How to Build a BACKYARD Koi Fish POND, Part 1 - Amazing!!!

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[Music] everybody's dick mates the vegan athlete I'm here in Phoenix at the base of South Mountain with this incredible pile of witches behind me and two incredible guys got Seamus and we got Ryan except me over how much land was standing on five acres just shy of five acres four point nine five acres you guys are doing some special things with this property to grow food correct this property for me started as a hydroponic lettuce farm and there's just a tremendous amount of space and lots of opportunity here I just need a very small piece of this property and so I reached out to you Jay can reach out to Seamus to come join be a part of this property and their long-term vision so you want to grow hydroponically you want to grow in the ground combination of everything and provide food for the community correct with this property that has flood irrigation yes which is very nice yes we're very blessed and Seamus you have a percentage of this property for yourself what's your vision my vision is a classroom an educational experience that we can teach how to grow food in the desert it's not going to be centered on tropical fruit trees but just growing food in general what my goal here is to take about the front acre such and turn it into a food force kind of a jungle in the desert it's not going to be a nursery but more of a classroom and Ryan you've been bringing in a ton of woodchips here I use which is my property as well why are you bringing the woodchips into this property what's your thought on the woodchips well for me the woodchips initially started as an idea to control the duck always a vacant lot hadn't seen water and pretty close to twelve years so even though you have the flood irrigation that hadn't been turned on Adam in turn on the irrigation channel comes about five hundred yards from this property still does debris we garbage this particular property was just just dirt so it started as initially it's dust control for my roadways and because of the space we have to bring in a large volumes of woodchips which will then be turned into compost for the garden and so far as it working is it keeping the dust down it's a pretty windy day today and there's no dust I mean the first thing I noticed my property in Tempe was just the amount of mud and dust devils went away when the wood chips is on the ground and you're already having a lot of steam and mushroom cultures all over the place in these piles yeah in the morning when I get out here in the morning about 5:00 a.m. tons of steam coming up I like to dig into the piles and it's hot to touch yeah you know good foot inside that pile is hot tell me one thing why do I have my camera here why am i covering this you're kind of letting the folks out there in YouTube land be a fly on the wall and see the transformation this property from dirt lot into food for us correct you're here because it started as one thing and it's rapidly changing through an effort and vision on our part but just sort of naturally into taken place here on property the property is changing it component is a different energy a lot of excitement having great success already in things that we've had no involvement in on property like the wood chips you know if you dig inside those wood chips just amount of mycelium and the breakdown with these piles already just a very short amount of time something I've never seen before it's quite successfully you're here documenting this whole process because it's moving faster than we anticipated it moving and the successes are far greater than I had anticipated and you had a point yesterday saying that most people who do really special Gardens and really special edible landscapes they didn't have the foresight to the video or take photographs of the beginning right and so you get to see in its final stage and most normal folks get overwhelmed they think oh this has always been this way so correct we're having a little bit of foresight to video the beginning stages of this process so that in ten years from now we can show everybody the transformation one of my biggest regrets about my personal backyard I don't have any before pictures Rama just a grass lawn before I collected any tree if you tell folks they don't believe you right so I thought it's kind of cool that it's just dirt and six months ago there was a lot of trash you know it's being used as a kind of a dumping ground storage facility nursery pots and all sorts of stuff I think it's kind of cool that we can show one extreme to the other maybe in a year's time turn it into an edible food forest we didn't start with a lush piece of property and like like he said the water hasn't been on in 12 years and so we literally are starting from scratch and folks out there can subscribe and YouTube will keep them updated on our progress week by week try to go along and messy plant things as we do hydroponics in ground we're going from water features and ponds or I'm going to call it the Seamus Lake touch on that you know when you first got the property what was the state of this land when you first got it it was a barren wasteland there was weeds and just ducks can trash and old trucks um gasoline and oil in the ground it was just cleaning up the property was a huge undertaking so you that was your first big project was to get the five