How to Build a Cafe Racer Custom Exhaust - Honda CB750 [Stainless] TIME LAPSE

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[Music] so welcome back to cafe racer garage i'm dan and today we are working on the cb750 exhaust [Applause] [Music] before i get stuck into actually doing the exhaust i just wanted to explain if you've seen any of my instagram posts uh this was what i was originally going to do the pie cuts or lobster cuts whatever you want to call them i had originally done these just as a mock-up to try and get the shape that i wanted and the more i looked at them the more i was trying to get a bit of an idea and how i wanted it to work and look it was just it was looking really busy i was just it was a little bit too much for this build it wasn't look that i was after so what i ended up doing was doing this which i pretty much placed the first two pipes in the position that i want them it basically is a bend that comes down to here and then a bend that goes to here so what i'm doing here instead of having pie cuts is i'm going to have the complete opposite i'm going to go with the most minimal amount of welding uh possible so that this just just a nice sweep flow pie cuts are just gonna have to wait uh for another build and i'm really looking forward to doing the pie cuts don't get me wrong i just feel like you know i have to sacrifice doing them to get the look that i'm after and this is the look that i'm after so i've set up the two pipes coming down into here into the four junction um and then i've obviously got to do the other two now things i've got to look out for if you're going to do an exhaust like this as well you've got to build it so you can take it off obviously so whatever's going to be in the way just remember you've got to have your bolts here the whole thing has to come back and out which usually means sometimes you can turn the wheel and you can get it out that way the other thing you've got to take into consideration is servicing so with this model here you can see the oil filter sits right there which i need to leave enough room for that to be able to be removed without having to move the entire exhaust to just change the oil filter that would be an absolute nightmare um it could be done you know it's only bolts really the other thing is obviously your sump in this model here uh if you can just see where my finger is here poking up that's where it is the sump bolt is right here which means i can still access this with the socket once i you know do the exhaust complete so i can still drop the oil change the oil filter and as you can see the other two pipes will come down one will go into here and the other one will go into there so the other thing to keep in mind when you're building an exhaust is obviously the height off the ground because you know speed bumps and gutters and things that you're going to go over this one is sitting roughly at time of build is around 110 millimeters um i think that's 110 there i can't quite see with the camera in the way but give or take um and that is probably going to go up a little bit more because once this build is done i'm going to probably push it up and then put the bracket in so that it's lifted ever so slightly if you are looking at doing an exhaust like this out of mild steel or like i'm doing with stainless uh there is a kit that i put together on my website go and check it out i'll leave a link to my website in the description below uh i've done a kit with obviously the straight pipe as well as a bunch of bends for you to pretty much do what i'm doing right now and make your own exhaust so also what you'll find on my website is a company that makes pie cuts pre-cut and cleaned in stainless ready to roll all you've got to do is pull them out of the packaging and just tack them together and you can make whatever shape size bend you want they're really cool if you're looking at doing pie cuts and you don't want to go through the whole process of cutting them yourself that's definitely an avenue to go so that's one of their kits there they pretty much just have uh all pre-packaged nicely sealed up cleaned ready to roll one of the things with welding stainless if you don't know is that you need these things to be absolutely um bang on clean if you're welding and you've got a little bit of dirt on there and you're trying to tig it'll just go to rubbish really fast so the best thing to do once you've got your packet of these guys or if you decide to cut your own is lay them out and the best way to hold them together is just with some masking tape i just get a little square of masking tape on each side and that'll keep it in place so you can run a tack on it when i was doing these ones i put them in a vise just to trial that to see how that went but honestly the um the masking tape works way better just to hold it in place you just got to get them nice and flush so that's pie cuts like i said i will do a pie cut exhaust on another build but just not for this one [Music] so if you've got a keen eye and you've noticed these little guys here uh these are my design you'll only find them on my website they're available for at the moment for the cb750 and also the cx-500 at the hondas so once this engine is all painted and everything it's going to really just stand out i love these i think they just look so clean compared to the original honda ones so with these guys here on the cb750 you will have to weld a little retainer to keep them on the end of the actual pipe there to push them in those will be available as well if you just want to use the original exhaust and chop it about here you can just weld your new piece to this and then slip these guys on and then obviously either create your own exhaust or modify yours that you have currently at the moment on the standard one if you watched any of my videos you'll know that i'm a little bit of a perfectionist when it comes to building stuff creating this kind of thing and these two here that come down uh they are quite nice they're a nice flow whereas as you can see this guy here i just kind of put it in place when you're sitting on a certain angle it looks good but when you stand back and look at it from a different angle it might not look so good which that doesn't it clears what i need it to