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[Music] [Music] right [Music] all right we've got shovel we got the adhesive we got a hammer we got leveler we got the pavers outside last thing we're going to grab is the lava rocks in the paper sandwich possibly a plant maybe a plant would be good if she's good we get a plant no we're not getting all right y'all so we got everything we needed we got our other car up front um yeah this was a hassle yeah that wouldn't feel good watch the water hose you stupid nobody stole our papers should we get the plant right now he said i could get the plant okay get one of these i'm trying to grab the plant that looks the best all right guys first things first i'm gonna get the ac rollin so you get the ac rollin we just spent a hundred and eighty dollars it was not my plan my plan was only ten dollars we still would have spent 170. all right y'all it's about the rain so we bout to hurry up and load up the truck real quick and go home all right so we got the 1920 wheelbarrow from our family friend so thankful for it though and we're just gonna lay the bricks we got the bricks from el chapo we're gonna lay those right in there just like that so yeah we're gonna show you all everything we're gonna drag your board so stay tuned approximately 10 hours later this only her second trip god damn look at this y'all look what this man did it was ourselves one previously back here before we moved here um but they took it well i guess when they left so we're just pretty much just redoing it and rebuilding the fire pit in the same space they had it then so what bridge is doing just bree is getting outlined for it so that way we can move the bricks and get all the excess grass and just build it up so okay y'all so right now we're just trying to get the area clean um picking up like the grass and stuff as you can see it's like sand and rocks and stuff that was already there so right now we're just trying to like get it back to that um get it back to that type of surface and we also have our own sand and rocks as well it's just a matter of getting ground level again so i'm getting the grass out too all right y'all so right now jamar is putting down paver sand and this is used to level out the ground so that the fire pit is nice and safe okay so we got two bags of this so we're gonna level this one out and then we'll lay down the second bag too i guess i don't know see how much you're working with if you need the second bag yes that's not enough no then we got a little zeke over here being a brat i've always yep cause he can look right y'all [Music] beautiful beautiful yeah jamar is very much a craftsman he will do literally anything i guess this is a handyman you can do anything around the house all right we're gonna put the second bag down it's a little scamp y'all but this will be working with looks good [Music] yeah that looks better yeah it's gonna be more leveled out like that see it's not as skimp as the first layer oh yeah that looks great um lay that sand down baby look you dirty dirty diane the middle is kind of high in it pretty everything else just a little bit higher i think that side right there it's kind of lacking a little bit right there [Music] oh look at that perfect circle who you know put a perfect circle down with some sand and a shovel all right don't look at that side though don't leave this right here [Music] all right guys that's what we got so far looking good how you feel about it i love it it looks great sorry our next step after this is going to be not today obviously but eventually doing that uh outer side of it making another circle around it putting some nice gravel down yep it's a nice long decoration so this is exciting yup i like it you're doing a great job you are too [Music] baby [Music] all right so this is what we're working with i don't know how we got our calculations bro yeah but we ran out of brakes y'all um so now we're just gonna put the lava rock down and then when we come back we're just gonna put the last few bricks down but it ain't no big deal putting the brakes down is the easy part so all sweaty all right guys so i'm back over here because we need five more bricks and tell me why they ran out i looked at the item number and they got some more up top see up there they got some more up there so oh that's about to say god damn all we need is five more bricks man that's crazy all right guys so here is the finished product [Music] what's up i was uh building the fire pit it was actually pretty easy so i liked it i'm excited to do the next part just like the outside of it me too guys i've been wanting to fire pit and i've been looking at him looking at them on pinterest and whatnot so it finally came to reality so now we got the fire pit up didn't take too long i said it was probably about what 200 projects yeah this way we like it you know we're going uh we'll probably throw a little clip of us lighting it up in the end of this yeah and then s'mores thank you guys so much for watching this video if you haven't done it already be sure to like comment and subscribe down below and also guys thank you for getting us to what 1k [Applause] we appreciate it guys thank you for your support we're going to continue vlogging continue having more content for you guys and we'll see you in the next video [Music] [Applause] [Music] what [Music] [Music]
Channel: JP & Bry
Views: 3,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy, home improvement, crafting, thriftdiving, fire pit kit, diy fire pit, how to install a fire pit, fire pit build, fire pit diy, where to buy rocks for a fire pit, how to fire pit in backyard, building a fire pit, homemade fire pit, fire pit how far from the house, how to build a fire pit, diy firepit, firepit in backyard, fire pit, the home depot, home depot stores, diy ideas, renovation, renovation ideas, how to, how to fix, fixing, building, rebuilding, stone fire pit
Id: FgkI-owAsHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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