is either you can match up your old old rings this cover uses a square cut square cut seal so what I'll do is I'll put this square cut seal on now dry because I don't want to lube it up because I don't want it popping off while I'm trying to put it on the old one was all siliconed up I discrete this surface and Sandin once I got it on then I'll actually put a little grease on the outside so when it goes up against the case it will position itself where it needs to go there's your servile piston with your return spring when I put this apart it was only two bolts on the cover because I think you're shifting bollocks off to the other side yeah what is what I do is I always put the four bolts in because I want to Snug this cover up and evenly yeah and then I want to make sure the cover is completely see they're full we go to adjust them in do you just the band now I can adjust it okay well once it's adjusted if we need to pull the bolts out to change them there's no problem because the servos they just bring this in evenly this is the strongarm that activates the band from that serval little notch in there and then there's an actual tap on the center that being to keep this writing square so we're gonna grab the band we're gonna hold it we're gonna put the strut right it the strut ride is bottom vote against the band so I know we're locked into our slot this band isn't adjusted yet so I should be able to slide this reverse drum right over the band give it a little turn and she falls down and it's locked into that Center hub so that one-way clutch that's already grabbing let's just drum turn clockwise this is our rear hub which is for the rear planetary this right now that's touching that drum but once we get the input shaft and there's a step in here that holds that when we freshen up a [ __ ] there's besides all your seals and gaskets there's oil rings right so these three rings that right on this governor support seal it so you get your oil passages through there some guys try and cheat and reuse the Rings I always always change them they're like piston rings basically yeah they're cast iron on a see for their cast cast iron rings so they they do wear out like a normal ring a lot more if you buy the kit those usually those will come with it right yes you do when you order a master kit a lot of times if you don't specify what you want you'll get they call it a soft cap which just gives you your paper gaskets in your rubber rings right they won't give you sometimes they don't give you a valve body gaskets they'll give you front or rear seals they don't give you your oil rings there's gonna be three rings in that kit that are gonna be identical I never put these on dry always dip them in transmission fluid that way I know there's oil all the way around the ceiling you always want to go right to the bottom and work your way up and you want to make sure that you're not overly rough with it because you can break these rings easily and they don't do the extras in the kit then it's the same deal as a piston ring you always want to stagger your group you don't want your grooves to be lined up right now you gotta remember how the rear hub is just floating so you wanna try and just like that again I mean look at least because I've been doing this for years snap ring that's gonna hold that whole section together always make sure that that snap ring has walked into the groove so like I said we're working on there on the rear planet so that was the rear half of it no this is the front half this kit you ordered the master kit but what if you need these things do you have to order separately oh they're all separate ok very rare you have to replace them and if you do I've got boxes upstairs with miscellaneous where over the years you buy kits and you use the washer air washer there yeah always make sure your planetaries feel nice and there's opinion in here yeah so there's not so much there's a pinion in there and there's ruler bearings in there yeah so you want to go by feel you want to make sure there's nothing torn up this is gonna be hard to see but there's there's trust washers on each side of that gear so a lot of claims when these planets feel those washers come apart this gear set locks into that rear drum that we put in the trick is to try and keep it square it helps align here we go then she falls right in we're gonna grease up our washer and there's three locking tabs on that that go in these three slots in the in the planetary just look down we want to join the rear planet with the front with this shell and this Sun gear this is gonna go right in there just like that and that's how you get your different ratios from first gear to second gear and then in height your third gear it's obviously one to one so same deal on your planet you want to make sure everything feels good this one runs a Torrington right in the center if this Torrington goes bad you got to change the gear set as you can't change the washer because you can't get it past two gears we're all taking the gears oh but if this washer goes bad it usually tears up the planetary same deal three locking tabs three slots in the planet then there's your outer cage for your front plan just like that I could have done that after watching this video yeah now this is the drum we took apart the other day that we inspected so on these old or Forge they used like I showed you they used the square cut seal not a lip seal that's it I like using a lot of grease on this so you got your square cut on the piston on the inside of the drum uses the ground so it's going to be hard to see but there's a lip cut see how that seal tolerated because everything's so precise if that seal was too big you would never get the piston it so I like using a lot of training oil on the inside of this drum where the seals right on the piston and where the piston rides on the drum and again the reason you want to use a lot of grease because when I put this piston in this drum it's going to look a little crude because this piston it's got to get hammered into the drum so you want to make sure the piston is nice and square you want to make sure it goes in evenly if it had a lip seal on it the piston smaller we use the feeler gauge we walk the piston in and it falls right in there it is like we discussed when we took it apart this one uses a diaphragm style return spring okay so this ring goes into the notch in the piston so that way there this diaphragm every claim that piston engages the diaphragm is going back and