acres clean correct five acres clean started with some conceptual ideas and writing and conceptual drawings that at the time feel felt like a unobtainable just this huge undertaking to try and accomplish on my own even just the three of us and in a very short amount of time these properties moving along transforming very very quickly mm-hmm upon big with the discussion not that long ago maybe about three weeks ago that felt like forever away and we've just completed the bonding projects you chose do the water feature as the first project on your percentage of the property correct Liza because we have to work around that once the pond is in place then we can get to planting then we can get to spreading mulch across the property so we had to do that first or otherwise they're going to tear up everything that we've done in order to get the tractor in that's big maybe the the Seamus pond is like the heart or the brain of the edible landscape I've always wanted a pond me personally moving water Pond Lake brings peace and it's a place to relax and chill also side benefit of the pond is it increases humidity on the property and it throws off a little bit of heat in the winter so you're creating a little bit of a different microclimate just adding some water and then the combination with the mulch and a lot of trees that are going to go in around it so our hope is in two to three years time that going to be something completely different and I have found some good connections to get the fish for free okay the plants for free adopt the fish and do the pond on the cheap so it's kind of a DIY project that will look super professional at the same time so right for those folks who are going to subscribe to us and follow the process if you see one of these videos you're learning how to plant trees fruit trees gardens hydroponic growing maybe even aquaponic growing on trim do and ponding and how to build up some scratch right so let's go show folks right now the pond so do you think if the shelf is missing we're gonna have any folder that's too big five Michelle this stock right here in my bigger the better and I do they like to be near moving water away from it they will fit by the waterfall in offices like to this area the top go to first okay so these are the first two shovelfuls of the shema spot but you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and you want to go longer down than that yeah that was pretty cool though no no but that I'm telling you that couple of feet in five ten years phenomena can be different Seamus you're thinking about taking the palm which you decided is going to be here and almost double exercise right now it's a crucial time to decide this because they're here at the back home now and you want to get it done while they're here what do you think you're going to have sex 70% Victor now 70% more liner to come on underlayment more boulders and more labour on these guys tickets for the long run it'll be a freaking huge late save wait stock with Barracuda piranha maybe all the friendly let's do a boat full start starting so John but make sure to do that you computer pulp on first and must be inner-self you get to be artistic about it but this is don't rego don't cut it mathematical make it have some yeah some ins and out it's not that I dig that nice so this is the new edge the four ISM into the show I think that make vision right a pink perfect time this would be a Dyson upon and being upon that you're going to make the paper at home here to make this work I mean don't overthink it too much I like [Music] of course the perfect size there's going to be the Seamus pond I hope you guys can see the shape it's gotten to me best-looking shape and we dug it this way on purpose so that it has a natural look and when we put the liner in here this 45 ml EPDM pond liner will be in this pond to keep the water in so we have very low evaporation those liners have a 20-year guarantee they should last for 50 years and their plant and 56 well let's show some folks some great footage of not only the finished dig what the process and if we walk down this way we'll have water plant inside the ponds and will be edible we'll have different kinds of bamboo because you're a bamboo phonetic I love it and you're going to try to plant bamboo to accentuate the pond right I want to create a cool space that in another year or two when everything to wrote in we can come out here relax entertain this will be our office and possibly out of impulse yeah I want to thank Seamus and Ryan really over and I'm going to really enjoy the content covering this with my youtube audience and all the people that follow me for gardening I just love really cool content so I love being around people who are doing coolest thing and my G my sixth sense has a feeling about this going to be a cool thing in the next couple of years to cover and I'm glad I get a chance to edit and put it out there so thank you you [Music]
Channel: Off Grid Athlete
Views: 35,859
Rating: 4.8945146 out of 5
Keywords: garden, gardening, vegan, gardener, backyard, arizona, phoenix, compost, soil, pond, water feature, koi, koi fish, koi pond, backyard pond, aquascapes, ponding, how to build, build a pond, how to build a pond, koi fish pond, fish pond, jake mace, vegan athlete, diy, vlog
Id: J2oRm8bchNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2017
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