Honda CB750 with low compression.. Will it run?
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Classic Octane
Views: 22,008
Rating: 4.9632277 out of 5
Keywords: Honda, CB550, Cafe, Racer, Build, Project, CB750, CB350, CB360, Yamaha, Motorcycle, Garage. Shop, Update, Triumph, hardtail, bobber, chopper, welding, fab, springer, custom, trail, riding, dual, sport, pit, bike, monkey, Stunt, gloves, cam, corder, burnout, handlebar, stunts, stunting, wheelie, hd, drift, Xv1100, XvS650, Harley, Davidson, motorcycle, review, comparison, scooter, fix, tips, tricks, tools, painting, glueing, soldering, design, fabricating, solution, motovlog
Id: kymH647CCNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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