clear but it just it's too sharp of a turn of bend just here so i'm gonna have to tidy that [Music] up [Music] i've just taped a little bit of tig wire here just on the side of the oil filter so that while i'm building this one i don't come inside that that line so it'll be on the outside so then i know i'll be able to actually get that filter out [Music] so sometimes the little gaps like this you can't quite get to uh to give a tack on the back so you've got to get a little bit crafty on how you're going to close it up and so what i've come up with is just this little bit of pipe here um what i'm going to do is pretty much slide over the top and then just use my body and press on it sort of like this i guess while i'm just giving it a tuck and that'll hold it in place so how you actually install these things um before you fully weld them out just to attack on both sides and that'll keep it in place and nice and secure so when you're actually fitting up your exhaust you know that there's not going to be any movement here there is a tiny bit of play here for it to slide perfectly over the tube and what you do is you're fully welded inside here so leave a bit of a i guess maybe a few mil two three mil uh where my fingernail is there so that gives you the ability to you fill that up with a bit of weld and then just grind it flush and that will pretty much ensure that the seal is perfect when you hit hard up against the gasket so quite often when i'm building or fabricating something i have an idea in my head on how i want it to turn out and then through that creative process you have other ideas and things might not turn out the way you want them to which is exactly like this exhaust system i have tried about three different designs or styles on what i wanted because i was trying to do a four into one and i just wasn't happy with any of them and i just kind of scrapped that whole idea and now i've done uh pretty much two into one on both sides to keep it really even looking and it gives me the ability to have all of those servicing areas so obviously the filter and the sump at the bottom but it just kept it i think it just makes it look better like it's even on both sides going from one side now and then the other you can see that it's exactly the same obviously i still need to work on this piece here and then obviously the muffler but it's going to be essentially a muffler on either side now i had this pipe here pretty much bent and then i had to bend this one to sort of mimic that one and then i had two bent pipes and two non-bent pipes it just didn't look right it just looked out of place to me so now they're all pretty much even and it's it's gonna look really good really uniform really finished i'm happy with how it's turned out it's taken a bit of time but realistically the amount of welding that i'm going to do in this is going to be minimal as as minimal as you can there's four here one two three four across there and then there's a few pie cuts down here so what i've done here essentially is on the inside pipes i've done a few pie cuts there's literally one two three pie cuts there on each side and there's going to be a few that do the bend to go up there for the muffler and that's it so minimal welding i think it looks really clean and it's going to look awesome once it's done and if you don't know stainless once it heats up and goes through that whole process uh they get a really really cool color so looking at it from this angle it actually looks pretty damn tough as is without even putting mufflers on it's not what i'm going for i'm definitely going to use mufflers i mean i have to battle these if i was uh gonna leave it as is because it would be stupidly loud has been a bit of time gone into actually designing it and then redesigning it but it follows the frame perfectly as you can see so that's those lines are what i was chasing uh really really clean looking is another thing that i wanted so yeah once the mufflers go on obviously a little bit of a return pipe here in the larger diameter and then a bit of a muffler on both sides and then we're good to go so a quick little tip here if you decide to do pie cuts is work out the size of the tube that you're using and then halve it once you've got that measurement go and get yourself a bit of steel or timber or aluminium whatever you have that's nice and straight and then cut it to the size of half the pipe i'll show you what to do next so once you've got your tube lay it down on something completely flat and then get a bit of timber or whatever you've cut to that measurement and put it straight up against the side and then just get a marker and it's simply just making a mark all the way across don't move the pipe leave it as is make sure it doesn't move and if it does then you'll have to start again but then just transfer that to the other side and then you'll have a perfect mark on both sides equally so that once you start cutting your pie cuts all you have to do is just go 180 180 each time just spin it backwards and forwards and you're done and that's it this here will be pretty much put on the saw so it gives me something to reference off so i'll just put that up against the saw like that clamp it down so that each time i come back i can just line it up with that bit of timber and know that it's going to be perfectly 180 each time hopefully that makes sense uh cool little tip but that's the way i do it i'm sure there's plenty of other ways to do it but that works for me so this is what i mean by having that reference point this here can be glued on screwed on um you know clamped on whatever but it gives you that reference to know that each time you spin it 180 degrees you know that you're going to be even on both sides and it's just nice and simple so pick whatever angle you want your pie cat's at and then cut one spin it cut it done perfect pie cut each time i mean ultimately a band saw is probably better than a cold cut saw or even a abrasive saw because they're just so smooth and they're always even these things have a tendency to cut the pie cut and then if the blade ends up touching that pie cut again it'll pick it up and just throw it like a million miles an hour trust me it's happened a few times already and you'll lose teeth on the blade and