forth it without this ring in area would start tearing the piston up so basically I get the snap ring started this diaphragm has pressure on it right now so you wanna you wanna make sure the snap ring is locked into into the drum because if the snap ring comes out I'm gonna prematurely the average to friction on top of that diaphragm that sits on the piston is a bevel pressure plate so if you can see the difference between the oil clutches and the new clutches even these ones that are worn see the slightly difference in the thickness see the color the texture these ones are all scored same deal so come in transmission oil it's hard when the friction gets like that they're not smoked but it just gives it a hard time to stay up light and then of course and then you got to remember this is your forward and your direct drum you got to remember the band was smoked on that drum is where I of course on your steel plates they're all knotch to fit into the into the drum so you're gonna go clock steel watch steel steel and then your pop pressure plate and it will go on either way because it's it's a machined surface on both sides I always put them in the same way as I take them out now if that top plate was scored we couldn't flip it around to make sure your friction is free once you build the drum okay now that we got this drum don't we got the washer on the bottom I try sometimes it's hard but I try and get all these clutch plates lined up closely because you've got to work this drum on to that front planet until it drops down all the wait till this washer rides on this machine surface so if you're kind of line up the all your tabs first it makes it a little easier to drop sometimes these suckers will go in very nice sometimes you got to play with them so basically see there's three four five one way to tell if it's down all the way is I'll lift it up a little better see how solid is I know it's bottom you know now this front drum that the band rides on it has a spring style retainer inside versus the the waffle style that we used on that drawing so we got to put it in the spring compressor find the slot in the snap ring you want to push that down enough to get your snap ring released and then bring it all up now you can see you see how much spring pressure to rest see how high this has come up one thing you always want to pay attention on on these Forks there's a check ball in here a relief on the piston and when they put a Ford builds this piston they put it in there and then they strike it to hold it in there you always want to make sure that that pissed that ball hasn't come over the pistol this drum uses a square cut not a round or we make sure we're not forgetting anything here again you want to feed this in you want to make sure you don't roll the seal because it's got to sit square in the groove you gotta really play with this square-cut already newer newer ones some of these Pistons at ellipse CL instead of a square Pepsi on the sea force on the aluminum sea force it's 64 to 71 72 to 76 I believe and a couple minor changes like this has a screw and modulator valve which the early ones had with this transmissions of 72 right and you'll feel it when it's bottomed don't so you know all the way put your spring back on your piston you got your retainer ring that your snap ring sits in so the trick is when you're putting this together sometimes you actually have to try and keep the spring centered on the drum so when you're compressing it feeds in properly [Music] these drums are so small sometimes it's heard there now I know I'm started on the drum like in the snap ring position now I'll finish going down to rest it away but like I say you always want to make sure you get that snap ring locked in all the way so I feel it's locked in all the way but if what I'm gonna do is I'm just put my tool back on just to verify yeah we're good so I can take it on a power to her okay now we'll put the friction in the next drum same deal we're going to dip them in the transmission off so we're gonna start with a flat plate off against the piston clutch plate clutch plate clutch plate clutch and then the pressure plate on the top so now we'll put that front drum in same deal you got to get it started turn it lock all your punches in now once you get it to the bottom now you're trying to turn everything so what I'll do is I'll put the input shaft in so I can turn the second drum the rear drum and it'll help me drop in you'll see this front drum has these tabs that lock into the Sun gear so when it when it's down all the way you know all your friction are engaged in that hug on the front planet now when we took it apart you remember the bean was smoked on it the thing was so crisp it was standing straight out so we've got a brand-new BorgWarner band here so same as the friction we're gonna put it in transmission oil two slots yeah it helps channel the oil out when the band releases and when when you apply the B into if there's too much oil in there the paint could slip on the drum well you see where all the slots are there's holes in there to help release okay the more getting rid of the oil getting rid of the oil we're gonna feed this B and in get it in position then we're gonna leave it there and we're gonna do our side servo and this servo is what engages that being which is your second gear shift so here we go [Music] yeah a lot of these older trainees they all used square-cut seals I don't like the way this one fits on there now this is a little different this piston is actually going to go into the cover first then we're gonna put the whole thing in like an assembly surfaces where the oil ring sir seals right inside the bore inside the cover and this one uses a gasket rather than a square cut to seal it on the outside again I never like putting them on dry the grease just seems to help make them seal nicer see what you want to use RT here and kind of crackling no I don't like using that because it's it's potentially getting well the thing is if it yeah if it gets into the transmission you're gonna problem and again this gasket you'll go on tour different ways but you know there's a feed here there's a feed hole in the case feed hole in the gasket so you want to line it up on this housing where it belongs just like that again seam deals got that feed [ __ ] so you want to line that up if you look inside there's a little boss that this spring sits around this keeps it Center in the case so when I'm feeding this in I always like to make sure