everything so just be mindful of that putting a stop up against this as you push the piece of tube through is going to stop that bit of tube falling out so therefore the blade has more of a tendency to grab it so try not to use a stop if you can just do a mark on somewhere on the wherever you can down here so that it you just push it up to that point get up to the mark and then you know be done with it rather than having a stopper [Music] so that's pretty much how they come off the saw you will probably need to give them a bit of a tickle with some sanding paper or file or whatever you have i've got a belt grinder so i'll use that nice and quick but as you can see with those lines that i've done if you can keep them on there it's probably better to use something like a scribe so that scratches into it so they're there permanently whilst you're setting this up because then you can sort of get a reference point to wherever you want them to go if that makes any sense [Music] just a quick little tip here if you do decide to do this you've got a few to do i use some vice grips or a pliers or something to hang on to it because for one reason they do get hot especially if you've got a bit of cleaning up to do uh saves you burning your fingers and or having to dip it into water every five seconds and the other thing is um you know you'd have to worry about giving yourself a manicure so you can just work a lot faster you can just really you know nail those out spin it around as i was doing and go the other side i just have to ensure you give them a really good clean with some acetone just so that any of that sticky residue from the tape doesn't value up when you try and weld these out best to do it straight after you've tacked it so then you know it's done and that's pretty much it just a nice little tack pretty much on all of them on both sides and that'll ensure it's not going anywhere sometimes you just need to get a little bit creative uh in the way you get these things together obviously i tucked on one side and then the other side opened quite a bit so in order to close it i needed to come up with some way to you know i guess close it up and i just use a bit of weight like you can see there it worked perfectly [Music] to answer that question for anybody who's going to ask me what welder i'm using uh this is the guy here this is my tig welder now i use this in a lot of my videos to do any of the tig work that you see me do i love this little thing it's actually the sig world world skill 205 ac dc welder sigwell is actually an esab brand asap is quite common around the globe sigwell is available in australia and new zealand and this little guy here packs a punch it is only a small unit i think it only weighs like 12 kilos or something and it's actually quite small in its size and it came with an actual shoulder strap so you can it's quite mobile uh not that i need to worry about that because it's all set up on this guy if you're also looking for a mig welder um before we continue i've done a review on this guy here it's completely automatic it's amazing if you haven't seen that video go and check it out it's the 185 ultra mig welder three in one anyway getting back to this if you have no clue about welding and you want to get yourself a tig welder the easiest way i can explain this to you and the best way to remember it is ac dc if you're going to do mild steel and stainless get something that's dc but if you want to do anything with with aluminium you have to have the ac so basically it's the easy way to remember a for aluminium done so you just know that you can get something that's going to weld aluminium for you but the control in this machine is what i love just some of the things you can control on this machine without going into too much depth is uh post and preflow you can control that because the gas is something you want to control if you are doing stuff like stainless i obviously have your up and down slope and also your hot start this machine also does stick welding uh so it comes with a handpiece for stick and also your 2t your 4t and also pulse pulse is something i haven't really had a chance to play with yet on this machine but it is something that i would like to do and i'll probably make a video when i do do that because it'd be kind of cool so for anyone who wants to know i'm actually welding at 55 amps on this machine here and the wall thickness of the tube that i'm using is 1.6 thick but one thing i do want to mention on this machine is the actual hand piece because that's kind of cool too so this is the handpiece it comes with it's pretty cool it has the adjustability up here as well as the start and stop and this entire piece comes off i'm assuming to replace it in case it gets damaged at all which is kind of cool so the button is obviously completely replaceable the really cool thing about this entire handpiece is the fact that you have the flexi head so you can get it in some of those really tight places as you can see i've changed the back cap as well as the cup on this now that's a furious cup i want to thank fury for sending me these through i've just put them in this little container here so i know what sizes are what but thank you so much for eric for sending those cops through um but you'll normally get in the entire pack you'll get these guys so you've got the back cap as well as all the different cups and stuff to go with it as well as a few tungsten so my honest opinion about this machine and i guess the one little nitpicky thing that i wish this machine came with in the box is a foot pedal i wish this machine had one because quite often when i'm working on something i want to be right up close to the work so that i have a lot of control in my welding yet you can't quite get that when you're back here i guess that's the one thing having a foot pedal would be quite advantage because you can hold this like a pencil and you get a lot of control so that is probably my only small thing that i wish this machine came with but you can't have everything so if you're looking for a welder though this thing is awesome i highly recommend it if you're in australia or new zealand obviously if you're outside of those places look at the esab brand because they are obviously the parent company so what i'm about to do now is weld on this ring to the exhaust pipe this is both stainless and when you're welding stainless it needs to be super clean i've run the bike so you can see all the black stuff on the inside there so i need to clean that off before i start that bead it goes all the way around the inside so what i'm going to do is use my old trusty toothbrush and a bit of thinner primer primer thinner acetone aka and then just clean that right up once that's clean then i can get a nice bead of weld through there it's not going to matter too much because obviously you're not going to see that but you want to try and get your welds as good as you can so there's no holes [Music] so it is finally finished this thing has taken me so long to do because i've changed my design so many times and now i'm really happy with how it is i'm glad i changed my design i'm glad i went with a totally different setup than what i was originally going to do i've kept it as clean as possible and what i mean by that is there's minimal welding uh there's only welding where there needs to be and i could even get rid of that if i wanted to so basically there's no welds all the way through these pipes only to here this is the only weld there and there on the whole system um but there is a join all the way through all four of these pipes here there's also some pie cuts down through uh that internal the two internal pipes but they're completely gone i've made this so it looks nice and clean so it almost looks like they were like made for this bike they'll bend that shape that was the design look that i wanted i could have done pie cuts through the entire thing i just went away from that idea because i wanted something clean that looks like that and i'm stoked uh the only thing left to do now is i do need to put a bracket somewhere at the back here on this side and also on the other side and then a joining piece between the two uh to equalize the two pipes i don't know how i'm going to do that yet but let's see how it sounds i guess that's the next step really the mufflers are on the mufflers still need a clamp they're just pretty much really tight fitted on there at the moment however let's fire it up and see what it sounds like at the moment before i do that uh cross piece between the two i won't do that in this video that'll be done the later stage i just wanted to show you what i've done because this has been a process that's taken me a while and i really wanted to show you where i'm at right now if you are going to build yourself a custom exhaust system like this i do have this same size diameter tube available in stainless and mild steel on my website as a kit so you can just buy it and just make it how you want these things here also available these are the cnc made custom flanges on the cb750s this model you will need the actual weld on stainless ring which are also available on the website which i'll leave a link to it just here so yeah that's pretty much how it's going to sit and also later down the track the exhaust mufflers will be available as well so look out for those as these things come available i will be emailing anyone who's on the subscriber list so make sure you go to the website punch your email in there so when the new products come through you'll actually get notified but yeah for now let's get this thing fired up and see what it sounds like so that was certainly a lot louder than i was expecting sorry neighbours uh i didn't run it for very long only like three minutes or something and you can see it's already started to get that nice golden effect uh on the actual pipes there and it's only been run for a short time so that's gonna be pretty cool when it's all pretty much nice and golden there was some popping and carrying on which you heard uh that was i think it was probably caused by the cross rings the crush rings are still the original ones the ones that go up here uh just on the head so i need to replace all those with new ones and hopefully that'll fix that popping and carrying on but i mean the carburetors are only been bench sank bench sank bench sunk uh so therefore they need to be done properly tuned obviously when this thing's running at its best and i might put a bit of a a baffle in the tube down here just to sort of take out that top end bark i don't think or for one it's probably not legal and for two it is quite loud um it's sort of hard to pick up on a microphone but it is yeah it's up there so i'm really looking forward to actually joining these two pipes up and equalizing them to try and see if that makes any difference to the sound or tone of the exhaust system if you've done that and it did make a difference for you please let me know in the comments i'd love to know but i do have a question for everyone today if you had no rules about how loud your exhaust system could be would you have loud pipes or not and also leave me what sort of bike you have or what you're working on right now i'd love to know it really helps me understand you guys because obviously you guys see me all the time but i really have no clue what you guys actually have or you may not even have a bike so just right i don't have a bike right now but i'm looking at getting whatever or if you're not even into bikes and you just like watching just say just love watching your videos dan oh yeah just before i go anyone who wants to get exclusive content for me i do have a patreon page i'll leave a link to that in the description below for you catch you later [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Cafe Racer Garage
Views: 48,903
Rating: 4.9319606 out of 5
Keywords: Exhaust Build, Exhaust, Custom Exhaust Build, Cafe Racer Builds, Honda Cafe Racer, Honda Cafe Racer CB750, Cafe Racer Garage, cafe racer exhaust, cafe racer exhaust build, scrambler exhaust, custom motorcycle exhaust, custom motorcycle exhaust fabrication, diy motorcycle exhaust, how to build a motorcycle exhaust, how to build a cafe racer exhaust, how to build a cafe racer, cafe racer exhaust ideas, cafe racer exhaust wrap, cafe racer muffler, cafe racer, honda cafe racer
Id: 95kBhog_gmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 31sec (1651 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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