that that spring is going around that boss and not sitting on it well you gotta make sure that you get it started cuz again you don't want to Nick brings right you always want to make sure that stays nice and square so I'm actually gonna run that in by hand because I want to know how blocks it you know when you're running stuff in with a gun sometimes you just don't have the feel for it beautiful before we put the pump in and put the pump together we're gonna put the strugglers front those tabs keep the bed from sliding on and off of these Strutters rating [Music] [Music] there you go your beans in place you like the dirt and [ __ ] on you good put some ashes in there before that your signature move it's like our button every transmission I used to do that with Indians before I put the intake on it there go like that yeah and watch guys freak out so last time we took the pump a party we inspected it for where'd that the pump is like new yep I'm really happy with it so I finished taking it apart took the steel out of it obviously put it in a tank and cleaned it up but before I put the pump back together I always like putting the new seal at first it's easier putting it in water pumps apart this is this is a really good practice to do people they buy seals doesn't matter if you're working on your rear end your engine whatever something I always do is I'll take this seal and I'll just roll it back enough to make sure that the spring is on the inside I've seen seals come without the spring in them like a defective if you didn't check it and you put it in and it leaked out the front you wouldn't know why I always like packing a little grease in there just enough around that lip so that way when I hammer this seal inside the pump I don't knock that spring out and of course seal on the left a where the converter writes something else that I've always done for years is I always put Loctite on my on my front seals because sometimes there's a lot of pressure in these transmissions and let's see the seal wasn't meet that a proper tolerances you don't want that seal popping out humph gears they're gonna get soaked in oil before they go in on afford these gears can only go in one way you can put them in upside down but then you won't get the converter in it because it's notched in the front to give the converter a chance to slide in when you're talking about the pump this two-piece unit this is the front half of the pump this is the rear half we call this a stator and this goes into the converter and then of course you know your pumps the heart of your transmission and then you've got four oil rings here and then that's what feeds your drums this will only bolt on one way but of course you know I always look at my oil holes and I line that up before I set it down no it's it's a machined surface I have seen pumps that have been warped before in between the two halves and when it gets hot it'll actually cause a pressure loss [Music] now stiff oil rings yeah and they like lock together almost you know there's a difference from early to late so they sent some extra ones just to make sure you got there any ones for though a great transmission halfway through the one year I can't remember what they made a difference in the stator or on the oil wrench so [Music] so when you put these on you want to make sure you lock these oil rings they lock on so they're actually like a gapless ring again same as the last set even though they're gapless on top of this pump stator there's another thrust washer that goes on there that goes against their rear drum that was the driving down you see these notches in here that's because two of these bid inside these holes there's a plug in there that's like an orifice see the hole in it you want to make sure you don't put this on the wrong way and block that wall just like on that turbo 400 we did for the GTOs GM uses a gasket and the pump right on these earlier Fords they only use a gasket and again this gasket will only go on one way you know there's a cutout here to match the cutout in the case so you put it on there make sure all your oil holes and bolt holes all line up I always use a Phillips screwdriver to make sure the pumps lined up when I slide it on so of course I always grab the bottom bolt hole as a reference slider into place you want to be gentle with this you want to make sure all your oil rings interlock in your drawing sometimes guys will get rough with it and they'll try and force it on and they'll they'll break an oil ring it's down all the way so what I'll do is I'll get some of my pump bolts started make sure all your bolts are gonna start you want to make sure everything feels free now again like we talked about when we took it apart was there's early and there's leak some have separate pump bolts and then another set for the bell housing on this one the bell housing bolts on with the pump okay so what we're going to do is we're going to Snug up a couple of bills before we go any further we're gonna check and make sure everything turns which it does if there was a washer out of place or one of the drums knocked down all the way when you draw that pumping it wouldn't allow everything to turn like this [Music] back to stiff pc4 when we left off yesterday we had most of the main body assembled who still had the tailstock the vowel party anyways when this transmission was probably done the last time I'm thinking they didn't open up the valve body because when I opened up the valve body it had still had the original gasket on it all your valves everything this thing was just caked with sentiment and clutch material and when this is in the transmission this would be classed as your upper half of the valve body upper valve body takes one check ball and it takes out a little rubber I call it a hockey puck the lower valve body takes two Czech balls and then you have this little relief valve and spring which goes in the case and then the filter holds it down well the interesting thing I found besides the valve body being all jammed up and dirty one of the Czech balls it was missing in this lower half of the valve body plus the relief spring and relief valve were installed upside down it's always interesting to to find something that wasn't right or wrong or could have caused the problem so I've already cleaned this valve body soaked it in verse aw blew it out make sure all the valves are free in it put this valve body back together they call this the lower half because when you take the pan off that's what you see takes the to check balls in our kit comes with three new Czech boss a lot of times guys cheat and they need the old Czech balls in well if you see there's actually a difference in size because these balls are rubber and from all the heat and each and time the ball actually gets smaller the Czech ball can get so small I've actually found it lodged in the separator plate get our teeny Czech balls in a separator plate now these kits like I said like we talked about yesterday they vary vary in different years so they give you two gaskets one is different from the other so I always rule of thumb I always match it up to the old one and then I'll set it on the separator plate and I'll make sure all our oils are clear if you got the wrong one see the holes see how a bunch of the holes are plugged and the holes aren't in the same spot this is just like the seals we always put this in transmission oil so I always give it a little dip I'll let it drip off for a minute before we put it in this bow body's got to go together in a couple different stages so first we'll put the gasket on and our separator plate will go on then there's one bolt that holds the plate to the channel that keeps everything together then we take our under half and again on some of the kits they give you instruction so you'll see but on this channel you can see this bathtub that's the only spot that a Czech wall will go into then it's it's always very important I always try and find a reference to make sure all the holes are lined up now there's three sets right you got a set of bolts that going underneath the filter you got bolts that go on the outside you've got two bolts that go in through the back I won't tighten up any of these bolts until I have them all started the the ones the ones that hold the filter down obviously you can't tighten them up do you get these tightened up but I will put a couple of bolts in there to make sure our two half stay totally aligned this arm that bolts to the valve body is what rides on your rooster for your manual leaver that's you know when you hear though taking it in and out of here I always like when the factory peg back on now where the filter bolts down I'll put a couple bolts in here just to make sure everything's aligned [Music] there's the relief valve it's spring we were talking about that's gonna sit inside this passage right there with the valve against the separator plate a little tab on the filter is what holds it just like we did on the front punch seal we've already greased step on the inside block play to that and again I always like putting the seal on while it's on the bench it's a little easier than trying to put it on gaskets already greased up [Music] one tail stock bolt has this bracket that holds a vacuum line and a modulator belt just kind of keeps it from [Music] modulator valve that slides into the case always dip it in the transmission well you don't want to put it in drive like we talked about when we took it apart that's the that's the pin that goes from the modulator into the valve a lot of times guys they pull this modulator valve oh you don't realize there's a pin there they lose it and again 72 was the half-way year between they went from the pushin mod to the screw in line this one's curling but I won't be able to do the final slug on now the last thing before I put the valve body in I like to adjust the dance so I can see everything that's going on an exert see force the adjustment on your front man or second gear is one and three quarter turn and I'm going to turn the adjusting screw in until it's not if you look in the manual that probably says like 10 inch pounds or something like that but I just I know where it's gotta be just from doing this so long right okay so I got it where I want it now I'm gonna back it out one and three quarter turn there's one one and a half 3/4 right there if this was a real high performance a lot of horsepower you might want to Snug it up to 1/2 make sure your nuts tight make sure everything still turns a little now they're reversed and it goes three turns [Music] and you always want to make sure your locking nut is backed off enough because you don't want that not touching the case and giving you a false reading so there we go we're gonna back it off three turns one two three tighten up the nut beautiful on these ports when you're putting the valve idea there's your manual valve for each gear so when you're moving your linkage it's pulling this valve in and over then this little arm pushes on this pressure valve that's where you're passing gear so it's very critical is what I'll do sometimes is I'll line this up give myself like a happy medium so when I'm setting the valve body and I make sure that I'm catching the bells I'm gonna pull this arm back off here just soil let me move everything a little easier so if you look if you look from the side you can see that I am in the manual valve and if you looked in between the valve body and the case down in here you can see the valve is moving this this arm that it has the passing gear leaver it's got to fit inside that valve body just you'll know when you got it in place okay that dowel is spring-loaded so I know I've got it in position our manual valve is still correct get all the bolts started by hand before you snug any up [Music] [Music] there you go there Steph ec4 put the pan on and we're ready to go now one thing when we took this pan off there was no gasket on it somebody's silicone the [ __ ] out of it they had the pan all over tightened all the pan rails were like that so once I got all the silicone off I put it on a bench just straighten the pan off best I could we're obviously gonna use a new gasket but because this pan is old and distorted a little bit I will use a little film the silicone before I put the new gasket on but early this bad boys are ready to rock and roll I appreciate you guys tuning in putting up with me and thank you
Views: 241,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mercferd, ford c4 transmission rebuild, ford transmission, c4 transmission, c4 transmission not shifting, transmission rebuild, joe's transmission, ford c4 rebuild, ford c4 shift kit, c4 3 speed automatic transmission, ford c4 3 speed, ford automatic transmission, ford automatic transmission rebuild, ford c4, c4 3 speed
Id: MKIvPdYB490
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 44sec (3824 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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